DAYS OF OUR LIVES - Thursday, October 30th, 2008


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Episode #10,944 Taped 10/3 Director – Noel Maxam

Kate sits in bed, ( painting her nails, yes, all 10 fingers), Dan is there checking on her, she asks him to give her the book on her nightstand. He leaves, and out in the hall, a very worried Lucas arrives with Chloe. He wants Daniel to be honest with him, what are Kate’s chances. He has done a lot of research on the internet, knows about new treatments, drugs, etc. bottom line, wants Daniel’s opinion. Daniel beats around the bush a bit, Lucas cuts to the chase. You have not given me any answers at all to my question. WHAT are her chances. Not good, replies Daniel. Later, they seem to have talked a lot, are returning from somewhere, Daniel is giving Lucas a stack of manuals, magazines, books on the subject. Lucas thanks him, Dan leaves, Lucas goes in to see his mom. She is upbeat, just a bit tired. Lucas leaves the room, asks Chloe to go in. She is hesitant, as Kate doesn’t like her, but will go for Lucas. Kate is not pleased to see her, has not forgiven her for breaking Philip’s heart. However, her children mean the world to her, and for Lucas’s sake, for the duration of this illness, she suggests they call a truce. Chloe agrees, and tells her that if concentrating on breaking up her and Lucas will give her purpose, to go for it. She leaves the room, but outside the door, seems to nearly collapse, as Dan comes along. She protests she is fine, it was just seeing Kate with the chemo dripping, the smells, sounds, etc. brought it all back to her. Dan is puzzled, but she explains she had leukemia, her sister Joy saved her life, bone marrow transplant. Mentions she still takes anti-rejection drugs, and tho she is fine, still feels as though she is on borrowed time. Lucas returns with magazines for Kate, Daniel says she is resting, Lucas gives the mags to Daniel, tells Chloe they have to go, will be taking Allie trick or treating, will take pics and bring some for Kate to see. They leave, Daniel goes in to see Kate (guess resting was only for her son). He says she is almost done, can leave tomorrow.

Abe sits at the Java Café, as Lexie & Theo return. Theo rushes into Abe’s arms, Lexie mentions he had his nap, a gal comes in, introduces herself as Mona Roy who will be doing the Day in the Life for the Spectator. She is introduced to Theo, puts out hand to shake his, saying pleased to meet you. Theo at first hides his head on Mom’s skirt, but then rushes into Mona’s arms with a hearty hug. She thanks him, Abe & Lexie give Theo a video game to play with. Mona comments with a smile how affectionate Theo is, Lexie asks if she is surprised. Mona starts to say something about having done some research….”and most autistic children”…….when Lexie stops her saying there is no such thing as “most” autistic children. She knows it is a cliché, but every child is different. Mona replies that her oldest daughter, Leila, is very strong willed, has been known to make a scene in public, not taking no for an answer, wanting what she wants, & spent so much time apologizing for her, but then realized she is who she is, that her tenaciousness is a strength, as well as a weakness. Exactly, replies Lexie. That is what we are hoping will be conveyed in the article. That autism is just a part of who Theo is. The interview goes very well, the reporter very kind, Theo plays with the video game, and jumps up excitedly, saying high score, high score, climbing on Abe’s lap. Mona wants to ask Theo a couple questions....and after Lexie says O.K. she asks Theo what is his favorite food. Theo doesn't answer, but gets up, and begins turning in circles. Mona apologizes, not meaning to upset him, thanks them all, and takes her leave.

Bo & Hope are at DiMansion playing cat & mouse with Nicole. EJ keeps trying to get Nicole to stop talking, but Bo & Hope continue to play games. They have her torn up marriage certificate with her prints all over it. Nicole asks if they signed theirs with gloves on. Hope claims the cops can tell old prints from new ones. Nicole admits she argued with Trent, flashes back to being outside the Pub, him giving her the license, and her tearing it up into pieces. Now the two cops haul out the letter Trent left, saying if he dies, then his wife has made good on all her threats. EJ points out that the cops have had several suspects, first Bo’s mother, then his brother, Max, then Melanie, and now Nicole. But Bo assures him they are down to just one suspect, and finally bring out a search warrant, saying they have probable cause. We see them in Nicole’s closet, looking at her dresses, and later, Hope brings one out, talking of how beautiful it is. Nikki says it is her favorite, Hope notes a bead is missing, and gee, just happens to match one the CSI (LOL) found at the scene. Nicole now yaks at how she followed Trent to the cemetery, because she realized she made a mistake when she left him with the torn up pieces of the certificate, and we see a flashback of her behind Trent, tapping him on the shoulder, and them struggling. He has his arm around her neck. She insists she did not kill him, but Bo is taking her down to the station along with the dress. EJ tries to prevent this, saying she is pregnant, but Bo just replies that he guesses she will be having her baby in prison.

Out at the safe house, Hilda has given Sami the set of rules. LOL. No loud talking or noises, no standing next to windows, specific snack times….Witness Protection 101 sez Hilda, who comments that Sami already causes one guard to leave after only 24 hours. (So all these scenes are a stitch!) Hilda plops herself on the sofa, telling Sami no more talking time to watch Law & Order SVU, as she chomps on a stalk of celery. Sami wrinkles her nose, asking what is that smell. Bratwurst & sauerkraut (Hilda must be from Wisconsin – I swear it is the state food), lucky you replies, Hilda, unlike Darrell, I love to cook. LOLOLOL. Next we see her shouting at the TV as she is watching a wrestling match. Sami protests, asking if she doesn’t have to patrol the perimeter or something. Nope, Hilda doesn’t intend to leave Sami alone. Now Sami wants to take a shower…but is ordered to leave the door open, so Hilda can see her at all times. Sami comes out in PJs, to find Hilda with green goop on her face, ear plugs, and a sleep mask, ready for bed. Sami wonders how she will see or hear anything, but Hilda is a light sleeper, time for bed. Sami protests it is only 7 p.m. Hilda tells her your safe house, my rules. (how was she watching Law & Order before 7 p.m.??? LOL. ), warning her she snores. Suddenly the doorbell rings. Hilda orders Sami to hide, opens the door to find a kid Trick or Treating. She hides her gun, reaches in her pocket giving the disappointed kid a box of raisins, telling him to tell his friends Trick or Treaters are not welcome there.

Now Sami talks of missing the twins first Trick or Treating (aren’t they just a year old???) which causes Hilda to begin talking of her own children, now grown. She drags out pictures of Ingeroy, Roland & Gunter, and drones on and on about them, the lousy husband who had eyes for other women with big bazooms, yada, yada. Sami wanders around the room, bored, sits down near Hilda’s bag, rummages around looking for another set of earplugs, but finds sleeping pills. Ahh, just the thing. She gets up, spikes a cup of tea, giving it to Hilda, claiming it is Sleepy time tea, (decaf, I guess). Hilda tastes, thinks it is good, Sami claims she did not make it too hot, so Hilda could drink it more easily, and down the hatch it goes. Gee, Hilda suddenly gets very sleepy, can’t understand it, maybe should call that doctor back, sits on the sofa, and before you know it, falls sound asleep. Ah, peace & quiet, sez Sami. She smiles confidently as she sips her tea, commenting “Free at last”.
Outside the door we see what appears to be male legs walking towards the door.


Previews: Stephanie telling Philip she wishes Melanie would leave Salem, o/w she & Max won’t be able to work things out.
Melanie telling Max it is nice to have someone looking after her, Max saying that is what brothers are for
Sami frantically trying to get Hilda to wake up as the door handle rattles, and we see the door shaking as someone tries to get in.
Thanks for the recap Barb.
Poor Sami in trouble again? lol Now who's going to save her?
I don't think Nicole killed Trent. She is bieng set up but by who?
That letter from Trent was just another way to get at Nicloe -what a peach of a guy. Trying to frame her from the grave... Do not think she did it either, too many others that are bettter to do it.
Where is Victor????

Am I the only one wondering what happened to Victor? He visited Caroline in prison and told her that he wouldn't do anything that she wouldn't approve of and then we saw him overhear Bo telling Kayla that things didn't look good for Caroline and that's the last we've seen of him.

I am not happy about his disappearance at all. In fact, I don't think I've watched a full episode since his last appearance. Trent needed to be handled, but I want to know what Victor's doing behind the scenes. I'd love to see him pin this on Stefano or actually attach it to Nicole as his "final parting gift." But, I doubt he will since apparently DAYS' writers think it's more fun to watch Melanie try to form words and watch Nick battle his inner-demons over this. And, seriously, Max brooding over something is like Sami whining over how hard her life is. Haven't we seen enough of this?
Can we just have it be Melanie and get rid of her? I've practically stopped watching because of her.

Me either! I can't stand it when she whines...which is all the time! The she does a complete 180 and is snotty, then she cries! Enough already!!!
Sorry if this is a dumb question -

but - the last thing I remembered - Lucas disowned Kate and never wanted to have anything to do with her - so when did he start talking to her again? I am not asking this to be unfeeling, because I know she is his mom and he still cares and is concerned, but was the disowning just changing his surname?
JAKiriakis: I want to know where Victor is too. I posted in one of the threads about Kate that he needs to be there for her during her illness. It makes no sense to have him absent.

Barb: Thanks for the write up and previews. Does the letter Trent left actually say "my wife" or does it say Nicole's name. If it's just "my wife," then I think we know "who done it." My speculation: Melanie's mom. I think this is also the reason that no one has asked Melanie about her mom. The writers want to reveal the big surprise. Of course, there's still the possibility that Nicole and Melanie's mom are one in the same.
JAKiriakis: I want to know where Victor is too. I posted in one of the threads about Kate that he needs to be there for her during her illness. It makes no sense to have him absent.

Barb: Thanks for the write up and previews. Does the letter Trent left actually say "my wife" or does it say Nicole's name. If it's just "my wife," then I think we know "who done it." My speculation: Melanie's mom. I think this is also the reason that no one has asked Melanie about her mom. The writers want to reveal the big surprise. Of course, there's still the possibility that Nicole and Melanie's mom are one in the same.

Ya know what... Maybe that letter from Trent reveals that Nicole is Melanie's mom!!!
The fact that Trent left that letter accusing Nicole is not evidence of anything. The whole town knows that multiple people openly threatened to kill him. Also, the age of fingerprints can't be determined. Hope and Bo are just trying to rattle Nicole and it looks like it's working. She didn't do it. This is just another red herring.

To opangster: I don't know if you are a longtime viewer or not, but Lucas disowns Kate every few months and always forgives her.
To opangster: I don't know if you are a longtime viewer or not, but Lucas disowns Kate every few months and always forgives her.

hey thanks! yeah i have been a longtime on/off viewer, but Lucas seemed more "serious" in his disownment this time around, I thought that it would last! but alas, i forgot it is a soap! =)
She gets up, spikes a cup of tea, giving it to Hilda, claiming it is Sleepy time tea, (decaf, I guess).

Celestial Seasonings brand tea, makes a flavor called Sleepytime, and yes, it is decaf.

They also have a line of "Teas for Wellness" which includes Sleepytime Extra® Wellness Tea with Valerian, which is an herbal remedy, helps with sleep and (I think) depression.

I really like their Tension Tamer, Madagascar Vanilla Red, Peach Apricot Honeybush, and Moroccan Pomegranate Red. Unfortunately, the only one I can find on a regular basis is Tension Tamer.
Celestial Seasonings brand tea, makes a flavor called Sleepytime, and yes, it is decaf.

They also have a line of "Teas for Wellness" which includes Sleepytime Extra® Wellness Tea with Valerian, which is an herbal remedy, helps with sleep and (I think) depression.

I really like their Tension Tamer, Madagascar Vanilla Red, Peach Apricot Honeybush, and Moroccan Pomegranate Red. Unfortunately, the only one I can find on a regular basis is Tension Tamer.

:OT: Celestial seasonings are my favorite too. I have boxes of their green teas at work and probably a dozen or so different ones at home (including the sleepytime). :back:

I'm getting a little tired of the whole Trent murder mystery story. Bo and Hope remind me of Inspector Clousea--I suspect everyone and I suspect no one.

I felt sorry for Melanie, originally. Now she just gets on my nerves and I f.f. thru her scenes.

Thanks for the write up Poirot!
Thanks for the write up Barb.

KathyLu, thanks for the bit about fingerprints. I didn't think the age of them could be determined, but was not sure.

Barb: Thanks for the write up and previews. Does the letter Trent left actually say "my wife" or does it say Nicole's name. .
It does say my wife. And as that is all it says.
LOL, as I have a cabinet full of Celestial Seasonings tea, Chamomile, green, & a variety pack. And yes, I have Sleepytime, too.
I just could not believe how stupid Sami was in drugging her guard. Granted, I fast forward through all the Sami scenes so I may have missed something. But Hilda is there to protect Sami from an assassin. By drugging Hilda, she is endangering her life and her unborn baby's. Supposedly she is keeping the baby a secret from EJ in order to protect it from the Dimeras? Well, after this idiotic move, I'd say she should give the baby to Stefano. It would be safer with him than with Sami.
I love the teas also, they always have great Holiday ones too. Those should be appearing on the shelves shortly.

Some one brought a couple of boxes of holiday tea, left over from last year, to get rid of them. I loved the gingerbread one. Since I was the only one drinking it, I took it home. My oldest daughter and polished off half a box in about two weeks.