Days of Our Lives - Thurs. May 27, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Thursday, May 27, 2010
Episode #11,344 Taped 3/25 Director – Noel Maxam

A can’t miss episode today, cause you do NOT want to miss a single word of all the absolutely delicious dialogue, as the show concentrates mostly on the wedding…and throws in South America for good measure. I won’t be able to do the dialogue justice, just trust me, tis truly fun. Let’s go to S.A. first, as the guard tells Rafe he will soon have company in his cell, and to sleep with one eye open, as his new cellmate is a dangerous assassin. Later, the guards bring the prisoner, a hood over his head, throwing him onto a bunk. Rafe can tell the man has been beaten, the guards only say they were trying to get the guy to admit to attempting to kill the president, to no avail. Now Rafe is alone with the man, trying to wake him him, and finally removing his hood, exclaiming “it’s you” in a shocked voice as he recognizes the man – the ever handsome, delightful Englishman, Shane Donovan! He calls out Shane’s name a couple of times, and suddenly Shane jumps up, getting Rafe, choking Rafe, who tries to croak out that he is FBI himself. Finally Rafe manages to get free, knocking Shane back on the bunk, telling him his name, that he is from Salem himself, how he recognizes Shane from tons of pictures that Sami has, he knows Shane is her uncle. Shane is perplexed, but Rafe manages to get thru to him, explains how he knows Sami, how her child was kidnapped, returned, and he was following a lead down here via Anna DiMera, figures other DiMeras are involved, but has ended up here. Shane evidently was on some fact finding mission, got caught in the library of the president’s summer home, accused, the ISA denied even knowing him, and here he is. Shane figures that with Rafe sort of having ties to him, his life is not worth a plugged nickel, both want to escape, so agree, they will work together and do it. Handshake seals it.

And let’s all now hurry over to the Kmansion, don’t worry about being in casual dress. Everyone else is, too. LOL. Actually the show opens with a repeat of Maggie conspiring with Victor, telling him to go out the window, she will tell everyone he was summoned by the U.N. to go to Greece to rescue the economy, and she will come round, pick him up, take him to the airport. Victor thinks that ride….what a ride it might be. In comes Vivian, green eyed monster in tow, announcing the justice of the peace has arrived, complaining they are using her boudoir for their tete’ a tete’. Maggie was just leaving, & the minute she is out of sight, Viv begins to denigrate her, but Victor quickly puts a stop to it, telling her she is never, ever to talk about Maggie Horton that way. Viv begins to protest, Victor orders her to not even mention Maggie’s name, and when Viv continues, Victor threatens to call off the wedding.

And now downstairs to the festivities, as the guests sort of gather in groups here and there. Kate has wandered into where the chairs are set up, soon followed by Nicole, never without her big martini glass in hand. She asks if Kate knows who else is there….Carly. Yep, she thinks Carly, Kate, Vivian & herself should get together….the housewives Kiriakis mansion. They wonder why Victor is marrying Vivian….maybe Victor wants another kid. Kate nearly chokes on her drink. Later Phil gripes to Kate how his mother married the man who tried to kill him, while his father is marrying the woman who tries to kill his wife. Some family.

In another room, Bo is telling Brady, Philip & Daniel how he is the one who set this all in motion by underestimating..not Vivian…but Victor himself. So he advises them all to go, but he will stay. Elsewhere, Maggie is talking to the women….Chloe, Carly, Melanie. She explains that she thinks Vivian wants to separate Victor from his family, have him all to herself, as they all turn their backs on him. advising them all that instead of leaving, they should stay, present a united front, let Vivian know they are ALL watching her, Victor’s family. What Maggie is saying makes sense, everyone agrees.

In the park, Hope is walking with Ciara, stopping by Benchie, raving about Ciara’s gold star, how proud she is of her. Ciara wants to put it in her treasure box, Hope says fine, asks what she keeps in it. Ciara says it is private, just like yours, mommy. Hope replies she doesn’t have a treasure box, she told her that before. Oh, yes you do, mommy. It is under your bed. Hope tells Ciara she can put her star in her box before she goes for her sleepover (boy, she has a lot of those, doesn’t she, lol) and they have to stop by Grampa Victor’s first anyway.

The reluctant guests have assembled together, seated in the special chairs set up for the occasion. The JP begins the ceremony, gets to the part “if anyone has just cause…let them speak”. The camera stays on a few faces, until Victor decides he has to say something. Vivian is mortified, “you can’t object yourself at your own wedding”, but Vic goes ahead, expressing his appreciation to those who stayed, he knows they would rather be elsewhere. Kate remarks how nice, he wrote his own vows. LOL Victor continues. This means a lot to him. He knows they may not understand, but thanks them for their support. Justin comes in, having received his text, hears the news, takes his seat. Victor returns to stand by Vivian, as the reciting of vows. And as this is being done, we get flashbacks of other vow recitings….Kate, Nicole, and then Carly. (Nicely done, point and counterpoint). Vivian has to nudge Victor to say I do, he asks if this is over now, she reminds him about the ring. He slips it on her finger, saying with this ring, I thee wed. The JP pronounces them man & wife, Vivian gives him a kiss saying, Mazel tov… Victor goes to get himself a drink. She thanks everyone for being there, and now the guests start to mingle around.

Daniel decides to make his own announcement, telling everyone that there will soon be another wedding, he & Chloe have moved up their own wedding date. Carly stares intently at the uncomfortable Chloe. Daniel realizes, too late, this may not have been the right time or place. Melanie has walked out, Philip follows, she talks of Chloe & her dad having problems, & should work them out first. Philip replies most couples have problems. Melanie hates weddings, tho likes being married. She is glad she and Philip are so open and honest… everything about Nathan has been put up front. Cue…..yep, you guessed it, 23, 751st Philip/Chloe sex scene flashback. Nicole has been really hanging onto Brady’s arm, but now gets a bright idea. She wants a picture of all the Kiriakis wives, gets them together, calling them the ex-wives. Viv states firmly she is the last one. Victor makes a crack . Victor tells Maggie they would probably be at the airport by now, but Maggie tells Victor he wasn’t very nice to Vivian, that he purposely set out to hurt and embarrass her. She wishes him well.

Now Vivian calls all the women together, she is going to throw the bouquet. The gals reluctantly follow her to the foyer staircase, with Viv telling Chloe not to worry, stand just there, she will take care of everything. She heads for the second or third step up, and as she starts to throw the bouquet…..the door opens and in walks Hope……just as the bouquet lands in Carly’s hands. Hope has a rather bemused expression on her face. LOL

WOW definitely cant wait to see this episode. and I'm not surprised about the flashback. I will be expecting that to continue until everything is revealed.

awesom writeup
Mazel tov? Is Vivian Jewish now? LOL

Love that Shane is here already! Thought that would take another week. And I really think Hope should have investigated that treasure box by now, geez!
I cannot wait to see Shane!!
The wedding sounds hilarious...cant wait to see it!
I was sort of hoping that as Viv threw the bouquet, she would slip, fall and break her neck, thus saving us from her obnoxious planning. I used to really like Viv, but she's no longer entertaining. Getting a little tired of her conniving about Carly. Wish the two of them would go back to Alamain land or have Lawrence show up, alive and well, and take them with him.
Rafe is such a typical American. He thinks it matters to his South American captors that he's from the U.S., with the FBI, etc. I think it's dumb that he recognizes Shane from photos. Shane probably looked a lot different, beaten up and ragged in a jail cell than he did in photographs.

Other than that, however, it sounds like a fantastic episode. Victor seems to be developing a major crush on Maggie. Love it!

Your report was outstanding. Thanks Poirot!

Wedding sounds pretty good. Love seeing all the cast in one spot.

As for the flashbacks...Days has always been so lame with them. Can't they be like other shows and just have a person look guilty? How many new viewers do they think they get a day, that they have to keep flashing?

It is so interesting that Maggie fits right into the Kiriakis world. She has all that spunk and spark it takes to call Victor on his ****. I never thought of her that way before.

I used to love Shane back in the day. Hopefully they will let him have scenes away from Rafe so I can see him this go round. I fast forward Rafe 95% of the time.
Slyn, I am still enjoying the flashbacks! I consider it a crumb the producers are tossing in the direction of us Philip/Chloe fans.
Well heck - I was really hoping Victor would not go through with it. Maybe he is thinking "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer".

Also - what was it that Bo wanted to tell the rest of them at the end of today's show?
Slyn, I am still enjoying the flashbacks! I consider it a crumb the producers are tossing in the direction of us Philip/Chloe fans.

I'll take those crumbs...

But I love the Rafe/Shane interaction, I can't wait to see them over powering guards together... it sounds, well it sounds, it really sounds....:hot:
Cannot imagine why any American would want to hide the fact they ARE American? I am, and proud of it. And if accused of some crime, why not admit to being FBI.....goes further to try and prove "upright citizen" then lowlife drug dealer.
Actually, I would not call Rafe a typical American at all. One doesn't find typical Americans working undercover, trying to discover guilty culprits in a foreign country. sorry kpatch, but the Philip/Chloe sex scene flashbacks have gone into overkill. If considered a crumb....they are very stale ones.

As to Shane, he is as handsome and RECOGNIZABLE as ever, as I said in the summary.