Days of Our Lives - Thurs. Sept. 30, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Episode #11429 Taped 7/28/10 Director – Albert Alarr
Wow, definite do not miss a single scene today. . Great dialogue, and I won’t remember it all, of course. At the Kmansion, Brady wants to know what questions Nicole was asking, but Victor only claims she had to be drunk, all she wanted to talk about was monkeys. Brady suddenly realizes he is missing his Bluetooth, is looking in his pockets, in the sofa cushions. An exasperated Victor tells him to just buy a new one, Brady says he is going to have to do that, he is expecting a call, and leaves.
Over at the mauseleum, Nicole has put the ear piece on, and hears Vivian talking to herself. (She is sooo good here). Nicole is puzzled, is looking around, finally says hello, Viv is in 7th heaven, someone is there, turns on her monitor….sees it is Noreen. LOL. Viv answers, Nicole doesn’t know what is going on, finally realizes she is hearing Viv’s voice, asks where she is. Instead of saying “inside this sarcophagus”, Viv says look to your left, Nadine. Nicole is looking around, telling herself that is it, no more martinis, old fashions, or wine…now she is hearing voices. Vivian insists she is there, Noreen, Nicole reminds her that her name is Nicole, says there is nothing there but this big….coffin. Vivian agrees, starts begging Nicole to let her out, but Nicole cannot lift the lid. Vivian tells her there is a lever in the back that locks the lid down, so Nicole finds it, and starts to push the lever, and… walks Brady. Oh, the look on his face, as he asks Nicole what the hell she thinks she is doing. And Vivian sees him and just moans…”Oh, Noooo……No, No, Nannette”. (for those of you that won’t get that, it is the title of a musical play). Brady is angry (love Brady’s new persona), asks for his ear piece back. Nicole begins berating him for aiding Victor in doing this to Vivian, she cannot believe he could change so much. Brady assures her that if he has changed at all, it is not due to Victor, but to Nicole, herself. Nicole is right back at him, calling Victor a son of a b****, as Victor walks in….tells her if he is, then SHE is his mother. LOLOLOL.
Vic wants to know what is going on, Brady accuses him of following him, Victor admits he did, was worried, now realizes the call was probably from Nicole. Brady agrees it was, Victor is appalled they meet secretly is the mauseleum, asks Nicole if she is sober now, makes more remarks about her inquiring about monkeys, takes his leave, first saying good-bye to his dear, sweet daughter, who he misses every day. Vivian had been hoping her darling Vic would rescue her…is now depressed. Brady thanks Nicole for keeping quiet.
Kate is getting ready to leave DiMansion when she spots Will, who has come in to get some of his stuff. They talk a bit about Stefano “clearing” Will, and Kate learns EJ is awake. Kate tells Will Stefano is determined to get revenge on whoever did this, both agreeing that neither Stefano nor EJ can know about Kate’s phone call to Sami. Will is insistent that no one mess with his mom or the kids.
Meanwhile, Stefano sits with EJ, who is admitting he has faked the amnesia, he remembers everything. (With all the drugs in him, he is so coherent he can still plot and plan!) He reminds Stefano that Lexie said if his blood pressure goes up, he could have a brain hemmorage, but he knows he is not married to Sami, remembers Rafe coming in, and the more he talks, the more agitated he gets. He remembers how he was planning to take Johnny & Sydney away, then decided not to, as he had fallen in love with Sami, and now she is with Rafe, and he is not going to stand for her having his children while with Rafe. As he talks, the machines start clanging away. Stefano calls for help. Later, Nathan comes out, saying he adjusted EJ’s meds, his BP is going down. Kate has arrived, Stefano tells her what happened, then confides in her that EJ does not have amnesia, he is telling her because they agreed on a new beginning, no secrets. He has told her this in confidence, asks if she has any she wants to tell, but they are interrupted by Nathan.
Rafe, Sami, Johnny & Allie get out of an elevator, Rafe’s hands over Sami’s eyes. He gets out a key, opens an apartment door, they go inside this beautiful furnished apartment. Sami is totally surprised, asks him where are they. HOME, replies Rafe. He evidently had been working on this for quite some time. Sami is emotional, Rafe never stopped believing. Will arrives, got Rafe’s message, and gets told about the new home.
(just let me stop here, and say that the minue they walked in, and the place is beautiful, but the layout reminded me of the place where Sami/Rafe had to stay, the safe house. Definitely brighter, cheerier) Rafe takes Johnny & Allie to see their rooms, hoping they like bunk beds. Will & Sami talk about EJ’s amnesia, her having to not tell they are not married, Will mentions “what she did”, Rafe is coming out, overhearing, Will claims he was talking about his mom not marrying EJ, then taking a ring from Rafe. Will goes off, returns, happy that he has his own room. Of course….and now Rafe apologizes for not talking to Will before asking Sami to accept his ring. He knows how Will was taking care of her, and hopes Will is o.k. with him. Will breaks into a big grin, asking him if his mom did not tell him of all the grief Will gave her about marrying EJ.
Johnny & Allie come out, Will is taking them for ice cream, and then stopping at Gramma’s to check on Sydney. . Off they go, and you will laugh to hear Johnny, out in hall, Hup, two, three, four. Sami & Rafe are now alone, she is so happy, cannot believe he did this for them. He says….”you know what? This place sort of reminds me of the safe house” She is trying to tell him something, says if they are going to be living together, she has to tell him something, but then begins to ramble about the kids…talking of this being Sydney’s first real home, how she loves Sydney’s room. Rafe comments about it not being as fancy as the one she had at DiMera’s.but Sami thinks it is perfect. She talks of Johnny & Allie, saying something about Johnny now thinking they are living in sin…Rafe stops her, reminding her they are engaged, even if she isn’t wearing the ring. She agrees, starts with a “but”, Rafe tells of running into Daniel, who was talking all about wanting to marry Chloe right away, and that is exactly what Rafe wants. To marry Sami as soon as possible.

And over at the hospital, Nathan is questioning an aggravated EJ about what he remembers, asking what year, month, but tho EJ answers correctly, he is abrupt, nasty, finally ordering Nathan out, throwing stuff from the nightstand at him, insisting he wants a real doctor. Nathan goes out, tells Stefano he can go in, but not Kate, just one at a time. Stefano goes in, sits at the bedside, EJ assures him he remembers everything, and wants out of there. He will continue to fake the amnesia, get Sami complacent, until he figures out a way to take Johnny & Sydney away from her. Stefano is filled with glee at the idea, then asks EJ if he knows who shot him. EJ replies he remembers everything, and yes, he knows.

Yay, Barb is back doing writeups! Thank you so much, this does sound like a good show.

I wonder if Vivian is getting Nicole's name wrong because of the toxic paint she keeps talking about. I know she knows who Nicole is.
Welcome back Poirot. Thanks for the write up. Boy sounds like a not to be missed show today. So EJ is just going to take the children, seems like he really does not love Sami like he claims to. Just love that Nicole knows Brady's secret.
Oh, Barb, it is so good to have you back! Thanks for the great write-up. I sure hope EJ really DOES NOT "remember" who shot him. He was not conscious at the time.
WELCOME SURPRISE!!! I did not expect to see your amazing summery this AM. Thanks SOOOO much Barb. Sounds like an great can't miss show

Hope you had a wonderful trip!

Definately a can't miss epi!!! Just love the new darker Brady (ok ok, I admit it, I just love that boy period!!!) :)
Surprise, surprise, surprise (as Gomer Pyle would say)...I too was nicely surprised to see a write up this morning! As always, you do a terrific job. THANKS!!! :hug:
Thanks so much for the write up. I hope you enjoyed your vacation!
Barb, it's so nice to have you back where you belong. :)

Thanks for that special Barb summary that only you know how to write!

I am excited to see Nadine/Noreen/Nicole get mixed up in the sarcophagus caper. It should bring a new layer of scheming, comedy, and intrigue to the story.
How does Nicole always stumble on the juicy secrets of Salem. First the EJ/Kidnapping reveal, then Chloe's baby, and now Vivian in the tomb of craziness. I really like Nicole when she is playing her drunk, lovable self. I hope that her and Brady end up together. They would bring some comic relief to the show if they both continue in their current personas.

The whole EJ thing makes me sick. I hope there is a big twist coming because this is getting boring. EJ uses and abuses Sami the woman he loves to get custody of his children. Wash, rinse, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat.

I love that Rafe has been working on a place where they can start a new life. Please Sami come clean with Rafe and start your new life with no secrets for once.
Poirot said:
Brady assures her that if he has changed at all, it is not due to Victor, but to Nicole, herself.

I've always called Brady gullible but I didn't know he was so stupid. Of course, blame it on Nicole.

Good to "see" you Barb. You were sorely missed!!!
The only thing that sounds good to me in this one is EJ ordering Nathan out and saying he wants a real doctor. My sentiments exactly! I love how the show takes every opportunity to make Nathan look like an incompetent dork.

Thanks for the write up.
:welcome:sooo glad you are back Barb, been missing the write ups.
I am excited to see this episode, sounds like alot is going on and the writers are not (hopefully) letting things drag..
Welcome Back, Poirot!

I'm laughing at Sami worrying about her kids thinking she's living in sin while she's with Rafe. Gee, Sami, isn't that what you were doing when you were living with EJ (and Lucas, and Austin, and Brandon...)

I can't wait to see the Nicole/Victor/Brady/Viv fiasco tomorrow. :)
Vivian always does that with names it seems. But it is pretty funny to hear her call Nicole all those "N" names. And Nicole's reactions are priceless, as she is looking around this place, not understanding where this voice is coming from. I loved when she called Victor that name and he says if he is one, she must be his mother.
What a wonderful surprise! Welcome back Barb, hope you enjoyed your time away. Thanks for the great write up, after the past few days I'm finally looking forward to a large portion of tomorrow's show. Now if only we can get past the retreaded Elvis ****.
What a wonderful surprise! I hope you had a great time.. I have been so lost without this as I have missed several episodes... You truly have spoiled us!