Days of Our Lives - Thurs. Sept. 2, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Thursday, September 2, 2010
Episode #11,410 Taped /25 Director – Phil Sogard

Boy, another rather riveting episode. Maggie has come to the Kmansion, wanting to see Brady, who is not there, Victor has no idea, but realizes Maggie is worried about him, even tho, as his sponsor, she cannot talk about him with Victor. The speak in generalities about addictive personalities a bit, then Maggie tells him she is planning to go on a trip, which is why she wanted to see Brady. She talks of not wanting to go anywhere she & Mickey ever went for months after he died. Victor jokes it must have been hard to find a restaurant in town, she smiles…telling of not even being able to sit at the kitchen table, of eating Thai food standing up at the counter…..Mickey hated Thai food. Victor gets a call, asks if it is a fact, tells Maggie to excuse him, it is business, and he has to go.

Stefano & Kate sit in the Pub, he is anxious to leave for the yacht which is ready…she doesn’t want to go until they talk. More conversation about losing grandchildren, Stefano assuring Kate all is going to be well. She wants to know what sort of plan Stefano & EJ have cooked up, he claims there is none. She thinks he is trying to get her out of the way, flashes back to overhearing Elvis say he was gonna take the children and disappear, then tells Stefano that knowing EJ, she thinks he might just plan to grab the kids and vanish with them. Stefano assures her EJ is going no where, he is dead drunk, the kids are here upstairs, Sami is with Rafe, and EJ will do nothing tonight.

Vivian is with Gus in the mauseleum, waxing ecstatically over her plans for Maggie Horton. She has had a hole drilled for the straw, the one she intends to use to feed Maggie thin gruel laced with alcohol. (gruel??? What is this …Oliver!? LOLOL) Gus has found her a handwriting forger, she has some of Maggie’s tacky stationery so a note can be left to Victor, and perhaps a couple of her friends, Viv knows there is not many. Gus claims that folks will worry when Maggie doesn’t reach her destination…Viv claims she will, eventually, older, wizened, and unable to remember where she has been or what happened to her. Now she starts dictating into a recorder the letter to Victor that will come from Maggie….filled with flowery prose. Gus warns her Maggie was a plain spoken woman, would not write like that. Vivian starts anew, but is not very convincing.

Brady sits in the Cheatin’ Heart, boozing it up, Chloe walks in, joins him. She is surprised he is drinking, he claims it is not drugs, he is celebrating, asks what she wants, she says a gingerale. He asks if she is on the wagon …nope…she leans back a bit, touches her tummy, says she is “on the nest”. Brady is happy for her, knows she always wanted a baby and the chances were so slim. Some small talk, he mentions Nicole being out of his life again, Chloe tells him about Chloe being at her place, fearful for her life. Brady claims Nicole is always fearful for her life, warns Chloe not to let Nicole screw up things for her, that is what she does, reminding her how Nicole did things to Arianna and to Chloe herself. Yep, but Nicole was the only person she could talk to when she was having a rough patch with Daniel, she is her friend…again.

Over at the apartment Nicole is upset as the booze bottle is empty, there is not more. She is ranting a bit, Daniel comes out, warns her about behaving. Tells her she is there because she is Chloe’s friend, but if she causes a single disturbance for Chloe, Nicole will be out on her butt. So, Nicole is sorry, but calls George in, wanting him to call Rafe. Nope, he is off duty, will call in the morning. Daniel goes back to bed (not really) as now Nicole sits on the sofa, looking at some baby book, remembering how she read to Sydney. Daniel comes out to find Nicole in tears, she talks about Sydney, her life with her, her miscarriage, how glad she is Sydney is now safely away from EJ, but how her life is such a mess, all these things happen, but she has learned to survive. Just like a cat…she is going to land on her feet again. Chloe returns, gets filled in with a very brief version of the events…EJ kidnapped Sydney himself, Nicole learned about it, Sami knows, EJ knows Nicole is responsible for Sami knowing, is after her, already tried to kill her. (Chloe commented about there being 9 guys out there). Daniel & Chloe go off to bed, Nicole paces. She is having a total breakdown here.

At DiMansion, we have a replay of yesterday’s ending scenes. Sami calling for EJ, coming into the bedroom, finding him apparently asleep, turning away, remembering Kate’s phone call, EJ proclaiming he loved her, his phone call to her saying Sydney was dead. The voices come together quicker, over and over, She turns back to to EJ, picks up the gun that is in his hand, stands and fires. The sound of the shot is muffled, the gun must have a silencer. She stands there, and we see EJ, blood all around the ear, on his right side. Sami stands, seeming frozen, as EJ’s body seems to shudder, the glass he had in his other hand drops to the floor, and shatters. Sami is staring, turns away, seeing herself in the mirror, EJ behind her on the bed, she looks down at the gun in her hand, draws in a breath and rushes out.
Next, Sami is down at the pier (and interestingly, while her her hair has been drawn up in a tight knot all this while, it is now down, loose) She stands there for a bit, then throws the gun into the river and leaves.

And here are Stefano & Kate, arriving dockside but the yacht is not there. Along comes Victor, who evidently dismissed the captain, told him to leave. Seems Victor has had a shipment of artworks stalled at the docks for 15 weeks, Stefano replies that it is because he had an important shipment that took precedence. Tsk, Tsk, Stefano has violated the terms of their agreement. So, now you are going to pay me back? Victor flashes back to telling Rafe about Nicole’s Achilles’ heel, in order to get info from her. I already have, replies Victor, who then mentions he heard about the interrupted wedding, knows EJ is back at the mansion crying in his champagne, and wonders whatever happened to Stefano the loving parent. You’d better get back in line. Stefano laughs…Or what? Victor replies “you don’t want to know”. Along comes Maggie…”but I do”, she says.

Viv is alone in the sarcophagus, dictating a message from Maggie to Melanie into her tape recorder, as in comes Brady. What the hell are you doing here. Vivian sweetly explains about the Isabella memorial, Brady has a fit. He asks if his grandfather knows about this….then tells her in no uncertain terms to leave his mother and her remains alone, do not touch them.

Sami comes into the darkened bedroom, slips back into bed with the sleeping Rafe. His cell rings, and there is Nicole, ranting at him about his ineffectual bodyguard. Rafe says he promised her protection for life, he will talk to her in the morning, he hangs up. Rafe sees Sami is awake, she says she had a nightmare, a really bad one. His phone rings again, Nicole is furious he hung up on her. He assures her again all is o.k. he will talk to her in the morning. A frustrated Nicole throws something at the fireplace, smashing it. Out comes Daniel & Chloe, Nicole is once again apologizing, she is sorry, she is sorry. Daniel is ready to toss her out, Chloe calms him, he says they should go back to bed, Chloe decides to make some tea for us girls, he leaves, Nicole cries into Chloe’s shoulder.
Back at Rafe’s, he is comforting Sami, assuring her all will be fine. He holds her, she looks up, telling him she loves him so much…kisses him. And the camera is back in DiMansion, long shot of the motionless EJ laying on the bed.

Sami either shot him or Ej shot himself and she only saw the blood after the shot she fired. It is another awesome show. Thanks for all that you do.
THANKS!!!! You do such an awesome job writing up the Days Ahead. I don't know what we would do without you!!

@GaGirl73 - I hope you are right and that EJ (or someone) had already shot EJ in the head but Sami didn't notice. I will have to look at the scene carefully to see if I can see anything.
I personally think this Sami shooting EJ story is terrible. Just plain silly!! Oh well.

Barb, as always..a wonderful write up!!
Only EJ and his family have 9 lives

I think Stephano has used up his 9 lives and a couple of other family members by Benji, he only had one life because Stephano used up his other ones. LOL.
Great write-up, as always, Barb!

This sarcophagus story has to one of the most lame-brained yet. In addition to being used goods, it's no longer even remotely funny. Vivian is planning to force feed alcohol to Maggie? After all she's been through? And Viv trash talking one of the classiest ladies ever to set foot in Salem is beyond the pale.

I was so excited to see Vivian return. Louise has always played that part so well and made me laugh more times than I can count. But the writers are ruining her character (like so many others). When she buried Carly alive, she was on drugs. Yes, she's always been insecure and selfish and vindictive, but she used to have a heart (when she was in her right mind).
I have loved Louise Sorel, she is a fantastic actress, and while Vivian has been a rather unique character, strictly due to Ms. Sorel's performance... this time round, I just keep getting this visual of Carol Burnett portraying Talulah Bankhead in one of her variety show skits. "Ready for my closeup now, Mr. DeMille".
Vivian etc.

Vivian hasn't been in her right mind for YEARS! I can't stand her especially now. Lame is right! That storyline about Maggie is absurd! Hope they end that one soon! (Or Brady does put the cabosh on it). Please tptb, listen to us fans and put an end to this ridiculous storyline that has been done before by Viv and not too well I might add. Leave Maggie be!

As for Maggie herself, absolutely LOVE her and I want to see her with Victor period. Let Vivian go hang herself for all I care.

I don't think Sami did EJ in. I think EJ did EJ in. I understand he will survive with a shot to the brain and brain surgery for God's sake! That's lame too! NO ONE lives through that, do they?! Only the DiMera's who absolutely have at least nine lives each and Stefano in the past has been shot in the chest at close range; been pushed or shoved or fallen off a CLIFF (I forget which) and I remember vagually something about a cat walk and him surviving that one too. Not to mention poisoning at some point I recall. It's really been difficult if not impossible to get rid of Stefano. Yes he would disappear for long periods of time but come back again and again and again to reek havoc on Salem and most of its residents. It's about time they retired Stefano and have him sail away alone.

I wouldn't care if they made EJ the new DiMera villain king and it would sure beat tired, boring old Stefano who is just TOO obvious anymore but they need new storylines that are believable and these 'no one can kill 99% of the DiMera's' is just plain ludicrous. Sure Benji died and that kid shouldn't have. Nor should they have gotten Tony but I guess he was asking for too much money when his new contract was due. Then again, are we REALLY sure that Tony IS dead? This is Days so we're never really sure about deaths.
Let me add here...that before Maggie arrives, Victor is looking at a picture of the sarcophagus, throws it on the table in disgust, muttering that Vivian should have just bought him a tie. At one point he looks at a picture on the table of a much younger Victor, with Isabella.
When Maggie is there, and they are talking about Viv's plans, Maggie does indicate that it could upset Brady, who could possibly feel like he is losing his mother all over again.
There was a part of the conversation between Sami & Rafe in Wed show in which Sami said emphatically that she wouldn't take sleeping pills. That's when Rafe suggested the 'medicinal brandy'.:)
ooooo Victor and Stefano scenes!

thank you - I am going to see if I remember about Sami's hair changing, that always makes me laugh.
What bothers me about the EJ "suicide"; is when he was putting the gun to his head; it was in his left hand, and when Sami came in the room, it was in his right hand... grabbing the gun, pointing it, and firing it... classic Sami.
Then the shooting will be investigated by the SPD... whose investigative techniques seem to be some where in the late 19th or early 20th Century.
Thrus- Sept. 2, 2010 day Ahead

What bothers me about the EJ "suicide"; is when he was putting the gun to his head; it was in his left hand, and when Sami came in the room, it was in his right hand... grabbing the gun, pointing it, and firing it... classic Sami.
Then the shooting will be investigated by the SPD... whose investigative techniques seem to be some where in the late 19th or early 20th Century.

Thanks as always Barb.
I also noticed the hands as I thought EJ was right-handed also. This is my thought---
Who is hiding in the room? Maybe Will? Anna? Adraina? (misspelled-sorry). I do not think Sami shoot him. But can you think of others that could be the shooter?