Days of Our Lives - Thurs., July 26 2018


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Thursday, July 26, 2018

Kate wakes up smiling, Good morning, Counselor, only Ted is not there. He is busy slipping another letter under Will’s door, but does return with a gift for Kate, sexy negligee. She asks if it is for her or him. Another roll in the hay, then he wants to take her out for breakfast, no, cannot be seen together. She figures when time passes they can meet casually, then begin to date. He notes she likes to call the shots.

Will & Paul wake up in bed, Paul noting that Will had a restless night’s sleep. Will claims it is the story he is working on, they also go for some morning sex, then Paul leaves, finds the letter on the floor. Will panics, grabs it, claims it is research, he promised not to divulge person. Later he meets with Sonny, shows him the letter, they wonder what the person wants, they don’t ask for money. In comes Ted, a bit of snark about Leo disappearing, Sonny had nothing to do with it, figured Leo realized it was ridiculous. He introduces Ted to Will, and eventually Ted smiles, departs. Both guys wonder what was up with him, but figured he just is angry he lost a big fee.

John & Marlena are in the square, acting very odd, agreeing to meet later, they know their mission, good luck, and they each go their own way.

Jen & Eric sit and talk, Marlena comes in, wanting to talk to Eric. Jen goes to take some calls, she asks Eric to walk her down the aisle, since her dad passed away a few years ago. He is honored, she says there is a catch, Brady is being asked as well, & they hope maybe the two can mend fences. Eric isn’t sure, he & Brady are civil, but he is game. They talk of Nicole, of Jennifer, Eric loves her, wakes up each day with a smile. Mrlena is happy for him. Jen returns, Marlena leaves. Jen overheard Eric’s admission, he repeats it, she loves him, too, tho was leery of doing so. Kiss.

Brady & Eve wake up, he is fingering tickets to a Cubs game, fab seats he bought for him & Tate, she hands him phone to call Tate. He does, talks of going to game when Tate returns, tells Eve Tate is spending a lot of time with Shane, while Theresa helps out Kim. He knows it is important for Tate to know his mother’s family. He answers the door, John arrives, asks how he is doing, etc. Eve goes to get dressed, Brady gives the tickets to John, who is delighted, wants to go with Brady, nope, take Paul. John grateful. Now asks Brady to walk Marlena down aisle with Eric, he declines, John makes heartfelt plea, Brady agrees. Hugs. Eve delighted they are getting along so well.

Kayla is with Steve, removes bandages, nope, no luck, doesn’t see a thing. He has her look in cabinet, where she finds a vase of beautiful yellow roses. Tripp helped Steve with it, in honor of the 30th anniversary of when they married. Kayla is touched, they begin talking of that day. And if you watch the show, pay close attention to Steve’s face as they do so. They talk of her dress, how much she loved it, he is laughing each time she mentions something. Then says you did look beautiful in that dress, but I really prefer my “lady in red”. Kayla looks down at her red blouse, get excited, can you see me, do you see me. Yes he can. Hugs, kisses, both so jubilant. (and for those not in the know, back in time, she was wearing a red dress, as they danced to the song Lady in Red).

John & Marlena arrive, wondering how things are going. Steve smiles, says not to worry, your best man won’t be dropping the rings. More excitement, John is thrilled, he goes, hugs Steve, a few times, is so happy. The women are giggles. When John & Marlena are gone, Kayla has come prepared, pulls out his black patch, removes the bandage covering his missing eye, puts on the patch, pulling his hair over the band. More hugs and kisses.

Kate is sitting at a table in the square (where else?) as John & Marlena come by, chatting happily. She comments they seem happier than usual, they tell of Steve being able to see again. Along comes Ted, who stops, ignoring John & Marlena, tells Kate she looks familiar, does he know her. No, may just have one of those faces. He introduces himself, she says her name back, they shake hands, Kate smirks a bit.

She runs into Paul later, chats about Will getting a few memories back, she was happy one was of her. She tells that Will told her of remembering having loved Sonny, but he loves Paul now. Paul is glad to hear this, glad Will told him this, and told Kate as well, as secrets are never good for a relationship. He leaves, Kate ponders.

Eric is walking with single rose, Eve pops out, beautiful flower, too bad it is wasted on Jennifer Rose. Eric is letting that one slide, asks how Brady is, then says Jen is on the trail of who planted the drugs in JJ’s apt. and is very good. She will find out.

Paul comes into the Pub, spots Will & Sonny having a very earnest conversation. He stands watching for a bit, wondering.

Jen comes to see Brady, breathlessly telling him she knows who planted the drugs, it was Kevin, the Child Services inspector. Someone paid him a lot of money to do it, someone who loves you very much and did not want to see you lose Tate. We both know who that probably is.
Jen sits with Eric, explaining how she got the guy to admit what he did with the planted drugs. Eric is shocked, but happy when Jen says she's going to figure out who was responsible for setting up Jeannie T like that. She leaves and Marlena comes in.

Marlena talks about the wedding; mentions to Eric how her dad (Grandpa Evans) died "a few years ago" and asks if he'd walk her down the aisle. Eric is delighted. There is one catch, she also wants Brady to walk her down the aisle; can Eric deal with that? Eric isn't thrilled with the idea, but it's up to Brady.

Brady has tickets to a baseball game, ordered months ago, with the intention of taking Tate. Eve encourages him to call Tate. After hanging up, he tells Eve that Tate is apparently spending a lot of time with Shane while Jeannie T tends to Kimberly. Eve says Shane must love spending time with his grandson. Brady is happy Tate is getting to know his mother's family.

John comes over; he and Brady talk about missing Tate and how important being a father is. John then talks about the wedding plans. Says that Marlena loves Brady as a son and asks if he'd walk her down the aisle. Brady asks about Eric. John asks if he and Eric can just move on, talks about Nicole leaving both of them, but Brady has moved on with Eve, and he and Doc are happy for them. Brady agrees and he and John embrace, as Eve returns to the room. Brady tells her that he and Eric will walk Marlena down the aisle.

Now Marlena and Eric talk about Jennifer and how much he loves her. Then Jennifer returns, so Marlena runs off to meet John, so they can visit Steve. Jennifer tells Eric she overheard him telling Marlena that he loved her. Eric's a little embarrassed, then tells her that he does love her. She says she didn't want to fall for him because she didn't want to get hurt, but he makes her so happy, and she loves him too. They kiss.

Ted slips another note under Will's door. Paul sees the envelope and asks what it is; Will covers and says it has to do with a source for a story he's working on. Paul was going get coffee and bring it back to Will, who at first agrees, but then backtracks and tells Paul that he's such a handsome man it'll only distract Will from his assignment, so it's best if he didn't come back after getting coffee. They kiss and Paul leaves, while Will opens the envelope and is once again upset over the nasty-gram.

Ted then returns to Kate with a gift. They kiss and canoodle. :sick:

Kayla removes Steve's bandages. He still can't see. He tells her to check the cabinet across from the bed. She does and finds an arrangement of beautiful yellow roses. (Tripp helped Steve with the surprise) She's shocked and touched. He asks if she can believe it's been 30 years since they first got married. She says he gave her the wedding of her dreams (too bad we didn't get a flashback).

Kayla gets a text from "Nurse Shelly" and has to leave. But they continue to talk for a few minutes, reminiscing about the wedding from 1988. She talks of her wedding gown and how much she loved it, he says she looked so beautiful in white...and she looks so beautiful now, his lady in red, as he cries. Kayla stops, looks down and realizes she's wearing red beneath her white coat and asks if he can see her. He says yes, and she begins to cry as they hug. :love:

Marlena and John come in and Patch gives them the good news, as John hugs his buddy. John & Marlena leave, while Kayla sits with Steve. He called Adrienne and Tripp to give them the good news. Kayla said she came prepared and removes his patch and a comb from her pocket. She puts the patch on him, uses the comb to fluff his hair and they kiss, as she says "there's my one-eyed tomcat."

Will meets Sonny at the pub, talks about how the first letter came back with no fingerprints or any other info to identify the sender. Just then, Ted strolls in, telling Sonny he'd like to talk about Leo. Sonny introduces Will to Ted, who says Will's name sounds familiar. Will says he's a writer, so maybe that's why. Sonny and Ted verbally dance around the Leo-being-missing situation. Ted leaves, while Will and Sonny continue to whisper and worry, as Paul enters the pub.

Before that, Paul runs into Kate in the square and they chat for a bit, talking about secrets and so forth. He hopes Will would never keep something from him. Kate assures him that won't happen.

Now John and Marlena run into Kate in the square and tell her the good news that Steve is now the bionic man. Ted comes through, sees Kate and pretends to introduce himself to her for the first time.

Eric is now walking through the square with a rose in his hand as he encounters Eve. They talk and he says Jennifer is close to discovering who arranged for the planted drugs, while Eve has a deer-in-the-headlights look.

Jennifer is now at Brady's hotel room, telling him she found out the child services guy planted the drugs and thinks she's figured out who arranged it.
He knows it is important for Tate to know his mother’s family.
Too bad she didn't have any in Salem. :sarcasm:

Steve and Kayla are wonderful.

I love reporter/detective Jen and her beau, Eric. They're not red-hot but they're reliable, and they've grown slowly together.

I have no use for Brady and less for Eve.

I'm bored by Pill/Saul/Wonny. They've become interchangeable.

I still hope Leo's alive and Ted's actions are part of a plan with Vivian.
@Jason.......I do not remember anything ever being said about Marlena's dad passing away, but.......Eric referred to him as Grampa Frank.
Before my time watching....think it was mentioned.....weren't Sami & Eric sent to stay with her parents in Colorado? Can't say I ever even saw them, were they ever on the show?

Personally, I think Marlena could have just said "if my father were still alive, he would want to walk me down the aisle...etc" instead of saying "you know my father died a few years ago"........Just me, folks, being picky. LOLOL
Thanks, Poirot.

I almost cried when Steve called Kayla "his lady in red"

Does else wonder if Steve's eye started working when Kayla got her phone call?
Hopefully, the eye won't go off and on when phones ring :)

Will Eric and Brady walk Marlena down the aisle or will they get into another fight first?

I think Kate was surprised when Ted went up to in the square and introduced
with John and Marlena there. She probably thought he would wait a few days.

Will Sonny and Will figure out it's Ted leaving the notes? And is Leo alive?
JS, you amaze me all the time remembering way back when, as I know you watched the show from the beginning. So, Marlena's parents DID appear on Days at some time. Then it was really nice for them to mention her dad.

As I said, you could see Patch realizing his vision was coming back......and the way he let Kayla know was absolute perfection! His Lady in Red...... There were a few different dances done to this song by is one, the night before their wedding.....Kayla has regained her voice, but still cannot speak......

@KathyLu.....who does Ford Rainy play on King of Queens?

Love how Ted does what Kate says, but at HIS timing, not hers. She said that after some time goes by, we can officially meet, go on a date. He is not so happy with that, agrees, but a few hours later, in front of witnesses, he "meets" Kate. Sly Fox that he is.
Have to laugh at Will & Sonny, their guilty consciences leading them astray, since those letters say nothing except, I know what you did. Could be they had coffee together in public, LOLOLOL But, as intended, they are getting all worked up, and they will cause their own problem!
He played Mickey (8 episodes), who was Arthur's (Jerry Stiller) friend. He died in 2005 at age 96.

@KathyLuLove how Ted does what Kate says, but at HIS timing, not hers.
Great scenes with Bionic Steve, and it's amazing what Jenny and Eric can accomplish when he's not moping and she's not ranting. As for Ted, he's a different kind of Salem newcomer. Who else has subtly defied Kate? She's usually in complete command or is on the receiving end of verbal abuse. Finally, perhaps Ted suspects that Leo's disappearance was engineered by the brainless Big Boy with Will's assistance and his notes are intended to make them crack and do something that exposes them. He could then theoretically blackmail Adrienne's not-so-smart son for more money than he could have by representing fraudster Leo.