Days of Our Lives - Thurs. Aug. 12, 2010

Nosey Stephanie, Mind Your Own Business!

Stephanie is too nosey! Mind your own business!

I think the baby is indeed Philip's by the sounds of it. One way or the other Chloe's deception IS going to be discovered by Daniel and bye bye!

I do see Daniel getting together with Carly once Bo dumps her for Hope which is also bound to happen now.

As for Stupid Sami, well all I can say is what woman in her right mind gets engaged to the man who raped her, lied to her and is such a sleaze! He gives new meaning to the word mobster. WHY would ANYONE with half a brain want a DiMera????????????!!!!!!!!! Okay Nicole did but she has more than one screw loose and was only into $. She still is.

Yesssssssssss for Sami and Rafe together kissing. (Can't WAIT to see THAT!) I love them together and want to vomit when Sami is with EJ the sleazeball. If Vivian were younger, she and EJ would make a GREAT couple and drive poor Stefano to drink - ha ha.
When Daniel talks to Melanie....and they are talking of Carly...he says something to the effect that it would be hard (or maybe impossible) to stay with someone who has been unfaithful.

So...this has to be foreshadowing the way Daniel's mind goes in this regard.
Of course he would feel that way. He has a god-complex and feels that he's the best stuff ever. To be cuckold would be the worst 'sin' imaginable to Daniel (even more so that Carly's lies to him). He's so arrogant.
All I could think of when he said that was all the women he has bedded since he came to town.....including having sex with Kate while more or less "going" with Chelsea. And then, of course, Chloe herself who was engaged to Lucas, and then even married to him.
So True, Poirot! LOL It's okay for him to do it, but he demands 100% faithfulness with his partner because he's awesome.
Geez... Stephanie has about as much right to go snooping around in Daniel & Chloes business as Carly does. That is NIL. What is it with the snooping and busybodiness? Besides....Chloe & Dan deserve each other. As already pointed out by others on this thread....neither has been the picture of a faithful partner in the past anyway... what do these people expect of them???
Huh? He wasn't engaged to the other women he was with and I know I wouldn't forgive my fiance if he cheated on me.

What was wrong with that remark?
Wasn't Philip so gallant (LOL) in todays show when he said to Chloe, "if it's mine I'll set you up". Where was the rest of his concern for his potential child like "I'll be there to help raise him too"?

Then Maggie when talking about Hope asking Caroline "is there anything I can do?" Caroline quickly returning with "no, no there isn't". Why would Maggie, Hope's Aunt, go with what Caroline might have to say about helping Hope. Although Caroline is Hope's mother-in-law, Maggie is just as close to Hope.

Not to mention Daniel and Stephanie's conversation in the hospital when Ms. Super Snoop was using Chloe's elevator accident to get info from Dr. Dan. Daniel telling Stephanie snoopet "Chloe was at the hospital to give him a watch that was in a desk here". I guess to the hospital Chloe was going to pick up Daniel's wedding present when she left the apartment. Stephanie is definitely putting 2 +2 together now that Adrienne has told her about Philip's trip to Chloe & Daniel's apartment. Boy I would have loved to see the writers have Stephanie caught in the closet, I wonder if it still has Kate's perfume smell in it from her past visit.

And finally Nathan and Melanie's hug, va va voom. This was not a friend consoling a friend kind of hug. I know Melanie has a very small body structure and Nathan is very tall so he had to lean over her, but he was very consumed with what he was feeling like two wiggly worms. Loved it, Loved it, Loved it! Great Episode today.
Loved seeing Sydney today.
She has certainly gotten big, no longer a 'baby', but a toddler.

I laughed at her facial expression while sitting on EJ's knee! She was definitely not feeling the 'love'. Just like when she was in Anna's cabin and he visited.
Also loved how she was able to help herself to the snack she was eating.
Loved seeing Sydney today.
She has certainly gotten big, no longer a 'baby', but a toddler.

I laughed at her facial expression while sitting on EJ's knee! She was definitely not feeling the 'love'. Just like when she was in Anna's cabin and he visited.
Also loved how she was able to help herself to the snack she was eating.

Definitely Sydney stole the show today, this is one beautiful child.
I officially joined the I Hate Stephanie Club today. What is wrong with her? I hated the rude and abnormal way she confronted Philip and Chloe. Just shoo. Go away. And she was so rude to her grandmother on the phone. She even hung up on her. I cannot wait to see Caroline rake her over the coals for that one.

So they give Nathan a flashback of something that happened a half hour ago on the show. I believe that's a Days record. I hope they don't ever show it again. Or again and again.

The highlight of the show for me occurred in the first 10 seconds (thank you Days!) when Philip appeared on my screen looking absolutely gorgeous after too long of an absence.
@Steffee.....Philip, to give him what little credit I can, DID say, we will raise our child together.
I thought the hug between Nathan and Melanie was awkward. IDK, I didn't see anything there from Melanie.

Loved Philip being back.

I laughed at Stephanie saying "I hate me..." She knows she's wrong and can't help herself.

Justin/Adrienne need to have a reconciling story line.

Sami is an idiot. Rafe flat out tells her "I love you" and kisses her like that, and she has to question anything more.
I thought the hug between Nathan and Melanie was awkward. IDK, I didn't see anything there from Melanie.

Loved Philip being back.

I laughed at Stephanie saying "I hate me..." She knows she's wrong and can't help herself.

Justin/Adrienne need to have a reconciling story line.

Sami is an idiot. Rafe flat out tells her "I love you" and kisses her like that, and she has to question anything more.
I agree on the melanie/nathan hug. I didn't see anything on melanie's part. It seems to me nathan is the one who cant let go. while nathan was having his little flashback of their little hug. melanie was jumping and spinning aroun in her very sexy husband's arms.
You're probably right. But, it'd be good to have the actors show us what they could do and the sparks that they can turn on together.

And, I've always had a soft spot for Dimples, er, I mean Justin.
That's just it, Trey. We know what these actors can do and how well they are together. Unfortunately, TPTB don't seem to know that. **sigh**