Days of Our Lives - Thursday, Aug. 21st, 2008


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Episode #10,895 Taped 7/28 Director – Albert Alarr

Roman is telling Tim to try and get that TV security camera monitor working, so it will be hooked up to the nurses station there. Tim says he will try, as Nicole wanders in. Abe & Roman confer on trying to get to the people on the 7th floor. Lexie comes up to tell Abe all the critical patients from other floors have been moved to County, while other patients have all been moved to lower floors. Abe & Roman are both convinced this is the work of Stefano. Lexie protests that he was still paralyzed, but Abe reminds her that her own exam showed brain activity indicating he should be awake, and he could have faked the non-responses to her physical tests, or have taken some drug to enable him to do so. Nicole walks over to the monitor, and in spite of the fact she has been gone for quite a while, sees EJ & Sami kissing, going at it hot and heavy. She walks away.

In the stairwell, EJ finally separates from Sami, saying we can’t do this. Sami buries her face in her hands, saying Oh, God. EJ says he is sorry, she says don’t be. There is nothing to be sorry for. She then says she can’t imagine him not in her life, he says thank you. She gets up, pacing, wondering how they will get out. Nicole watches them intermittently on the monitor. Finally, the cops see the monitor is working again, and learn it is the stairwell between the 6th and 7th floors.
Kate has come rushing in, giving Roman a hard time about Lucas being up there. She babbles on, they are not doing all they could, yada, yada. Roman tries to quiet her down, saying there are others, Sami & Marlena, too. He orders a couple of cops to get an acetylene torch and get thru the stairwell door.
In his room, Lucas comes to, a bit groggy, spots Chloe on the floor, gets her to wake up. She hyperventilates a bit, he finds a paper bag, gets her to breathe into it, she is fine, they go out to check on things. In her office, Kayla and Steve are frantically pounding on the door, trying to attract attention, she is crying hysterically over the missing Baby Joe, Steve is trying to calm her, comfort her, is almost crying himself, as they both call for their baby Joe. Out in the hall, Lucas tells Chloe they should stick together, which is fine with her. She doesn’t want to run into that creepy Stefano again. Ooops, too late, there he is. Oh, he has a list of things he wants to do, but neither of them are included…….yet. He does his usual making people pay routine, says Lucas will be feeling pain, but not from him, then pulls out a camera cell phone, telling Lucas to take a look. Lucas glances over, blank screen, Stef presses a button, a pic of Sami & EJ in the stairwell appears, Lucas nonchalantly walks away, old news, doesn’t bother him. Oh, but Stefano is happy, it shows Sami realizes she belongs at the side of Elvis, and together they will continue on the DiMera dynasty. Lucas & Chloe return to his room.

The cops have broken thru to the stairwell, Sami & her dad hug, he asks about her mother, Sami & EJ tell how she has been injected with the same drugs she used on Stefano. Roman finds that hard to believe, but Sami tells him that her mom admitted to aunt Kayla what she had done, and gave her the list of drugs she used, so Aunt Kayla could find antidotes for Marlena. Roman hustles them downstairs to Lexie to get checked over, ordering the other cops to now break thru to the 7th floor. EJ & Sami are greeted by Lexie, ordered for exams, Nicole watches a bit from the background. EJ spots her, as Lexie takes Sami off to a cubicle. EJ tells Nicole he did not know she was there, she explains she saw it on the news, so came down, is rather distant to him, but finally mentions the getting it on with Sami in the stairwell. EJ is rather sheepish, as he realizes she saw that, she explains about the monitor. Both are talking at the same time, with EJ trying to say it meant nothing, but Nicole not buying any of it. Lexie has told Sami her tests are fine, blood screen clear, so she doesn’t think there will be any residual effects. She comes out to get EJ tested next, he tries to stall wanting to talk to Nicole, but she walks away, and he goes with Lexie. Later, Lexie comes out, approaches Nicole, saying they don’t know each other well, but she knows that Nicole cares for her brother. She talks of her own go rounds with Sami, and more or less encourages Nicole to go after her brother.

Lucas & Chloe are in his room, she comments that she has heard him say it before several times, about it being over with him & Sami. But Lucas says he is done, he is tired of the undecided Sami. And now, as he looks out the window, he pitches his voice a bit higher as he imitates Sami saying Oh, I don’t know…..I have feelings for you EJ, cuz we have a son together. Oh, Lucas, I have feelings for you cause we have a daughter together. EJ/Lucas, Lucas/EJ, oh, which one, I cannot make up my mind. And a serious Lucas says he is tired of being on that merry go round. Yes, he is sure. They hear a baby crying, & decide to go out and see what is going on. Steve & Kayla also hear the crying baby, and go bonkers. He is determined to break that door down, only cannot find anything that would not deteriorate on impact. He finally finds something, and begins pounding on the door handle, as Kayla yells. Lucas & Chloe hear them, come to the door, Kayla gives Lucas the code, he gets the door open. Steve & Kayla rush to where the sounds of the crying baby are the loudest, open a door carefully, and find their beautiful baby Joe in a carrier. She picks him up, hugging, kissing, so does Steve. Joe appears fine, but she wants him checked anyway. She notices some sort of mark on his wrist…..she never noticed it before, Steve says it just looks like a freckle, she figures that is what it is.

Abe & Roman, along with some cops have evidently gotten up on the floor, burst into Stefano’s room, but he is gone. Oh, but there he is on the TV monitor, scolding the cops for taking so long to “rescue” everyone, but that is not unusual for them, he laughs. He pretends innocence as to the origins of the gas/fumes, talking of how he was not affected, but was told others were. Now he warns them that he wants Dr. Marlena Evans charged with assault & attempted murder, as she was the one who injected him with the drugs that paralyzed him. He wants her brought to justice, and if not, he will provide his own.

Downstairs, a pensive looking Nicole walks over to the TV monitor, staring at the empty stairwell shown there.

Sounds like a so so episode! It burns me up that Stefano wants Marlena charged, but he acts like he never did anything wrong!! Grrrrrrrrrr!!!
I know everyone has their likes & dislikes about couples on the show..but I just love Lucas & Chloe!! I really do!
Kate needs to take a chill pill. Why is it when ever things run amok & she has a family member involved, she thinks no one is doing all they can. Hello Kate...other people have loved ones trapped too!! She wears me out!!

Thanks for the write up as always!!
Good write up Barb thanks for all you do for us.:smile:
I sure would be nice for both Ej & Lucas to leave Sami. I think she needs some time to be man free for awhile.
So I wonder what Stefano did to baby Joe? What's your opinion?
I'm going to guess that Baby Joe's "freckle" is a microchip... either to control his health, spy on whoever has him, or make him reject his parents and bond with Stefano.
Regardless, this baby storyline holds no interest for me.
Thanks for the write-up. I'm really getting into the Sami/Lucas/EJ/Nicole thing. Notice I didn't include Chloe in that mix, she belongs with Philip.
Why on Earth would Sami tell her dad, the cop, what Marlena confessed to? Not that Roman wouldn't cover for Marlena, he already has, but still. Has Sami ever had control of the Salem brain?
I'm sure its some sort of microchip! Geezzzzz!!!!!! Pleeezzzzzzzz!!! Already hating that s/l, and I'm not even sure what it is yet! LOL
Looks like they may not be putting Ejami back together afterall. I'm still wondering if Sami isn't thinking early maternity leave so they aren't going to do anything for awhile with her. Maybe just have she and Nicole at each others throats now and again!
And Kate, she needs a life of her own instead of always demanding crap from everyone else. Get tired of that. She needs to get off her high horse!
Sounds like Sami might be dropped by both men ... EJ stopping things with Sami and telling Nicole that it meant nothing is a turing point on the Sami, EJ relationship that's for sure! And Lucas sounds like it's REALLY over between him and Sami. So has Sami lost both men?
Okay, this story line with Baby Joe is of no interest to me at all...they need to just leave that one alone. No good ever comes out of Stefano with an adult much less a child. I am sooooooo over him.

Sounds to me like they are going to have Sami alone and doing some soul searching, therefore, having time out for her new one on the way. Although, I do not want to see Lucas with Chloe - just doesn't work. Maybe, with Lucas going to the Cabin - Sami is going to follow and they will both be in limited shots - who knows.
I have to agree with the microchip theory. That was my first thought--here we go again with stephano putting chips in people. That s.l. got old the last time when they did with Hope and John and the chips in their brains. Ugh. I was hoping they would do something new with ole steph but I guess not.
Well, with Stefano involved, you know it ain't no freckle...Kayla should know better. I don't like this SL either. Leave little Joe alone.
I'm shocked that Lexie would encourage Nicole to go after EJ. Sure, Nicole may (emphasis on may) be the lesser of two evils, but surely Lexie knows Nicole's history. She had disastrous marriages to Lucas and Victor (and Trent, which Lexie doesn't know about) and they were distastrous primarily because of Nicole. Perhaps Lexie doesn't like her brother. I know the show is working at redeeming Nicole, but this seems like yet another disregard of history.
I'm shocked that Lexie would encourage Nicole to go after EJ. Sure, Nicole may (emphasis on may) be the lesser of two evils, but surely Lexie knows Nicole's history. She had disastrous marriages to Lucas and Victor (and Trent, which Lexie doesn't know about) and they were distastrous primarily because of Nicole. Perhaps Lexie doesn't like her brother. I know the show is working at redeeming Nicole, but this seems like yet another disregard of history.

It makes sense to me. Lexie may know Nicole's past but she also knows EJ's. She probably figures Nicole and EJ are perfectly matched.

But honestly I think Lexie's motives are more revenge orientated.She knows that Nicole could give Sami he!!
Thanks for the write-up. I'm really getting into the Sami/Lucas/EJ/Nicole thing. Notice I didn't include Chloe in that mix, she belongs with Philip.

I agree. I think EJ/Nicole Sami/Lucas Chloe/Philip That would be worth watching.
Abe & Roman are both convinced this is the work of Stefano. Lexie protests that he was still paralyzed, but Abe reminds her that her own exam showed brain activity indicating he should be awake, and he could have faked the non-responses to her physical tests, or have taken some drug to enable him to do so.

:rotfl: Abe is telling Lexie about Stephano's medical status! Why is this woman Chief of Staff of University Hospital again?

Also, yes why would Lexie encourage Nicole to go after EJ? Seems like she would stay out of it, but what am I thinking this is Lexie (very nosey gossip queen)

Sounds like a good episode! :smile:

Thanks Barb!
Proof reader in action!

and learn it is the stairwell between the 7th and 7th floors.

Another great write up Barb. :) Found a little typo though. I'm guessing that was supposed to be 6th and 7th floors. Thank you for all your hard work keeping us caught up on the show.
Well I believe we all agree about Baby Joe, Stef should just leave an innocent baby alone...

Alot of us are on the fence, but I truly do enjoy EJ & Nicole together, they do have a lot of chemistry.

And I'm really in favor of Lucas & Chloe, they are really good together and they really do need each other, which would make them appreciate each other more.... Could be a power couple.

Poor little Sami, I feel bad for her but, this is her time to gain her strength and become the powerful woman she can be, let her do this....
Sami's blood test

I thought for a minute there that when Lexi took Sami's blood she was going to come back and tell her she was pregnant...that would have been interesting in front of Nicole ;)

Thanks for the write up Poirot! I'll definitely watch this one
Turn it Over, cuz this goose is cooked

So many potential story lines and we're going to go down a chip path again.. Really? Get over it already. Been there done that too many times. Let's go for an original thought for once.
Not that all the burgening Love Triangles are a new plot at least they throw in some new intrests. Although I have to admit I actually am starting to convert from a Sami/Lucas good girl fan to the Sami/EJ bad girl club. I think it would be brilliant to have Sami become an evil DiMera. Oh, the fun and torture that girl could come up with. :evillaugh: