Days of Our Lives - Thurs. July 3, 2014

Elvis sitting in Roman's jail may be remarkable, but it overshadowed the truly miraculous event in today's episode -- slacker/stoner Rory actually graduated from Salem High. Way to go Rory. Now it's on to one semester of doing no work at dear old Salem U. before falling into a cushy, high-paying job.
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
So, show of hands (well, figuratively)- how many people believe that ANY DiMera keeps only one copy of information in a safe in Salem, USA and not in multiple safes at other DiMera properties throughout the world?? Sami burned what she didn't want the police to see as if she thought that was the only copy.
OH MY GOODNESS!! Harold's line about the police being there with a warrant, and then he shut the door and muttered, "how many times have I had to say that?". :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:
It also shows the utter futility of searching the DiMansion. Harold lets Roman's cops into the place again and again, but no DiMera ever ends up in state prison.
Hey, Rory could be next in line to head up Mad World, since Kate's been canned.
Why stop there? With EJ sitting in Roman's jail and Chad preferring to spend his days contemplating the swan boats in Boston's Public Garden and his evenings at Fenway Park cheering on the Red Sox, the Phoenix needs a new son. It could be revealed that Stefano once had a quickie with Rory's nasty mom, meaning that Salem's leading stoner/slacker is really a DiMera. Rory could then move into the DiMansion and when not high on his favorite controlled substance, could lead DiMera Enterprises to greater things.
I was listening while doing other things today, but think I heard Rafe say if there hadn't been a hold up on the arrest warrant, that he would've arrived to arrest EJ in time to stop the wedding. Would seem that maybe our Lucas was correct in thinking that Sami pretended to faint, possibly in an effort to delay the "I do" part until Rafe could arrive. Also, since Holmes indicated that the package he received (most likely from Sami) indicated that Rafe was the person he needed to see at the Salem Police Department, Sami would know that Rafe would rush over as quickly as possible. Dang those hold ups when you need a warrant. This could also be Sami's way of finally showing some regret that she put Rafe through what she's going through now by letting him finally get the goods on EJ (and another way to stick it to EJ also).
I was listening while doing other things today, but think I heard Rafe say if there hadn't been a hold up on the arrest warrant, that he would've arrived to arrest EJ in time to stop the wedding. Would seem that maybe our Lucas was correct in thinking that Sami pretended to faint, possibly in an effort to delay the "I do" part until Rafe could arrive. Also, since Holmes indicated that the package he received (most likely from Sami) indicated that Rafe was the person he needed to see at the Salem Police Department, Sami would know that Rafe would rush over as quickly as possible. Dang those hold ups when you need a warrant. This could also be Sami's way of finally showing some regret that she put Rafe through what she's going through now by letting him finally get the goods on EJ (and another way to stick it to EJ also).
Sami fainting only delayed the wedding. She needed to be legally married to EJ for her plan to work, so delaying it by pretending to faint could have screwed up her plans. Thankfully Rafe got there after they were pronounced husband and wife so her plans will continue on track.

I think she truly fainted, because if she had been pretending to faint, we wouldn't have seen her having the fantasy of EJ and Abby kissing and getting worked up over it. Also, there was no reason to delay the wedding. If anything, she would've wanted it done as quickly as possible so she could be EJ's legal wife by the time Rafe showed up.
Welcome to the Board, robinob.

I do believe that you are correct about Sami citing EJ possibly wanting to use the evidence from Will's shooting EJ when it would be convenient for him, holding it over Sami's head.

Are you in the service? You mentioned being stationed somewhere, so that leads me to believe you might be serving our country. If you are, thank you for your service. Even if you are not, it is nice to "know" you. You will enjoy being part of this wonderful family, good people from all parts of the country.
Great show. So many laughs in the show about cooking hot dogs in the fireplace.
Doug and Julie talked about on a cruise. Marlena joked about Giselle

Funny to watch Sami go going in her go-go boots.

I wonder if Ciara painted Hope's pants.

JJ found out Eve is related to Theresa.

I enjoyed the flashback scene with Sami learning the safe combination.

How Rafe and Hope will react when they know who plotted against EJ.

And what will EJ do when he finds out his beautiful wife turned him in?
Great episode overall. Days like this make me glad I still watch.

I like Rory and I could like Bev if she'd get over that loser she likes. Meanwhile, just when I was starting to like JJ/Paige, they force this Eve business between them. Stupid. Romeo & Juliet they are not.

Oh yay - Maggie - trash-talking someone who did your precious niece wrong 20 years ago. I'm really tired of Red, though her appearance can be forgiven because it set up the "Moulin Rouge" joke. LOVE. [Even though my cable was freezing up during that scene - better than satellite, my tushie!]

Jen looks like she's going to explode. Stand back. And I agree with DrBakerFan, if Rory graduated, ain't no accomplishment.

As much as I'm enjoying the storyline, I feel Alison Sweeney could tone some of Sami's solo scenes down a bit. I'll just fax that back in time six months for her. :)

Rafe gets the line-of-the-day again: "Anyone who's ever met [EJ] wanted him to get caught."
OH MY GOODNESS!! Harold's line about the police being there with a warrant, and then he shut the door and muttered, "how many times have I had to say that?". :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

I had to laugh out loud at Harold's line too, it was great!

Sami's after-the-wedding dress caught me off guard and I found my self saying out loud "what the heck is she wearing?" If she hadn't been expecting Hope to show up, I almost would've expected her to be dressed in an all black Catwoman suit!