Days of Our Lives -Thurs., July 23, 2020


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Thursday, July 23, 2020

Replay of the last scenes yesterday. Julie pronounces man & wife, Ciara & Ben walk down aisle, confetti falls everywhere, she turns to embrace her mom, turns back to rejoin Ben, whose hand is stretched out to her, she reaches out to him, Kaboom! Smoke, debris, everyone is falling to the floor, the door swing shut to where Ben fell. Very smokey, flames start up, bedlam. John comes to, small head wound, calling for Doc, Will rushes up, got her outside already. Xander gets Sarah up, both begin to pitch in to help others, Jake & Rafe get Gabi up, she hurt her ankle, needs to be helped.

Will checks on Allie, who says she is o.k., but then faints. Xander carries her out. Eli & Lani get up, wiping off debris, have to help. He wants Lani to go to hospital, she wants him to stay & help, Doug says he & Julie will see she gets there. Shawn finds Hope, helps her up, both see Ciara, and rush to her, get her up, she is screaming for Ben, there are flames blocking the door, no one can get there. Rafe is pulling things away, Hope wants her outside, she refuses, noting if it was Dad, you would not leave. No, she would not. Ciara is screaming Ben's name over and over, calling for him. A column has collapsed in front of the doors, the guys all work to clear it away. A couple firemen arrive. Xander has taken Allie to the hospital, Sarah is tying back her hair, sends him to a room.

The men are using fire extinguishers on the flames , get them out, continue to pull boards, various things away from the door, Ciara notes a hole, looks thru, calling for Ben, no answer, but she spots his shoe. More concerted effort now, they are past the doors, but big pile of debris, they figure Ben is trapped under, and go to work again.

Marlena comes rushing off the elevator at hospital, she & John exclaiming over both being o.k. , how frantic when they could not find each other. Will texted her to come to the hospital. Hugs, etc.

Will is at hospital with Allie, who is starving, wonders if he has a burger & fries on him. No, but he does have pkg. of gummy bears. Her fav. She munches, he is her favorite big brother, lol. She is sorry the adoption is so screwed up, Will understands, tis o.k. She talks of worrying now & caring about the baby (which she did not at first), just doesn't want to screw up it's life herself. She asks if that is selfish. Will says putting the baby before yourself is not selfish. John & Marlena arrive, Will asks how is John's head. Hard, he replies, lol, (bandage on it). They want to call her parents, Allie says no, they would just cause her misery. Will convinces her they should not keep something else from them, so she agrees but only after Sarah comes in with test results, & baby is o.k.

Jake & Gabi are at the DiMera house, Gabi sad because Jake is really not Stefan, tho looks like him, talks different, so will never talk like Stefan, & even dresses very differently. She knows she will never get Stefan back, hear his voice, but she likes being in DiMansion as she feels close to him there. Jake says Kate filled him in on mother, but he knows nothing about his father. This place is sure different than living wrong side of tracks where he was raised in Philly. Gabi says she can fill in a little bit, he has 11 siblings.

Over at the church, Eli cuts his hand, the guys urge him to go to hospital. He does, finds Julie in with Lani, calming her down. Lani is so scared of losing this baby, just cannot. Sarah comes in. When she first checked on Lani she was spotting, but they ran tests, checked everything, all o.k. Just stay her a bit longer. All is well.

Xander has been constantly around, Sarah grateful, he brings coffee, she won't leave, so many arriving for treatment. Then he is staying, too. She urges him to go home, get some sleep. He finally agrees, only if she will have dinner with him tomorrow........she readily agrees.

Ciara asks her mother to pray with her, they do, hug, go to where the men have finally removed most of the debris. Ciara picks up a piece, looks down, oh, my God........he's not there, where could he be?
Writers: Has it ever occurred to them to have a romantic wedding that goes smoothly from start to finish? Wedding debacles seem to be the rule rather than the exception and it's getting more than tiresome and predictable. Also, do the writers have to inject the theme of babies in distress at every opportunity. This is a depressing subject in real life and shouldn't be thrown in gratuitously to fill time.

Julie: Some things never change. In the wake of the explosion, the first thing she did was insult Gabi. If Julie had been on the Titanic, she probably would have been on the boat deck telling the officers in charge that certain people weren't worthy of a seat in the lifeboats.

Xander: All hail the mighty X-Man for coming to the rescue. If somebody tells Eric about Xander's heroics, will he just shrug them off or start scowling?

Father Louis: Pity this poor priest. He breaks with Catholic doctrine by letting his church be used for a civil marriage ceremony and the place gets wrecked by a bomb. He's going to have a hard time explaining this to the parishioners and Bishop Wright.

Jake: He's got a lot to learn about the DiMeras. It's too bad for him that Stefano didn't prepare for the possibility of future surprise children by publishing books with titles like My Greatest Revenge Plots, The Annotated Guide to the DiMera Family Tree and the Annotated Guide to My Friends, Tools, and Enemies. In this one, John would be listed under P for pawn.
Thanks for the recap. Dish hasn't had NBC for the last 2 days, at Days time. Manages to get it back for the 6:30 news.
Barbara, are you able to see the show at all?
Thanks, Poirot.

When everyone was tossing paper at Ben and Ciara, I wondered if it was fortunes from
cookies since the paper was small.

Somehow the stained glass windows weren't broken when the explosion happened.

Gabi kept telling Jake and Rafe about not forgetting her shoes.

Sarah must have driven to the hospital since she was in her doctor outfit when
Xander came off the elevator with Allie. Or maybe her doctor outfit is her
superhero outfit and she changed when flying to the hospital.

Will told Allie that Xander carried her to the hospital. She replied "the hot guy?" Lucky girl.

Allie is worried Sami will come to the hospital and do another food fight.

Marlena looked the same after the explosion. Her hair and dress weren't hurt at all.
Writers: Has it ever occurred to them to have a romantic wedding that goes smoothly from start to finish? Wedding debacles seem to be the rule rather than the exception and it's getting more than tiresome and predictable. Also, do the writers have to inject the theme of babies in distress at every opportunity. This is a depressing subject in real life and shouldn't be thrown in gratuitously to fill time.
When anyone on Days become a couple, you can be sure disaster at bay. This is how the writers are. They have a thing about love and happiness, so we know what to expect. The writers are in a time warp or something. :beat:
Pity this poor priest. He breaks with Catholic doctrine by letting his church be used for a civil marriage ceremony and the place gets wrecked by a bomb. He's going to have a hard time explaining this to the parishioners and Bishop Wright.
I was very surprised that the wedding took place in the church. There isn't a Catholic Church in the world, that I know of, that would allow a secular service to happen in the church.
It's a Brady wedding. They probably built that church when they weren't busy being fishermen, bar owners, and running the Salem Police Department. But you're absolutely right - that definitely isn't holding with the edicts of the Catholic church unless that building somehow became a place for non-denominational worship.

I have to say, though, they did that post-explosion search sequence pretty well, to show confusion and chaos. It wasn't, you know, prime time or major motion picture level, but for what they work with usually? That was well done.
How about the fact that there church is on fire due to an explosion from a bomb and everyone's talking in the church instead of getting out. Sarah is checking people out. Hope and Ciara are having a heart to heart. And there wasn't a fire fighter in sight, even though the rest of the guests had time to go to the hospital.