Days of Our Lives - Thurs. July 8, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Thursday, July 8, 2010
Episode #11,370 Taped 5/5/10 Director – Grant A. Johnson

Sami is elated that it is finally warm enough to have a night time picnic in the park. She & EJ spread a blanket, she unpacks the picnic basket, commenting on all the food Gramma Caroline packed for them. Time for the in program commercial, as she brings out a bag of Chex Mix, EJ never heard of it, she brags how good, he munches on a handful, she wants the bag back, accidentally squirts his shirt with salad dressing, insists he take it off so she can see if she can get it out. He does, Johnny runs up, says Bobby is there with his parents, Allie is with Mary evidently, EJ takes Johnny to go say hello and meet Bobby (friend from school). Sydney has such a funny look on her face, as Sami gazes at her, saying ..what? So he has his shirt off, I was just looking! LOL
Along comes Will & Gabi who meets Sydney, wants to take her down by the lake. Sami agrees but only after they all eat.

Daniel & Chloe are enjoying afterglow in their darkened bedroom, both very happy, each telling the other how much they love them. Daniel decides to take a shower, and go out for takeout, mentions stopping by Melanie’s before returning.
Over at Maggie’s, Melanie finds her Rocky Road ice cream missing from the freezer, but never fear. A knock at the door has Carly standing there, having brought ice cream….rocky road of course. Carly wants to talk about her father, is concerned about Chloe, asks Melanie if she is 100% sure Chloe won’t hurt Daniel. Not 100%, replies Mel, but he is happy that is all that matters. Carly is clearly still bothered (yes, we get all the flashbacks again, just in case we forgot) and almost tells Melanie, but doesn’t. She leaves, and along comes Daniel, just wanting to make sure that with all the stuff that has been goin on, how hectic it has all been, that Melanie is his first born, will always be first in his heart, and no one will take that place. Hugs.

Over at his apartment, Chloe answers a knock to find Vivian standing there. She tries to get rid of her, to no avail, Viv is inside before you know it, chastising Chloe for having failed to do away with Carly. Chloe is happy she did not kill anyone, Viv thinks she is weak, says Gregory was right, she is an airhead. Gregory?? Yes, a nurse at the hospital. It takes a bit, but the lightbulb goes on, and the pieces all fall into place, as Chloe realizes that Vivian had Gregory lie to her, and that she had to pay off the motel clerk, too. You ruined my life says Chloe, get out of here. She opens the door, there stands Carly, who is surprised to see Viv, wants to know what she is doing there, and also tells her to get out. Viv does, Chloe closes the door, and out in the hall, Carly is confronting Vivian, and the lightbulb goes off for her, too. She realizes it was Vivian who made Chloe believe she & Daniel were having an affair. Vivian just smiles…saying something to the effect that since she can’t do it herself, she will just get others to do it for her.

Nicole has broken into the DiMera study, bound and determined to find whatever it is that EJ has on her. She opens drawers, goes thru folders, finds a small tape recorder in one, pockets it, decides to go upstairs, is almost caught by Harold, and gets upstairs into EJ’s room. She is rummaging around in there, opens a dresser drawer and finds the ultra sound of her baby. She flashes back to when it was taken, sits on the bed looking at it, her face dissolving into tears. She pulls herself together, stands, folds the picture, and puts it in her back pocket, resuming her search. She finally decides that if he is not bluffing, and really has got something on her, it is not here in this house. She leaves the room, gets downstairs, and is about to leave, when she hears Harold greeting Stefano. She hides behind a door as he comes into the room.

Back at the park, EJ (wearing a t-shirt now) is packing things up when Gabi comes up looking for something that Johnny & Allie can use to keep the fireflies they want to catch. EJ gives her a jar, she thanks him for what he did for her sister, he is just sorry he could not get her out sooner. Sami comes up saying the kids are excited about the lightning bugs, Gabi takes off. Sami & EJ chat a bit, they all are having a lovely time. EJ gets a call from Stefano, who wants to see him NOW. He has to leave, Sami wishes he did not have to, but it is important. He takes off, Gabi returns, sits down and is talking to Sydney, who is looking tired. She begins singing Twinkle, twinkle little star in Spanish to Sydney, Sami’s face changes, that is the song Rafe used to sing to Grace. Gabi takes Sydney for a walk, Will is back, sits beside his mom. She tells him she was thinking of Rafe, he wonders why she just doesn’t call him. She can’t, claiming things were so great when they were in witness protection together, and fell in love….but back in the real world, Rafe just doesn’t seem to be able to handle certain aspects of her life. Will wisely asks if that means EJ, still not understanding why she just doesn’t call Rafe. He finally says that perhaps EJ is no longer as bad as he was, smiles and leaves. \

At DiMansion, Nicole hears Stefano laugh, as he pours himself a drink, saying something about not being able to hide from him. Dejected, she starts to come out from behind the door, but…it was EJ to whom Stefano was speaking. Nicole steps back, and listens as father and son talk of their problems. Stefano fills EJ in on how Nicole managed to put one over on the man tailing her. Ej knows that Nicole could probably hold off a battalion with a corkscrew. LOL. They talk of Nicole, and Sami, and even Arianna. Stefano berates EJ for taking that case, Ej thinks her innocent, likes practicing law. Stefano wants him to concentrate on the problem with Nicole, cuz she will soon find out EJ has nothing on her whatsoever. (Love the look on Nik’s face at that!). EJ figures Nicole is involved somehow, Stefano warns him about Sami, EJ does want to have her and the family he always wanted. Stefano reminds him that if Sami ever found out what he did, it will all be over. EJ realizes this, all would be lost to him. Hmm, Nicole is intrigued, takes out the tape recorder and turns it on. Ah, just in time, as Stefano goes thru the whole thing about paying Anna to kidnap Sydney, how he made them all worry, even pretended Sydney was dead, and let them mourn. EJ knows what he did, was mad at Sami and Nicole, and Stefano, too. And he regrets it all.Stefano says not to worry. The only one who knows is Anna, and she is safely tucked away.

Sami is elated that its finally warm enough for a picnic? Wow...she need to head out my way & she wouldnt want to be outside for anything it's so hot! :)

Great write up Barb. Thanks so much!
Looks like Nicole has what she what will she do with it?? Hmmm?

Vivian needs a new story. This going after Carly is old & repetitive!! Lets give this wonderful actress something else to work with!!
thanks for the great write up. you know all this talk about melanie being daniel's first born and all that. Is making me start to think daniel really isn't her father.
I read the Sami parts and realize two things....1st this EJ/Sami thing is being shoved down our throat...oops he get dressing on him and he has to take off his shirt. I guess no view of Allie, well EJ can only handle his own children, haha. & Second that Sami loves Rafe, he is her desire but still seems afraid she's not good enough for him that her life is to complicated and it sounds like EJ is second choice.

It sounds like to Sami... her & Rafe are the fantasy, it's no wonder when she dreams, she dreams of him. EJ provides a sexual desire and is willing to do the family thing, so instead of going for broke shooting for the dream... she seems to be settling for what she refers to as the real world.
Let the games begin. Nicole vs EJ. I for one think Nicole will be the one who ends up on top. I can't wait to see how it plays out.
I haven't paid attention to tape dates in a while. So they've gone from taping two weeks ahead to taping two months ahead? That's interesting. So when the actors are commenting on story, they're having to think back to what happened two months ago. I have trouble remembering what happened yesterday.
Let the games begin. Nicole vs EJ. I for one think Nicole will be the one who ends up on top. I can't wait to see how it plays out.

I wouldn't mind see Ej laying down and Nicole on top.... oh your talking about them fighting.... My mind....:smile:
I hope the Chex Mix "commercial" isn't as awkward and forced as the Nature Valley granola they bumbled their way through.
Actually, it is done pretty well. LOLOLOL
Nicole is intrigued, takes out the tape recorder and turns it on. Ah, just in time, as Stefano goes thru the whole thing about paying Anna to kidnap Sydney, how he made them all worry, even pretended Sydney was dead, and let them mourn. EJ knows what he did, was mad at Sami and Nicole, and Stefano, too. And he regrets it all.Stefano says not to worry. The only one who knows is Anna, and she is safely tucked away.

So Nicole turns on the tape, she has headphones (or earbuds) or otherwise wouldn't it be noisy? So she doesn't hear the last part at all?
It is a tiny hand held tape recorder. She hears everything. Every single word. And it is all on tape now.
I hope Nicole outs EJ. I can see that she might want to save her own skin but she heard Stefano say the EJ has no proof she was involved in setting up Arianna so she could breathe a little easier. I say hit him in the gonads with the info and watch him squirm for a while and then tell Sami...the sooner the better please!!!
Nicole won't tell Sami, at least not yet. The storyline needs to drag on a few more months. Why do I get the feeling that the sonogram of Nicole's baby is important. Why else would they bring it up. DejavuDejavu ????????
Oh, I completely agree that Nicole won't let that cat out of the bag unless there's something interesting in it for her. Good point about the sonogram.
It's too bad Nicole couldn't have gotten there sooner. She could have gotten Kate and Madeline on tape, too. Then she could blackmail Kate for keeping something from Stefano, and she could blackmail Maddie to help her out in court in case she ends up there.
I am with you on that....

Vivian needs a new story. This going after Carly is old & repetitive!! Lets give this wonderful actress something else to work with!!

That is so true. When I saw that they brought her character back, I was hoping for a meaty storyline..but I have not seen it yet...Really... going after Carly was all they could come up with????