Days of Our Lives - Thursday, Sept. 4th, 2008


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Episode #10,904 Director – Albert Alarr

Lexie is playing with Theo in the sandbox in the park as Abe comes up with a couple of coffees. She is trying to get Theo to play with the trucks, but Theo ignores her, preferring to just dig in the sand himself. Abe tells her they cannot push him, it is going to take time and patience. Kayla & Steve come down the path, wheeling Joe in his stroller. Steve tries to sit next to Theo, talking to him, but Theo ignores him. Lexie is becoming visibly upset, Kayla suggests Steve & Abe take Joe and go feed the birds, leaving her to console Lexie, who pours out her frustrations. How she was looking at kindergarten brochures, doesn’t know if she should mainstream him into public school, or put him into a school for children with disabilities. She worries if he will ever be able to cook meals, drive a car, have to live at home when he is 30 years old. Kayla encourages her to just show her son his parents are happy, love each other, and love him.
She talks of the problems she & Abe are having, how they disagree and how to handle this all, the direction to go, how she feels as a doctor she should be able to handle this better and she doesn’t seem to be able to do that. Lexie is concerned about her father being back on the scene, how the hospital board is not happy with her over the hospital problems, blaming her and she may lose her job.
Abe & Steve have a nice talk about Theo, Lexie, family & friends, return to the women, and it is time to leave. Steve & Kayla take off for the Pub, while Abe offers to drive Lexie to the hospital, no, she has to work late tonight. Theo is climbing the monkey bars, Abe tries to take him, he is yelling no, no, but Abe gets him over to a bench. They try to calm him down with a snack, but Theo throws it away. Abe will tell Mark all that happened, when he takes him for his afternoon session. They leave, Lexie retrieves the trucks from the sandbox, looks over, and imagines playing with Theo in it, but Theo is now just an average little boy, enjoying the trucks, telling mom he loves her. Lexie is in tears.

Tony comes into the mansion, finding some guy taking a painting out of the house. Someone comes in carrying a portrait of Stefano to hang back up on the wall. Tony wonders what is going on, and it seems Stefano is just full of plans to add a new wing, perhaps a retractable roof over the pool, an art gallery, a wing for guests. He talks about the place feeling more like home, as soon as he gets rid of his unwanted boarders. One can hear saws and construction noise from outside. EJ comes in, with an injunction, which means Stefano cannot force them to leave. Stefano is not too happy, realizes they are standing together against him, wants to talk to each one separately. They refuse, but eventually decide to let him talk to them individually. EJ leaves the room, Stefano starts in on Tony, talking of how well they once worked together, were on the same page, thought the same way, whether it be business, family, etc. He walks out telling Stefano not to underestimate him. EJ comes in, knows Stefano’s talk with Tony did not go well. Stefano claims that Tony has always been difficult, but that EJ is different. EJ backs away, solemnly telling Stefano that whatever Tony said goes double for him. Stef is disappointed in him, always felt closest to him. Ah, is that why you want to throw me out. Oh, no, no, replies Stef. He would be happy to have him stay there, but with certain concessions. EJ gets angry, telling Stefano he is always the master of manipulations, wanting to control his life, Tony’s life, & he does not want to be like Stefano at all. EJ says he is not adverse to a little power, but on his terms, not Stef’s. His way. Stefano doesn’t think he can do anything without him..He calls Tony back into the room, saying now that he knows their positions, he will give them one final chance. He has worked hard, and is willing to share the fruits of his labor…our labor, with all 3 of them working together. BUT, he must have their unwavering loyalty. EJ chuckles, saying meaning we would be his puppets. Tony agrees, tells Stef he already has their answer it is No. Stefano goes into a rage, yelling they will have no more chances, no more. Are they willing to throw that away. A very calm Tony says,……..yes we do, Father, as he & EJ leave the room. Stefano leafs thru a photo album, pics of him & tony, him & EJ. Tony opens the door, Stefano comments how family was always so important, it is a shame Tony doesn’t feel that way. Tony goes out with no comment, as Stefano tosses the album into the waste basket.

Marlena comes into the Pub, bumping into Trent, who offers to buy her a drink. Sorry, not before noon. She turns away, bumping into John, who was surprised she left the mansion so early. He wants her to stay another night, but she says no, Stefano is there, she will go to her apt. Roman has a couple men watching the place. John is insistent, Marlena is even more insistent, telling him no and going over to Trent’s table saying she will have that Mimosa now. John watches, Nicole comes in, sees he is upset, tells him Trent is a louse, has a dark side that doesn’t appear at first, & tries to encourage John to go after Marlena if he loves her. Wait, he didn’t say that. Well, she can tell he has feelings for her. LOL as she goes to fix something with his hair, he jerks away….Nope, don’t touch the hair. LOL. Meanwhile, Trent is putting the moves onto Marlena, inviting her to dinner tomorrow night. She refuses, lets him know she is married, they go back & forth a bit. She lets him know she did not like the way he treated his son, that Max is family, she loves that boy. Trent changes the subject, comments about John watching them, finally getting up to leave, telling her to call him if she changes her mind. Nicole has pushed John to go talk to Marlena, tell her he loves her, misses her, wants her. He repeats the line, then goes to sit opposite his wife. She is glad to see him, has something she wants to say. He has something he wants to say, too, but ladies first. Marlena says this is hard so she will just come out with it. She thinks it is time she filed for divorce. Cue a shocked John.

Nicole has left, bumps into EJ outside. She is going to pick up Pookie, he stops her, says he is sorry she saw him & Samantha in the stairwell. She understands, Sami is the mother of his kid. EJ says he really doesn’t know what is going to happen between him & Samantha. And now EJ has a confession…..when he was with Sami in the stairwell, he was thinking he was cheating on Nicole.

Thanks for the post Barb!!! You are so wonderful!!
Sounds like a so so show today! Thanks for keeping me up to date!
I thought it was a very good show. Loved the interactions with Tony, Stefano, and EJ. The acting was amazing. Loved when Tony comes out from talking with Stefano and EJ goes in. He tell Stefano whatever Tony said goes double for him.
Lexie and Kayla where just hearbeaking to watch.
Thanks for the write up Poirot. I was in and out of the room while the show was on.
one would really need a machete, anyway

woohoo! all can say about the "TODAY in salem" posts. still early enough for me to read before i watch days on the best left west coast!! much love!!

regarding john's hair, one would really need a machete to fix his hair, anyway!
sunshine, too funny about the machete! That's a good one! Barb, thanks so much. The show doesn't come on for two more hours here and I won't watch it till even later, so I appreciated getting to read ahead.
I was glad to hear Tony is standing up to Stefano. I was beginning to think he was going to wimp out completely.
I'm not liking how Marlena is acting right now but it won't hurt John to get a little of his own medicine. :)
I feel for Lexie and Abe. It's all too familiar. I just hope they will stick together and not do something stupid.
WOW! Sounds like a great show. Hmmm, I may have to skip watching yesterday's, and watch this one tonight instead. I don't think I can wait until Saturday to watch Tony and EJ stand up to old Steffie.

Thank you sooooo much, Barb.
Great write up!

I sure hope Tony & EJ stick to their guns about this. I fear Lexie is going to get caught up in her sorrows and run to Father who always says he will make everything better.

Johns hair, remind me of when Uncle Jesse on Full House! Watch the Hair!
TamiBelle. I thought the same thing when I saw that. The moments he used where about the same. I sure gave me a good laugh. Guess John's hair is going to stay the way it is for a while longer.
Thanks for the write up Poirot. Had to work today so I didn't get a chance to watch at all and trying to catch it on soapnet is impossible with a husband and baseball.

My heart just breaks for Abe and Lexie. I couldn't imagine going through that as a parent, but to have that in amongst all the other stesses of their "soap opera" lives, unreal.
This is great. I am a Substitute Teacher and I never know when I am going to miss the show. I can keep up and pick up right where I need to be if I'm not working.
Welcome, Kim001. :welcome:

I thought it was so funny when John told Nicole not to mess with his hair! :)
I loved watching her reactions to him and all of how she interacted with him. She was funny and did a good job!
Best hair line ever was in "Saturday Night Fever" when the Maneros were at the dinner table and the dad smacks Tony upside the head:

"Would ya just watch the hair. Ya know, I work on my hair a long time and you hit it. He hits my hair."
Marlena Loves Max???

Did anyone else think it was odd when Marlena told Trent, "I love that boy. He's family." I know Marlena has a strong attachment to the Brady family even though they are not related by blood or by marriage any longer. But she loves him?

Help me out here. I can't recall Max and Marlena ever even having a scene together. Can anyone else? What she said to Trent seemed way over the top to me.
poor lexie and Abe.. it is hard to see you child in a situation like that.. I cannot imagine...

poor little theo.. he's been through alot in his little life... especially wiht his parents.. where is Celeste anyways..?