Days of Our Lives - Thurs., July 4, 2013


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Thursday, July 4th, 2013

Replay of closing scenes from July 3. Eric is having problems while in the shower. He is shaking, having flashbacks of his hotel room, he staggers, leans back on the tile wall, and slides to the shower floor. He passes out, the shower is still going.

Kristen continues to bait Brady in Horton Square, making her threats of those around him going to suffer. She pretends she means that he himself will screw up his relationships with those around him, but Brady is soon joined by Nicole, which causes Kristen to change her attack to her. She throws digs at her about Father Eric, how Nicole must want to just rip off his collar, then tells her she already had what Nicole wants and it was fabulous. Everyone is talking at once, Brady trying to shut Kristen up, but she won't be denied. She says Brady is Nicole's substitute boyfriend, then backs off, saying she meant she already had Brady. It is ugly confrontation, and she finally leaves. Brady goes to get coffee for him & Nicole, who notices Kristen left a shopping bag behind. She peers in, but Kristen has returned to claim it, a few more words, she finally takes her leave.
Brady & Nicole go to the Kmansion, where Nicole is wanting to make herself a martini quick, then apologizes to Brady for doing so, she does not have to have a drink. They sit, talk a bit, Nicole is sorry for the run in, but Brady isn't. Helps him definitely to get over Kristen. They clasp hands in friendship.

Chad is in the park, Theo runs up, hugs, followed by Cameron who has been out with him. Abe arrives, talks of Theo wanting to go the lake tomorrow for the fireworks, but he has to work. Chad volunteers to take him, as does Cameron, Abe accepts both offers, how lucky Theo is to get both uncles to take him. He leaves with Theo, Chad tells Cam that while they both are interested in Abigail, he doesn't want it to cause a problem. And if Abigail chooses Cam, Chad hopes they will all still be friends. Cam leaves, Chad texts Abby that he wants to see her NOW.

Abby sits chatting with Gabi, who is trying to make up some classes, and Abby is giving her some help with stuff she did the previous year. They talk of the two guys that are after her, Gabi says she is lucky, just go have fun. Gabi complains a tiny bit about lack of sleep, the baby, etc. but the fellows and her have a schedule so it is all working out. Abby gets the text, Gabi urges her to go, so she does.
She meets up with Chad at the coffee shop, he tells her of Sami getting off. Abby is not all that pleased, she feels for Mrs. Bernardi. Chad explains that the DA had gotten greedy, went for a murder charge instead of a lesser one. She starts in about video they kept secret, that she would have been charged with murder if it was shown. Chad goes on about how Bernardi's wife and child have his memory intact, his name not dragged through the mud, the knowledge he was a dirty cop, etc. etc. Abby sees his point and agrees. He has to go, tells her that he saw Cam earlier, talked about her, wants them all to be friends.

JJ & Theresa continue to flirt in the park. He invites her to his place, she doesn't rob the cradle. They go back and forth, she finally decides she will come with him to his place for the stash. When they get to the house, she asks if he lives alone there with his mother, talks of the vintage furniture, touches all kinds of things. He only says everyone is gone, they have the place to themselves, and goes upstairs for the "stash". She wanders around, sits on the sofa, feet on the coffee table, and Jen comes home. When Jen asks "who are you"? Theresa responds....."you first". (definitely eyerolling here)

Earlier, Jen continued to argue with Daniel about not seeing him for a while. He is protesting, she is trying to explain she has to devote herself to her son, who is sliding off the rails. Daniel keeps saying that breaking up with him will not fix JJ, Jen is imploring him to understand. The babysitter returns with Parker, their conversation ends, she will talk to him later, and she leaves.
Daniel plays with Parker, having a good time, and is talking to him, telling him how much he loves him, how important he is, and that nothing would ever come between them, that he comes first....and he stops abruptly, realizing at last what Jennifer was telling him. He says, I get it, I do get it now.
His phone rings, it is Father Eric, barely able to talk, but in obvious distress. Daniel tells him to stay put, don't move, he will be right there. He leaves, tells the sitter he will be right back, and proceeds to call an ambulance as he dashes out.

Jen tells Theresa she is the woman who owns this house, and who the heck are you? JJ comes in, Jen asks him, the girl leaves, telling JJ "later". Jen & JJ have a pretty big confrontation. She asks who that was, he tries to say someone from class. LOL. Jen says don't lie, she is about from class as much as I am. He, of course, plays victim, she tries to not let it affect her, warning him off. She reminds him of having been grounded, but JJ cannot wait to bring up Daniel, and how she is replacing dad with him. Jen denies this, but JJ keeps it up, mentioning it only being 8 months and he is in your bed (Hey, JJ, a lot less than that). Jen is appalled, she has not forgotten Jack, (by the way, no picture of Jack in that living room now), he was a bit part of their lives, but he is gone, and JJ should not be resenting Jennifer having someone else in her life. Oh, but JJ does, they do go back and forth a lot, and he tells her that she can be with Daniel, but he will never respect him, and no one will ever make him forget Dad.

Kristen is home, Dr. Chyka arrives, making sure all is still going well. Kristen yells at him, that he assured her no memory will return, he keeps saying it won't, talks of the fever and chills side effects. She warns him that there had better be NO memory returning. And there had better not be even the slightest residual remains of the drug that could possibly be detected.

Daniel rushes in to find ERic just standing in front of his desk. He is feeling better, but tells him all that happened in the shower, including the flashbacks of his hotel room, mentioning he had just taken a shower then, too. Dan checks him over, all is normal. But this all is very wierd. Dan talks of Eric being in the hospital, Eric is having a fit refusing. But he finally says Dan is right. They need to find out and if Daniel feels extra tests may tell them something fine. Daniel draws a vial of blood. Eric urges him to make every test he can think of, and he will pray for answers.
I actually enjoyed today's show even though it seemed like a filler episode. There were quite a few laugh out loud moments for me.

Nicole saying Kristen was like a rejected witch and making the face
Gabi telling Dr. Cameron that Caroline still has his stripper picture on facebook
Kristen throwing her hands in the air at having to answer the door again
Cameron asking Chad if they were going to compete for Theo now too
JJ calling Daniel a sleeze
Jen smiling and saying you wanna tell me who this is and when Theresa says I should go she hits her with "yeah that's a good idea". And when she says later, Jen's right back with "I don't think so". I will give it to her though, Jen was pretty good in momma mode today.

JJ said Jen grieved Jack for about 8 months before moving on. Boy how would he react if he knew it was more like a week? "You want to forget about Dad and replace him with this joke of a relationship, fine but don't ask me to respect it."
Yes, and she told him so. Told him he was treating her like dirt. JJ has become a master at trying to lay guilt trip on his mom, and twisting whatever is being said to make out he is the victim.
He avoided saying anything about leaving the house when grounded, picking up an older female, bringing her home, and lying about it all. He deftly turned everything around to Daniel.
I think Jen is a good mom who is just being played big time by JJ and I'll bet no mother wants to see that her child is imperfect and acknowledge that out loud. None the less Jen, wake up and see that JJ is playing you and call him out it. You being with Daniel in no way shape or form is disgracing her life with Jack, in my opinion.

As for Jen not mournng Jack, I don't feel that anyone has a right to judge how long it takes to get over someone. It can be different for very many people and those people are not privvy to conversations a husband and wife have prior to dying, life for each other after their death. For example, while I know it would take me longer than 8 months to get over the loss of my spouse, we both have told each other that it really doesn't matter the length of time it would take for each other to find someone because we are not going to be around to judge you or even have any sort of influence over your decisions. We simply are not going to be there, so I would want him to find somebody that makes him happy. He would not be disgracing or throwing away our life with each other. Life is for the living and that what we would want for each other. Not set time frames in which to move on. I feel that too often, people base their decisions on what others will think of them as opposed to dong what their heart tells them. And nobody truely knows or feels what that person feels after their spouse dies. They could be privately mourning for a long time inside but projecting something totally different on the outside. :)
That's true, however she already had been in a relationship with Daniel prior to Jack returning and those feelings probably don't just go away either. I don't know. I don't think Jack, where ever he may be would be angry at her for moving on. He loved Jen too much for him to want her to mourn him and I think Jack and Daniel actually got along and actually respected one another.

At any rate, I really dislike how JJ is trying to make Jen feel about her relationship with Daniel.
I think, tho, in Jen's case, the show only had her constantly chasing after Daniel one way or another very soon after returning from spreading his ashes. And that, perhaps, is what has ticked people off (besides the fact that Jack was a very popular character, and the show treated him badly) If they wanted to kill Jack off, fine. They could have waited a month or so before having her butting into Daniel's life again, but they didn't.
Yes, people deal with the death of a spouse in different ways. And the show treated Jack abominably, and his widow, too. Jen could have gone to London at some point, even to spend Christmas, but the show kept making excuses about JJ. And if they did not want to hire anyone to portray him, they still could have had her going to visit her son.

And this really is not the place for this discussion. As this is the summary for today's show, and yes, JJ is acting out, has become a master at it. I am glad Jen is holding her ground with JJ, and I absolutely LOVED her telling him when he is old enough to make his own bail......
When she learns what he has been up to with the "weed"...gonna be something else.
One thing that made Jen's rush back to Daniel so distasteful to me was that she was portrayed as never having gotten over him in the first place. When she chose Jack over Daniel it just felt to me like she did it out of pity or obligation, and that she always really wanted to be with Daniel. So when Jack died it seemed like it was more of a relief to her than a grief. Now she was free to go back to Daniel, which is what she wanted all along. The entire story was stinky.

Jennifer is ruined for me, for sure as long as she is in Daniel's orbit. But since there is no background of anything at all appealing about JJ, I can't stand him either. Watching him and Jennifer go at each other is like an emery board on bare nerves so mostly I don't put myself through the torture.
But the thing is, we were shown Jen coming back from spreading Jack's ashes and then immediately sniffing after Daniel again. She had barely put down her suitcase before she was chasing after Daniel.
JS, there you go trying to be logical about time on DOOL. It'll drive you bonkers, darlin'! :)
I have to agree about this seeming like a "filler" episode. However, I suppose it was a good way to introduce the new character, and by the way, JJ brought her home, and doesn't know her name, tho he introduced himself as JJ.
And I liked all the friendship conversations going on. Abby & Gabi. Nicole & Brady. Even Chad & Cameron, plus Chad & Abby. Daniel & Eric.
Kristen is becoming more and more unlikeable for me. Her digging at Nicole, and at Brady, was uncalled for, and I just wish her good friend, Jen, could have heard her.