Days of Our Lives - Thursday, February 9, 2023


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Dec 30, 2012
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Chanel and Johnny see Allie and Alex "kissing" in their drinking game. "What the hell?!" Chanel shouts. Allie offers them a tequila shot, Chanel is still mad, Allie and Alex explains that it wasn't a kiss, but sharing the lemon. Johnny tells him to quiet down, Alex is trying to help, Chanel brings up the boxers, he says it was innocent. Chanel is still mad, every time she turns around she sees Allie with Alex. Allie annoyingly throws it back in her face that she always sees her with Johnny. Johnny and Alex try to give them alone time, but Allie insists they stay as she calls Chanel a liar, she thought she was staying with her mom and not Johnny.

Johnny explains everything, asks how much she and Alex drank, Alex starts counting the shot glasses and Allie asks why he isn't here with Wendy instead. Allie thinks Johnny was reminiscing with Chanel about their past after being rejected by Wendy. Johnny makes a remark about Allie being drunk, Allie thinks Chanel is always with Johnny. Allie doesn't want to sober up, has fun with Alex. Chanel says she is using this situation as an excuse to be with Alex, suggests they return home to chat. Allie calls Chanel a buzzkill, offers them a drink, Chanel decides to leave with Johnny, they enter the park.

Johnny thinks Allie is making a huge mistake, compares her to Sami, hates how she is treating Chanel. They keep walking. Meanwhile, Allie encourages Alex to keep drinking, he is skeptical, doesn't know why she isn't chasing after her girlfriend. Later, Alex helps Allie open her door. Henry is staying with a babysitter whose kid loves babies. Allie thanks Alex for tonight, chit-chat, he asks to crash on the couch and keep his underwear.

Allie suggest her stay in her bed instead, underwear optional. He doubts it is a good idea, Allie thinks Chanel is with Johnny in bed right now, Stephanie is with Chad, and Alex said Allie was a gorgeous woman, was he lying. He says no, she makes him prove it by removing his shirt, making out with her on the sofa, as it looks like they will begin to make love.

Tripp gets Wendy to admit that Joey called her to hang out. They have small talk about Joey playing matchmaker, Tripp admits that he really likes Wendy, but doesn't want to interrupt what she has with Johnny. She admits she was trying to see a film with Johnny when Joey called, Tripp doesn't want to be a pity date and insists she call Johnny now. Wendy says she's having a good time now, Johnny is probably in the theaters by himself, loves movies. Just then, Johnny enters the pub with Chanel, awkward look are exchanged, some back and forth.

Wendy pulls Johnny aside for a moment, argues that he took Chanel as a back up, Johnny is upset because he already dealt with this already with Alex and Allie at another bar, he's just trying to be a good friend like she is with Tripp. Wendy is jealous because he was married to Chanel, it isn't the same. Johnny and Tripp suggest that she go with him to the movie, since Chanel can stay with Tripp. Wendy doesn't think it's a good idea because he must be hung up on Chanel. She doesn't need the drama, more back and forth, she doesn't think they have a future if he can't move forward from Chanel. She doesn't want to get hurt or hurt Johnny, will see him around, he leaves with Chanel.

Tripp apologizes for ruining everything, she disagrees, they toast to being there for each other. At Johnny's, he and Chanel share the bottle of wine they drank at the Amalfi Coast, she apologizes for ruining him and Wendy, he insists he will fix it tomorrow. She can feel the Mediterranean breezes drinking this wine, looking at the sunrise and fell asleep at 4AM, now they're doing what they were accused of, memories of their romance.

They continue, make each other smile, Chanel leans towards him but Johnny tries to go. This time she is leaning in, they're not sure. Johnny is mad at his sister but doesn't want to hurt Allie, doesn't think Chanel wants to either. She agrees, they drink their wine, she must be loyal to Allie even if she doesn't deserve it.

Gwen is in a glum mood. Leo tries cheering her up with dessert and a gossipy night of reality TV. Leo decides to get her out of bed, thinks that Gwen is stewing over Xander and makes a few cracks about Xander's "manhood." Gwen starts thinking that Xander is still obsessed over Sarah. Leo reminds her that she made love to Xander, he wasn't with Sarah, but she doesn't know where he is.

Leo suggests he must be working out, more small talk about how he stood up for her against Sarah, Leo gets distracted by texting. Gwen thinks Xander is horny and this is only temporary. Leo says it is poetic but she doesn't know this for sure. She insists his heart belongs with Sarah, back and forth, blah blah. Leo comforts Gwen as a knock on the door sounds. Obviously, it is Xander that Leo opens up to (see below).

Xander runs into Jack in the park, asks if they're friends anymore, Jack rips him a new one and can't forgive him. Xander says he has done bad things before, but Jack says now he knows better, had apparently changed but it still just the same selfish loser he always was. Xander knows about him and Gwen and asks him to give her another chance. Xander says that Gwen is hurting, he is doing the wrong thing with his daughter.

Jack says Gwen is a threat to his family and to him, keeps going on and on about how she is irresponsible and made her choice. Xander lays into Jack for being a hypocrite, disowning his own daughter because of a few mistakes, he dealt with that kind of conditional love with Victor. Jack tries defending his position but Xander decides he is done "being mates with" Jack and walks away, disgusted.

Xander enters and tells Leo and Gwen about running into Jack, how awful he is being. Gwen admits it was her choice, Xander says she lost everything, Gwen thinks otherwise. Leo cracks a few jokes, says he knows how they can take down Jack. He thinks Jack should pay after being so sanctimonious, more talk. Later, Jack is at the house. Gwen brings back her key, which works still. He wants it, asks if there's another thing she wants, she mentions the Spectator.

Jack asks if she is there about her job, Xander walks in and tells Jack they're here to take it over. Jack says it has been a long day, Xander tells Jack to sign the newspaper over to them; otherwise, Gwen will send Jennifer to prison for running her over. At the hotel room, Leo is celebrating his new gossip podcast for the Spectator by announcing its opening on his phone.

Sarah happens upon Rex at the Kiriakis mansion, hugs and gives her condolences. Rex knows she did everything she could to save the women, they wish she had succeeded. He came to deliver something to Victor, a letter from Philip. Rex updates Sarah on what happened with Philip, Sarah tells him that she divorced Xander, fills him in off-screen on what happened. Rex is sorry for her, never found Xander worthy of Sarah. He reminds her that he also was a bad partner to her, she remarks he just cheated, didn't kidnap.

Sarah says she forgave him, Rex admits he didn't deserve it yet it meant a lot to him. Sarah thinks holding grudges ruins lives, Rex asks if she'll forgive Xander. Sarah badmouths Xander, who slept with Gwen. Rex hopes they're still friends, she agrees, he thinks it must hurt seeing Xander bed Gwen, she gives him details. Rex note she's always put her work and others before herself, knows how to help.

Apparently, Rex is holding a sofa cushion and teaching Sarah to kickboxing, because she's punching the cushion and whining about Xander breaking the law. Rex thinks perhaps this isn't helping; "maybe this will," Sarah says as she pulls him into a kiss. Rex is astounded, Sarah insists that she move on like Xander; didn't Rex say he never moved on from her? He removes his shirt, takes her to his room.
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A boring episode, although I did like Leo, Gwen and Xander scheming. Them blackmailing Jack was delicious! He has become so sanctimonious! Really enjoyed that bit.

The kiddie pool was predictable and dull. I did enjoy Johnny, Tripp, and Chanel's maturity though. I felt that Wendy acted uncharacteristically childish, even if she's technically right.

Sarah and Rex felt sort of just pushed into this show, didn't really match with the rest of it. I have no feelings one way or another about her and Rex.
I haven't watched yet.... but I have a really dumb question..... If Alex sleeps in the nude, and he slept in the office.... why was the last piece of clothing you'd think he'd take off, his boxers stuffed between couch cushions, in the living room, where Wendy sleeps?
Robin - Columbo and Jessica Fletcher and Monk are all working on this even as we speak. Good question!
All the couples and would-be couples are a hotter-than-hot mess.

If not for being possessed, Johnny and Chanel would still be married. They need to get back together.

Wendy and Tripp might work.

Alex is aiding and abetting Allie's drinking, they should not be together/drink together. Neither of them is bringing their "A" game to anything. They should remain single and not ready to mingle.

I wonder if they used a stunt pillow when Sarah was pummeling it? Disclaimer: No pillows were harmed in the making of this scene.

Of course Sarah would hook up with Rex again.:rolleyes:

I just love how everyone starts to undress in the drawing room at K-Mansion and THEN decides to go to a bedroom.

Now we are getting bad Xander again. I don't like it. I want him back with Gwen but NOT for evil deeds. Or is that ALL they can do together?

Leo brought the funny again today. Watching trashy TV and eating decadent desserts sounds like a plan to me. But he put the bug in Gwen and Xander's ears about getting revenge on Jack, so he gets no gold star today.
What a terrible show..... I hate it that the writing for this generation of kids, the ones that should be the ones taking over as their parent are moved to the back burners is so dreadful.... or is this good story telling I'm just old......

Did Sarah get her hair cut from the time of breakfast goodie smashing to making out with Rex?

Thanks DaysD.....
what does tomorrow have in store?? and lucky me I get to write it up
So sick of Allie! Obviously she still likes men. So I don't think she can fully commit to a relationship with Chanel. They need to end NOW!!

Geez Wendy is quite a whiner when it comes to Johnny! Can't talk to another girl ever!

Sarah was kind of mean saying Rex never got over her when trying to get him in bed. I don't think sleeping with her will help him. Obviously Sarah got over him. Just mean.
Poirot, I have been wondering if Sarah got a new haircut. Glad it is confirmed. Can't say I care for it.

I agree, McGyver, that Chanel & Allie should just end. But Allie is bisexual, likes both men and women. It has no bearing on if she can commit to a relationship or not; I blame that on her drunken foolishness. I definitely agree that Sarah has become just as sanctimonious as Jack. I didn't like the way that episode went off, and can't wait for Gwen and Xander to learn about their bedtime romp.
Well, the only thing I liked today was Sarah's haircut. I didn't like it before. In my opinion, Xander told Jack the truth. And the younger set can all leave town. I like the actors, who play Johnny and Tripp. Can't say the same for the girls. I need to reword that. I don't care for the Crap they are given, so just don't care for any of them.
The kiddie pool was predictable and dull. I did enjoy Johnny, Tripp, and Chanel's maturity though. I felt that Wendy acted uncharacteristically childish, even if she's technically right.
Is this what it is going to be, the younger ones exchanging lovers? Don't think I am going to like this.

Well, the only thing I liked today was Sarah's haircut. I didn't like it before. In my opinion, Xander told Jack the truth. And the younger set can all leave town. I like the actors, who play Johnny and Tripp. Can't say the same for the girls. I need to reword that. I don't care for the Crap they are given, so just don't care for any of them.
Totally Agree. Sarah's haircut is a big improvement. Also agree about Johnny and Tripp. All this exchanging partners is crap. This younger generation is no match for the older ones.
Thanks, DaysD

Actually, several characters have new hairdos this week, Johnny and Gwen are two.

I'm not very happy with what's going on in Salem today. Is the devil there making people act strangely or is
there something in the Salem water?

Leo said several funny things today. He said Xander probably exercised 5, 6 or 7 hours a day.

Does Allie have a drinking problem like Lucas?

Poor Henry he was off with the babysitter again. Does he ever see Allie?

Sad to see how Jack behaved with Xander. He was right though. Xander knew better than to work with Ava.
I haven't watched yet.... but I have a really dumb question..... If Alex sleeps in the nude, and he slept in the office.... why was the last piece of clothing you'd think he'd take off, his boxers stuffed between couch cushions, in the living room, where Wendy sleeps?
Yes, it’s true. Where in the world is Alex’s underwear is one of ReRon’s most compelling recent storylines.

Rexy returns: And smooches Sarah. Big whoop. Alex’s aforementioned underwear is a more interesting topic.

Alex gets too cozy with Allie: Also not as interesting as his infamous undies.

Payback: Xander and Gwen are really sticking it to sanctimonious Jack, further proof that newspaper owners who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.

Dishing dirt: Leo’s gossip column is a great idea. Leo will make even Salem’s most ho-hum scandals exciting and tasty.
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Would a lawyer, jury, judge wonder just WHY Gwen did not report Jen immediately, but instead waited all these months? I mean, she is hale & hearty, no repercussions, lives a good life, so she was not harmed permanently in any way.

I think Perry Mason would have a lot of fun if he was Jen's atty, Monk & those others mentioned elsewhere would also have a great time.