Days of Our Lives - Thurs. July 15, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Thursday, July 15, 2010
Episode #11375 Taped 5/11 Director – Noel Maxam

Warning! Get your boots and barf bags ready – you may need them. Or not. :) Nicole stands at the DiMera front door trying to talk, but Sami’s mouth is going faster than a machine gun as she accuses Nicole of being jealous that EJ is living a happy family life and she is not. Nicole keeps trying to get Sami to let her get a word in edgewise, to no avail. Upstairs, EJ is talking to Arianna, who doesn’t know where Nicole is, he is very frustrated and angry as he ends the call. In comes little Johnny with some puzzle game or some kind of toy, asking Daddy if he can fix this this. EJ is in no mood, hollers at Johnny that he is like his grandfather, always wanting something fixed, picks up a piece off the base, slams it down, saying there, that is it. He then takes the whole thing out of Johnny’s hands, throwing it all on the floor in anger. Johnny stands there, lower lip quivering, hands clasped in front of him. Finally, a contrite EJ, gets down on one knee, apologizes to Johnny, telling him this is why they all need to get away together….you, me, Allie, Sydney, Will & Mommy, all by ourselves. Johnny nods.

Downstairs Sami is still yammering a mile a minute, Nicole finally gets to say, I just want to tell you that EJ is the one who…..And nope…she doesn’t get to say, as EJ comes storming into the room, yelling “What the hell are you doing here” to Nicole. Sami tells EJ to take out the trash and leaves the room. Nicole now tells EJ she was not going to tell Sami the whole thing, just a hint. He gets threatening, but she warns him that anything happens to her, those tapes will go out to the world. She leaves, Sami returns to the room with the assurance Nicole is gone. Now Sami seems to get a few brain cells activated, asking EJ what it is Nicole has on him. She may not like Nicole, but she knows her. EJ puts on a long face, confessing that he has kept something from her, should have told her long ago, tried but could not….and then relates how the pipes breaking in her place was not an accident, that he had talked with his father who “arranged” for the accident. Sami swallows this hook, line and sinker….being just a tad angry at first, commenting on how she was going to leave, and EJ wanted her to stay. She ends up laughing about it, as EJ talks of them being all together and enjoying it.
He now tells her that he talked to the plane pilot, who is waiting on the tarmac right now, they can all leave tonight for some remote beach in Monaco, all they have to do is pack, in fact he will get someone to pack for her. Sami protests….Will is not gonna want to go flying off suddenly, Sydney has trouble with her ears, one of the twins gets airsick…no, no, they are not going. EJ gets a bit ticked, telling Sami she doesn’t want to go because of Rafe. Her face changes, she denies it, telling him he has no reason to suggest such a thing. Then tells him to go off to his beach in Monaco or wherever, enjoy himself. She is staying here. She walks out of the room, he picks up his phone, calling Marco and telling him angrily to get him Nicole.

Hope sees Bo & Carly kissing at the nurses’ station, turns away. Bo & Carly are wishing they could just spend the afternoon together, say their good-byes and Bo leaves. Hope goes up to Carly, quietly telling her that however they feel about each other, Bo is the Police Commissioner, and it doesn’t look good for this married man to be engaging in public displays of affection out at the nurses’ station, where anyone could come up. She mentions being married to Bo for 25 years, knows him very well, and how close he is to her family…that at any minute, 11 Hortons could have come around that corner…Bo has come up behind her, says they have to talk. And in some room they have a confrontation. She admits she left, things just were all jumbled for her and she needed some time. Bo asks how long he was supposed to wait, she snaps back, how about a month? He reminds her she is the one who wanted the divorce. They go back and forth, Hope finally saying this is the last time she will talk to him about this, she leaves. Carly can see things did not go well, Bo admits Hope is acting odd, this is not like her. Carly talks of the time Hope was so nice to her in the park, but then next time so different.

Adrienne sits with Justin at the Pub, trying to get him to admit something is off with Hope. Justin makes excuses about troubles with Bo, losing her grandmother and Ciara having issues, but Adrienne knows Hope well, she is just not herself. Justin will not admit this to Adrienne, who gets up and leaves. After she is gone, he does admit it to himself.
Adrienne goes to see Bo, and tells him she is worried about Hope. She even tells having seen Hope kissing Justin, and how later Hope was acting as though it never happened.
Back at the Pub, Victor sits with a martini, Justin joins him, wondering why he is having his martini there, Henderson makes the best. Vic agrees, but complains that since he married Viv, Henderson is off his game. Viv must make everyone nervous. Justin mentions to Victor how odd Hope has been acting, Victor has noticed, makes the same excuses about her grandmother dying and husband acting like a jerk. But admits he is concerned, too.

Hope is in her bedroom, in her PJs, clearly upset. She pops a sleeping pill, breathes a sigh. Next she is asleep, wakes up, saying it is time. She gets up, turns on the bedside light. And then we see her out and about, bumping into Carly, all smiles, and hellos.

Kate sits at the Pub (absolutely LOVE her outfit, white suit, dark grey blouse, fabulous necklace) as Chad joins her. He wanted to talk to her about his mom, what she was like when she was young. Kate does the usual” funny, witty, smart” replies, but Chad presses her, asking why they were no longer friends, (went different ways) and then talking of how his mom put herself thru school, asking what kind of job she had. Kate gets up, has to leave, has an appt. and takes off. She calls Maddie.
And Maddie is sitting with her husband in the park, on a picnic bench, drinking wine, talking of her appt. as an appellate court judge. The D.A. comments how nowadays, the press and everyone really wants to know everything. Maddie gets a bit nervous, then gets the call from Kate, warning her of Chad’s questions. She leaves, thanks her husband for the time out, and later meets up with her son on the pier. She starts telling him that he is going to have to be careful, that his life and actions can become fodder, talking of how with this appointment to the appellate court, her previous papers, rulings, etc. are fair game but not their personal lives. Chad finally confronts her about her young life, wanting to know about the time when she was a whore.

Kate waits outside an office to conveniently “bump” into the D.A. She starts talking of Maddie’s appt to the appellate court, hoping their previous friendship won’t cause a problem. The DA cannot even imagine why it should. He leaves, Kate smiles, commenting how the man is absolutely clueless.

Brady is on the phone with Melanie, explaining about his breakup with Arianna. Victor overhears, comes into the room after Brady finishes his call, sympathizes, says he knows he feels things, like his mother…and tho Victor doesn’t know what that is like, he tries to understand…and will leave Brady alone. He just hopes Brady finds a woman who will make him happy. Brady smiles…”as happy as gramma made you?”. Bite me, Vic retorts. LOL Now Brady calls Nicole, leaving a message to ignore his other one, going to answer the door, and there she is. He wants to know what it is she has on EJ, and after warning him not to get angry, and to stay calm, she tells him that EJ was the one who hired Anna to kidnap Sydney. It was all his idea, yes, to pretend Sydney was dead, too. Brady is furious, and head out the door to clobber that SOB, and we can all pick our jaws up off the floor, as Nicole was just having a daydream. They talk a bit, Brady knows she must have something on EJ, with the way the guy acted, taking the mike and spouting off. Now Nicole has another daydream, of telling Brady, only this time, she is telling about breaking in the DiMera house, overhearing Stefano & EJ talking, but Brady realizes she was there to look for something cuz she really DID frame Arianna, and he gets angry. Oops, Nicole pulls herself together in real time, now. Brady & Nicole trade “trust me, can I trust you, yes you can” remarks back and forth, and he bluntly asks exactly what she has on EJ.

Sounds like a great show today. Will have to watch this one. Thanks for the update Poirot. Sure wish it was not a dream of Nicole's and that EJ is outed. Oh well a girl can hope no? Seems like Hope is NightTime Hope again.
Looks like EJ is starting to crack from the stress that Nicole put him under.
Thanks for the writeup.

I really don't know how much more of stupid Pod Sami I can take. EJ admits to her that the pipes bursting in the townhouse was no accident, and instead of tearing him a new one, she ends up laughing about it? You're right, I do need a barf bag. And EJ once again loses his temper in front of one of the children. I'm waiting for an episode where he smacks one of them. Yep, that's Father of the Year material right there.

Bo and Carly kissing...yuck. I need another barf bag for that scene.
No comment re story, but i hate the word whore. Isn't a whore one who "gives it away" and a prostitute gets paid. Just wish there was a different word. If they don't get Bo and Hipe on the right road pretty soon, the whole world may hear me scream!!!
I'm confused ( but then it doesn't take much). When Brady says to Victor,"as happy as gramma made you" Who is Brady talking about? Isabella's mother? I didn't think Brady knew her. Can anyone explain this to me.
Sorry, Ma.......he DOES say "gramma Viv". He was being facetious....which was why Victor replied with the "bite me". :)
Oh Nicole Just tell him, please please please! You can trust him!

Ok sorry guys, I had a small melt down... LOL
wow.....the whole episode was a tempest in a teapot....we get so close to closure and then we are thrown back as we open the lid!
how do you feel now when you see ej throw a fit in front of his son and smash the kid's toys? macho, how loving.....what a prize of a guy eh?

hokay....rant over

thanks for the fantastic write up as always Barb!
Thanks for the write-up. If Nicole is going to tell anyone, she will tell Brady. But honestly I don't see her doing anything for quite a while.

I am ready for the Sydnapping s/l to be over with and the Nighttime Hope one as well. At least with the Nighttime Hope one people are starting to realize that Hope is acting really bizarre. I sure hope that someone figures it out and SOON!!
And EJ once again loses his temper in front of one of the children. I'm waiting for an episode where he smacks one of them. Yep, that's Father of the Year material right there.

Not just loses his temper "in front of" one of the children but "at" one of them with absolutely no provocation. I think TPTB have finally picked a direction and decided to do whatever it takes to make it undeniably clear that EJ is nothing but an abusive sociopath to everyone he has ever claimed to love, even his children. Of course, Days may be intended to finally fix that mistake as well and let poor little Johnny have a decent, loving father in Lucas.
Thank you , Barb.

I won't even comment on the Sami / EJ / Johnny scenes. I don't want to get reprimanded or banned.

Nicole just tell already.

@KathyLu - When I started to read your above reply to rew, I thought "KathyLu has lost her ever lovin' mind!" Then I saw the puking comment. You really had me going for a second.

@Rioks - I sure hope that tbtp are going in that direction.
I've always known that the children would eventually suffer the rage, abuse, manipulation, violence and anger that define EJ and other sociopaths who abuse. Johnny is beyond the "baby" stage. When he is old enough to "talk back" he will really be at risk, as will all of the other kids. Will has been threatened; I hope Will has not forgotten the EJ hiding behind the grin.

Shakespeare said it well: "That one may smile and smile and yet a villain be."
EJ's action toward Johnny is not acceptable, couldn't the writers of picked a different way to complete the picture that EJ is phycotic (as if that wasn't clear already). I know the kids & teens on Dool's are just actors, but I can't help but think some of the episodes go to far they are still young impressionable little people. And I know the rest of us are adults sharing our opinion about a non-fiction soap opera but the use of terms like ho, whore, liar, I'm going to kill whom ever, depths of hate for one character or the other, these are all very hateful things to say or feel about even a soap character. IMHO
Like my grandma use to say "ugly is as ugly says or does" & I wouldn't of even thought to express myself in these ways. The only spanking I ever got as a child was when I called a cousin a whore on the way home from school. She ran & told my mom & of course mom put me into my bedroom until my Dad got home from work. He walked me to the hedge out side for me to pick my own switch and you can bet I never said the word whore again & that was my first and last spanking I must of been about 14 years old. Don't beat me up to bad, it's just MHO.