Days of our Lives - Thursday December 9, 2021


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
Possession free day.... potential knife killing of Gabi averted....

Belle at Police station asking about information on her mom. No information but there is information on Brady. Brady is achy and thinks he has a hangover but he doesn’t remember drinking.

Ava looking at her phone wonders where Rafe is, as Gabi snarks in. Repeat of EJ walking into the almost kiss between Rafe and Nicole. Rafe and EJ chest bump at each other for the prize of Nicole. Replay of the conversation between Ava and EJ.

Sami and Allie hug and talk about Sami being missing. Sami was scared till she figured out they weren’t going to kill her then she got mad. (Wow Mad Sami that’s a new concept)

Gabi struts through the kitchen grabs some ice cream won’t share, but the girls sip at each other. Not worth writhing this up, we’ve heard it all.

EJ continues to deny all knowledge of how Kristen got away. EJ says I didn’t help her. Rafe asks then who would she call. EJ tells Rafe that would be his job to find out who helped Kristen escape.

Tripp does a quick check of Sami her blood pressure, it’s high. Lucas tells Tripp she fell and hit her head. Sami thanks Lucas for saving her.

Chloe asks Brady what’s the last thing you remember, Brady was getting take out for Dad and running into Chloe. Chloe says so you don’t remember going down to the river? No Brady doesn’t remember going to the river. Chloe tells Brady when she found him he was drunk, really drunk.

Shawn explains everything that has happened to Brady in the past couple of days. Including Chloe finding him covered in someone else’s blood, possibly Philips.

EJ comes in boasting about dinner be ready in a few minutes. Chad and Abby will be eating in their room. Nicole agrees she and Rafe were having a moment. Nicole is trying to forget about Rafe. Nicole defends Rafe. Zzzzz this conversation. Nicole says EJ is still pinning for Sami. Nicole tells EJ he is not over Samatha Gene Brady

Sami talks about being held. Peter and Jason are both in the wind. Sami was being held but it wasn’t money for the reason being held. Sami thinks she was being held because of Revenge and she knows who.

Brady doesn’t remember picking up a drink. Chloe is in tears trying to help Brady figure out. Brady doesn’t know why he got so black out drunk and how did he get to the river. Chloe tells of finding the watch by the precious tree. Actually, the story of what happened. Philip is still missing and Brady knows Chloe thinks Brady did something to Philip.

Belle and Shawn have the same conversation as Chloe and Brady.

Ava and Gabi continue to talk to each other. Gabi tells Ava she will end up on the street. Ava tells Gabi that she will be the one ending up on the street. Ava stops Gabi by picking up a knife and actually threatening Gabi. Rafe walks in on that part of the conversation. (Drats Ava could have carried out that threat and relieved us of the now sadly a one note character.)

EJ and Nicole start to get adult busy.

Sami is absolutely certain that Nicole is the person who kidnapped her. They discuss kidnapping Sydney; Tripp is shocked that they talk like that and that these things happen.

EJ breaks off the kiss and tells Nicole he’s free of his demons. As Nicole is looking at him it’s actually Rafe. EJ tries to break her spell, Nicole blames the martini for her break in concentration. Nicole wants to take EJ to bed to get Rafe out of her mind. EJ promises to do his best to take Rafael out of her mind.

Sami is gob smacked that everyone thinks her marriage with EJ is over. Just because he kicked me out of the house, Sami says, that was 3 month’s ago, I promised him I’d be back. Sami says she was knocking on Gabi’s door when she was taken. (In case you missed it when it happened it’s a flash back) Sami says she’s not going to lose her husband.

Gabi runs to Rafe, tells him that Ava attacked her. Rafe says are you bleeding? No, then go to your room.

Chloe grills Brady who knows nothing. Chloe tells Brady that Philip’s phone was in his pocket. Chloe asks permission to look at Brady’s phone. They read the texts, Brady is sure he didn’t send these texts.

Shawn and Belle also discuss the text messages. Shawn gets a call the only prints on the knife are Brady’s.

Brady tries to make sense of any of this. Chloe is telling Brady everything.

Belle and Shawn talk the same story as Brady and Chloe. Shawn needs to get a warrant to get Philip’s DNA but he doesn’t know what he could take that would have Philip’s DNA

Ava has kept Rafe’s burger they discuss the evening.

EJ and Nicole kiss and EJ picks up Nicole and tosses her onto the bed.

Sami is going to leave and go see EJ. Sami is livid that no one has told EJ that she was in danger. Allie tries to explain they found out this morning, she’s running a bakery has a small child and Lucas was actually saving her. No one thought to call EJ. Lucas can’t believe she’s going to go back to that man. Sami asks Lucas to not speak ill of the man that she loves in front of her children. Lucas reminds her than EJ treats her like dirt. Sami thanks Lucas for finding her but she’s going to go see her husband and get her marriage back.

EJ and Nicole in the afterglow reminisce about their first-time making love in an elevator, during a heat wave. EJ asks If it was as good as she remembers. Nicole says different good. EJ asks was good enough to make you forget about Rafe.

Ava and Rafe talk about him running into Nicole at the DiMera conversation. We flashback to the conversation yesterday, but Rafe tells that he gave Nicole an update on Kristen. Then EJ showed up so Rafe grilled him on his knowledge on Kristen’s escape. Ava isn’t buying it.

Belle says Philips DNA is in the hospital data base due to paternity suits. They will run the blood on the knife against the DNA.

Brady continues to babble about not doing anything to Philip. Brady wants to know what Chloe thinks.

The hospital provided Philip’s DNA and the blood on the knife is Philips. (Is anyone shocked?)

Allie tells her dad he’s a hero. Lucas denies it. Allie says you brought mom home. Ya, but if I knew she was going to run back to EJ, I’d have left her there, Lucas states.

Nicole and EJ continue to discuss Rafe’s sexual prowess while they are after glowing which is weird if you ask me. Then the conversation changes to Samantha and EJ's passion with her.

Sami opens the bedroom door and spies the two going in for round 2.
If Lucas isn’t the kidnapper, I may have to turn in my expert soap watcher’s badge.
Who would trust the hospital’s record of Philip’s DNA? Is this the same sample that told them he was Parker’s dad? I know it was the results that got switched, but they’re better off taking a sample from Victor and seeing if he’s the father of the victim.

The character that Lucas has always been wouldn’t kidnap Sami and terrify her like that, but these writers can’t be trusted. Who knows?

The pillow talk between Nicole and EJ was just ewwwww.
Change of Venue: Why did EJ bother to take Nicole upstairs? Doesn't he recall that he used to do his best work on the DiMera Love Couch?

Too Pat: If the diva and faux cop Shawn would stop and think, all the evidence against Brady is too pat. It screams frame-up.

Sloppy Work: If Philly is trying to frame Brady, Victor will not be pleased -- not because he committed a crime, but because the frame-up effort was so sloppy and amateurish -- unworthy of a Kiriakis family member.

Memories: When Nicole went upstairs with creepy EJ, did she remember that she's climbing the same steps where her hapless mother, Faye, fell to her death?

So Soon: Trippy is almost done with med school? Maybe now, he can pick up quicky JD and MBA degrees at Salem U. while he's doing his fast-tracked internship at the hospital.
Oh, they've redone the set since Faye's demise. Those aren't the same stairs. :) Just like that's not the same living room floor where she once slept with Brady as a slap in the face to EJ. I can't buy Nicole and EJ as some great love connection. It's insane.
Tripp is shocked that they talk like that and that these things happen.
This from the man who committed a (justified) murder and attempted another (unjustified) during his first year in Salem. What happens to the geniuses in Salem that they become so blitheringly stupid? (See Rex, Ian, Tripp)

If Lucas is the kidnapper - I'll be furious. Mainly because they'll use it as an excuse to get rid of him instead of making him the show's hero like the murderers and rapists.

I'm really hoping that Brady is guilty, he got drunk & violent. Otherwise we're wasting our time.
I have to say I hated Sami today but upon reflection I think that we actually saw a broken Sami today. Instead of the usual, she was more like an abused spouse so maybe we're finally going to get a reckoning. At least I hope that happens instead of her just being mad because EJ is with Nicole.
Thanks, robin. How much coffee did you drink to stay awake?

Ava and Gabi did their usual bickering. Can't they think of something new?

I was surprised Sami just stood in the doorway at the end.

Wouldn't the hospital need a court order to compare Philip's blood the the blood on the knife? Maybe not it's Salem.

Poor Brady he doesn't remember anything after seeing Chloe. Not even talking to Tater Tot.

Poor us, Brady didn't wear his gown backwards today.
Oh, they've redone the set since Faye's demise. Those aren't the same stairs. :) Just like that's not the same living room floor where she once slept with Brady as a slap in the face to EJ. I can't buy Nicole and EJ as some great love connection. It's insane.
My mistake, TinaY, although the bottom of the new stairs seem to be located at the same place as the older version. That said, Faye's death location is just one of many historic locations in the DiMansion. If Chad ever decided to put up historical plagues around the house, they'd have have to include the following:
  • Abigail tried to burn [Ben] alive here;
  • Bart was run through with a sword here;
  • Sami shot drunken EJ in the head here;
  • Fake Stefano was shot here while listening to opera records;
  • Hope Brady murdered Stefano here after he called Bo a "banal ape";
  • The infamous Sami-EJ hate boink happened here;
  • Dr. Rolf turned John Black into the Pawn and RoboJohn here;
  • Stefan O. DiMera bedded alter Gabby here.
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I am going to be so mad if they make Lucas the kidnapper. Ron seems to be throwing Kate's sons under the bus for his lame plot devices.

So Tripp is almost done with medical school. It's Salem. It only takes a year to go through medical school. I need to let my nephew know. He's in his 3rd year of medical school. If he went to Salem he would be done by now.

Abigail tried to burn Xander alive here;
Wasn't that Ben? I don't think Abigail and Xander have ever interacted on screen.