Days of Our Lives - Thurs. Feb.18,2010

Lucas' Last Scene - Feb. 18

Lucas' last scene.....very appropriate that it was being Sami's best friend and giving her comfort when her world is collapsing around her.....

For those of you interested, I posted a link to a video clip of the scene pictured above in the video preview thread in the Crystal ball.
Ordinarily, yep.....a spoiler.....but I am such a Lucas fan.....and honestly.....I really felt that for Sami to call Lucas when she needed a friend was so telling. To tell the truth, I wish PAllison would have posted this in the Day Ahead thread where the summary is.....but.......she did not.

Maybe I will........yess.......I will. (moving this from Daily Days)
I just wanted to share a great moment in Days of Our Lives...Sami and Lucas together in Lucas' last appearance....they just look "right" together don't they....?? Move it wherever you feel it belongs Poirot....I just want people to be able to share in the moment of the's a very important event in the history of Days......
Heck, PAllison, your heart was in the right place even if the thread wasn't. :)

Bo was soooo out of order, and failed in his job, for sure.

yeah again other reason why Carly has ruined Bo....

Sorry, Ana, I am as fed up with the Bo/Carly romping as you are but she is not to blame for Bo's being a bad law enforcement officer. He never follows the rules and, in the real world, would have been fired thirty or more years ago.
Yep, you are right, and I feel the same way. However........if it has not happened yet, it does not belong in Daily Days................
PAllison.........please understand that your contributions here to the Spectator are absolutely awesome! Your dedication to providing us with pics cannot be measured, and you knw only too well how much you are treasured. AS you can see in my summary, I gave high marks to having Sami call lucas, when she needed a friend. Applauding Days for the scene..........and shame, shame on Days for writing Lucas out in this manner.
Oh gosh, I understand......just sorry you had to spend your time moving it...!!! I did think about putting it in with the summary but then kind of forgot by the time I got the pic ready...!! A mind is a terrible thing to lose.... :D
That is a wonderful picture. Thank you, Pallison. It almost makes me cry to look at it. Seeing Lucas go is a very sad event in Days for me but I agree that this is a fitting scene for his departure.
When I watched the scene with Sami and Lucas, Sami was once again a teenager, she just looked so young and was like she didn't have to be anything or prove anything, she could just let Lucas love her and comfort her and make things ok....I didn't realize how much I missed them together until that final scene...sad....
When I watched the scene with Sami and Lucas, Sami was once again a teenager, she just looked so young and was like she didn't have to be anything or prove anything, she could just let Lucas love her and comfort her and make things ok....I didn't realize how much I missed them together until that final scene...sad....

Reminds me of the song lyrics, "why does it always seem to go, you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone". Big loss to Days. Thanks for posting the pictures, PAllison and thinks for the summary, Poirot.
Great write up Barb...I missed half the show so I am glad to get your terrific synopsis...what I can't understand is this...
Is that all that they are planning to do for Alice? ya go..... Hope this is the one. :)
btw....drinks on the house in salute to Brian. We will sooooo miss you buddy! :(
rew, the short answer is no.

There's a thread over in the Crystal Ball titled "Corday's Plans for Alice Tribute", if you're interested.
I found myself crying at the end when they showed the In Loving Memory slate and photos. A wave of emotion. One second you are looking at Sydney's pouty face and the next minute, you are seeing our beloved Mrs. H, Alice.

OK, tell me, would a doctor who is involved in a life-and-death surgery come out of said surgery to tell the family that the patient has coded, I'll tell you more later. Why would Lexie leave the operating room at a critical time like that? Oh, for drama? Or stupidity?

I'm glad Philip's parents were there for him. They both seemed sincere and I believe they truly care about him, but they are both toxic. Sadly, they are all he's got. Oh wait, he's also got Vivian. Lucky boy. Who could ask for anything more?