Days of Our Lives Thursday Sept.18 2008


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Dec 31, 1969
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Montreal, Quebec, Canada
The show starts off with Nicole and Philip sitting in the pub. Nicole is tell EJ that she was invited to a wedding and does not what to go. She can not even ask someone to go along with her because she is not in a relationship. She says she has a guy she is interested in. EJ comes in and Philip leaves. EJ makes a note that Nicole looks like she slept in that and makes a comment that she is drinking orange juice. Nicole tells EJ that she was sick all night and that she thinks she has a bug of some kind but is loading up on juice. They talk about there feelings for eachother. EJ admits that he will always have Sami in his life because of Johnny. Nicole agrees she can share EJ with Johnny, but not Sami. They talk about about what is going on and agree they should try going out on a date. The date is never set up.

Outside the pub Philip runs into Kate who is still coughing. Philip is very worried about her and wants her to go to the hospital and see Kayla. Kate does not want to go and says she will go next week if it is not any better. Philip takes his cell phone and calls Kates office to cancel all her appts for the day. He then takes her to the hospital

At the hopital Lexie is waiting for the board meeting to start. She is shocked to see Dan there as he is to be off. It is because he is to appear as a witness in the board meeting. Julie as a member of the board comes to tell Lexie that they will be starting in about 5 mins.

At the police station Abe is upset about Stefano getting away with what he did at the hospital. He knows that Stefano was the one behind it. He is getting ready to go to the hospital to be with Lexie for the board meeting when Roman gets a call from the Mayor. The mayor is on his way and wants to meet with Roman and Abe. When the mayor arrives he tells them that the police did a poor job of handling the lockdown at the hospital. That they should have called homeland security ect. Abe acusses him of looking for a scapegoat. Then of accepting a bribe. He says that he knows it was Stefano behind the hospital lockdown and will get him himself. Roman begs Abe not to do this, but Abe hands the mayor his badge and quits the force.

Philip and Kate arrive at the hospital. Kayla is off so Dan offers to see her. Kate says no and makes an appt to see Kayla next week. Dan and Philip get her to agree to some tests saying she will be out in a few hours. Dan starts questioning Kate. She admits to shortness of breath. He has to go in front of the board and orders the tests.

In the board meeting Lexie is confronted with all the things that she should have done as COS and has not. She says she is sorry but has not had enough time. They question if it is Theo's problem. Dan arrives and gives Lexie a good job review saying that when he arrieved it was for one OR that he was to do. The reason that he stayed is because of Lexie and how she runs the hospital. Eveyone is then asked to leave and the board gets ready to vote on wheather Lexie stays on as COS.

Kate is starting not to feel as well and tells Philip that she is glad that they came to the hospital. She starts to cough harder and fills a hankie with blood. Philip starts yelling for help.

Hope you enjoy the show.
I really enjoyed the scene with Roman, Abe, and the Mayor. It was just so well acted. EJ and Nicloe were great together.
Good write up. I'm glad you were able to do it, because I'd tentatively offered. However, it was iffy if I would be able to watch any of the show at all, and if I did, it might only be half of it, or less.

Edited to add: I feel rather sorry for Nicole. Up sick all night. Poor thing, her morning sickness is really kicking her butt.
Great job, Donna. Thanks so much for filling in for Poirot today. I don't know how I'd go a day without a recap.

I guess Peter Reckell must be on vacation. We haven't seen Bo in quite some time.
Great write up! Alway appreciated. I sure hope Kate doesn't have Cancer or TB. I can't wait til EJ & Nicole find out they are pregnant. Sami is goin to be so p!$$ed off.
@ TamiBelle. I am waiting for Nicole and EJ to find out that they are pregnant.I really enjoyed them together today.
DJM, I appreciate the writeup so much. Thanks! You did a good job. I'm glad to hear Nicole is drinking orange juice again.
Poor Kate, sounds like she is in bad shape.
And boy, both Abe and Lexie are having job problems at the same time! Even though Lexie probably was never the best candidate for that job, I wouldn't want to see her get fired, on top of all the other problems she has right now.
Thanks for the write up!

Even though I'm getting tired of all of the pregnancy storylines I am looking forward to seeing Nicole's reaction when she finds out (and even more in seeing how Sami reacts).
I just watched the show and found myself holding my breath at the end when Kate was trying to catch her breath. Her wheezing and gasping were very realistic. Then when she saw her own blood, well you could feel her fear and panic. She is used to being in control and it scared her to pieces to have no control over what was happening to her. Very strong acting on Lauren's part.
Just wanted to say thanks Donna for a Great job!!! I got to see it before I read your summary and you were right on!

Let me take this time to thank all of you that are filling in for Barb :clap: :clap:

Friendship, fellowship, and a willingness to help in all situations is what this site is all about!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Excellent, DJM, thank you so very much..........