Days of Our Lives - Thurs. July 29, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Thursday, July 29, 2010
Episode # 11385 Taped 5/19 Director – Albert Alarr

Carly continues trying to get Bo to remember what happened last night, Hope is taking notes. He remembers being at Victor’s, seeing Ciara, wanting to see Hope who was “gone”. Bo is talking in single words, jerky sort of sentences, not quite in a trance. His eyes are open. Carly tries to get him to remember getting home, did anyone come, did he see anyone. He slowly turns his head, looks straight at Hope, but then says remembers smelling gasoline. (can’t imagine why they all cannot still smell it, must have had a wonderful clean up crew, lol). Carly tries different ways to get Bo to remember something, anything…and finally asks if he had anything to eat or drink. He seems to remember something, says “I”….and Hope says “Stop”. She thinks this is all too much stress for Bo too soon. In comes Caroline, not liking the way Bo is looking (sort of trance-like) wanting to know how he is, what is going on. Next scene, Bo is back to normal, telling his mother Carly was trying to get him to remember, it was nothing, he is o.k. Caroline gets prickly, says sorry she interfered, and leaves. Bo is perplexed, Hope explains that Caroline was upset no one called her to tell her Bo was in the hospital. She takes her leave, telling Carly not to have any more of these sessions unless she is present. After she is gone, Bo insists, despite Carly’s protests, on going down to the station, wants to look at his old files, don’t worry, he will be only sitting at the computer. He leaves, Carly is a bit upset, and leaves, too.

Nicole is on the phone with her bank, wants to know if she can access any of the 5 million now, learns it’s a go and is happy as a lark. She tells herself she can now get out of this dump, and live like she should. She grabs her purse, and is out the door.

Brady walks past Baker on the pier, does a double take, turns, addresses Baker, who takes one look and takes off. Brady gives chase, to no avail. Later, Brady meets up with Nicole at the Pub for lunch, tells her all about it. Nicole thinks it was a look alike, nope, Brady even called the cops, commenting that if not for Baker, Nicole would never have been able to do the switch, Sami would not have been raising Grace, that Baker was a part of that entire thing. Baker calls Nicole, she pretends it is some nitwit at work named Jane, then tells Brady she has to run off and take care of the problem. Brady doesn’t remember any one named Jane at Titan, Nicole fakes it. Brady chases after her, something isn’t right. Nicole claims that she is worried somehow that Baker could make some sort of trouble for her.

Sami and EJ are talking of how Johnny told each of them that he wants to go tell the judge he loves one parent more than the other. They agree that this joint custody thing is confusing, they have to do something. EJ starts mumbling about “when they are married”, Sami is taken aback. No, no….then asks if he is proposing. She assures him things are fine the way they are. EJ starts talking of how she is living there permanently, the kids love it, they all get along great, and can’t believe she hasn’t thought about it. No she has not. Not at all. EJ goes on, telling her if he proposes, she will definitely know he is doing so. He comes over, takes her hand, telling her that is what he would do, he’d get down on his knee…well his voice goes all soft and sentimental, Sami tho, is not ready for anything of the sort. Things are fine the way they are.

Hope arrives home, gets a call from Baker, who immediately says for her not to hang up, he knows she is mad at him, but he has to talk to her. She is asking who this is, Baker just goes on and on, telling her some SOB spotted him, he is going to have to lay low. She is asking who he it is he wants to speak with, but he has already hung up.

Stefano is at the police station, running into Abe & Theo, who are gonna be going to what sounds like a minor league baseball game. Stefano is happy to see Theo, reminding him to tell his mama to bring him over to Grampa’s house to play with his cousins, Johnny & Sydney, as they are living with him now. Stefano leaves, Bo comes in. He is happy to see Abe & Theo, picks Theo up for a big hug. He learns of the baseball game, takes out his wallet, looking for a ticket he kept from when he went to the World Series. Abe gets a call, moves off. Bo cannot find the ticket, Theo comments on his wallet. Yep, that is his wallet. Theo says…wallets…treasures…Ciara. Bo catches on, asking Theo if he means Ciara’s treasures were wallets. Yes, Ciara’s mommy. Bo asks…you mean Ciara got them from her mommy?

Vivian comes into the room, surprised to find Victor gulping down his drinks. She comments it is unlike him, he ignores her. She realizes he must be upset about Maggie Horton, who must have told him to stay away. They get into a war of words about their marriage, Victor reminding her it is a business arrangment, she would not go after Carly so Bo would not go after her. Viv insists she has kept up her end. Victor storms out, Viv contemplates what she can do to make Victor love her.

A confused Sami is at the Pub, talking with her gramma, who can see she looks rather dejected. She asks how everything is, how’re the kids. Oh, they are all great. Then must be EJ. Sami doesn’t answer, Caroline persists, smiling as she tells her that she is already living with him, so he couldn’t have been wanting her to marry him. Sami’s face tells Caroline she popped the right balloon, Sami tries to explain how “changed” EJ is, how kind and sweet, good with the kids who adore him, how generous. Caroline says, so then, what is the problem? Sami vehemently replies that she is still in love with Rafe.. Also commenting that EJ knows this, she has told him. However, she doesn’t have a future with Rafe. She comments she thinks it would be different with EJ this time. Caroline sort of smirks, then says….well, then….marry him.

And back at the DiMera mansion, Stefano has returned, finds EJ at his desk. He comes up behind him, looking at a picture on the desk, “what a lovely family picture…now if we can only get rid of the blond in the middle”. EJ now informs his father that he intends to marry Samantha, Stefano has a fit….yammers in Italian, using his fingers to portray devil horns on his forehead, lol EJ assures Stefano it is going to come to pass, whether or not he expresses his disapproval in Italian or not.

Carly arrives at the K mansion to see Hope, wanting her to try and talk to Bo, see if she can convince him to take it easy. Hope reminds her Bo doesn’t seem to care what she has to say these days. Carly is confused, Hope was so friendly and now not so much. Hope only wants to find out who did this to Bo. In walks Vivian….”that’s easy..she is standing right there”.

Thanks as always!!!
I have to say...I do hope Brady busts Nicole!! Dr. Baker is in trouble all over the place!! Wow!

Hmmm....wonder what Caroline is trying to get across to Sami?
Thanks for the write up. Sounds like a good one today. Love that Theo talked about the wallets again today. Did Bo get the hint?
I know I don't say it everyday, but THANK YOU SO MUCH POIROT! for all that you do to get the summary to us. I definately helps me get my morning going.

Is it possible that the fumes got to Bo and he has a hint of the Salem Brain today?? Oh I hope so. I'm so ready for this mugging storyline to be over.

And speaking of storylines that need to be over - I REALLY hope that Brady starts putting two & two together soon and this whole blackmailing/kidnapping storyline is over soon to.
Thanks for the write up!

I think Caroline has realized that no matter what you tell Sami, she's going to do what she wants to do anyway, so why waste the breath, LOL. She's taking my mom's approach when I was struggling with the decision to marry or not marry my husband, LOL

I love that Stephano was making devil horns referring to Sami. Can't wait to see it!

And, I just wish that Nicole would trust Brady enough to tell him the truth. She's already confessed the worst that she could do (the kidnapping and faking a pregnancy) and he's forgiven her. But, now, add lying. (((sigh)))

Ah well.
And, I just wish that Nicole would trust Brady enough to tell him the truth. She's already confessed the worst that she could do (the kidnapping and faking a pregnancy) and he's forgiven her. But, now, add lying. (((sigh)))

Nicole is my favorite and I love her, but she's done a lot worse than lie to Brady since her baby switch, i.e., framing Arianna, who I don't even like but who I consider much more of a victim of Nicole than Brady.

Thanks for the writeup!
What in the world is going on here, how would Johnny know anything about telling the judge he loves one parent more than the other. He has never been in a courtroom; has those to idot parents of his talked to him about a judge deciding or approving where the kids might live? I know the writers are trying to age Johnny, but can't they do it without it appearing he is being brought into some courtroom battle? I know, I know it's just a soap.
It sounds like Bo is getting a touch of the Salem Brain today when he asked Theo if Ciara got the treassure wallets from Mommy. ITS ABOUT TIME!
When EJ was talking to Sami about marriage and how her, Johnny & Sydney could be together.....what about Will......and where oh where is our beautiful little Allie. She must be growing up in the attic of that big old mansion we never see her.
Sounds like Allie went upstairs to the same place Max went years ago. Sami had TWINS! You rarely hear her even say that anymore. The children are referred to as Johnny, Sydney, plus once in a blue moon....Will. Disgusting!
Thanks for the summary Barb.

Caroline and her attitude are getting on my nerves.

Were Bo and Carly the Bobbsey twins? They were dressed alike.

I liked how warm Bo was with Theo.

I laughed when Victor said Vivian hasn't told the truth since Jimmy Carter was president.

Stupid for Nicole to make up a name of someone who supposedly works for the TV station that Brady helps run. On the other hand, in a big company like that, it would be unlikely that Brady would know everyone. I do hate that Nicole is back to scheming again. I liked sympathetic Nicole better. But at least it's in character. It's who she is.
Enjoyed your summary, Barb, and most of the show. About the Bobbsey twins, somehow the wardrobe dept. must have gotten in a whole shipment of purple clothes this week. Today Bo, Carly, and Theo were wearing it. Another day Philip and Melanie were, and I think maybe Daniel and Chloe did recently. Maggie's and Victor's shirts were the same color today, a light shade of purple. Stefano had a purple tie a couple of days ago. Brady and Nicole both had on brown tops. Strange color coordinating.

Kpatch, Caroline's orange blouse is getting on my nerves!! That weird collar gives me the creeps!! :rolleyes: I don't like the way she's acting either. She's always been someone I've liked a lot. This present behavior is beneath her.
About the Bobbsey twins, somehow the wardrobe dept. must have gotten in a whole shipment of purple clothes this week.

Maybe there was a mishap in the laundry department.

Another day Philip and Melanie were, and I think maybe Daniel and Chloe did recently. Maggie's and Victor's shirts were the same color today, a light shade of purple. Brady and Nicole both had on brown tops. Strange color coordinating.

OC, I've noticed that too. It's been said that the color-coordinating is intentional to show which couples belong together.

Kpatch, Caroline's orange blouse is getting on my nerves!! That weird collar gives me the creeps!! :rolleyes: I don't like the way she's acting either. She's always been someone I've liked a lot. This present behavior is beneath her.

Yes! "Beneath her" is the perfect description. I agree.

Yeah, he probably meant Herbert Hoover. :rotfl:

Haha! You made me realize that they missed an opportunity. He should have said Abe Lincoln.

Head is spinning...I watched the show and everyone is saying one thing and doing another. I can't keep up. No one seems to be able to make a decision. I am wordering how long it is going to take bo to realize something is very wrong with Hope. I mean all the signs are there but can he not read them... I know he might be putting two & two togather but not fast enough. I am already sick of Day Hope & Night hope. I like night Hope that is a woman with a plan...

Thanks for the write up Barb.
Sami's hair

I was a little behind on watching, but got caught up this weekend. Did anyone else notice that at the beginning of the show when Sami is talking to EJ that her hair was more flat on top and just pulled back on the sides and then at the end of the show when she was talking to Caroline it looked like it had a bumpit in and was fixed different...fixed same on the next day. So much for continuity.
Since they supposedly shoot about 8 shows a week, not all scenes shot in order, either, there's a very good chance the scenes you mentioned were shot on two different days ... and for other things shot before/after, maybe an 'adjustment' in her hair was needed. Just a thought.
I think Sami must have added the bumpit in a desperate attempt to keep what's left of her brains from leaking out.