Days of Our Lives - Thursday, Nov. 20th, 2008


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Episode #10,954 Director – Herb Stein

EJ is monkey around with his Blackberry, texting or something, as Stefano begins talking about his grandchild to be. He goes on and on, then says he has research to do, such as gender, name, etc. EJ informs him that he and Nicole do not want to know the gender, so therefore, there is no name to give him. Stefano gets all upset, really rolling his Rs. LOL. He begins insisting that he is looking out for the future of the DiMera heir, and gives EJ a sheaf of papers that he already has had drawn up. EJ reads, turns the page and discovers some sort of agreement wherein the grandfather has visitation rights in the even of an estrangement. He is furious, throws the papers away, saying he & Nicole will decide on the future of their child, not him. Now Stefano tries calming the waters, offering EJ the job of heading up the family business, becoming his one true heir. EJ refuses, and Stefano tells him then the free ride is over. EJ points out how he has treated all of his children in the past, Stefano claims to be trying to make amends, but it has not been working. And look, EJ has been living in the lap of luxury, look around him. The threat is there, EJ ponders, gives in, says O.K. Now Stefano wants to tell them all to have a family feast tonight to celebrate. EJ says he & Nicole have dinner reservations. Nope, cancel them, he is telling the cook to make a special meal. EJ caves.

Over at the gym, Nicole is doing a few exercises when Brady comes up, rather surprised she is there. She says it is healthy for the baby, and o.k. She seems to suddenly complain of a pain, but it is just the baby kicking, always surprising. They chat a bit about Bradys efforts with his father, Nicole’s little chat with John, Brady lets her know he is probably going to be staying in town permanently, wondering if she minded. Why should she care, she retorts, then apologizes as that sounds rude. They small talk a bit, both taking swigs from their water bottles, Brady mentioning them both dealing with abstinence “of things that are bad for them”, then writes his phone # on a piece of paper, telling her if she needs a friend or help, just call. He leaves.

Back at DiMansion, EJ, Nicole & Stefano come in from dinner, to have dessert in the living room/drawing room/den/library, whatever that room is. LOL. Stefano wants EJ to tell Nicole what they were talking of earlier, but EJ passes, so Stefano tells Nicole how EJ is going to run the DiMera business. Nicole is surprised, but just smiles, says nothing. Stefano leaves them to have some alone time, EJ apologizes for not talking that over with her first, Nicole says she knows he will do what is best for their family. They kiss, and kiss again, Nicole suggests they take this upstairs. EJ smiles as it is a good idea. As they leave the room, he begins talking of a surprise he has for her tomorrow.

A replay of Nick & Melanie struggling on the balcony, Bo & Hope outside the motel room door, and Bo kicking it in, distracting Nick, who lets go of Melanie, and she falls over the balcony, holding on with one hand. As she is about to slip off, Bo grabs her, she is screaming, he warns her not to look down. Philip & Stephanie are below, looking up (4th floor, apparently) as Bo just yells, Philip – fire escape! He begins to climb up, Stephanie worried that it could be dangerous. Hope has her gun on Nick, who keeps calling Melanie’s name. She makes him come into the middle of the room, calling for backup, as she holds the gun on Nick. Melanie is still screaming, Bo telling her to hold on, Philip is coming. He gets close enough, tho it appears she might fall. Hope bolts for the balcony, Nick grabs his pills and tries to leave, but “Freeze”, says Hope, as she gets him back into the room. His hands are raised as she tells him he is under arrest for the murder of Trent Robbins. On the balcony, Philip grabs Melanie, easing her onto the fire escape with him. She cries as she holds him.

Abe is meeting with some volunteers at the Pub (yep, not even the mayor has an office in Salem, lol), and Lexie meets one, Donna Ferrell. Seems Donna heads up the parents’ support group for autistic children, but also chairs a committee for a safer environment which is where Abe met her. Apparently Lexie only went to one or two of the parents’ meetings, and never went back. She now talks of how busy she is, but seems to get a bit upset listening to all that Donna seems to have in her day. Abe joins Lexie at a table, she wonders how Ms. Ferrell manages, with 4 children at one, one autistic, and then does all this other stuff. Abe reminds her she is a doctor, as Lexie checks her Blackberry for her typical day’s appointments. Abe tells her she has a lot on her plate, & even if she is only doctoring part time, it is important. He is very reassuring, Lexie is in tears as she talks of how Theo always acts up with her, never with Chelsea. They both realize it is because Theo knows the unconditional love she has for him. Donna stops by on her way out,wondering if Lexie might want to volunteer on the environmental committee. Lexie says no….then changes her mind, says yes, yes she will, and she will also come to the next parents’ support group meeting.

Stephanie calls Chelsea from the police station, yes they found Nick, and she had better come down. Hope & Bo are questioning a zombie like Nick, who admits he killed Trent, says he was trying to protect Melanie, then mentions something about justifiable homicide, or involuntary manslaughter. Hope reminds him he covered it up, as Bo talks of the others who were arrested, put behind bars, and Nick said nothing. And then, attempted to convince Melanie she did it. Nick is speaking in a monotone, as he says that Melanie went to meet Trent with a knife, and if he had not killed Trent, she probably would have. Bo is shocked, first Nick says he loves Melanie, then throws her under the bus. Nick asks about his phone call, they let him use the office phone. He dials, then says, “it is me”.
In the outer room, Max & Chelsea have arrived, all are worried. Melanie comes out, the doc checked her over, just some scrapes & bruises. She wonders why the two girls are looking at her like that. Stephanie says you have not even asked about Nick. Melanie says she knows he is going to jail.
Nick wants to see Melanie. Not right now, and asks Nick about getting his lawyer down there. He confesses he did not call his lawyer exactly, cue Maggie to come rushing in. Hugs, she is all upset, he says he is sorry, Maggie is blaming herself cuz she knew he was taking those painkillers, and saw he was also drinking. She should have done something. She thinks Bo & Hope should get Nick off, he wasn’t himself. They let her know it is out of their hands, but the way things look right now, Nick is going to prison.
Max goes off on Stephanie & Chelsea, talking about Melanie nearly losing her life, and them blaming her. But they do, talking of how she did not care for him, just used him, took advantage of him, ruined his entire life. Melanie protests that Nick tortured her, made her think she had killed her father, etc. But there is no sympathy from any of the group, and even Max seems to take a step or two back.
We see Nick being photographed in front of the height measurement background. He comes into the outer office in cuffs, Maggie telling him Mickey is on his way. Nick stops, telling Melanie he did everything for her, he loves her so much, then apologizes to Max, saying he never meant to hurt her. Bo & Hope lead him out of the room. Chelsea goes up to Melanie, asking if she isn’t going to even say she is sorry, that she cares what happens to Nick. She gives Mel a look of disgust, and walks out of the room. Melanie turns to Max, wanting to know if he is mad at her, please tell her he is not mad at her, too. Max is silent, but embraces her. Nick takes one look back at Stephanie, Philip & Chelsea standing in the doorway, before Hope leads him away.

Thanks for the write up Poirot. These shows seem to be getting better and better. Loved the Nick scenes today. Was surprised when he got his picture taken it shows he is 6foot 2. I did not think he was that tall. I did not like Stephanie and Chelsea before. I like them less now. What brats they are

Looks like EJ well sell his baby to Stefano. I think Sami is right to keep her child away. It was too late to do anything about Johnny.
If for some reason Sami gives her baby up to protect it and Nicole happens to acquire it, Sami's baby won't be safe either.
I cannot believe Stephanie and Chelsea. I realize that Nick is their friend, but to say that Melanie is at fault is just ridiculous. Even if you leave out all of the stuff that happened in the hotel room that they don't know about, Nick killed her father, covered it up, let other people go to jail for it, wrote Melanie threatening notes and gave her threatening phone calls . . . I'm sure there is more. No amount of whinning and taking advantage deserves that! I wish that Melanie would just deck them both!
Boy what snots (Chel & teph). I don't like Mel either but she didn't force or use emotional blacmail (like Chelsea did) on Nick to help her kill her father, he did it on his own. He terrrorized her afterwards with noted and phone calls.
It sure has been nice to have break from Sami but I'm ready for her and Rafe to return.
Thanks for the recap Barb.
I'm getting so tired of Chelsea's attitude. She seems to have forgotten all of the stuff she did--like running over her little brother, getting lots of people to help her cover it up, etc. Stephanie just plain annoys me and I ff most of the scenes with her.

It sounds like a good epi, I hope I don't fall asleep in the middle of it again.

Thanks for the recap!!
With all that screaming Melanie does, I doubt you will fall asleep.

Chelsea does at one point say something about it being her (Chelsea's) fault. Nick also refers to how Willow was his friend, he helped her out so much, and then she turned on him.
I'm by far NOT a Melanie fan. I can't stand her. And to an extent I agree that Melanie has been using Nick, and anyone else who would let her.

BUT, that said... she isn't to blame for Nick's over the top behavior. Considering what she just went through I find Chelsea and Stephanie blaming her a little cruel.
Sorry if this is kind of off topic but wasn't a lot of Chelsea's bad behavior excused because her adoptive parents were killed and it traumatized her? Melanie had it a lot worse than Chelsea. No mother and her father dumped her in boarding school and used her to pay off his gambling debts. And as Nick pointed out himself--he accidentally killed Willow to protect Chelsea. Chelsea needs to get a life--somewhere away from Salem.

@Poirot--my daughter and her 2 week old son have been staying with me. Due to the lack of sleep I'm finding it hard to stay awake to watch Days on soapnet. Maybe the screaming will help me tonight. :)
I am going to be in the minority here but Mel deserved what she got --I was just hoping Maggie would have given it to her with both barrels -that girl needs to be straightened out big time... she was a brat and a boy/man user in Europe and saw Nick as her next meal ticket.. she was pulling him along big time...
I am going to be in the minority here but Mel deserved what she got.
Bull!!! :mad: I don't like Melanie, but she didn't deserve to have Nick (whom I used to like) try to put the blame on her for her father's murder.

BTW, I just heard Paul Harvey say that Diedre and Drake have been fired. I'll be sorry to see them go, but considering the economy I can understand why. :(

Thanks for the writeup, Barb. Great job, as always.:clap:
Chelsea should know better, especially with the way Nick has been treating her lately. This isn't the Nick that she loved. Melanie isn't a saint, but to blame her for the terrible things that Nick did is insane. How could Maggie expect Bo and Hope to get Nick off for murder? He did it, there isn't any other way around it! I don't think any of them really understand what Nick did and how serious his condition is. Seems like a good show, I'm sorry I missed it.
I am going to be in the minority here but Mel deserved what she got --I was just hoping Maggie would have given it to her with both barrels -that girl needs to be straightened out big time... she was a brat and a boy/man user in Europe and saw Nick as her next meal ticket.. she was pulling him along big time...

Melanie did what she had to do to survive in Europe in the only way that she knew how (I can't even believe I'm defending her). Max was lucky enough to get away from his father and have a nice loving home, Melanie wasn't that lucky. She was being prostituted by her father to strange and dangerous men. Melanie never did a thing to Nick like you make it seem. Nick was her only friend, and I think it is important to remember that Nick was pushing a lot of things on her like living with him, and that b-day ring. Melanie didn't have to "pull" him along, Nick volunteered.
It seems a lot of people assume that Melanie was having lots of sex because of her party girl Internet site and cause she used guys for how much money they had....neither of those things mean she was having sex....I don't know what the writers had in mind in that department, but from the Melanie we have gotten to know, I don't believe she was having sex with these guys....she came on to Phil, but we don't know if she would have gone through with it or not, he stopped first...Melanie talks big as a cover for her fear......I have a feeling that somewhere down the line, we will have a Melanie s/l involving her "first time".......
Over in France she had guys who were giving her all kinds of money, were pawning their belongings for her, etc. It seems hard to believe, especially in France, that guys would do so much of that just cuz they liked to dance with her. She stole her friend's diamond bracelet, and then let Max take the fall for the theft, leaving him in jail with no money whatsoever, while she went out to dinner. tsk, tsk.
Melanie is a pretty worldly girl for her age with experience in things I have yet to do and I am well over twice her age. I wouldn't bet the farm on her virginity or anything else for that matter.
OMG!! Blame Game

I just watched todays Days and I cannot believe the way everyone was treating Melanie. I know that she isn't anyones favorite, but seriously. What did you do to Nick????? Those two girls (Stephanie and Chelsea) have clearly lost it. Words cannot even express my disgust with them. And I am not a Melanie fan, but I would have hugged her!!!
I have found that the best question to ask is not "what did you do........" but "what happened?" It takes quite a bit of life experience to remain calm enough to ask the right right question in the middle of a tragedy. Chelsea and Stephanie aren't there yet.