Days of Our Lives - Thurs., July 30, 2020

Just Samantha

Staff member
May 18, 2010
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Replay of Sami and Allie arguing, Allie gets a cramp, might be labor. Sami says it's too early because she's "only 8 months along", must be Braxton Hicks. Allie asks if that was the oldies band Sami and Lucas listened to. Sami says it's false labor and normal. Allie says doesn't feel false, uh oh, her water just broke. (as they all stare at the floor, shocked)

Ciara is on the phone with someone (Hope?) saying Rafe will fill them in on the details of Orpheus, but he's not the one behind the bomb, as she's going to unlock the door of her hotel room. She walks in, engrossed in her conversation and doesn't notice Claire standing behind the door. Ciara hangs up and Claire says hello. Ciara is horrified, asks how she got in. Told the front desk she was family. Ciara asks if she told them Claire tried to burn her alive??? Claire points out about the surveillance video clearing her of planting the bomb.

Ciara knows Claire was cleared of the bomb, but wants to know why she snuck into her room; because it was the only way Ciara would see her. Claire once again says she didn't ruin the dress, take the ring or drug Ciara; someone set her up and she's not leaving Salem until she finds out who did. Ciara is skeptical, Claire pleads her case again, you believe me, right? Ciara doesn't know what to think. Claire says whoever did it knows their history and knows that Claire would be the perfect fall guy. She says they're going to find out who did this and take them down. Ciara only wants to find Ben. Claire says she does too. But they need to work together to find him and find who did this. Ciara stands there as Claire says she will find out who set her up and starts to leave. Ciara says wait, don't go. They're still family, but she can use all the help she can get. She's scared, so scared. Claire hugs Ciara, says it'll be OK and they're going to figure out who planned this whole thing and has him. Ciara knows in her gut Claire is right and he needs her to save him.

Gabi and Li Shin are at the DiMansion, just had dinner and are now enjoying some wine. He's thanking her for her help, tells her to just call him Li, Mr. Shin is his father. Chad walks in and asks help with what? Li Shin talks about how Gabi helped with a big client. Chad would've, but he just got back from Florida. Chad asks how Gabi could help when she's not even part of DiMera Enterprises. Li Shin talks of her business skills and she managed to snag the investor for them. Chad reminds Li Shin that she drugged Abby and was fired from DiMera Enterprises. Li Shin reminds him that Gabi was cleared. Then says it was lovely to see Gabi again and is glad she's OK after the church bomb, and is as stunning as ever, then leaves. Chad says he knows what she's up to and she's not going to get away with it.

He asks about Gabi's "ordeal", Gabi explains about the bomb at the church. Chad asks why she was even there. She was there as Jake's date, you know, your brother??? She talks of them bonding over finding out he's not Stefan, being there for him when his mother died. Chad says, Vivian's dead?? Good. Gabi says to show some decency, her husband is really dead. Then she talks of how she could've been killed. Chad asks if she broke a nail. Gabi talks of hurting her ankle and Jake carrying her home. Chad asks if she's going to move on with Jake, even though he has a girlfriend.

Ben says "Eve Donovan" as she walks in (looking fantastic in a red sequined dress and some killer stiletto heels). She says that Vincent can get carried away sometimes. And oh, by the way, too bad he won't be enjoying that romantic honeymoon with Ciara. It was a beautiful wedding. She was there???? Yep, she watched from the shadows, says Ciara was absolutely beautiful, looked like an angel. Too bad Eve had to leave before the end of the wedding, because she heard it was a real blast.

You blew up my wedding?? Of course, you should have known. You had to have known I still hold a grudge against you because you KILLED MY DAUGHTER, says Eve. Thought the state was going to take care of it for her, sat by her TV to hear it was over (Ben's execution), but he "escaped" his punishment again. Not again, not this time. Eve is slithering all around Ben, talking of how he ruined her life by taking her daughter, pulls his hair. He screams, just kill me and get it over with. She says she thought about putting a tie around his neck and strangling him. Nope, too easy, wants him to suffer. He can't believe she put a bomb in the church. You can't make a revenge omelet without cracking a few eggs (those who were hurt at the church). Eve wants Ben to suffer the same as Eve suffered. But since he doesn't have a daughter, he now has a wife, who will suffer.

Jake comes into his apartment and Gwen is lounging on his bed (moved her stuff into his room), asking where he was. He explains about the bomb, taking Gabi home. Gwen's not happy. She's extremely upset to find he took Gabi to the wedding as his guest. SHE is his girlfriend. He says everything is happening so fast. Gwen says he's not Stefan DiMera, he's his twin, not Gabi's dead husband, Gabi means nothing to him. He wouldn't exactly say that, they're friends now. Gwen asks if he wants to shack up with Gabi. Jake snaps at her about ruining their relationship, how she stole the book that nearly got him killed. Gwen apologizes. It hurt her feelings he took Gabi to the wedding, not her, as she's supposed to be "his woman". He tells her they need to take time, as Gwen tries to seduce him. Jake crumples like a cheap suit. Yep, you're my woman, and they hit the sheets.

Gwen and Jake are now basking in the glow, stretching and talking of how good it was. Kiss kiss, nuzzle nuzzle. She puts on his shirt and he asks where she's going. To pack. But she just got here. She says oh no, if he were Jake Lambert, they'd be stuck in this shoe box above a garage but he's a DiMera and can be in the family home. She talks of all the wonders of the DiMansion, he asks how she knows. She tells him about getting drunk at Julie's Place and Chad, his brother, took her to the DiMansion to sober up. Oh, yeah???? Gwen keeps going on about the luxuries of the DiMansion and how Jake deserves it all, he IS a DiMera and he'll get used to it all, as will she. Plus, he'll be safer from the mob at the DiMansion.

Allie and Sami continue to argue as Allie starts to cry out in pain. Sami gets her into a chair, tells Allie to hold her hand. Nicole times the contractions, 6 minutes apart. Eric comes back, he had gone downstairs to get the car and called the hospital, they're ready for her. They rush out, Nicole pulls Eric aside, says she loves him, but that sister of his... He knows, he knows.

Allie's now in a hospital bed, at 6 centimetres, Sarah says she's going to be ready to push soon. Sami says she'll be right by her side through it all. Allie asks Sarah if that's allowed. Of course, it's normal to have someone as a coach to help. Sami says great, I'll be your coach. Nope, Allie doesn't want her there. Sami says she's Allie's mother, nope, doesn't want her here. Sarah says she'll leave them to sort out this situation. Sami keeps chattering, Allie says Eric can be her coach. Wait, but Sami's had 4 babies. Nope. Allie wants Nicole, who says she'd be honored. Sami calmly accepts this and leaves (kidding!!!) Sami says that Nicole didn't even give birth to Holly, Chloe did, so what does Nicole know about it?? (uhhh, she did give birth to two stillborn babies, plus she delivered Grace from Mia). Nicole says yeah, but she DID deliver Holly, as it was Nicole and Chloe alone in that motel room. Allie says great, then you're going to be my coach. Sami hisses at Nicole to get out of the room. Nicole won't leave until Allie says so. Sarah comes in and asks Allie if she's decided on her coach. Allie says yes, Sami says no. Eric drags out a chattering Sami as Nicole takes her place at Allie's side (as she cries out in pain).

Sami and Eric are in the hospital sitting area, Sami's running at the mouth. Eric's trying to be the voice of reason, mentions insulting his wife. Tells Sami instead of running her mouth to go to the chapel and be thankful for Nicole and to pray for Allie to have a healthy baby. Nicole's at Allie's side, it's time to push. Sarah tells her if she wants something for pain, just say so. No, she's OK. Nicole takes her hand, here we go.

Gabi is snarking at Chad about how Gwen is ground beef while she (Gabi) is filet mignon, so why would Jake even want Gwen???? Want who? Gwen and Jake come into the DiMansion. We like ours medium; and we're moving in.

Claire gives Ciara a pep talk; Ciara says OK, let's do this, we're going to find Ben.

Ben warns Eve not to lay a finger on his wife. Eve says what are you going to do, strangle me like you strangled my daughter??? Eve tells him to calm down, she's not going to kill Ciara. YOU are.
Well, I guess if I were in her shoes and someone killed my daughter, was deemed mentally ill, put into a sanitarium for a few years, then released to live his life, I'd probably want revenge. He's out there, in love, now pretty much accepted by the community, married into the town's most well-known family and her child is dead. But I agree that she seems to need some mental help herself.
Eve was living fine when she was last in Salem. Scheming, manipulating, flirting, the whole 9 yards........& she is still the woman who seduced her daughter's boyfriend, so back then, she did not care all that much.
I haven't seen this episode yet because of the preemption, but I'm not looking forward to the sick Eve revenge nonsense, which would even make Stefano gag. Instead of what's been on the air, I'd rather that her latest return had gone something like this.

Eve walks into the Pub trying to find Ben so in true Salem fashion she can confront him and make threats. There's no Ben, but Steve, Rafe, and Jack are having a few cold ones.

Steve: "OMG, look guys, it's Eve Donovan. Hey Eve, have you been having any more hot afternoons with college boys?"​
Eve: "Shut up, Patch."​
Jack: "Eve, have you found any other amnesiac men whose lives you can ruin?"​
Eve: "How dare you talk like that to me Jack Deveraux. I made you into something, but now you're reduced to working for Jenny's silly little newspaper."​
Rafe: (laughing) "Eve, I hope you're not here to ask me for a job reference because you've dared to apply to be police commissioner in some other town."​
By now, Pub customers have recognized Eve and start making snarky remarks. An angry, frustrated Eve stomps out, leaves Salem, and never returns.
Okay so I've been gone a couple of days on vacation, in the mountains no TV. How many days have passed since Allie arrived in town??? I thought at that point she was still thinking of ending her pregnancy???? And I'm sorry but 6 centimetres is not almost time to start pushing.

Thanks for the write up; halfway through today's show.

Edit to add that they had no way of knowing but Florida is so NOT the place to go to these days.
Apparently Allie's labor has progressed rather quickly. She went from a single cramp, to water breaking, pains every 6 minutes, & dilated 6 centimetres in about an hour or so. LOL Maybe 90 minutes.

And me......I really want to see Eric pulling Sami out of that room, with her yapping away, then telling her about insulting his wife, and to go to the chapel. (sorry, I just hate Sami's attitude towards everyone, & her constant blathering and blaming all but herself.)
@ look of love............goes to show how different we all are. My second was very unlike the 1st.....with slight pains occurring from morning , increasing in evening, to 11:30 p.m. when finally gave birth. My sister-in-law was visiting and refused to leave for fear I would suddenly close the spaces, until my hubby got home from work, and she took my other child to gramma's. LOL

Thank you JS for the detailed summary, glad you were able to find it. I won't see til later, or maybe tomorrow a.m. but I do want to see that Eric/Sami scene.

Just an aside, but since NBC is so willing always to pre-empt the show, perhaps it would work better for them if they changed the time to earlier (tho today, it would not have mattered.) But again, why not then show it later when they have to pre-empt. And honestly, it amazes me what they consider "breaking news"....that could easily wait til their normal news programs. Rant over
We got the whole funeral. So I thank you for the write-up. Except for the first twinge being agony, we don't really know how long labor is supposed to be. My sister's first sign was while playing cards at the neighbors and the flood came. I never experienced it. With baby number 4, I rolled over on my back and said "oh, I think my water broke". People started moving very quickly!!
Thanks, JS.

Someone in Salem needs to slap Sami with the way she acted today.

Why didn't Eve say Paige's name instead of saying daughter every time?

Today Claire was Ciara's cheerleader. Will they go the bridal store and jewelry
store (finally) to get clues?

It sounded like Gabi and Chad both said Jake like the State Farm ad.

Why did Sarah tell Allie she could have drugs? I think Allie was too far along to
get some.

I'm disappointed Peacock didn't show Days early today since it wasn't on because of the funeral.
I watched it on Roku, but it had too many commercials.
How does Eve have goons to kidnap Ben, and plant a bomb? Eve's not a DiMera or Kiriakis. I wonder if the Corellis are going to be tied to this storyline. Now that would be interesting.
I finally watched this episode today and here are a few comments.

Eve: Add her to list of Salem's dumbest (and sickest) criminals. How long does she think it will take Salemites to figure out she's the church bomber and Ben's kidnapper? Once Clyde was ruled out, how many people were there who wanted revenge on Ben? Since nobody much cared about the demise of Serena, not even Eric or Fred the Elephant, it would have to be somebody wanting to avenge his other victim, Paige. This is so obvious that even Claire the amateur detective and would-be Nancy Drew could figure it out.

Li Shin: Add him to the list of less-than-slick Salemites. Doesn't he realize that Gabi is a criminal who escaped prison by dumb luck, not to mention that she's a two-faced opportunist? And why do he and his father have so much power? The mighty Phoenix would have told them both to get in line or face the consequences.

Gwen: Somebody should tell this golddigger that Jake is not a DiMera "heir." He wouldn't have been mentioned in Stefano's will because nobody knew that he existed. The family fortune went to his known descendants (sons and maybe grandchildren) and the only way Salem's leading auto mechanic would get any of the family fortune would be if Chad tossed him a bone. In addition, he has no right to move into the DiMansion. The only reason he'll get to stay is that Chad wants to annoy Gabi by giving girlfriend Gwen houseroom.

Allie: When will this foolish kid realize that discretion can be the better part of valor when dealing with Sami? As so many people have learned in the past (especially cheating EJ), it's far better to accommodate the screecher than to aggravate her.
I guess I wouldn't see Shane Donovan just giving Eve money up the wazoo, considering all her shenanigans. Most parents wouldn't enable like that, especially if Shane were portrayed correctly, he wouldn't either. Why I am dumbfounded. Eve doesn't seem to have that wealth, she was so desperate to sue for Jack's book just for money when she first came back to Salem. Where was that Donovan money then?