Days of Our Lives - Thursday, Oct. 9th, 2008


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Episode #10,929 Director – Noel Maxam

A rather slow moving show today, as the investigation into Trent’s murder continues. Max is down at the station, Stephanie talks of his involvement and innocence, Melanie sticks her two cents in every once in a while. Max says he explained about the shirt, the blood, Bo understands, he is free to go. The DA feels the case against Caroline is stronger, Max is not a suspect. He protests to no avail, as he doesn’t want his mom on trial for this. Melanie listens as Bo & Max argue, spots Stephanie’s purse, gets an idea. She moves closer to where it sits on a table. And when all 3 backs are turned, slips Trent’s wallet into Stephanie’s purse (using a tissue to supposedly avoid fingerprints). Max & Stephanie leave, but Bo wants to talk to Melanie. He starts to question her, she talks of her father trying to pimp her out again, and how Max just got angry and got into the fight. She then goes into how her father was a big time gambler, owed money all over the world, and tho she is no Nancy Drew, perhaps he should stop looking locally, and check on his enemies, starting with Claude, the man who tried to rape her. Bo lets her leave, warning her that sooner or later, she is going to slip up on this little game she is playing, and then, he will be watching.

Nicole sits at Chez Rouge alone, as Philip comes in. He joins her, she asks about Morgan, he explains they broke up, she is in Chicago, & he has lots of free time now. They chatter a bit, she asks about Chloe, he talks of their attraction to each other, but she is better off with Lucas. Nicole tells of Chloe’s unhappiness with life on the primitive island, with the shower outside, and not happy with the motherhood duties at all. Now Philip asks about her dead husband, Trent. They talk about Caroline, how Nicole feels she would never have stuck a knife in anyone, then says she puts her money on whoever has Trent’s wallet. She gets a phone call, leaves the table, and Philip immediately calls Bo, saying he has a tip, and will be right over.

Nick has been trying to sleep it off, but has the mother of all hangovers. As he is waking up, Hope arrives to visit as his friend. However, she rakes him over the coals for drinking and driving. He figures he will be suspended from his job, when it comes out that he got a DUI. He claims he wasn’t speeding, but Hope is on a roll, reminding him he ran a red light, could have killed himself, let alone someone else. Nick is sorry, he wasn’t thinking about Zack, but she says Zack wasn’t killed by a drunk driver, but it was Chelsea’s fault for being inattentive. Cue Chelsea to walk in, agreeing, then telling Max that drinking and driving was unforgivable (odd word to use). She asks Hope to leave them alone for a bit, and she leaves. Chelsea asks Nick why he was drinking, he is evasive, says it will never happen again. Melanie comes along (amazing how folks have the run of the PD), listens to their conversation for a bit, as Nick blames himself for Trent coming to town originally (because of consulting on Nick’s prototype). She asks how he hurt his hand, he says he hurt it in the lab, Melanie remembers how he claimed earlier to have hurt it in France. Chelsea tells him that actually he helped his best friend save his sister (from being pimped out) & with Trent gone, Melanie has a chance for a better life. She comes up, agreeing. A guard arrives telling both Chelsea & Melanie their time is up, they have to leave.

Lexie & Abe arrive in the park with Theo, as babysitter Lacey arrives to watch over him, while the parents go to a meeting. They let her know he loves to play in the leaves, and with his little toy giraffe. After a while, we see Theo happily playing in the leaves, as Lacey gabs on the phone. He gets up and walks off. Later we see Abe & Lexie meeting with Scott, talking of the mayoral election. Scott brings Evan in, (Abe & Lexie evidently know him) as the campaign manager. They are all glad handing each other when Mayor Maroni comes up, throwing a few digs at the fodder for the upcoming race, and no he is isn’t speaking of the Carver’s “slow” son – Abe almost loses it at that, but Lexie comments the mayor is just baiting him. Now the mayor speaks of Lexie DiMera, then wishes Abe good luck, he will need it, as he walks out. Abe is more determined than ever to rid the town of the corruption going on.

An impatient Kate hears all her vitals have improved, oxygen levels good, and proceeds to take out the tubes as Daniel walks in. She is outta there. He tries to reason with her, as she begins to cough, unable to catch her breath. He gets the oxygen back on her, tells Benny to leave the room, and cautions Kate about being careful. She is insistent, wants to know what is wrong with her, wants test results, complains she has missed 3 meetings, is launching a new line of cookware, and has to be at her business. Daniel talks her into staying, he will go to the lab himself, if she stays put. She promises, he leaves the room, she takes out her tubes and gets dressed, is about to leave when Daniel walks back in. The lab is not finished with the tests yet, he tries to stop her, but she tells him to call her when he has news, and out the door she goes, coughing as she does so.

Philip arrives at the station, is in the office with Bo & Hope, spots Melanie thru the window. He tells them how she asked him to find Trent’s killer. Bo is surprised, but Philip assures them he told her he was not the police or a private eye. Bo asks about the tip, but Philip invents some tale of Titan wanting to improve their community image, donate monies for a fund for families of downed officers or something like that. Bo & Hope are rather taken aback, but say they will have the financial officer at the PD know, thank him, he leaves. As he passes Melanie, he tells her they have to talk, he wants to know about why she has her father’s wallet. Mel claims he gave it to her, but Philip knows better. Melanie agrees to talk with him outside.

Max & Stephanie are back at the Pub, finding Caroline back at work, which upsets Max, but Caroline likes to keep busy. She gets a call from Mickey, and hurries off. Stephanie leaves to check on the kitchen, while Max starts to clean up. He picks up a bin with dirty silverware, knocking Stephanie’s purse to the floor. As he picks it up, he sees a wallet fell out. He opens it, pulling out & staring at Ttrent’s driver’s license.

Abe & Lexie arrive at the park, talking of him running as mayor. He wants to so bad, but is worried that the job might keep him away from his wife and son. Lexie assures him they will make time together, as Lacey rushes up, frantic because Theo is gone. She can’t find him.

Thanks for the write up Poirot. I missed half of the show yesterday so now I am up to speed. Hope they find Theo soon. That babysitter was so careless. Steph is going to be shocked to find out that Tren't wallet is in her purse. Can't wait for Max to ask her about it.
Anyone ever think that Maggie should be running an AA meeting one night a week at her restaurant or in the basement of St. Luke's?

Its a good thing Salem University Hospital doesn't run like a normal hospital because if it did, Kate would be paying all her own bills instead of her insurance company. When a patient leaves AMA (against medical advice) Insurances can refuse to pay the bills.

Thanks for the write up!
Well Max is going to be upset with Steph when he finds that wallet....but Philip knows the truth...somehow this will come back & bite Melanie in the butt!! At least I hope so!
Thanks for the write up Barb!!
I would have to say that Melanie grates on the nerves, just like Chelsea has, maybe that is why Bo has her number, lol.
Thanks for the write ups!!!

I've not been able to watch the show lately...and..this sooo helps!!! :)
I would have to say that Melanie grates on the nerves, just like Chelsea has, maybe that is why Bo has her number, lol.

:clap:You could be on to something here!

Isn't it funny how we all felt that Chelsea was so immature and then when you think it can't get any worse, Melanie shows up?
I would have to say that Melanie grates on the nerves, just like Chelsea has, maybe that is why Bo has her number, lol.

I thought Chelsea chewing out Nick was the pot calling the kettle black as my grandma used to say. I know she wasn't drunk when ran over Zack but still. Chelsea, Melanie, and Stephanie have all been overly annoying lately.

Thanks for the write up!
Thanks, Poirot, for the good writeup. It seems to be unanimous, we all can't stomach Melanie at this point! Well, except maybe for that weirdo stalker guy who is obsessed with her. Can't think of his name. Terry? But he doesn't count.
I just watched the show and really enjoyed Nicole and Philip's friendly chat. I thought Philip was especially cute in his expressions as he answered some of her questions.
Based on the way Philip acted at the police station, I feel a dread that he may get into covering up for Melanie, which would be disappointing.
And is that not he was all set to turn her in (since he had seen the wallet). Wonder what made him change his mind????
Thanks for the recap Barb, I really enjoy reading them.
I'm with the rest of you, Melanie is annoying, but I don't think she killed Trent. What do the rest of you think?
After seeing the flashbacks at the grave that Mel was having. I think she left and someone else picked up the knief
After seeing the flashbacks at the grave that Mel was having. I think she left and someone else picked up the knief

Had to be. Otherwise Melanie's finger prints would have been on the knife. Based on what I've seen of Melanie, if there had been a physical confrontation, and she'd somehow accidentally stabbed him, I just cannot see her wiping the finger prints off, esp. since he was still alive enough to go walking around and collapse on Caroline.
But wouldn't her prints still be on the knife anyway? They might be smudged and partially covered if someone else handled the knife after her but wouldn't there be partials or something? :confused: And of course we know someone else did handle the knife--Caroline! I wonder why some of Melanie's prints wouldn't have shown up, regardless of who the real killer was.