Days of Our Lives - Thurs., Aug., 30, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Thursday, August 30, 2018

Throughout the show, Kristen is trying to entice Brady into making love to her. She talks, cajoles, entices, insists, begs, wheedles, recalls the past…well you get the idea. However, during the course of all this, she reveals what happened to her when she went out the window. First thing she says is she woke up, broken & bloody. But later on, she says she awoke in a convent. The nuns found her washed up on shore. They thought she would soon die, but she didn’t. They were very kind, nursed her, she admired them, and began to pray herself. She realized her surviving was a miracle, figured God had saved her, thus forgave her, she claimed to read scripture every day, pray, and thus decided to return to Salem to make amends to those she had harmed. If God forgave me, why not you, Brady? Brady notes she didn’t make amends, but instead came to the wedding with a gun. She claims he misunderstands, that was not how it was. Her father came to her in a dream, reminded her she was a DiMera, vindictive, take what I want, and I want you, Brady. (and same goes for me, don’t understand at all, as all she keeps doing is threatening to kill Eve unless he has sex with her. And she is NOT a DiMera….but yes, a fav of Stefano’s)

While Will is trying to tell Paul he regained his memory, Jen comes to interrupt, no idea why, there is no word on Marlena yet. Mention of Brady, paul says he is here with his dad, no, Jen just left them, they have not seen him. Paul thinks odd, he said he was coming, decides Brady probably went home to shower and change. (So, assume he showered before the wedding, still same day, he has to shower again??) Paul tries to call, text, gets concerned, sorry Will, we can talk later, got to go see if I can find Brady.

At hospital, Will sees a woman in wheelchair with new born baby, triggers memory of when Airanna was born. At the Kmansion, Susan comes screaming down the stairs, had a bad dream/nightmare, something bad is going to happen to someone. She fixates on Will, Sonny says we just saw him, he is fine, will call me if anything. She is still worried, Sonny tells her he got his memory back. She waxes dreamily about will & Paul, maybe they will tie the knot now. Will arrives to see Arianna, explaining his memory. Susan is all over him, glad he is o.k. He tells of Marlena being shot by his mom (you mean Sami shot her own mom a capful? Lol) Susan is all ready to take off to hospital for Marlena, or for John, but the guys stop her, telling her what she can do is pray. She agrees, will go say a rosary.

Down at the cop shop………o.k., most law enforcement/legal folks say innocent until prove n guilty. In Hope’s case, seems her mantra is guilty EVEN IF proven innocent. She talks with Rafe about whatever Sami said, snarking that Sami never takes responsibility (hey, pot, meet kettle) and never her fault, even when she had sex with you. Rafe can’t believe she is going there again, they are past that, worked thru it, let’s not let Sami being back in town have us taking steps back. They seem maybe about to kiss, Paul comes in looking for Brady. Nope, have not seen him for several hours. Paul is becoming more concerned, not answering calls, texts. Will check the Inn.

Doug & Julie comes to hospital with bags of food, since not used at reception. Jen thanks them, Julie gets confirmation that Sami was the one who shot, but Eric does explain how she was turning, and he tried to get the gun, it went off.

Jen & Eric sit and talk, he is down in dumps, she takes him to chapel to pray. He thanks her, it helped a great deal. They talk of what Kristen did, how she tried to keep lovers apart, Jen agrees that no one should do such a thing. Doug & Julie go back to club, talk it over. Julie is down on Sami, reminding Doug how this is second wedding, right here in this place, that Sami stopped. She is upset Susan was locked in freezer, who knows what she may have nibbled on, Board of Health may shut us down. She goes to check the food supply, make sure not contaminated.

Doug hears Julie scream, goes to the back where Julie is.

Jen realizes it was wrong to not tell Eric about Nicole, tells God she is sorry, to forgive her.

Kristen has gotten so up close and personal with Brady, they finally kiss, big time.

Hope goes into the interrogation room, saying something to Sami, only she is not there, and Rafe is on the floor, out cold.

Paul opens the door to Brady’s room, is taken aback at whatever he sees, what the??

Sonny has pressured Will again, reminding him of their conversation that was cut short, after they kissed. What is it he wanted to say, when he said “but”.
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Thank you, Poirot. My tv reception kept going in and out today so missed quite a bit.

Yep, JS. I thought the same thing about Sami knocking out Rafe. Hopefully she got out of Salem to go look for her smoochy-woochy EJ, but I guess we can't be that lucky.

I wonder what Susan did in the freezer to make Julie scream ?

Jen "agonizing" about fessing up to Eric has gone on way too long. I just don't care any more.

Hopefully Brady's hands are going to go around Kristen's neck while they're kissing.
Only a guess, but perhaps Julie finds Eve???? I mean, if Kristen thought the club was a good hiding place to put Susan, maybe that is the same place she stashed Eve. See, I do not think she has any goons watching over Eve, ready to do her in on a word from Kristen, who lies constantly to get what she wants.
I thought it was weird when Doug and Julie were getting the low down on what happened from Eric that Julie said poor Eric. She was talking to Eric!

Hope. I want to strangle that woman. Going on and on about Sami when Rafe says allegedly and she says what! no! I don't want to hear it! No, why would the police commissioner want to hear the details of an alleged crime when she has already served as judge, jury and executioner!! I really cannot stand Hope. She and Rafe do not work as a couple. I am hoping Sami being in town will split them for good. I was hoping she was going to catch Rafe and Sami in a clinch but that doesn't seem likely since it looks that Sami cold cocked him and escaped.

Still not a big Sonny/Will fan mainly because Sonny is so annoying. It would serve him right for Will to stay with Paul since Sonny dropped Paul like a hot potato as soon as Will was back. Also Will did cheat on Sonny - twice!! So I don't know why Sonny wants him back so bad.
Thanks, Poirot.

I guess Brady's theme song is "If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with"

Kristen said she found religion at a convent and was coming to Salem to make amends.
Then she saw Stefano and he told her not to make amends. Are we suppose to believe
any of that?

Susan knows Will has his memory back. Who will find out tomorrow? Will it be Paul?

Nice to see Doug and Julie today. I wonder why they weren't at the wedding.

Finally, Jennifer realizes she has to tell Eric the truth. I hope he's forgives her for waiting
so long.
Thanks for the summaries. These storylines are just terrible, and Sami's return is simply not welcome. I'm only interested right now in Paul learning the truth and Jennifer 'fessing up to Eric.
No one was at the club, because Kristen has had a field day there....getting hold of the hard at work Susan, stripping her of her clothes, hiding her in the freezer. Nope, no idea where they were, what they were doing and same goes for Chloe.
Heck, who knows if Kristen's rescue story is true, and how the heck has she managed to learn every little detail of life in Salem over the past several years. And I do mean every little detail. (Is she best friends with Ted? LOL)
I don't know where to begin with this episode. Not nearly as good as the last few. Jen/Eric in the chapel was the highlight for me. When Eric was talking about how impossible it was to imagine being separated from your true love not knowing if they are dead/alive referencing EJ - I thought Jen was thinking about the times she had been separated from Jack only for him to turn up. Of course she understands Eric! Then, I remembered Nicole. Ooops.

Hope was beyond high and mighty today. I hope Sami does steal Rafe from her and rubs it in her face. That's how annoying Hope is right now!

Where is Roman! Where is Lucas? Get her a friend! Someone get Sami a lawyer.

Ok, I was not a fan of the actresses portrayal of Kristen today. AT ALL! At one point she "TRIED" to be seductive by sticking her tongue out towards Brady. Nope! I had a hard time watching her scenes. Hurry up and let this be over. It's a train wreck. She does fine with Susan. And, I really hope him kissing her is a ploy to grab her arms and tie her up although I hardly think he needed to go that far. At any point, he could over power her.

Today's episode = so/so.
Definitely the weakest episode of the past week but still a good episode

I'm guessing they were at the club, getting ready for the reception after the wedding.

It was pretty clear the Club was empty before Will, Sonny and Susan we there. Doug and Julie really should have had a throwaway line about why they weren't at the wedding. They are not on contract. I would have rather have seen them over a few of the Extras.

I hope Sami does steal Rafe from her and rubs it in her face.

If only this would happen. But Sami unfortunately has to remain obsessed with her rapist instead.

I was happy that Rafe defended Sami though. If Sami knocked him out, I hope apologizes for it.

Brady is back to being a moron.

The Jen/Eric conversation about EJ/Sami was really about Eric/Nicole however, it was still frustrating to hear some of the things they were saying. Sami had a "safe" husband in Rafe and seemed to be perfectly fine with him until the hate boink.

Aww Will remembered Ari's birth
Love, Love, Love, the new actress (can’t remember her name) in her
portrayal of Susan but for me does not hit the mark as Kristen.
As far as Sami, I don’t know why the character
had to be brought back. She is still annoying, self centered, selfish and
why haven’t they jailed her. Please tell me her return is short lived and
make her go away.
Eliminate the Will/Sonny/Paul story, although I really like Paul,
and the drama for this segment is 29-1/2% closer to the the way writers
of long ago scripted Days.
Ah the good old Days.
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I agree TobyJ. I don't believe her as Kristen one bit, and I don't mean in looks. That's easily explained by the way Kristen healed after the great fall out the window. However, she's doing a great job as Susan which would've been harder to learn all of the nuances of the character as formerly portrayed.
Kudos to all who objected to the high-and-mighty Hope. She obviously thinks that the law is just a vehicle for her own personal agenda. Somebody should lock her in a room with a copy of the Bill of Rights and not let her out until she's memorized it.

As for Kristen, why didn't the nuns who fished her out of the Italian lake turn her into to the police? After all, in the film Papillon, Steve McQueen was sent back to Devil's Island because a nun turned him into the local authorities even after he donated some gold coins to her convent.