Days of Our Lives Thurs., June 13, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Thursday, June 13, 2019

A rather depressing show today, (in my opinion).

Hope has called Ciara, leaving a message to call her back, she is concerned Ciara is o.k. She tells Ted about Ben being arrested, and why. Ted suggests they have a meal, she agrees, but first, since her divorce is nearly final, wants to gift her with something. She refuses, says she will never be able to accept it, but goes with him to the Club. However, she is distracted with her phone, says worried about her cousin, is sorry, but she dashes off to the hospital.

At the hospital, Kate & Marlena talk about losing their grandson, just beginning to get him back in their lives again. Marlena notes John called Paul, who is devastated. Kate says the same for Lucas when she called him, how upset he wasn't there, but had to be with Allie. However he is coming on the next plane. Marlena says same for Sami, who is coming, too. Well, says Kate, we have a wedding to plan, Will asked. Yes, it is to be tonight...the present is all we have right now.

Victor cannot absorb the fact it was Maggie who needed that AA meeting. She confesses all, how Brady covered for her, says it started about Holly. Vic figures Nicole blaming her did not help. Maggie notes there were other things, Victor realizes she means him with Kate. Yes. Victor knows they have been hitting a rough patch of late, she agrees. She asks Brady to take her home, but tells Vic she would like to talk with him later. She stands up, he says he loves her. She says she loves him, too. They leave.

Sarah is ranting at Xander, not believing he is her miracle, as he said. He tries to explain, but she just yells and hollers, telling him to leave. He is trying to tell her what he has, she doesn't give him much of a chance. Somehow the conversation turns to being in bed, she reminds him she is engaged to Rex, he doesn't think they both love each other, Rex cheated, reminds her she enjoyed the roll in the hay with him, she slaps him. And now Brady & Maggie arrive, Brady being short with Xander, but Maggie treating him kindly. Xander does leave, Maggie tells a shocked Sarah about falling off the wagon. Sarah realizes this is why Brady wanted her to delay telling Maggie, yes. Maggie wants to know what they mean, and off camera, is told about Will.

Stefan asks what “Nicole” wants, she needs a favor, gets him to let her in. He asks her to cut to the chase, she wants a job, running Basic Black. He says no, it folded. She does a lot of blathering, how she made a success of it before, and even tho he sold the company, he retained the right to the name. She does a very convincing job of talking of having been married to EJ, and to Victor, would it not be neat to take him down together.? Stefan tells of offering Abe a job, she notes he is her brother's father, honest & trustworthy, good idea. All for it.

Kate comes upon Victor, still in the square, looking gloomy. She realizes he must have learned of Maggie drinking again, knows about it, she came to Kate's room drunk. She also is on to Maggie not only upset about Holly, but Victor & Kate as well. Vic says he handled things badly, all his fault. Then decides it was Nicole's fault, accusing Maggie of failure to protect Holly. Kate tells about Will, they toast to miracles.

Eric comes home, sees the album of Nicole pictures, shoves it off the table, goes to hospital, sees his mom, who was just going to check on Will. They sit and talk, he loves Nicole so much, but she absolutely refuses to have anything to do with him. Marlena suggests (!!!) he move on with Sarah, thinks she may not love Rex really, but does love Eric. He protests about Rex, and in he walks, evidently seems to have not heard anything, but lets them know Will has gotten worse, and they just have been unable to come up with an antidote.

Nicole keeps pressing Stefan with all the reasons to hire her, Stefan caves, agrees. Now has to go to lawyer, take care of some things, will have papers drawn up. She wants to wait, he says no, won't be til tomorrow. She obviously doesn't want to leave, so he says o.k. , stay, he leaves. She talks to Stefano's portrait, telling “father” she is where she belongs now, and will soon rid the company of “little brother”, as she toasts the portrait.

Xander is up in his room, takes out Rolf's diary, debates whether to sell to the highest bidder, or give for brownie points. He goes downstairs, Ted is at the door, knows he changed Holly's file, but wanting to know if he has the real one. Xander only tells him it is safe, and says to get the blazes away from there. He closes the door, but Ted sneaks back in, upstairs, into Xander's room. (amazing he knows which one it is, lol). He looks around, sees the file sitting out, smiles.

Sarah has hugged Maggie, then Brady to thank him. Maggie talks of needing to focus on her sobriety herself, grab hold of it. Xander comes in, both Sarah & Brady are asking him to leave, give them privacy. Maggie says no, it's o.k. Goes up to Xander, thanking him for caring about her welfare, etc. Xander grins, says he has the solution to their problem, pulls out the diary, hands it to Maggie. She asks what it is. Wilhelm Rolf's diary, the formulas, the miracle you wanted. Sarah is confused it seems, Brady's eyes go back and forth, puzzled as to what is going on.
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I am shocked no one heard "Nicole" talking to herself!! I am hoping the real Nicole shows up. I have actually wondered if Holly is with her. But I don't think she'd let everyone think Holly was dead. Though maybe she doesn't know about that part of the story. She's just happy to be with Holly. Guess we will see.

Good lord, Marlena give it up!! Eric and Sarah are not meant to be together!!

I honestly cannot believe Xander is handing over Rolf's diary!? Sarah is not that hot!!
Xander: Who knew that the X-Man was so quick with comebacks? Victor should reconsider his dislike for his nephew and join with him to form a comedy duo that would have them rolling in the aisles at the Salem Improv Comedy Club.

Stefan Zero: OMG, he actually hired "Nicole." :eek: This sorry excuse for a CEO appears to be willing to hire anyone with a heartbeat. If he's in a hiring mood, why not make shyster Ted house counsel and Rory the company's cannabis consultant?

Sami: So she's supposed to be on her way to Will's bedside. Regardless of what the bumbling Rexy-Sarah team do with Rolf's's diary, his tumor is toast. Sami will screech it into oblivion.
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Nope, Tennis Doc is right, the summary writer goofed. I will fix.........Thank you!!!!
Heck, Barb, if Stefano had lived, Nicole might have eventually married him. They play musical beds quite often in Salem. :)

I honestly cannot believe Xander is handing over Rolf's diary!? Sarah is not that hot!!
Although I agree with you about (barf) Sarah, I'm hoping he's doing it for Maggie.
Rory the company's cannabis consultant?
Huge growth industry - it could save DiMera.
Marlena suggests (!!!) he move on with Sarah
Wow, this is like when she urged Carrie to move on with Rafe before Rafe/Sami were done (or Carrie/Austin for that matter). Marlena deserves better. However this might work if they tied it to John/Marlena's feelings being so strong that they ended up hurting others by denying them...but then we'd have to believe that about Sarah/Eric, and that's a stretch.
Thanks, Poirot.

Did Hope get smarter after leaving the Salem PD? She talked to Ted
about what would Ben's motive be setting the Horton
cabin on fire
with Haley and Tripp in it.

I enjoyed Xander and Sarah too. Interesting he told Sarah that "Maggs
and I had a bonding session"

Xander gave the journal to Maggie. Will someone ask where
he got it?
Will someone wonder If he got it from Eve?

So, "Nicole" is hired by Stefan to start Basic Black again. Will Brady be happy
that it is?

Ted found the original autopsy report. Will he be smart and give it to the
police? Or will he be stupid and give it to the wrong person?
This was painful to watch. It felt like the Maggie hour. WHO CARES what Maggie's reaction to Will is? 2 days in a row of characters walking on eggshells to avoid telling Maggie about Will. He has his own family!

If Kate and Marlena can have scenes talking about Will, why can't Hope and Marlena have scenes talking about Claire?

Xander reminded me of Eddie Haskell from Leave It To Beaver in the final scene. Unfortunately, I'm not seeing the chemistry with him and Sarah. She is just as annoying around him as she is with everyone else.
First time she said that name, I could not imagine who she was talking about. Had never heard it, and personally think it is ........well, very silly, not fitting grumpy Victor at all. I guess someone thought if Stefano had a "different" moniker, Vic should, too. She never had called him that, but John is Grampa, so.............
Just like Hope is never called Gramma, but Marlena is. :) (when/if she ever sees them in person!)
Claire has called Victor "Pop Pop" since she returned to Salem as a teenager.

Belle referred to John as "Pop Pop" (for Claire, when she was a toddler). That's when he was RoboJohn and he asked her not to use that name, just call him John.
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