Days of Our Lives - Thu., Sept. 13, 2018


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Lots of nice movement around town today, so this summary wasn't easy.

At the Teen Loft, Ciara is struggling with math when Tripp calls, invites her to "watch the next episode." She agrees. Ben enters, startling her. He is holding a tie and says he has a surprise. [Dum dum dum.] The misunderstanding is cleared up. They apologise to each other, but she can't see the surprise because she has plans with Tripp.

At the Police Station, Shawn-D is furious that he's getting no information from the Commissioner about the Ben Weston investigation. He's worried about his sister and his daughter.

John has called Justin, but Belle begs him not to fight this. Back and forth, Belle admits it's breaking her heart. Eric approaches and intervenes on Belle's behalf. Back and forth. John begs her to leave. Later, Justin has arrived (Belle is gone), offers condolences to John for Paul and Marlena. He steps aside to take a look at John's copy of the advance directive. Eric comes out, reveals that Roman told him Kayla has the document and has gone to administration. Later, Justin has reviewed the document. He thinks he can buy some time, but that the document is strong and John lacks legal standing to stop it fully.

Tripp had been working in the Square when he calls Ciara. (See above.) Later, he and Claire talk and she plays up her ankle injury and stress relating to the 47 seconds she was kidnapped. (She's waiting for her dad so they can go visit Marlena.) He postpones meeting Ciara, sends her a text. Back at the loft, Ciara is about to leave when her phone beeps. I have some time after all, she tells the serial killer holding a makeshift blindfold.

Back at the Square, Tripp and Claire have an awkward conversation as he sits with her. Claire throws shade at Ciara, says she likes bad boys, while Tripp makes acting faces. Shawn-D arrives, Tripp scoots; Claire's dad figures out that she is "crushing on Ciara's boyfriend". She questions this turn of phrase, but she can't sidestep it. She denies it; Shawn-D is relieved. Belle comes upon them, fearing she made things with Marlena worse. Later, she has recapped for Shawn-D and Claire, the latter of whom is angry that her grandma will die at her mother's hands; Belle explains how she has to carry out Marlena's wishes, how important that is. Claire accepts it; Shawn-D says your mom needs your support right now. Claire provides it, the family clasps hands.

In the apartment building's garage, Ben reveals his surprise to Ciara: He has repaired Bo's motorcycle, which Ciara reports had been declared a total loss. It was the only way he could think of to repay her kindness.

In another room at the Police Station, Sami is demanding Rafe seek a new bail hearing. She says she's not a flight risk, because Kristen is likely here, and she is the only one with info on her late rapist. Plus, also, more of an afterthought, her mom's in critical condition. Rafe breaks the news and recaps the maladies of Marlena. They embrace. Hope enters and she and Sami bicker about finding Kristen and who's responsible for Marlena's injuries.

Later, outside of the interrogation room, Hope and Rafe have words about Sami. Back in the room, Sami learns from Eric about Marlena's advance directive. This takes about 200 years and she declares that if Marlena dies, it will be on Belle.

Back in the main area, Hope and Rafe are still having words. She vows to put Ben Weston in jail by the end of the day, and refuses Rafe's offer of help. She parts with, "Sami may need you." Later Eric comes out, they thank each other.

Back up at the Teen Loft, Tripp arrives with a cake they have to eat, but Ciara is gone. Down in the garage, Ciara has embraced Ben in an emotional state. He wipes grease from her chin. She wants to go upstairs, thinking Tripp might be home; he suggests a test drive. She agrees and they mount the bike. Later, they arrive at the Teen Loft, Tripp is waiting. Ben leaves quickly, to let Ciara and Tripp alone on their date. Tripp is jealous.

Justin comes back out and tells John that the board is sympathetic, but will honour Marlena's document. The ventilator will be removed today. Eric comes upon them, learns the news, will let everyone know. Cue reactions around town (Shawn-D tells Claire and Belle, Rafe tells Sami).

At the loft, Ben walks in on a tender Tripp/Ciara moment, tries to leave, but Hope arrives and arrests him.
Please don't let Claire and Ciara get into it about Tripp. Come on we already did that with Theo. I think I could like Ciara and Tripp. Can't believe Ben fixed her bike. And I'm thinking it took a lot more than mechanic. Lots of body work too. All the shops said no way. Crazy but whatever.

Is Hope like the biggest, man wish I could cuss here, ever!! Please let Sami break up her and Rafe. Or let Rafe get some sense and see what a horrible person she is!!! I am also hoping whatever "evidence" she is arresting Ben on is trumped up by her and she gets caught and relieved of her duties!!!

Marlena situation is very sad. Still hoping for a miracle. Though that won't make John and everyone hate Belle less.
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Why do Salemites feel the need to act first, think later? Why so fast? Why did Belle run to give Kayla the document? Why not take a few moments to think about it... Even for a day or two. Same with Will (not in today's show, but still....) He gets his memory back, two seconds later, it's out with Paul, in with Sonny. And don't get me started on Sami, the queen of not thinking things through...

The reason? Cheap drama, yet again, or easy way outs for lazy "writers"...
This was another day of wanting to throw things at the TV screen.

John: He's putting up a noble fight for Marlena, but he's surrounded by fools. He made a big mistake using the weak-willed Justin as his lawyer. An attorney like Ted would have had Burns and his fellow paper-pushers quaking in fear over the possibility of a major lawsuit and mountains of bad publicity if Marlena dies because of their willful misinterpretation of her living will.

Hope: There are no words to describe her behavior. First, she heartlessly gave Rafe grief because he consoled Sami and then trumped up some fake evidence so she could arrest Ben again. Abe Carver should fire her ASAP!

Belle: She was described today as heartless. No, she's not heartless, she's just an unbelievably bad lawyer. She ought to give up the law and join her daughter, Claire, at the restaurant (assuming she could keep the orders straight).

Eric: This guy is clueless as always. He's blindly following Belle's lead and suggested that pulling the plug on Marlena is "the best for Mom." Does he really think that dying when there's still a chance of recovery is the best for Marlena?

Finally, the one high note is that viewers learned that Ben is a skilled mechanic. Perhaps when the truly awful Hope's vicious campaign against him finally crashes in flames, he could open a repair shop. And to apologize for Hope's awful behavior, Abe could give him the contract to service the never-seen municipal vehicles.
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Thanks Jason

I think Ben was holding a bandana.

I wonder what Tripp and Ciara are watching. They only said next episode.

Wow, Ciara was doing school work.

Nice seeing Shawn, Belle and Claire together. Shawn is smart he noticed
Claire "crushing" on Tripp"

I wish Salem had a different lawyer in town. Maybe they would have done
a better job than Justin.

I laughed when John said to Justin "Who's going to sue? Doc?"
Why isn't the Salem PD getting a warrant to search the Dimera tunnels? Why do they seem to conveniently forget they are there when half of Salem has been trapped down there at some point? It looks like Kristen is the same room where Gabigail held Marlena, Vivian, and Kate. Worst police department ever. Maybe if Hope were less worried about Rafe and (I believe) planting evidence against Ben, she could focus on actual police work. I'm so disappointed with what the various writing teams have done with her character. I'm begging the writers to give Rafe a real love interest who appreciates him.
Why do Salemites feel the need to act first, think later? Why so fast? Why did Belle run to give Kayla the document? Why not take a few moments to think about it... Even for a day or two. Same with Will (not in today's show, but still....) He gets his memory back, two seconds later, it's out with Paul, in with Sonny. And don't get me started on Sami, the queen of not thinking things through...

The reason? Cheap drama, yet again, or easy way outs for lazy "writers"...

This is a big reason why I'm finding the show so irritating right now.
Hope: There are no words to describe her behavior. First, she heartlessly gave Rafe grief because he consoled Sami and then trumped up some fake evidence so she could arrest Ben again. Abe Carver should fire her ASAP!

And she also snapped at Shawn at the beginning of the episode AFTER he established that her was on her side

Seriously, what a witch Hope was today. This selfishness has been going on for several years now but I think today took the cake. Shawn is her son, Sami is her NIECE, Marlena is supposedly her close friend, Rafe is her husband. Hope had no compassion for any of them today. At least Shawn showed concern for both his sister and his daughter.

Sami and Rafe: I still ship it and I still want it

Claire and Tripp: They have chemistry. Clearly Ciara and Ben are becoming the rooting couple so leave Hope as their source of angst and figure out how to make Claire and Tripp work without manipulating the situation.

Loved the Belle, Shawn and Claire family scenes more of this please

I wonder if Justin's role today was originally meant for Carrie since she's also a lawyer? I've always wanted Belle and Carrie to open a law firm together but pitting them against each other would also add to the drama of this story.

Loved that we got an Eric and Rafe scene. I've always thought they should be friends since Rafe and Sami are on friendly terms. Plus Rafe was good friends with Nicole too.

Ali Sweeney(Sami) did some great work today. I actually felt sorry for Sami.

The garage set was great. That looked like a real apartment building garage. Loved Ciara talking about Bo.

I don't understand why Hope was dressed like Ronald McDonald. It's not Halloween yet.
I'm begging the writers to give Rafe a real love interest who appreciates him
yes please!!! Get him away from Hope!!!!
Has anyone questioned the directive that it could be a fake and planted by Kristen?
I sure would think Belle would question it. She said she suggested to her mother to do it. So Marlena wouldn't use Belle? She went to another random lawyer and then never even mentions it to Belle? Whole thing is weird .