Days of Our Lives - Thurs., Dec. 5, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Nicole on phone with designer, telling them this is not Woodstock, it is Basic Black. Get with it. Brady comes in, Nicole upset, throws up. Seems last night she whined to Brady for hours and tossed down the martinis, now is hangover sick. He understands, she apologizes for all the drinking, esp. as he is still grieving loss of his child. Tis o.k., he gives her a hangover remedy, they go for walk in square.

Xander comes rushing in, Mickey has been kidnapped again, not in crib. Sarah takes her time, but finally says she is with Eric, then tells this very understanding man that Eric agreed to shared custody, only if Xander out of the picture. Thinks Xander is reason Mickey was taken. Tho Xander flashes back to the demand for a confession from him, he urges Sarah to get a lawyer, stand up to Eric. He leaves to go punch Eric out, but returns later, loves Sarah, would do nothing to hurt her or put Mickey in harm's way. All he ever wanted was home and family, but he will give it all up to keep Mickey safe.

Eric takes Mickey to Pub, Roman happy to see her, Kate makes snide remarks about Nicole, while Roman wants Eric to reconsider his thoughts on her, they love each other. Nope, Eric is determined. He leaves, Roman doesn't think Kate should stick her nose in family conversations, she laughs, you gonna fire me? Stalemate!

Marlena is with Jen, they talk over various events, with Marlena complaining about Hope living with them, can't get her to move out, noting she seems so changed. Over at the cop shop, Abby wants the evidence about Eve pushing Jen, Gena is stalling her, Rafe comes in, doesn't see why Abby can't have it. They all sit, and jabber about it, the whys and wherefores, "Hope" finally agreeing Abby can have the files. With Abby gone, Rafe asks what is going on, why so reluctant, you have not even cared about your cousin's baby being kidnapped, rather go to a meeting than on the case, you never would have avoided before, especially family. She gets in his face, we are not married any more, pay attention to your job, not me.

Eric brings Mickey to see Marlena, she gushes a bit, then steps back, looking concerned.

Xander is leaving, telling Sarah to play "this little piggy" with Mickey after her bath, since he won't be there any more. She calls him back, then begins to kiss him passionately.

That is short form........Jason will be doing the regular summary, with all I left out. LOL
I just watched, so here's a synopsis.

It starts with Hope/Gina talking to Abigail who is suggesting someone else might have pushed Jennifer. Abigail says she's not sure and tells Hope/Gina that she talked to Eve and she believes that Eve might be right about being framed. She ends up asking to see the case file. Gina resists showing her the files. Rafe comes in and doesn't understand why. Ultimately, Abigail looks at the files after Gina makes up some ridiculous story about how she shouldn't show them to Jennifer because Mama Jen might relive some unfathomable trauma. The entire thing seems to make Abigail suspicious and definitely makes Rafe suspicious. Later, Rafe asks Hope what's wrong with her. She makes a comment about how he needs to be more concerned with his job instead of chasing after her as his ex-wife. He leaves and later mentions Hopes's weird behavior to Kate at the pub.

Marlena is visiting with Jen who is worried about JJ. Marlena says maybe Eric can talk to him although he's busy because he's a new dad. She catches Jen up on the baby drama. She also tells Jennifer about how Hope is acting strange and is interfering with John. Marlena can't wait for Hope to move out and says maybe she notices the weird behavior because she's around so much.

Xander bursts in and asks Sarah where Mickey is. He's worried she's been kidnapped. Sarah tells him that she let Eric take her. Xander pushes Sarah to hire a lawyer. She tells him about Eric's ultimatum. They have a heart to heart. Xander is genuinely sad about the idea of being cut out of Mickey's life. He leaves to go confront Eric.

Eric is taking the baby around town to see Roman at the pub. Eric is "extremely disappointed" in Sarah blah blah. And he's done with Nicole. Blah blah. Roman tries to convince Eric that after all they've been through he and Nicole belong together. It doesn't work. Kate pipes in with snide remarks about both Nicole and Sarah. Eric leaves. Roman is irritated that Kate was interfering. She says, "What are you going to do? Fire me." They talk about how Sarah and Xander are now making eyes at each other.

Nicole is yelling at someone on the phone about work. She's hungover and sick. Brady is there for her and supporting her. She apologizes for drinking in front of him and for going on and on about Eric and her problems when he has problems of his own.

Later, Brady and Eric run into each other in the park. More self-righteous Eric. Brady tries to talk sense into him. Eric says his and Nicole's love isn't going to be enough (I screamed at my TV), then we see that Nicole has arrived and heard him. Eric leaves to see Marlena with the baby, and Brady comforts an upset Nicole (again). When Marlena sees the baby, she notices something. Eric asks what, and they cut away.

Sarah tries to reach Xander to tell him to stay away from Eric. Xander comes back. He says he'll move out so that he doesn't mess things up for Sarah. He makes a big speech about how he loves her and now understands what love means--for the first time. Eric is right. He puts Mickey at risk because he's done terrible things. After seeing what Sarah went through being separated from the baby, he doesn't want to be the reason Sarah ever feels that way again. She asks what about his feelings. He says all he's wanted was to be accepted and part of the family and living in the K-Mansion, but he's willing to sacrifice it to make her happy. He goes to leave and stops to make sure she promises to play "this little piggy" with Mickey every night. Sarah gets swoony (as did I), says, "Wait," and she kisses him.
Here comes Al Bundy aka Eric Brady with sourpuss face again all episode long. Come on man, stop pouting like a 5-year-old! Eric always seems to forget because of the selfish addiction, he killed Daniel, so he shouldn't throw stones from glass houses.

Though I am sure the audience was all quite pleased with the many digs at Sarah in today's episode. LOL!
I agree too Jungle Madness and it's hard to watch. Whenever anyone brings up Eric running over Daniel, Eric is always made out to be the victim. Like it's so daunting and hurtful to remind him of his faults like he does the whole world.

What comes to mind is Ciara and Kristen/Nicole bringing up Eric killing Daniel and they wanted the audience to feel sorry for his character. Of course, the other person is a villainous snake if God forbid you to bring that up to Eric.
I wonder if the actors who play Eric and Nicole have a botox rider in their contracts since their brows are constantly furrowed in anger and/or despair?! It will be interesting to see what happens with Sarah and Xander getting closer and how they will handle Eric's demand.
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Awful Eric: He ought to continue the apology tour that I suggested he take a few days ago.
  • Apologize to the Basic Black employees who are suffering under a Nicole who's been driven to distraction by his hateful behavior.
  • Tell Sarah he regrets threatening to sue for full custody and demanding that Xander get out of her life. This is outrageous.
  • Tell Roman that he's sorry for invading the Pub and subjecting the customers to his stupid outbursts. (While he was there, Roman could have reminded him of the words in the Our Father prayer that he must have recited countless times when he was a priest: "and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us ….")
Sarah: she shouldn't listen to anything bumbling barrister Justin says about the Mickey custody situation. (What he knows about family law wouldn't fill a thimble.)
  • Courts generally favor the mother in custody cases.
  • Withholding information about the true paternity of a child is commonplace in Salem. (Eric acts as though he's the only one this has ever happened to.)
  • When a judge learns about Eric's true personality and that he caused the death of the sainted Dr. Daniel Jonas, he/she will turn six shades of green.
  • The effect of Victor's heavy thumb on the scales of justice. (If he could save Chelsea and friends from legal liability in the Ford Decker affair, a mere custody case should be child's play.)
Xander: He gets the line of the day for calling Eric a "spiteful, spoiled, selfish child." Way to go X-man.

Kate: She's actually working as a Pub waitress? Will she revert to her hooker past by asking tired businessmen who stop by the Pub for a cold one or a bowl of EJ Chow by asking them: "coffee, tea, or me?" (This was the title of an old 1970s movie.)
Maybe Eli, Tripp, Will, Chelsea, Chloe, Melanie all need to appear before Eric, reminding him of not being revealed to a parent until they were an adult. Melanie can include Daniel in her tale. And also remind Eric that he has learned while his daughter is just 6 mos. Be grateful, be happy. Also, that Nicole is the one who told him, not wanting to go into marriage without him knowing.

And while he claims to love Holly, he has abruptly abandoned her. Take a look at himself. If he was not so judgmental, self righteous, perhaps Nicole would not feel so insecure......and he has proved her right. She feared if he knew about being Mickey's father, he would leave her. And he did. (was waiting for Brady to say that, and he didn't!)
Roman did remind Eric that they didn't get to know each other until later and yet they have a strong bond.

Everyone else has always been surer of Eric and Nicole's enduring love than they are. They have always been a questionable couple. Brady today proved how he and Nicole have always been actual friends. Eric and Nicole have dated and slept together and lived together etc, but you never got a sense of their being friends. I don't think Eric has friends.

Also - I liked seeing Rafe and Kate have a scene. I weirdly enjoyed their brief dating history, and they still have a connection. If only she didn't rival Victor for the combination of evil misdeeds and curmudgeonly sanctimony, they could make a fun couple.

I'm done with the Gina storyline. Next, please.
Eric is just unbearable anymore. Him saying he can't forgive Nicole is ridiculous! If it wasn't for Nicole, he still would not know Mackenzie is his!! Which I hope she is not!! And what about Holly!? I was surprised when it all originally happened and he said to Nicole you know how much I've always wanted to be a father that she didn't say and you have been to Holly!! He is absolutely despicable and it will be great if he finds out he's not Mackenzie's father though I don't think I'm going to like how that happens! Just my speculation. He doesn't deserve to be a daddy!! Oh but I did wonder when Nicole threw up today. I know they said from drinking but maybe a miracle pregnancy?

Gina certainly got close to Rafe today to put him in his place. Everyone, literally everyone says Hope is not Hope. Come on people!! You live in Salem! Yet no one thinks Gina??!!! It's been a year!!!

Seriously one brief look at Mackenzie and Marlena sees something wrong with her?! She's cute as a button!! Of course this could bring true paternity out.

Loved Sarah jumping Xander!!!

Kate being a waitress is weird but the way they keep mentioning it now when it's been a year that she's been doing it is weirder!!
Actually, @Poirot, I think Eric DID say that Nicole was afraid that he would leave her if she did tell him. He claimed he would never have left her because of Sarah. And then he said, he is leaving because she did NOT tell him. But, I agree that he is being much more generous to Sarah and she is the one who should have told him.

I think the Kate is a waitress gig will get old fast. I am surprised that she and Roman have not gotten together in the last year.
Just in case some do not know......some years ago, when Kate was with Victor, he threw her out, she was penniless, living in a car, & a homeless shelter. She was befriended by a woman, (Nicole's mother) who got her a job at a diner as a waitress, Oddly, it turned out some Salemites patronized the place...PD Commissioner Roman Brady, Stefano....lolol

OH was called Hudson St. Diner - check the link

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Thanks, Poirot and Tina.

Nicole got sick today. Was it because she drank too much or could it be
for another reason?

I know Xander isn't a hero character, but I enjoyed him and Sarah today. You could
see his pain when he said he would leave the mansion because Eric doesn't want
him around Mickey.

Rafe mentioned to Kate that Hope is a different person. You would think by now when certain
phases are repeated in Salem, people would remember what happened to someone else.
Like with Adrienne, she acted like a different
person because it was actually Bonnie.

Marlena looked at Mickey and realized there was something wrong with her. Maybe it
was because of her big, black ears :)
Thanks for the summaries.

I too wondered if Nicole might be sick from something other than drinking. That would spice things up a little.

I'm glad Sarah kisses Xander. I just hope she doesn't hurt him.
maybe a miracle pregnancy?
Not on Days! Perish the thought!
now when it's been a year that she's been doing it is weirder!!
I think it's weird Gabi and Kate have kept the same jobs for a year. That rarely happens to non-miracle-or-family-related-Doctors in Salem.

Xander is a great character. Sarah is bearable with him, and even likable. I admit I'm not sure if this is intentional, or the talents of Paul Tefler (Xander).