Days of Our Lives - Thurs., July 18, 2013


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our lives
Thursday, July 18, 2013

A new day in Salem, new clothes, and the sun seems to be shining. At St. Lukes, Eric & Father Matt return from taking Bishop White & the Monsignor on a tour of all the buildings, etc. Father Matt is praising Eric, all his doing, etc. etc. The Bishop gets a phone call, tis Kristen, butter melting in her mouth as she insists on meeting with him personally, as she has something to tell him, in person, that could affect the school. She will be right down to the church. As she opens the door to leave, there stands John!! He has come to warn her to stay away from his son. She is having a hissy fit, he mentions Brady asking him if she backed off during that "encounter". She wants to know what he told him. John is non-committal, just referring to her as more or less a lying, vengeful, vixen, or something of that nature. She orders him to leave, shuts the door, and throws the vase of flowers to the floor in frustration. (Poor Harold & Mary sure do have to clean up a lot of smashed items). She looks in the mirror, again telling herself that brady will never forgive her, and to focus, focus. She has copied the video clip to her phone, I think,but the tablet & phone go in her big purse, and off she goes.

At the Pub, Nicole runs into EJ, and a long conversation ensues about his throwing over his father. I get a kick of Nicole, who knows EJ so well, she asks questions about the timeline, but answers herself every time, and correctly. She even asks what Sami thought about what he was going to do, and immediately says, of course, you never told her. EJ assures her Sami is fine with it, and now Nicole warns him over and over about Stefano paying him back. EJ doesn't seem to be worried at all, Stefano is old. But Nicole tells him he has put his children in jeopardy, and she loves them, always has, always will, and they are going to suffer now for what he did. EJ keeps telling her he has it all in check. No problem. Now and then they talk of St Lukes's, EJ seems to think she is very protective of Father Eric. She assures him she works for St. Lukes, she is protective of all the priests there.

Jennifer comes into her office to find Theresa doing her nails, listening to music, ignoring her work. Jen tries to reason with her, Theresa is very off-handed, doesn't really want to be stuck in this dull job like some middle-aged woman, wants something fun to do. Jen is rather exasperated, thought her parents wanted her to get a fresh start, which causes Theresa to say she can do as she pleases. Jen tells her it is her choice what she does, Theresa whines about wanting to take a gift from her mother to Father Eric, Jen gives her permission, but says she knows how long it takes to walk there and back, so, make sure she gets to work when she returns.

JJ is showing Rory some very expensive shoes he just purchased. Abby comes in, tells Rory she wants to talk to JJ alone. JJ is claiming the shoes are really Rory's, they wear about the same size. Rory leaves, and Abby wants to talk about Daniel, but JJ doesn't. She lets him know of the "break" mom & Daniel are taking, he's a good guy, blah, blah. She reminds him that while Daniel is not dad, he is good to their mom. JJ hops right on that, saying it seems her & mom seem to have forgotten Dad. Abby says that is a mean & hurtful thing to say or even think. She misses Dad, and misses her brother as well, because this guy in front of her is not him. She is disappointed and so would Dad be if he was here. She leaves.
Theresa shows up at the rectory, gives "Preach" the gift from her mom. It is Grampa Shawn's bible. Gramma gave it to Kim at Shawn's funeral, but Kim thinks Eric should have it. Now Theresa (gad I hate that name for her) lets him know she is not into religion, he won't find her around here, etc. He asks her to maybe come to the reception before the celebratory mass, but she takes a pass on it.

Brady is in the park, flashing back to what his dad said about Kristen, along comes Daniel on his run. They chat, brady tells him about seeing Kristen last night, and then his dad, etc. Daniel does advise him that no matter what Kristen said this one time, the fact is she spent months deceiving him, playing him. Oh, Brady agrees, blah, blah.
Daniel has picked up Parker, getting him ready to take a swim, life preserving cuffs on his arms, etc. Jen happens by, sees them, but doesn't say a word.
Brady is at home, getting dressed, looking for his tie, (in rather stupid places in my opinion) and then having a day dream about Kristen coming to him with it.

Jen comes home, JJ talks to her about how they used to all go for runs back in London, would like to go again with her, just the two of them. Jen would love that. She starts to leave the room, spots those shoes. The receipt is still in the box, she sees they cost $500. JJ claims they are Rory's, who is letting him borrow them. Jen doesn't say anything at first, but then says o.k. but you better return them, I don't want them here when I return, and if they are, I will call Rory's mother to make sure what you said is right. JJ gets huffy that she doesn't believe him, but she walks out. He calls Rory, has a problem.

Theresa calls JJ, is out of the weed, needs more, wants him to come down to the hospital, his mom isn't there. She hangs up, and in a minute or two Abby walks in, asking who she is. Theresa stands up, is the assistant, Jen is there, hands Abby & paper & pencil to leave a message. Abby starts to write, stops, is sniffing the air, that odd smell. Oh, my gosh, were you smoking weed in here? (I think JJ appears in the door way but skedaddles upon seeing Abby). Theresa is denying anything, Abby looks at her, "Your eyes are huge". You have been smoking weed in here.

Kristen comes in the reception hall, introducing herself to the Bishop. She hems & haws around as Kristen usually does before getting down to business. She tries to throw her family's weight around, but the Bishop is on the ball, is aware of her family in town, and of her former position on the board. LOL. He now mentions that she said what she wanted to tell him would affect the school, she says Yes, it would. The Monsignor comes in, needs to speak with the Bishop privately. They go off, the Bishop will return in a few minutes. And in walks Brady. They stand face to face.

Over at the rectory office, EJ arrives to talk to Father Eric. He has a gift, a donation, wants to surprise Samantha. Eric looks at the check, is astounded, says he will have Nicole change something or other so that EJ & Sami are announced as founders. This causes Ej to being talking of Nicole, just ran into her, she is so protective of Father Eric. Eric looks puzzled. "Protective". Yes. EJ chooses his words carefully, as he goes on. "The same way she was protective of Brady, Daniel....she is in love with you.
Too funny, my husband walked in just as Brady came into that reception area. Suit, tie, and unshaven. He comments, don't any of those guys ever shave? So he had walked thru the room, EJ was in suit, tie, unshaven. Daniel was looking his usual unkempt self. unshaven, and looking as tho he needed a shower.
At least we can try to attribute JJ's actions on his father's death and him not having his family around to help him deal with his feelings/loss. This makes him at least tolerable for me. But with Theresa, I've just about had enough. This girl comes out of nowhere with a chip on her shoulder and we're not given the slightest hint of what her issues stem from. She's not some troubled teenager, she's an irritating adult. And we already have enough of those in this town.
Nicole is the smartest person in Salem, she has Ej's number completely.. She knows that man inside and out... Although Ej does have Nicole's number, he is however missing a few digits....That's why Nicole has oftentimes been able to fool Ej, Ej could never fool Nicole as he does Sami...
Apparently fancy-schmancy tennis shoes!

Who knows if they even bought them legitimately. They could've been stolen shoes that were originally $500 and the kids bought them hot for a lot less. Either way, it sent up warning bells for Jennifer and Abby.
I watched bits and pieces today flipping back and forth between GH I wanted to see junior/Nicole excellent scenes like always they have amazing chemistry together. TPTB sure missed the boat by not making them the new power couple of Salem. After listening to them today Nicole giving junior a blow by blow description of what his life is going to be like, the golden couples lives will explode into a ball of fire and rain down in millions of pieces. Like always…
I SO wanted today to be the day of Kristen's "film festival" but ...drats, no way. Guess that will be on Friday.
I don't think Brady in his mixy-matchy tie to go with Kristen's dress will change anything. They'll spend a lot of time on Friday
going over the same ole stuff, she'll flip out again and oops, the video is on the big screen for all to see and gasp !!
re super expensive shoes.... I just shipped a pair of Nike shoes to a friend in Europe these shoes contained a chip in the shoes with a usb port so you could download how far you had run gone while wearing the shoes..... He bought them but they wouldn't ship to Europe so he had them sent to me and I shipped them to him..... guess those would go for a pretty penny.... my New Balance off the racks are a mere $120.... why??? I have no idea..... they aren't fancy shoes.... just white all purpose "tennis shoes".....