Days of Our Lives - Thurs., Mar. 21, 2019


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Dec 30, 2012
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Eric is dreaming that Sarah has arrived at his place, telling him she can't fight her feelings any longer and kissing him. Eric tries to stop her, reminds her of the promise he made at the hospital church to save Marlena. Rex comes from his room and charges at Eric, accusing him of being the bad brother Brady said. But Eric is woken by Rex, who apologizes for believing Brady, says Brady lashed out, he knows there's nothing between Eric and Sarah that is romantic.

Meanwhile, at the Kiriakis manse, Maggie thinks Sarah is stressed, and thinks it isn't about work. Sarah remembers Eric being relieved that Marlena was alive. Maggie realizes that Sarah really likes Eric and encourages her to tell him. Sarah recaps to her mother about what happened at the hospital, and Eric's rejection. They agree Sarah was impulsive, she knows he is mourning Nicole, and Maggie offers a spa day tomorrow, but Sarah passes on it. Maggie doesn't want her daughter living a life with Rex "by default."

Later, Sarah comes to the apartment while Rex is taking the trash out, so she has a minute alone with Eric. She apologizes for the kiss, accepts that he just wants to be friends, Eric leaves for a moment while Rex comes back. He kisses her, they dance until she slips and hurts her ankle. Rex goes to get a compression bandage while Eric ices her ankle, and they gaze at each other.

At Mandalay, Claire finally erupts after Tripp spends forever updating her on Ms. Carney calling the cops on Haley, how he feels betrayed by Jack. Tripp is stunned and Claire apologizes, says she cares for Haley, will make an online fundraiser and awareness campaign to help. She hopes Tripp knows she wouldn't betray his trust, he knows. She'll get dinner to bring back to their place, he calls her the best girlfriend ever. They embrace, he is sorry he doubted her.

Outside the Pub, Haley rejects JJ's proposal because it is too obvious, and he could be arrested for fraud. She thinks he has lost his mind, but JJ wants their relationship to be real someday because he has feelings for her. She tells him that he can't make this situation right since it is his fault, and goes back to the loft. She gets back and updates Tripp on the situation. She leaves, and Claire comes back, when Tripp tells her he has some news for her. Meanwhile, JJ opens to door to Haley, who tells him she is marrying Tripp.

At the police station, Hope and Ted talk about Leo, Sonny, Will, and the shooting at the DiMansion. Ted agrees there won't be anymore conflict of interest, and apologizes for coming between her and Rafe. He credits her for him wanting to become a better person. Hope is flattered and thanks him. He asks her to dinner sometime, saying donuts can't sustain them. They laugh as Rafe comes in, Ted takes his leave but watches from the sidelines as Hope decides to put off her case to go to dinner with Rafe.

He brings her to the pub, where Roman closed early so they can celebrate their one-year wedding anniversary. They agree to not bring up the Sami reveal that day, because Rafe still thinks the day was his best in his life because he married Hope. They snuggle and start making out as he tells her she is his first priority. Suddenly, Ted shows up with an update on the Chloe Lane case, talks of two sets of footsteps leading away from the mansion. Rafe reluctantly tells Hope to get to work on the case and postpone the dinner.
Was so dumb how Eric was all "are you okay" to Sarah when they are laughing hysterically. Like oh he's all concerned for her and Rex isn't.

Please end Rafe and Hope. There is absolutely no chemistry between them and they aren't happy. Can't believe it's been a year since they married!

Haley marrying Tripp. Yeah, that will go over well with Claire! Haley was worried about marrying JJ, how it would look. Well how is it going to look her marrying Tripp!! At least she was staying with JJ for quite awhile. She spent one night at Tripp's loft!!
Thanks, DaysD...would be helpful if Sarah would actually marry Rex and go back to Chicago with him, taking Tripp & Haley with them. I mean the first 2 are doctors, Haley is a nurse, Tripp was considering a medical career at one time.......why not an aide?
Rafe & Hope seem to not be destined to remain together. Why is Ted, the DA, coming to tell her about the break? Since when do DAs do that sort of thing? And she runs off, despite all her husband did to celebrate their 1 year anniversary? I thought she was the police chief or commander. Did not not she is chief obviously she cannot delegate to someone maybe her detective husband?????
Thanks so much for doing the Sarah-heavy summary. I think I will pass on this one. I am looking forward to seeing what happens with the Trippy wedding. I do hope it happens, although I know there are real feelings between Haley and JJ and would have preferred that those 2 wed.
Degrassi, thanks for the summary. Ted hanging around Hope is so silly. What are they going to do now, do all the police department's detective work, the two of them together? I agree, the characters in focus for this episode don't make it sound like a must-see show. Guess I will go through parts of it later. At least it doesn't include Jack and Eve.
Sarah: This one is unbearable. Mopey-dopey Eric has promised God to stay away from her, and dull, cheating Rexy just doesn't float her boat, so why not choose Xander. The X-man isn't hard to look at, actually smiles fairly often, and apparently has some luv skills, plus sending the loud-mouthed physician to his Greek villa and far, far from the viewers' TV screens would be a big, big plus.

Mrs. Carney: Hopefully, this much maligned woman owns a little dog that bites or a bad-tempered, scratch-prone cat who could make Claire pay a price for her lies. Nobody else seems to be doing it.

Claire: Her delusions have no bounds. She says that she has hundreds of thousands of online followers. If her foolish fans even make it into the double digits it would be surprising.

Haley: So she's chosen Trippy to be her knight in shining armor. The JJ option would have resulted in some typical fretting by Jenny, but the Trippy choice is better: it will surely make Claire's head explode. It might make for a good scene if Claire now blew up at Eve and the hapless Jack, blaming their anti-Haley campaign for her losing LIttle Trippy.

Ted: Why does this shyster spend so much time at police headquarters? Could it be that the ADAs and paralegals over at the D.A.'s office snicker and make snarky remarks behind Mr. Laurent's back whenever he's around?
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And, Dr. Hot Pants Horton falls and twists her ankle while AGAIN drinking. Not saying that she only had one glass or whatever, but the way she drinks and has no impulse control makes her not my first choice as any kind of physician. And, all those people thanking her for how SHE helped Kayla save Marlena, when all she did was stand there and look clueless. Just aauuuggghhh. Can't she please leave? And to get nominated for an Emmy???? I know, maybe she delivers the lines she is given in a positive way, but still. . . waste of a character and waste of any viewing time, in my opinion.

And are Ted and Hope sharing an office???
focus on Rafe & Hope, Sarah/Eric/Rex
I like Ted, but this is not where the focus should be.

I had the opportunity to watch the last act of the show. I want those 4 minutes of my life back. It also looks as though I saw about 90% of the plot movement during that short time.

Thanks DaysD for covering.
Thanks, DaysD

Does Rex understand why Sarah was laughing? It might not be because
she fell, but maybe she had too much to drink.

And why is Sarah interested in the man that drove drunk and killed
her brother? That's life in Salem

Why didn't Rafe lock the door to the pub so Ted couldn't come in? And
couldn't he have called Hope instead of showing up there?

Why is Haley marrying Tripp instead of JJ?

Will Tripp talk to the neighbor and find out it wasn't her
that turned Haley in?
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And, Dr. Hot Pants Horton falls and twists her ankle while AGAIN drinking. Not saying that she only had one glass or whatever, but the way she drinks and has no impulse control makes her not my first choice as any kind of physician. And, all those people thanking her for how SHE helped Kayla save Marlena, when all she did was stand there and look clueless. Just aauuuggghhh. Can't she please leave? And to get nominated for an Emmy???? I know, maybe she delivers the lines she is given in a positive way, but still. . . waste of a character and waste of any viewing time, in my opinion.

And are Ted and Hope sharing an office???
I agree that Sarah's drinking is over the top and disturbing. I would think it would be of greater concern to Maggie, her alcoholic mom! Doesn't the tendency run in families? Maggie is a sponsor...she should certainly know the signs. Sarah is a total flake.
I'm still always surprised that Hope and Rafe are married. Do they live together? So weird. I feel like it's written as if the Rafe/Sami thing stopped the wedding even though every once in a while she refers to him as her husband. I'm not sure that issue was ever even settled between them.