Days of our Lives, Thurs., Jan. 23, 2014

Thanks for the summary!

Brady sniffling so much is realistic for someone snorting drugs, especially cocaine. I notice they haven't shown him doing it like before but the constant sniffling makes me think he's still using.

Alcohol poisoning can be seen clearly without tests. Puffiness of eyes & red blotches on the face are tale tell signs.

I usually like Hope but she should really open her eyes about Ciara. As cute as Ciara is, she has already done things in the past that should have Hope not so hoity toity about Ciara's innocence in everything. Bullying just hits a little close to home for me. So far I have never disliked Hope as much as I do thru this stoyline.

Gabi sure didn't freak out this much during the Andrew storyline & to me she was more guilty of wrongdoings then.

Please don't go back to the priesthood Eric. I finally got on board with non-drunk Nicole. I would love to see her & Eric rekindle what they had before sans the trust issues (when Eric was played by Jensen Ackles).

Now let's get this baby christened for heavens sake!! By the time it finally happens at this rate the girl will be graduating college!
Heavens to betsy, I bet EJ never foresaw any of this when he was trying to uncover the dynamic trio's secret. Between trying to temper emotional Abby, Gabi hurling herself at him in despair, and Julie playing Inspector Gadget, he is probably wishing he was in hiding with Kristen right now. And where are the masterminds behind the "dump him in the river" plot, grandma and great-grandma....probably out getting facials for Ari's christening. Sometimes EJ, it's best NOT to know everything LOL.
Let me again say a huge thank you to The Writer for stepping in to help us out. It is unusual for all 3 of us to be unable to do the show (Sparkster just had her 2nd baby, remember, plus she runs a business from home), so definitely are very grateful. Good job. I only saw the lst 25 minutes or so....So thank you to Mandie for posting the whole thing. I can catch up now. One of these days I am going to find someone who will be able to hook up my tape machine to my Direct TV. LOL. (I pay so much a month already, the extra payment for DVR taping seems just tooo much. )
Mandie Blanchard--Yes, I totally agree-Gabi has gone cuckoo, but...not for EJ, just cuckoo in general. She looks to EJ to do something to make it all just 'go away"
Once she in a care facility, she'll meet up with Nick who has no idea who she is, since the ice water gave him amnesia !!
Having amnesia is a basic on any soap!!
Terrific job, the personal commentaries.

Brady has become insufferable but have to give major props to his portrayer, Eric Martsolf, who is totally convincing as someone with addiction issues. :drunk:

Where's Maxine? No offense to the actress playing the nurse who signed out Nicole, but I miss Maxine. :cry:

I thought the conversation between Nicole and Eric was very thoughtful, and Eric's plan is conservative and logical. I hope that there is something good in their future, whether or not they share it together. The biggest conflict would be if Eric is cleared, and after all that transpired to do so, he decides to have a relationship with Nicole instead of returning to the Church. Just one scenario of several that are possible.

Brady openly telling Daniel that he hates Eric is so rotten. The fact that he still refuses to understand that Eric had no control over his actions makes me really angry. :mad:

I admire Hope for her restraint, but this is instilled in her due to her profession. Aiden is really a brick wall. At the same time, I don't know why Father Matt didn't call Hope to tell her about Ciara, so that she could deal with the problem. Hope can't know what is going on at school unless someone tells her, and Aiden needs to give Hope the benefit of the doubt. Yes, part of what he said was true, in that Hope, admittedly, hasn't been paying much attention to Ciara, but Aiden comes off as a bully himself and needs to allow Hope some leeway. They are soooo "Moonlighting." :)

I guess my saying that Gabi has calmed down was a rush to judgment, she is about to explode. I can't say that I blame her, though, when Julie was so brutally direct, saying that Gabi still has feelings for Nick, which we know is not true. And I agree that it was the wrong time/place to discuss this.

Gabi's crying on EJ's chest was just too much. I do think she has a crush on him, even after all that he has done to Rafe.

Abby and Julie really do need to open their own detective agency. When Abby asked EJ if Gabi killed Nick, that was way too close for comfort. This is going to be blown wide open soon, I can feel it in my arthritic bones. :eek:

I continue to :love: Arianna. When she looked up at Abby, who wasn't paying attention, I started cooing to her, as if she was looking at me. I'm hooked. Baby love. Much baby love.

That line about EJ taking care of Julie like he did Abby was priceless.:rotfl:

Ciara is obviously not as important as a cousin with a criminal past. That is criminal.

I just hope the christening happens. The sun will definitely not be coming out tomorrow, so Annie better get Sandy and run for the hills!
Great job TheWriter. I loved your comments too.

I think the star of the show today was baby Arianna. She kept
looking at EJ and Abby when they were talking to each other.
EJ said something at the end waiting on Abby. Arianna turned
her head to Abby like "your turn".

Did Theresa get brownie points with Daniel today when she helped Brady?
I hope not. I think Kate needs to make some just for her :)

I'm glad Brady told Daniel the truth about the phone calls.

Nice to see Harold today since we saw Henderson Wed.

Enjoyed Hope and Julie. Maybe the sisters will find
out what "the three did"

How long will it take for Hope to talk to Ciara
about what she did to Chase? And why is Ciara
picking on him?

I'm glad Eric and Nicole told each other again how
they felt, and they know they need to wait awhile
to see if things will work out.
This baby is beyond adorable. I'm just in love with her!

I believe I'm in a minority on this one but I can't help myself. Nicole has been in love with Eric since forever and to me his vocation (not his faith) was mostly a result of his guilt about events that weren't his fault, plus having been deeply hurt by Nicole taking Kate's bribe to marry Lucas, which I think has messed her up ever since as well. It took a lot to revive my interest in where this show was going, but I sobbed through the scenes between Eric and Nicole today (thanks to the videos posted here). I am so rooting for this couple now.

And major kudos to The Writer for the terrific summary !!!
I have never, ever seen a baby pay attention to adults who are talking, the way little Arianna does. She seems to look right into people's eyes and it really does look like she is following conversations and hanging on every word. She is simply adorable, especially when she does that.

Whew, that Aiden has a bad case of the nasties! Not only is he rude and smart mouthed, today he spoke down to Hope and belittled her parenting abilities because she is a woman. She did a good job of keeping her composure. My mouth dropped, though, when Father Matt said the problem between Ciara and Chase had been going on since November! What?? And nobody thought it appropriate to call Hope during all this time? It's going to take some doing to turn this new character around for me.
I believe I'm in a minority on this one but I can't help myself. Nicole has been in love with Eric since forever and to me his vocation (not his faith) was mostly a result of his guilt about events that weren't his fault...

Completely agree with you. I posted something similar on here a while ago.
November! What?? And nobody thought it appropriate to call Hope during all this time?

Good point. What was this Aiden doing in Father Matt's office? Doesn't St. Luke's School have a principal or teachers who could have informed Hope that Ciara was going rogue? Is this place as poorly run as University Hospital and the Salem P.D.? Does it have it's own Jennifer-style no-show employees? Because Father Eric is suspended, Father Matt appears to be a one-man show at St. Luke's. The poor man has to say daily Mass, hear confessions, visit the sick, conduct funerals, perform marriages, attend to parish paperwork, etc., etc. He can't handle the school's problems too. If the St. Luke's administrators and faculty don't step up to the plate, Father Matt is going to exhaust himself and need a long vacation on Walton's Mountain.
Nicole in her hospital room, day-dreaming about Eric's love for her. You can tell that she is setting herself up for a huge disappointment. Eric gradually edging closer to Nicole as they talk.
The behavior of the two in The Square was absurd. Sitting closely, caressing her hair, and a final embrace... in public?! What would any parishioner watching think? Or, the bishop?
Do I detect a glimmer of an idea in Nicole's eye that she could torpedo Eric's chances to return to the priesthood, thus making his decision for him?

EJ to Abby re Julie: She's "been watching too many whodunits in her Golden Years!" :rotfl:

A Hope/Aiden pairing is impossible. She would have to kick his butt on a daily basis. As would anyone else coming into contact with him.