Days of Our Lives - Thurs., 12/21/17

Just Samantha

Staff member
May 18, 2010
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Eli and Gabi are on the phone, she'll meet him but has to make a quick stop first (as she looks at Theo's shrine in the square and hurries off). She goes to JJ's room.

JJ stares at his gun on the desk, then glances at his letters, remembering what he wrote to Theo. JJ takes the gun and heads to the door, while his phone rings (it's Jennifer, pleading with him to pick up). JJ answers, tells her he's going to have a quiet evening alone; he's tired. He'll come by tomorrow, though and wishes her a Merry Christmas. She tells him she loves him, he says the same, then thanks her for being there. Goodbye. He once again looks at his gun, puts it in his waistband, takes his police hat, looks around, opens the door... and there's Gabi, with a smile.

Gabi tells JJ how happy she is for him, for being cleared. She has a present for JJ, from Arianna. He asks if he can open it later. Sure, but they can head over to Jennifer's together. JJ's not going and is evasive, while Gabi starts putting 2 + 2 together. She sees the letters on the desk, and tears open the one with her name. She's horrified and asks if it's a suicide note???

She wants the truth. Was he planning on killing himself?? She tells him it's not the answer. He tries to tell Gabi that everyone wants him dead. Gabi is trying to talk sense into JJ and implores him to forgive himself. She says she knows exactly where he is right. He asks how. She talks about being that low in prison and even wrote letters just like this. But she realized ending her pain and guilt would cause more pain and guilt for those she loved. He says it's different, she killed Nick because she was scared. She says he did the same thing in that moment. She thought of everything she'd miss if she killed herself and thanks God for making the choice not to take her own life. She says JJ is one of her best friends in the world and Arianna loves him. Ari couldn't handle losing someone else she loves (even though she got her daddy back, but he can't remember her).

JJ goes on about how Theo won't have a future being in a hospital room with machines keeping him alive. How can JJ go on with his life when Theo won't? Gabi says she can't stop JJ from blaming himself but she can tell him how broken his family would be. She gives him buckets of tough love, about how it would kill Jennifer if he died. He's not having it. JJ says takes out his gun, says he's going to the square and she can't stop him.

Abby and Chad are at the DiMansion, she asks what he thinks Santa will bring him. He said he got his Christmas miracle from last year, she returned to him. They hug/kiss. They talk of Santa and if Chad believes in him (silly banter). Chad grabs some cookies and pretends to run off. Abby suggests a "big splash" party for New Year's Eve for their family and friends. She believes in another Christmas miracle for Theo.

Will sits in Alice's living room with his journal and pen. Maggie asks if he's remembering anything. Not really. She says something about Christmas miracles and families being together (while Sonny stands by, looking happy). Will now asks how many Hortons will be there. Maggie says it depends on how you define a Horton. Sonny promises to stay next to him and explain who he's actually related to (good luck with that!).

Arianna comes running in, whispers something to Sonny. A Christmas emergency, it seems. Arianna is worried Santa won't bring Will any presents because he just moved there. But she has an idea, she will give her presents to Will so he will have some. Will asks what about presents for her? She says she got him, that's her present. Will is overwhelmed. Sonny and Will both beam with pride at how generous she is. Will says "that's MY little girl". Maggie takes Ari to the kitchen for a snack (mentions Victor is sick at home, so that means more doughnuts for them).

Eli (who is at the hospital) asks Lani how she's holding up. They're sitting in a private area at the hospital as Eli asks how they feel about JJ being cleared. Lani tells him Abe wants her to hate JJ, but she can't. Eli invites Lani to Jennifer's with him, but she declines. He wishes her a Merry Christmas and tells her to let Abe know they're thinking of him.

Valerie and Abe are at Theo's side. Julie and Doug come in to see him. Julie has faith Theo will come back to them. Doug asks Abe and Valerie to join them at the Horton Christmas party. Abe declines, his place is with his son. Julie tells Abe how devastating this has been on all of them and they're all in this together. Abe disagrees. Jennifer's son put Theo in that bed. Doug puts his hands on Abe's shoulders, says he understands and says maybe next year, then tells Julie to give them their space. Julie tells Abe they're praying for Theo and for Abe. Valerie thanks them for the invite. She kisses Abe and leaves the room, while he sits in prayer. Abe then talks to Theo while tenderly stroking his head, and begins sobbing. He begs God for help.

Rafe and Ciara come down the steps at the Horton house with the boxes of the ornaments. He asks what's going on with her and she flashes back to him saying he slept with Sami. He asks what she was going to talk to Hope about, but Ciara deflects, as Belle, Shawn and Claire enter and break up the moment. Rafe looks nervous.

Abby is now at Horton house, asking Jennifer why JJ won't be there. Jennifer says he's not up to it and Abby suggests calling him later. Jennifer seems to agree.

Rafe asks Eli why Gabi's not there yet. Eli's not sure, said she had to make a quick stop. Will and Sonny (who must've went outside) return. Sonny tells Will it will be a bit overwhelming, but they're all friendly faces and happy to see him. Sonny promises not leave Will's side.

Hope is talking to Claire, asks if she's gone to see Theo. They hug. Ciara says she's going to leave (to see Theo) as soon as she hangs her ornament - CRASH - ooops, seems Ciara dropped Claire's ornament and it shattered. Everyone kind of stops. Claire blows a gasket and smashes Ciara's ornament. (I personally feel faint, because you know I love the ornaments; thankfully "stunt" ornaments are broken for the scene)

Belle and Shawn rush over and pull Claire away, while Hope pulls Ciara to a corner. Julie suggests they get started. Doug gets up to speak. Despite the "adolescent fireworks", they are blessed and they're all praying for Theo's recovery and how grateful they are for Will being back in their lives.

Julie welcomes Eli to his first Christmas in the family. She explains the tradition of the ornaments and how they take a moment to appreciate each other and to remember the ones who are no longer there. She asks Eli if he'd like to hang the first ornament of the night. He happily accepts. We see Tom, Alice, Julie and Doug's ornaments. Eli hangs his by Doug's, Julie hangs David's, Maggie hangs hers between Victor's and Mickey's, with Daniel and Melanie's below hers. Parker's is there, too. (guess Holly doesn't get one). Will and Sonny hang theirs along with Arianna's.

We see Allie, Lucas, Bill, Laura, Mike and Jeremy's. Then Abby, Chad and Thomas, with Belle and Shawn-D. Rafe gets one and is about to hang it next to Hope's when Ciara quickly hangs Bo's next to Hope's instead. Jennifer hangs hers next to Jack's, as she cradle's JJ's ornament lovingly. (don't blink, or you'll miss these scenes) We don't see any other ornaments hung (like Scotty, Janice, Marie, Jessica, Melissa, Sarah, etc.; although we do see the fully decorated tree, so I guess they were put on the tree off-screen)

Jennifer and Abby are talking about JJ. Jennifer takes her purse and keys and says she has to do something.

Valerie tells Lani to go to the Horton gathering, but Lani says she needs to be there. Valerie asks if she's seen JJ, but Lani says he broke up with her. Valerie asks if Theo would want to see her hurt and alone, and tells Lani to go be with JJ.

Gabi now takes the letters and starts to open them and read them aloud to JJ. She's wearing him down, somewhat. He tells her to stop, but Gabi keeps going, she is relentless. She grabs the letter to Theo and JJ begs her to stop. Gabi then grabs and opens the gift Ari made for him. It's a cute little frame with her picture that she made. JJ breaks down. Gabi says he doesn't have to get through his life tonight, he just has to get through tonight.

He stands up, puts the gun down on the desk and cries, as Gabi pulls him into a hug and rubs his back. They stand there, hugging and crying.

Will and Sonny are back at the K-Mansion. Sonny suggests getting some sleep, because Arianna will be up ridiculously early to open presents. Will asks Sonny to wait.

Abby and Chad are back at the DiMansion, kissing and heading up to bed.

Claire is now with Abe and hugs him. He thanks Claire for being there for Theo and steps outside. Claire sits down and wishes Theo a Merry Christmas

Abe is outside of Theo's room and Jennifer comes up to him. He has nothing to say to her. Then he can just listen because she has something to say to him.

Gabi and JJ pull apart and he asks what to do now. Gabi suggests him getting out his uniform and going to Jennifer's. JJ says he can't see anyone tonight, but tells her to go. Gabi says she's staying with him. She'll sleep in a chair in one of his t-shirts if she has to. But she's staying with him as long as he needs her. Tomorrow will be Christmas morning and things will be different, he'll still be there.

Julie asks Eli where Gabi is. He doesn't know, but then she sends a text to Eli that "something came up", as he gazes at her ornament, then at JJ's ornament.

JJ is taking off his uniform and Gabi comes into the room wearing one of his t-shirts. He thanks her for everything. She tucks him into bed and gets in next to him. They look at each other and he wishes her a Merry Christmas, she does the same. She kisses him (just a platonic peck) and they hug. Uh-ohhhh.... Lani quietly enters his room and gets an eyeful.
I love Gabi/JJ and I'm glad she found him in time. I like it when she's smart.

I feel 1000x more for Lani than Abe in this story because she's playing it subtly and Abe has been chewing the scenery at every turn. I'm not sure if it's bad writing or bad direction but I know that Abe's actor (Mr James Reynolds) is capable of better. He's the one whose side I should be on.

However, today is turning the tide for me with Abe, his solo scenes of his despair re: Theo were remarkable. This should have been what we saw two weeks ago.
Despite the "adolescent fireworks"
They really should be used to these "fireworks" by now. Given the disparity in generations and the tendency for teens to come back with a chip on their shoulder, it's surprising we don't see a broken ornament more often.
Sarah's comes into frame to the lower left when we see the eggspawns'. I was extremely annoyed by the return to the real tree of those awful ornaments.
Gabi says he doesn't have to get through his life tonight, he just has to get through tonight.
Wow. These actors and writers can deliver. The writers just need to step up their game and do it more than 3x/month.

My only quibble is that they didn't have a longer Horton ornament ceremony. It really could be a lot longer and the dramatic shifts could have happened while they were hanging ornaments; or it could have been the middle two acts and the Abe/Theo/JJ/Gabi stuff could have been heavier in acts one & four.
Camila Banus (Gabi) and Casey Moss (JJ) really deserve awards this year.
Agreed! This is definitely Camila's year. She's submitted before and done terrific stuff. But today was above & beyond.
Hope I didn't miss anything.
For what it's worth, I didn't notice anything. Thanks! It showed up as posted literally the minute it started airing here.
My only quibble is that they didn't have a longer Horton ornament ceremony.
I was beyond annoyed how fast it was. We really didn't even see them hanging the ornaments, just a few, as the camera panned over ornaments already on the tree. Didn't get to see Chad's handed to him for the first time. It was just on the tree next to Abby's already.

And if Melanie and Parker get ornaments, Holly should've gotten one for Maggie to hang. I found this online, so I'm pretending it's Holly's.

I am really finding it hard to like Sonny anymore. He runs away from Will and files for separation, fall madly back in love with Paul, pledges his undying love to him and gets to the altar. Now he dumps Paul like yesterday's trash, claims that Will is and always was his one true love and convinces him to move into K-Mansion. Fickle, are we?

I also don't understand Will, who seemed to be attracted to Paul, but is moving in with Sonny, albeit in separate rooms (how long is that going to last?). Wishy washy.

I have always liked JJ and Gabi together. I'd rather see Lani hooked up with Eli and let the relationship between JJ and Gabi mature and evolve. Just no angst sex, please.

If my son was in the mental state that JJ is in and he continued to ignore my calls, I would be at his door so fast it would make his head spin. I certainly wouldn't stop off a the hospital to talk to a man who doesn't want anything to do with me and currently hates my son. What does she think she's going to accomplish?

Ciara and Claire? Blech and double blech!!

Just sayin'.
Another outstanding performance by Casey Moss (JJ). Then along came the original Gabi we grew to love in her Days' infancy. Although, I thought it unnecessary for them to hop in bed together, these two had me glued to the screen. Gabi’s support, telling JJ, “I won’t leave you alone” commitment was very touching but totally ruined when Lani walked in. JJ certainly doesn’t need additional stress, conflict, or confrontation at this point, but we can all guess how the story plays out from here.
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Thanks, JS.

I thought it was funny when Maggie asked Will if he remembered anything.
He said he didn't remember the house or this room at all. Of course, he
doesn't, it just got redecorated :)

Ciara kept giving Rafe the cold shoulder. Get it? ha, ha.

Did Shawn and Belle talk today? I know they whispered to each
other, but I don't think they said anything.

Ari was cute today with Will.

Great scenes with JJ and Gabi. Does Lani have a key to JJ's room or was
the door unlocked?
I felt today was such a well done episode. I am definitely feeling the Christmas spirit on Days. I'm personally not liking Eve's choice in the Kiriakis mansion décor but that's just me. The acting, however, in this episode was superb, especially with JJ and Gabi.

Poor Will. His first introduction to a Horton family Christmas get together that he remembers starts off with drama. Ciara is just being a brat now. That was rude to destroy Claire's ornament. Though I noticed when Claire dropped the ornament it didn't break. Was it a slip, or was it intentional, I wonder and she crushed it after. I also noticed Ciara kind of nudge away Rafe to put Bo's ornament next to Hope's. Starting to think if this is going down the Sami and John route with Ciara and Rafe.

Great scenes with Gabi and JJ. Looks like they are getting closer and was especially shocked to see Gabi come out wearing just JJ's t-shirt after.
I have to say that was the fastest remodel job I've ever seen! Yesterday's episode was I'm guessing the morning of today's episode and it was in construction chaos and then voila, by the afternoon it was done! I want to do some remodeling in my house. Maybe I could hire Eve's construction crew!

I was brought to tears both today and yesterday with Casey Moss' (JJ) and Camila Banus' (Gabi) performances. I have a daughter that suffers from PTSD and depression and has said she doesn't want to live many times so I give kudos to them for accurately depicting the thoughts of suicide.
:clap:Gabi: Where did this Gabi come from? Gone was the hapless victim of Tricky Nicky's torments, the woman longing for Chad, or the head of the faux company, Gabi Chic, whose chief offering appears to be the dubious service of color-blocking. Instead, there was a firm, kind messenger of consolation and common sense. This episode could have used more Gabi and less of the following Salemites.

:eek: Angry Abe: Yes, his son was shot and is in a coma, but he really ought to lighten up on the grief and anger. if the comatose Theo can hear him, it can't be good for his state of mind.

:eek: Lani: Has this one ever heard of knocking on closed doors? Just barging into a Salem hotel room is never a good move. Recall that when Jenny did just that and was greeted by the shocking sight of her son cavorting between the sheets with Eve.

:angry:Ciara: Teen Ciara 2 has now added blasphemy to her many sins. Salem may have infidelities, murders, robberies, kidnappings, etc., but nobody, nobody deliberately disrupts the sacred Horton ornament ceremony.

:confused: Jenny: Why did she go over to the hospital to catch more attitude from Angry Abe when she might have gone to check on her obviously depressed and downhearted son?
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