Days of Our Lives - Thursday October 14, 2021


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Philip is so sorry for the misunderstanding with Chloe. She's not impressed and knows it is more than a misunderstanding.

Brady and Nicole walk in the office to find flowers. Brady assumes they are for Chloe, but they are Nicole's from EJ.

EJ and Johnny discussing EJ's investment and Johnny calls him out about wanting to stick it to Uncle Chad.

Chad and Abby wake up together happy.

Ava and Rafe walk in to the kitchen where Gabi has cooked breakfast and has Ava's coffee waiting. Rafe wants to know where the real Gabi is (me too, Rafe).

Abby wants Chad to stay in her life where he belongs. She wants to know if he was serious about taking the role. She brings up EJ's threats and Chad said he's not afraid of EJ.

Johnny continues to discuss EJ's motives of "screwing with Uncle Chad". He knows EJ's only interested because there is something in it for him. Johnny says if Abby and Chad walk - he loses out. EJ says well we won't let them walk. And brings up contracts. OF course EJ is scheming and trying to rope in Johnny's help.

Brady says EJ is over compensating and wants to know if Nicole is falling for his act. Nicole tells him to shut up.

Chloe calls Philip out again over his behavior and being a jealous idiot. And tells him to go water the tree himself if it means something to him and storms out. Jake walks in and says "Sounds like your girlfriend is mad at you, makes two of us."

Rafe wants to know if Gabi's behavior is real and she says yes, she wants to make peace. But Rafe doesn't exactly buy into it. Gabi says they should be kind to each other and live harmoniously (You're overdoing it a tad there Gabi) Rafe hopes that they are starting a better relationship which will make life easier. Rafe has to leave to grab sweet bits for the squad. They say bye. Ava tries to grab some of the food and Gabi of course pulls it away to yell at her because of giving Philip info about Jake.
Ava, of course, denies it was her. Gabi says that it has her "stink all over it." Ava says Maybe so but what is she going to do about it.

Jake tells Philip he didn't kill the guy, that his "witness" did. Then calls him a spoiled rich kid desperate to feel powerful. Jake tells him to "Fire Me" so Philip does.

Johnny reiterates to EJ that he wants Johnny to lock in Chad as an investor before informing him that EJ will be playing opposite Abigail. EJ say's its good business while Johnny thinks it's underhanded. EJ says "If you don't like my deal, find another investor" and Johnny exclaims EJ knows that isn't possible. Ej wants to know if they have a deal. Then Abby and Chad walk in. Ej announces that he took the liberty of drawing up contracts for his son. Chad finds that a little hard to believe with as vehemently he hasn't wanted Johnny to make the movie. (Sometimes you have a light bulb moment chad). EJ says he's witnessed Johnny's dedication to this project and when Roman pulled out, he felt compelled to help his son out. He's a full investor with Chad and Lucas. Chad asks Johnny if it's true and he basically says yes and hands him the contract to look over. He tells them he can't pay a lot. Abby says she's doing it because he's family not for the money. They want to help make his passion project a reality.

Nicole asks Brady if he really thinks he should hand out relationship advice (I mean neither of them should be doing it, if you want the truth.) Brady says he waited too long to express his feelings to Chloe. Nicole thinks that would never have happened if Brady had just listened to her advice. Brady tells her to do what she wants with EJ and he's going to keep his mouth shut. He's even happy to give Chloe his blessing if she wants it. Chloe walks in and says she doesn't need it.

Jake wants to know if Philip thinks he really cares if he gets fired and Philip basically says he doesn't care. But it doesn't look good for Titan to have a murderous thug on payroll. Jake brings up the money laundering mess and thinks Philip has no place to judge him. Jake got himself out of the mob, but Philip needed his daddy's help. Philip says only one of them is facing jail time. But there's a solution as he told Gabi.

Gabi says she will never surrender her company to Philip especially when Jake is innocent. Ava wants to know if that's what Jake told her. Ava says Does it really matter, because he had no problem helping dispose of the body. Killer or not, he'll do some nice prison time. Gabi doesn't understand what's in it for Ava. Ava says that since Gabi has spent all these months trying to break up her and Rafe, she decided to help Philip out to show Gabi what it feels like when someone tries to take away something you love. Gabi responds that Ava will never take Jake away from her. Ava says she's not talking about Jake - she's talking about what Gabi really loves - her company. But Gabi Chic will rise from the ashes as Ava Chic. (Yes I rolled my eyes at that one)

Chad and Abby find the contracts to be in order and Abby signs hers. Then EJ says he drew up identical contracts for himself, Lucas and Chad. They'll invest equal amounts to cover cost of production and if the film makes a profit - they'll recover their investment and share profits equally. Chad can obviously verify they are the same contracts. Chad says "Let's do it." and signs his contract. Ej signs his after. Chad tells Johnny he might need to have his father draw up another contract. Johnny wants to know what he means and Chad tells him he wants to play opposite his wife and be John Black. Abby says he was wonderful when helping her run lines. Johnny stumbles a bit about not knowing Chad was interested in playing John and Chad says I told your father, didn't you know? And now Johnny realizes his dad definitely had an agenda against Uncle Chad and he just helped. EJ didn't think it was his place to tell Johnny and then informs chad he already has a contract for the role of John Black - his own signed one.

Chad knows EJ is doing this to screw with him. Ej thought Chad would be happy he was giving the support to Johnny. Abby tells EJ it's so wrong. EJ says there's nothing Chad can do. Chad wants Johnny to rip up the contract.
Nicole runs into Rafe outside of the pub. They discuss the donuts. Rafe informs her that he cleaned them out but he can maybe spare one for a friend. Nicole says "Rafe we agreed" and Rafe says it's a donut, we don't have to make it a thing. So they sit on a bench and have donuts.
Chloe tells Brady about Philip seeing them and that he went ballistic. Brady asks if she told him what happened. and Chloe admits she did but that Philip didn't believe her and now they are barely speaking.
Jake says he's not going to prison and Gabi isn't signing the company over. Philip says he hasn't been paying attention. That the keylogger wasn't too bright. Jake says he has no proof. Philip says Gabi started it and he's just fighting back.
Gabi says there's no chance in hell she'd give her company to Philip so Ava could run it. She'd rather... Ava says what - send your boyfriend to prison for a few decades. Gabi says Jake isn't going to prison and Ava rebuts "You can't have it both ways Gabi. It's either your business or your man. I'm thinking Jake needs to be pretty worried." Gabi says the only person that should be worried about losing their man is Ava. What would Rafe think about Ava plotting to take her company?

Chloe says Philip tried to play a stupid game instead of talking to her. She's so tired of Philip's jealousy. Brady says none of it is her fault. Chloe says she should have listened to Brady in the first place and Brady can tell her he told her so.

Jake says "You can't hide behind daddy so you turn to Ava for help" Philip returns with "You have a partner in crime, why shouldn't I?" Jake says he and Gabi are a team but Ava is a viper and she's not helping Philip out of the goodness of her heart, but rather because she hates Gabi. Philip says it serves his purpose. Jake calls into question who's actually in control - Ava or Philip?

Rafe would be furious if found out Ava helped take Gabi's company, he'd dump her so fast, but he isn't going to find out because if Gabi runs to big brother she'd have to tell him Jake was involved in a murder that he helped cover up and what does Gabi think the police commissioner would do about that. Gabi asks if Ava really thinks Rafe wouldn't be suspicious if she all of sudden is running her company. Ava says Gabi can tell him that running the company no longer sparked joy. Gabi says he'd never believe that and Ava says Make Him. Ava says that she votes that Gabi jumps on a plane and moves in with her daughter. Gabi says to shut the hell up about Ari. Ava says it doesn't matter what she says but she needs to sign over the company.

Rafe and Nicole eating donuts. She's shocked Julie gave up the family recipe to sweet bits. He prefers the atmosphere at sweet bits to Julie's place. They discuss their awkward encounter the other night. Rafe wouldn't ever accept anything from EJ and he doesn't understand why she's hanging around Ej again. (neither do I Rafe)
EJ and Chad discussing him doing the right thing. EJ reminds them contracts have been signed and the show must go on. Johnny's sorry they are unhappy but he promises professionalism on set. and It's not personal, but just business. EJ's smug.

Gabi says just the idea of Ava running her company is ridiculous. Jake is turning out to be quite the liability. Ava says you've figured out that it's over and I won and walks away.

Philip isn't naïve about Ava. Jake says you might not be naïve, but you are stupid. This is the mob. You play, there's a price. Philip says is that a threat. Jake responds he can take it however he wants but last time he had problems with the mob, Brady took a bullet with his name on it. He might not be so lucky next time. Then Jake leaves.
Brady says he'd never say that to Chloe. He's genuinely sorry for what she's going through. Chloe says she guesses he was right all along. that Philip's the same jealous guy he was in high school.

EJ and Chad are going to throw down and Abby steps in which prompts EJ to push more, because he loves to take digs at Chad.

Nicole says EJ is her boss and she can't exactly say No to his invitations. Nicole admits it was a date.

Ej tosses more digs at Chad and teases Abby about their upcoming scenes. Chad is mad that Johnny scammed them into signing the contracts. Abby says they maybe shouldn't be so hard on Johnny. Abby wants Chad to convince Shin that EJ's side project will take away his attention from teh company and use that to get EJ to back off. Chad knows right now EJ wants to come between him and Abby. Abby says that won't happen.
Chloe's sorry to lay all her issues on Brady. Brady says he owns some of the responsibility of their issues because he's egged Philip on. he doesn't like to see her unhappy. Chloe says she'll be okay.

Jake's hiding in the park.

Gabi tells Ava not to take a victory lap just yet. That she's going to win and Rafe will leave Ava when he finds out what she tried.

Nicole misses Rafe's friendship and Duke's great but doesn't say much. But Ava is going to honor their agreement
I managed because for some reason Hunny Bunny and the dog felt it was imperative they interrupt me with vital bits of information. Sheesh it was super annoying on my end.....

This movie plot is so flimsy and lame, that any hope of it becoming something else is growing dim.....

SweetBits selling out every morning??? Who knew? but at least they haven't dropped that storyline......we just have to imagine those party girls going to bed and sleeping by 9 to get up and be at work by 4......
Kris10, thanks for your reporting on the writers' latest attempt to drive away the viewers. As for today's nonsense, here are a few comments.

Legal stuff: Salemites would be so much better off it they knew a little law.
  • Contracts: Chad and Abigail should simply refuse to appear in Little Johnny's "movie" if EJ plays John. No judge would force them to appear in it. The most Johnny could get is an injunction banning Chad and Abigail from appearing in any other film.
  • Criminal Evidence: Instead of getting all hot and bothered, Jake should laugh at Philly K.'s threats of murder charges. If Rafe went to Trask with a sketchy mobster's statement about a very cold case, she'd tell him not to come back until he gets some real evidence.
Who's got the look?: Back in the 1980s, women bought certain brand of jeans to get the "Jordache look." In contrast, who would want the Ava look?? AvaChic would be mocked as MobsterChic and would sit unbought on the store racks at the West Salem Mall.

Unwanted gifts: Fie on the diva for tossing Philly's beautiful flowers in the trash. Instead, she should have accepted them and then told him to take a serious hike.
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Thanks, Kris.

What a disappointment of a show.

I wanted Chad to hit EJ.

Jake has a gun. Maybe Jake can kill EJ for us and it will stick this time.

Ava and Gabi were annoying.

I'm going to assume Sweet Bits ran out of donuts only and it still had other goodies to sell.

Johnny needs to grow up and stop acting like his parents.

Of course, Philip showed up when Brady and Chloe hugged...It's Salem.
I've had it with EJ ever since he came back to town. It's like he has decided to stick it to everyone he holds grudges against. His remark to Chad today about playing Roman as a cuckold was uncalled for. It's obvious that Johnny did not like putting Chad and Abby in that position making them sign their contract before revealing EJ would play John in the movie. Even his attitude towards Nicole is condescending. Could we get a replay of Rafe beating EJ up in the Town Square?