Days of Our Lives - Thursday, Nov. 13th, 2008


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Episode #10,954 Director – Albert Alarr

Lexie is in the park with Theo, who is carrying his truck. She is suggesting they go to the playground, the swings, the merry-go-round, but Theo is pointedly ignoring her, and, as they sit on the bench, he begins to have a tantrum. He is yelling, no, no, no, refusing to look at her, as Chelsea arrives. Theo jumps off the bench, running over to hug Chelsea, tho still having the tantrum. Chelsea begins to sing “The Farmer In the Dell”, which calms Theo down, and they go to sit with Lexie. Chelsea talks of how music seems to reach kids with autism, Lexie read that, too, but just never has thought to apply it. They talk a bit, Lexie thanks Chelsea, who suggests she take Theo to the playground, he always cheers her up, Lexie can go with them, or maybe over to the Pub, have a coffee, relax a bit. Lexie decides to take her up on the offer, says good-bye and leaves.
At the Pub, she runs into Kayla, who is there with baby Joe. Lexie tells about feeling such a failure, tho she knows intellectually that Theo knows she loves him, her heart breaks when he turns away from her. Kayla gives her a big pep talk about being a great mother, then tells some invented story about Stephanie as a baby being so terribly colicky, crying constantly, and the only person able to calm her down was her mother. She goes on about feeling such a failure, but then realizes that her baby could feel the love, and knew they would be o.k.
Back at the park, Chelsea & Theo return from the playground to await Lexie, when Max strolls by. Theo sits & plays with his truck, while Max & Chelsea talk about Nick. Max tells her of the ring Melanie received from Nick, and that confirms their feelings about the situation, how both feel he is going to be hurt again, even worse, as Chelsea comments, than she hurt him.

Nick is on the phone to his doctor’s office, trying for a refill on his pills, but the nurse refuses. He is rather angry, and who walks in but Aunt Maggie. She returned from her convention last night, Mickey is in NY on business, & she is surprised that Melanie is still there at the house, thought it was only to be for a day or two. Melanie eavesdrops as Maggie is telling Nick that this arrangement cannot continue, while Nick goes on about Melanie being such a good person, no money, no where to go, father killed, etc. Melanie decides to barge in, thanking Maggie for letting her stay there, yada, yada. Nick leaves for an errand, Maggie confronts Melanie, warning her not to hurt Nick, and relating how he has such a huge heart, always helping those in need, which leads her to telling Melanie all about Willow, and that she died. Melanie assures Maggie that she & Nick are just friends, no hanky panky in spite of the friendship ring Nick gave her for her birthday. She leaves.
Melanie is in the park, when Max comes up, short conversation, but Max notes her new “bling”. Melanie assures him it is just a friendship ring, but Max retorts that it is more than friendship with Nick, who has told Max he is in love with Melanie. She seems surprised, Max thinks she has known this, she just thought he had a mild crush. Max warns her about hurting Nick.
Meanwhile, Nick has gone to the hospital, runs into his doctor, asks for refill of pills. Doc says no, not unless I examine you again. Nick says you did just last week, complains about the pain in his shoulder getting unbearable. A nurse comes for the doc, who is needed in trauma, so he writes Nick a prescription for just half the pills, hurries off. Now Nick runs into Kayla, who comments they have not seen much of him, even Stephanie says he has sort of withdrawn from them all since Melanie came to town. Nick hems and haws, Kayla spots the prescription, Nick backpeddles, saying the pain from his “war wound” pointing to his shoulder comes and goes, so he did not get much this time, he only takes them now and then, as he understands they could be addictive. Kayla replies “very, and very quickly, too”. He leaves.
Nick arrives home, Maggie is at the laptop, but soon off to work. She gets a call, leaves the room, Nick takes out his pills, swallowing a few, she returns as he is trying to hide the pills, but drops them. She picks up the bottle, asks what he is doing with these. He tries to schmooze her that he just got them recently, but she knows his wound was months ago, a lightbulb goes off as she realizes he was not drunk when DUI, but high on the pills. Nick tries to deny, Maggie knows something about addiction, being a recovering alcoholic, & Nick blows up at her, doesn’t want to hear her speeches, heard it all before. Maggie”s face reflects how hurtful his words are. She quietly tells him he has never spoken to her like that before, gives him the bottle. He half-heartedly apologizes, she says she has to go to work, they will talk of this later. She goes out the door, he says, no Aunt Maggie, we won’t talk of this later, cuz Melanie and I are leaving town, (he opens the laptop). And the she-devil walks in, hearing this, asking where. He is suggesting Green Mountain Lodge, she doesn’t think it a good idea, he talks of fireplaces and hot tubs, Nope, replies Melanie. Nick storms out the door, Melanie comments how she just pushed away her only friend. (And if that girl doesn’t stop constantly touching her forehead, I am going to scream!)

Marlena is looking over some notes in her apartment, when there is a knock at the door. She opens to find John, who has come with good news. He has hired some P.I.s to find whoever killed the mayor, & took a shot at Samantha. He is confident they will do the job, and then she can see Sami again. They are to meet them at her apt. Marlena is surprised, greatful, and another knock at the door. John says they are here, opens the door to a strange man. Before either can say a word, Marlena shrieks with surprise, comes flying across the room to hug the man at the door…….”Brady”! It is soooo good to see you. Brady hugs back, John stands like a bump on a log. Marlena tells him his son is home, no reply. Brady says he went to John’s hotel, but he was out, Brady had no idea he was here when Marlena was his next stop. John is clearly uncomfortable, decides to leave, puts on his jacket, does say welcome home to Brady and leaves. Marlena apologizes, but Brady understands. He talks of how he was working on a farm outside Vienna for 6 months, and so now he is thru with his rehab, and wanted to come home and try to make amends to all his friends and family. They talk of John, Brady understands, Marlena invites Brady to stay with her, insists. John returns, entering the apt, beginning to unzip his jacket, spots Brady, zips it back up with a “oh, you’re still here”. He tells Marlena that his detectives are now on the case, and takes off again. Marlena tells Brady how his father is ill, explaining about his episodes, and how he doesn’t trust doctors. Brady understands that this is all due to being Stefano’s lab rat, as Marlena assures him that some day, John will look into Brady’s eyes, and see himself reflected there.

Melanie is in the kitchen, a cell phone rings. It is Nick’s. She is hesitant, but decides to answer it, and Maggie is on the other end. Melanie explains Nick went for a walk, Maggie says it is important that Nick call her as soon as he returns, ASAP. Melanie promises to give him the message, will write it down right now. She goes to the desk (touching her forehead AGAIN, LOL), rummages for some paper, finds a stationery box, pulls out a sheet. Uh, oh, flashback to seeing that note shoved under her door. She grabs her purse, pulls out the crumpled note, compares the paper. Yep, exactly the same! Lightbulb moment as she murmurs….”Nick”. (Another forehead touch, lol)


Previews: Nicole in hospital gown as Dan asks if she has any questions. Yes. Sex?
Sami to Rafe: Are you keeping something from me?
Chloe about to pay her bill at the Pub, a voice behind her says…..this should cover it. She turns and sees her ex……..says.”Brady”!
Sounds like a good show. I can't wait to see Brady! Thanks for the write up!
Thanks for the write up! It sounds like a good show.

Poor John. He's trying so hard to win back Marlena.

:confused: Didn't they give Nick a breathalizer when he was pulled over. I thought they said he was over the limit.

The Melanie forehead touching comment was too funny. I find myself watching for her to do it now instead of paying attention to what she's saying (which is usually "poor little me").
The forehead / hair touching bugs the heck out of me. I find myself counting them like counting how many times a poor lecturer says "like", "uh", etc.

I do the same thing when Kayla is on except I count the number of times she begins a sentence with, "You know what?" (WOW! She just said it as I was typing her saying it.)
I'll watch for the forehead thing.

Didn't they give Nick a breathalizer when he was pulled over. I thought they said he was over the limit.

I thought the same thing then realized it was the Salem PD we were talking about. :rotfl:

So Max blabbed to Melanie that Nick loves her. Are there no secrets in Salem?

Hey everybody I promise I won't touch my forehead!

I can not WAIT to see Brady, and the look on Chloe's face.

Poor Nick, I must have said this a dozen times.
Thanks, Barb. Love your summaries..

Me too! :)

The forehead / hair touching bugs the heck out of me. I find myself counting them like counting how many times a poor lecturer says "like", "uh", etc.
Thanks for the write up!
The Melanie forehead touching comment was too funny. I find myself watching for her to do it now instead of paying attention to what she's saying (which is usually "poor little me").

It's funny: I never even noticed the forehead touching until I read about it here in this forum.
Okay I actually watched the whole show today, well almost, had to leave the room when Chelsea was on, she is just to much of pain to watch for me. But anyway, the new Brady is gorgeous and man he can actually act. Loved him with Marlena, Poor John, when will the real john be back.

OKay I have a question. I don't remember Nick being involved with Willow. Is my post menopausal memory that bad?? Was he even on the show then? I have admit I missed alot of that because the Willow s/l was awlful.

Can someone fill me in?
I remember that Willow was a hooker that Shawn took up with after he and Mimi broke up but beyond that I'm drawing a blank. I can't remember how Nick got involved with her but I do remember she was blackmailing him about a fire she set at Bo and Hope's and then framed Chelsea for setting. Nick and Willow fought over a hairbrush at the beach and she fell and hit her head and died. I didn't like the Willow s/l so I didn't pay much attention.
EJ paid Willow to break into the Bo Brady house. She accidentally started a fire, but did leave Chelsea's hairbrush behind (she had swiped it in a ladies room). EJ reneged on paying her the $50,000 he had promised. Shawn had already dumped her after she stole from him, (she set his apt on fire). Anyway, she turned up pregnant (I remember she was supporting a brother in school for a while, he was short lived). Nick felt sorry for her, and set her up in this apartment he rented for her and paid for. He & Willow got into an argument at the beach, where she fell, hit her head and died. There was nothing romantic, tho, between them.

LOL, that I have some of you looking for the forehead touching. Sorry, but it is a pet peeve of mine.....when actresses cannot leave their hair alone, always brushing it aside, sticking it behind a ear or something. Originally I thought Melanie was brushing her hair aside, but no, she just touches her forehead all the time. One could have a drinking game, & be soused by the end of any episode she is in. LOLOL
Thanks Barb! I think I just blocked the whole dumb Willow the piro s/l from my memory.
I'd like to touch my nose like darling little Samantha on Bewitched and make Melanie disappear.:evillaugh:
I'm so glad that brady is back maybe this will take Chloe away from Lucas for a while. Although I'm kind of interested on how the Chloe/Lucas thing will play out. btw (kind of off topic) has anyone heard when/if they are bringing back Belle and Shawn?
And I'm not autistic, but I'd be squaking and banging my head too if Lexie was my mom....

And Melanie's habit of touching her face doesn't really bother, Sami and Nicole always rubbing and holding their stomachs drives me up a wall....!!!