Days of Our Lives - Thurs., Jan. 2, 2014


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Days of Our Lives
Thursday, January 2, 2014

Lots and lots of flashbacks today, a new day in Salem. Too many. Sonny is putting his paper with his New Year's resolution in the tin can, Will comes in, wants to see what it is. They joke around, Will wins, takes out the paper which says "marry Will Horton". They are smiling and there is Nick, telling Will that Sonny is still keeping secrets from him. Both guys are staring at Nick who is going on about something with Gabi, etc. And of course, Sonny wakes up, is having a bad dream, calls out for Will, who is not there. He gets dressed, comes out, no Will, no Gabi, opens the closet door, says "oh, no", grabs a coat and off he goes.

Gabi has gone to visit Rafe, finds out he was alone for New Years, but he says the files Hope brought him kept him occupied, and mentions not having seen Jordan since Christmas. Gabi teases him about the t-shirt in the fancy box, but he notes Jordan loved it, once she got over scolding him and opening it. In fact, she is on her way over.

Will is down by the river, and suddenly hears "Greetings". Yep, ol Percy the bird watcher really gets around, is down there, talking cryptically again. He talks of birds with Latin names who winter in Brazil. Sonny comes along figured Will would be there, and now Percy talks of remembering them both, mentioning the adorable baby, and the other two ladies that he had met in these very woods earlier, even mentions the blond lady. Will wonders how Sonny found him, Sonny says he took his boots, but not his warm coat, which Sonny has brought. Percy thinks Sonny makes a good detective, more cryptic conversation, and toddles off. Will figures he knows everything, Sonny doesn't think so, citing the ladies saying Percy never saw them.

Sami meets up with Kate, tells her she is going out of town, lots to do, and wants Kate to keep an eye on the guys, and Gabi, make sure no one spills the beans. They get into quite an illuminating conversation with Kate warning Sami she has given EJ power over her, and will be at his beck and call. Sami denies, argues, Kate persists. She knows the DiMeras, how they operate. Eventually Sami realizes that Kate already has been there, done that with Stefano, but insists she won't be blackmailed into anything.

Abby sits with Lucas, as Jordan comes by. They chat a bit, Abby introduces Lucas, who is glad to meet up with Jordan, heard a lot about her from his mother, Kate Roberts, and Rafe. Abby chatters about going iceskating sometime, mentions no snow, Lucas asks Jordan if she never has seen snow. Not much, she is from Birmingham. She takes off. Now Lucas meets up with Kate, mentions meeting Jordan, they chatter a bit, and Kate mentions her detective found a friend of Jordan's in Birmingham, and is bringing the person here. Lucas wonders if Kate plans on picking up the pieces if Jordan has to leave town, even tho Kate claims she has moved on from Rafe. She blathers about just wanting to make sure Rafe is not hurt.

Rafe is slowly coming out of the shower, big towel wrapped around his waist, and skin glistening from water. Evidently he did not dry himself off before venturing out into his living room, where his leg gives out, down he goes in front of the sofa. Knock, Knock, come in, there is Jordan. She brought him a double espresso, he says good, he needs a pick me up. LOL. He is finally up on the sofa, skin still wet. LOL. And soon he & Jordan are kissing. He tells how he did all these walks around the apt this a.m. with pete, but now his leg gave out. She scolds, that he overdid, teases him a bit, gives him his pants and shirt, he thinks she should help him. She starts calling Pete to come over, Rafe puts a stop to it. He thinks they can manage fine without Pete.

Abby meets with Gabi, chatting away girl talk. She mentions not having heard from Nick, despite having sent him a bunch of texts. No Gabi has not heard from him, and doesn't think she will. Abby is surprised he did not send a baby gift for Ari or something. Gabi repeats she doesn't expect to hear from him. Just then, Abby gets a text, yayyy, it is from Nick, he is sorry he has not gotten back to her, everything is fine. As Abby reads this aloud, nervous Gabi drops her glass on the floor.

EJ is paying off the head of his clean up squad, who gives him a brown envelope, tied with dark string, containing items found there. EJ pays him off, thank you, stares at the envelope. (and no, it is never opened). Stefano comes in, smiling as he talks of there still being trouble in Paradise, that EJ and Sami both still are sleeping alone. Ej recalls them coming home the night before, all smiling, laughing about helping at the Club, sitting next to each other on the sofa. EJ tries to kiss Sami, but she stops him, has to get to bed, lots of work tomorrow, and runs off. EJ tries to put him off, but Stefano persists, talking of how he has to get something on her, if he wants her to marry him. Ej claims he doesn't want to blackmail her, and that he & Sami both love each other, their lives are none of his business. Stefano tells him he still has the evidence on Will, and would give it to him as a wedding gift. Thus he could keep Samantha in line. EJ gets a call from the jet pilot, assures him that both he & his father are going nowhere, and thus learns Sami was going out of town. He orders the pilot to do nothing without authorization from either his father or him.

Later, Sami is now all dressed up, putting files in her briefcase, EJ comes in. She has to go to Chicago, meeting about the spring line, get it all straightened out. He notes she did not mention it to him, she replies, why should she, this is her job, her responsibility.

He starts yapping about cleaning up her murders, waving that envelope around, telling her this is the proof she was involved in it. She thanks him, reaches her hand out, but he puts the envelope in his back pocket, for "safekeeping". She notes it could be thrown in the fire, but nope. EJ is getting angrier as he talks, wanting to know when they will be as they used to be. She spits out about trust, being trustworthy, how he broke that with her by not telling her about Kristen drugging her brother and raping him. EJ wonders how long he will be blamed for something his sister did, over which he had no control. She talks of having to leave, but he lets her know she is going no where, and the plane cannot take off without his say so. Sami is realizing that all Kate warned her about is coming to pass. EJ closes both sets of doors to the room, yelling that they are going to settle this. He wants to know if they are going to be married, she tells him after all, they are engaged. But that doesn't answer his question. Sami seems to be bracing herself, as EJ stands in front of her, looking as tho the ultimatum is at hand.
Did I see Bryan Dattilo's (Lucas) name back in the line up at the end of the show today? are or was I seeing things?

edited to add character name...please remember that not everyone knows the real names of the actors who play the various characters....JS
Well, I wonder if Kate’s speech to Sami is the light bulb to wake Sami up from the nightmare she has been living for two years and about the decisions she has been making! God love Stefano the villain, he is the most loveable villain on screen. Rafe and Stefano made the show watchable today. I like how Rafe/Jordan relationship is proceeding. Will is right the bird watcher knows!

It’s a shame that they have to use trickery with the spoilers to gain more viewers; I will say Rafe/Jordan kiss was HOT but not unexpected! I thought last years New Years Eve bash was much more exciting, Nicole holding up junior while Rafe/Sami kiss!
When Gabi first walked in to Rafe's apartment, he joked to her that she just missed Nick. She freaked and he said he meant Pete the PT, the guy who LOOKS LIKE Nick. I said this on here already but I still think this is the guy hired to be the Nick look-alike, especially now that Rafe said it out loud. That is why he keeps morphing into Nick every time Gabi sees him(i.e. the photo session). That is my personal opinion.

Why is Lucas sitting at Club TBD all day in a suit? I did like him getting introduced to Jordan, I actually think there might be more chemistry with him and her than with Rafe and Jordan.

I liked how Jordan immediately fell to the ground when she saw Rafe on the floor. However, didn't that used to be a full-sized couch? It looked more like an extra large chair today. Other than that, still not sold on these 2. Though today was one of their better days.

LOVED the conversation between Kate and Sami in the park however, notice that Kate did not mention the rape(s) or any of the past things EJ has done to Sami. Nor did she mention the previous time he blackmailed Sami into marriage. Instead it was made to look like Stefano is a creep and EJ is no different. This is true but I wanted more. Definitely a good start though. Nothing surprising about the EJ-Sami scenes, except maybe to Sami herself.

I didn't really care for the Abby-Gabi-Will-Sonny-Percy scenes today. deleted spoiler info in non-spoiler forum...JS
I said this on here already but I still think this is the guy hired to be the Nick look-alike
It's not, but due to the spoiler nature of this, that's all that can be said.

Edited to say that according to Jason47, that was the Nick lookalike Days hired. I saw a picture of the lookalike, and to me, he looked nothing like Pete, the physical therapist, which is why I didn't think he was the lookalike.
I haven't watched yet, but I was wondering from the promo what EJ was kicking out of the study. I saw it mentioned somewhere else today, but can someone confirm it was Sami's suitcase he was kicking out the doors as he closed them :rotfl:. She can't use the Dimera jet to go handle Dimera business without EJ's permission and he refuses to destroy the evidence that could implicate his fiance. Everything she gets from EJ, she deserves at this point.
It was advice day in Salem: Stefano with his history of disastrous relationships presuming to give EJ advice on how to handle Sami, and Kate offering tips to the blonde screecher on the true nature of DiMera men (she also ought to have offered Sami advice on how to dress for a serious business meeting). Speaking of Samantha Gene, if she learns that Percy the part-time Santa/birdwatcher is still lurking in the park, she ought to call the Immigration and Naturalization Service and use her DiMera influence to get him deported back to the UK. As for EJ, despite his long experience with the Salem P.D., he seems to be seriously overestimating its ability to follow clues. He's clearly not familiar with the Ford Decker affair where a Salem P.D. forensics "expert" failed to figure out that the date-rapist had been buried in the sorority house basement despite arriving minutes after its removal by ace body snatcher Max Brady. In the kudos department, since jumping to conclusions and discussing private/secret matters in very public locations is a way of life in Salem, Sonny deserves credit for not assuming that Percy saw Tricky Nicky take his unplanned dip in the river, as does EJ for actually closing all the doors to the DiMansion living room when he had to discuss something confidential with Sami. These are a pair of Salem miracles. Finally, given Lucas's expression when he met Jordan, the devious Kate might want to consider encouraging him to pursue a relationship, which if successful would leave Rafe completely unattached and perhaps interested in again sharing a bed with Ms. Blue Chunk.
I loved Kate's conversation with Samantha and her warnings - and then it all happened just like she said it would.
Elvis again is a big pansy - blustering that he wouldn't blackmail Samantha to Stefano - then that's exactly what he did. I Loved the look on Samantha's face when she realized what Elvis was doing!!
I was :rotfl:when the pilot of the jet called Elvis to say it's ready and his reaction. Now seriously why would Samantha just take off on a trip on the DiMera jet without informing anyone? What about her children that she loves so much? Not a thought given to them :rolleyes:
Rafe in a towel - hubba hubba - it was like a late Christmas present :clap:
And Lucas too - he looked really, really, really good!
Nick's text to Abby was freakin' hilarious (the part about things going "swimmingly"). LOVED Gabi's reaction! :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

It may be cold here, but the temps were definitely rising at the sight of Rafe in a towel today! I second meldrel's "hubba hubba"!!
I liked the Kate/Sami scene, but how could Kate not mention at least a few of the things EJ has done to Sami (rape, blackmail marriage, Sydney kidnapping, Fake Rafe), and where is the real Sami who shouldn't need to be reminded of any of these things in the first place.

Will and Sonny discussing Nick's death out in the open? Didn't Kate, Sami, and Gabi already do that enough? I see Gabi is still freaking out. "Fiesty blond friend," if the bird watcher doesn't know something, I will be surprised.
Sonny's "Nickmare" was pretty unsettling. Of course, Sonny "sees" him without the rock gash, since he wasn't involved with that. Still creepy.

When Sonny opened the closet, I was waiting for someone to fall out of it. I just don't trust that closet anymore. The way the sets magically change, maybe the closet should be removed, we'd never notice, right?:rotfl:

All this cryptic Percy dialogue is confusing as heck, which it is meant to be. When he spoke about something being stuck in the lake and impeding the flow, was he referring to Nick, or was it just coincidence?

Sami should know by now that she has no rights/privileges, so how could she possibly think that the private jet was available to her alone, without authorization?:confused:

Kate spoke da truth about Sami being in EJ's grip...his knowledge is power.

For someone who is "over" Rafe, Kate isn't acting like it. Rafe can take care of himself, she doesn't need to be his guard dog.

Lucas sure lit up when he met Jordan, but I don't see that pairing happening.

This is not the first time we have been treated to Rafe in his towel, all shiny and clean. Why was I not surprised that Jordan found him that way?

Did I miss something? Didn't Kate tell Gabi and Sami that she is sending texts from Nick's phone? If so, Gabi should not have reacted so jumpy when Abby told her she received the text from Nick. That girl needs to calm down.

What's wrong with Sami, why isn't she delirious with joy at being engaged? Gee, if I was locked up in the DiLivingRoom and yelled at by EJ, I'd be downright giddy with joy!:sarcasm:
I third meldrel's "hubba hubba"!! Nothing like seeing a shirtless Rafe to take the chill out of the below zero temperatures! No one will have the chemistry that Rafe/Sami had. But I do like Rafe/Jordan! Sami could turn into Mother Teresa but it still wouldn’t be enough to redeem her, she is ruined forever, she doesn’t deserve a loving relationship. Kate has nothing to offer Rafe and Rafe is too young to be saddled with a great-grandma, he needs someone younger so he can have a family. But I’m willing to give them a chance; I know there won’t be fireworks, chemistry, and passion like with Sami, but I believe that was a once in a lifetime relationship on a daytime soap.