Days of Our Lives - Tues., Apr. 10, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Teens sit in their apartment, waiting for contest results. Tripp is not going to vote, won't come between the ladies, The gals snark back & forth, he leaves for work. Oooh, results came in. Ciara & Claire made the cut off, are in top 5, but Ciara way ahead. Claire rather dejected, the gals snipe at one another, Ciara admitting she only entered as she wanted to beat Claire.

Over in the square, Eve & Brady sit and bicker in a friendly manner over the contest, etc., Brady in favor of Claire, Eve for Ciara. Results come in. Hmmm. They do more good natured bickering, Tripp is their waiter, overhears about Ciara leading, leaves to bring back their order. Brady make a wager with Eve...If Claire wins, she will give him another shot, If Ciara wins, he will not ever bother her again. Deal. When they leave, Brady bumps into Claire, assures her he wants her to win, urges her to get her social media followers to get out and VOTE. Eve visits Ciara, glad she is ahead, is encouraging, but almost seems as tho she would want Claire to win.

Hope returns from Hong Kong, Rafe fills her in on what has been happening. Hope cannot believe Gabi was found guilty on that circumstantial evidence. Rafe tells of Abby's (Dr. Laura) testimony, feels something is amiss. Both women swearing on the lives of their children they are telling the truth, someone is lying. Hope talks of her & Chad seeing the woman with dark hair with Stefan, how she had no jurisdiction, could not bring in for questioning, etc. Both believe Gabi innocent. (Justin has filed the appeal already).

And now Rafe brings up their personal issues, he gave her the time and space she needed, he loves her, etc. But Hope says nope. It is over, no chance of anything. Not just Sami, refers to their big argument, and that it was Rafe who broke off their engagement. Rafe did it. She brings out the annulment papers she had Belle draw up, gives them to Rafe, she has already signed them.

At DiMansion, Marlena is in a face off with Gabby. Stefan introduces himself, Marlena is civil, but stern. Gabby introduces herself, Marlena asks if she thinks she is Gabi Hernandez, Abigail's best friend. Stefan is very silent, as Gabby manages to hold her own, despite Marlena's insistence that she is in Abby's body, etc. Gabby insists she is not an alter, but her own person. Marlena wonders how long she can keep wearing that wig, must be hot. She turns her attention to Stefan, realizing he has known about this for some time, yet did not tell Chad, or try to get her the help she needs. Gabby feels she doesn't need any help, Stefan is making excuses, defending his actions, cares about Gabby, wants to help her.

Marlena takes out her phone to call Chad, Gabby snatches it away from her. She is not to tell Chad. Brings up confidentiality. Marlena notes the exception, danger to herself or others. Marlena realizes all that has gone on. She figures the dark haired woman on the video was not Gabi, but her. She tells Stefan what is it now. He took Chad's company, his home, and now his wife. Oh, no, not his wife, But Gabby. She thinks he is like his father, who took advantage of Marlena when she was not well, just as Stefan is doing to Abigail. She asks Stefan if he killed Andre. In fact she thinks he did. She notes that if Gabi really did tell Abigail she killed Andre, Abigail would have gone to the police, not the witness stand. So, Marlena has evidence of what went on, is going to tell the police. Stefan is being agreeable, o.k. I will go down to the police station with you, let's go.

Gabby is behind Marlena, smacks her on the head with the fireplace poker, down goes Marlena. Stefan is shocked, what the heck did you do? Gabby says she was taking you to the police. He says he was only buying time, there was nothing against him.

Gabby says.......Now what do we do?
Egads, forgot about Chloe & Lucas, who are together, discussing offer to do the opera in Mexico city. Lucas is pointing out all the cons, but Chloe only is talking of how much singing opera means to her. Lucas doesn't trust Miguel & his phantom employer, and up comes Miguel. Lucas is really trying to get the guy to back off, but he is persistent to Chloe.

He reaches in his pocket, Lucas manages to get the guy in a hold, arm behind his back, but turns out Miguel was only getting a plane ticket to give to Chloe, so she could fly down, meet her admirer, talk about the proposed opera. He takes off, Lucas nearly tears up the plane ticket, Chloe stops him. Elsewhere Miguel is on phone to his boss, yes delivered the ticket, but Lucas is presenting a problem.
Please let someone besides Ciara or Claire win this stupid contest. Are they ever going to let Ciara and Claire be friends or hey aunt and niece ever again?! This bickering is ridiculous.

I was hoping more people would be finding out about Abigail's alters, hopefully get Gabi out of jail but now that Marlena has been bonked on her head, I don't see that happening. Stefan is just sick to be pursuing a relationship with an alter of someone with mental illness. Ugh. Hate it.

I'm sure it just dawned on Lucas that it is Kate behind this job for Chloe which makes perfect since but I'm thinking it's not.
There has to be a reason for the offer to be in Mexico City, and yes, it is definitely something Kate would do, but that is where Theresa went with the drug lord, soooo????? Theresa herself would not care about Lucas & Chloe......but Brady is the father of Tate, was Theresa's love.

Of course, Kate might just want to get Chloe down to Mexico City, strand her there or something, but who knows?

Meanwhile, right now, Abby is not at fault for what is happening to Gabi. That is all on Stefan & Vivian. And now both are taking advantage of Abby's illness.

See, while Stefan did not know who killed Andre....and Dr. Laura said it was Abigail.....I don't think that is the case. It could be that Vivian did the deed, Andre threatening to blow the whistle on her, or something, (she was paying him for info to sabotage DiMera Enterprises), & maybe Abby saw it, or came in right after, etc. Viv could have been the one in the dark wig & coat. Hastened out, then came back with Stefan to "find" the body.

Oh, well, just another month or so, we will learn the truth. :)
Being it will be May Sweeps, this story will be over. Although, come to think of it, look how they ended the murder of Deimos?
Hong Kong Hope: So she still has it in for Rafe despite all his troubles. It would serve her right if a judge refuses the annulment, saying something like: "He had a one-night stand right after you dumped him? Big deal. In Salem, this is what we in the legal community call de minimus."

Choe & Her Cleavage: Lucas is right to interfere. Chloe is utterly clueless. (Q: What kind of person accepts a big job offer from somebody who won't reveal his name? A: Somebody who once fell under the orange-tinted spell of Dr. McScruffy, and cheated on her husband.)

Slimy New DiMera Guy: He really thinks that nobody ever dared to cross Stefano? If he asked around, Mr. Sleaze would learn that all the people who did just that and lived to tell the tale could fill the Town Square.

Marlena: Was it really wise for her to confront a very slimy DiMera and a totally batty alter in the lion's den that is the DiMansion living room? Clearly not, but when this is all over, she and John can compare notes on what it's like to be hit over the head with a fireplace poker.
The Contest: So Eve is going to back Ciara and Brady is going to back Claire to win the New Face of Bella contest? So they are going to essentially reignite their romance by engaging in a game of one-up-man ship with the girls more or less being reduced to the roles of pawns on a chess board? INTERESTING!!!

Of course when I say "INTERESTING!!!" like that, what I really mean is how boring, annoying, and all-around inane. It's a good thing we have access to this emoji :rolleyes: because otherwise this nonsense would have me rolling my eyes so much I would constantly be picking them up off the floor.

Here's my problem with Claire and Ciara: they've switched personalities. Sometime within the last year, I would guess around the time of the sex-tape debacle with Jade, Claire started maturing from an overly self-involved social media obsessed twit, and was more along the lines of the sweet girl she was was first showed up on the scene.

Then Ciara came literally roaring back into town on her daddy Bo's motorcycle, wearing a leather jacket, strutting around town like a Rebel without a Clue and declaring that nobody, but nobody, was going to push around Ciara Alice Brady anymore. No sir! Never mind that she never specified who was pushing her around when she left Salem to live in Hong Kong with Shawn and Belle, it just wasn't going to happen anymore. She had chip on her shoulder the size of Mount Rushmore.

But then Theo left town and Ciara started hanging around with Tripp and has calmed down is acting like her head is now on straight. Claire, on the other hand, has regressed and is not just self-absorbed, but actually is getting meaner. It's like now that she no longer has a boyfriend around she's going to be the "mean girl." They're like kids on a teeter-totter on a playground when one's up the other's down. Their personalities will be dictated by the needs of the plot at any given time and not who they are as people.

The DiMansion showdown: I thought those were quite frankly the highlight of the episode. For the first time in this story I felt real tension and suspense. I especially loved the part where the Nameless One threatened to destroy Marlnea and ordered her to leave the mansion. She just looked at him like she wanted to pat him on the cheek and have someone fix him a peanut butter and banana sandwich and big ol, glass of chocolate milk. She went toe-to-to with the Real McCoy to be intimidated by by this z-grade wanna-be. I loved every minute of it.
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Rafe/Hope...look, I don't care if they're together or apart as long as their romance ends. Because of the foot-dragging on their end, I'm sure we're just watching a break-up so they can make up. NOT INTERESTED.


And now Marlena is in peril because of "Gabby." I'm sorry, Abigail needs medication and a long, long stay somewhere far, far away. I'm sick of her and this acting caricature "Gabby". Should have ended 2 weeks ago.
I liked the Stefan/Abby/Gabby stuff. I think the writing today as Gabby was talking about Chad and Abby's relationship and her jealousy of real Gabi was great. Stefan is a massive creep and he's disgusting, but I today was the first time I really liked this storyline. The actor is great, and I'm interested to see how he thinks he's going to be able to control his new girlfriend. As far as he can tell from today, she could be a double murderer. I just can't keep going with this because it will mean real Gabi has to go to jail, and if they do that to her again, I mean, honestly.

Chloe, I don't even know where to start. Why do they have to write her dumber than a bag of hair? When she was asking Lucas if he thinks she can't run her own life, I'm thinking, "Oh, sweetie. None of us do." I do think Kate is behind this and has asked a druglord to hire Chloe (whether she knows he a druglord or not) and that this is going to bring Theresa back somehow. I can't wait. I LOVE Theresa, Eve is fun, and a little triangle storyline with Brady. That could be great.

Ciara is pouty and annoying, but I kind of like the chemistry between her and Trip. Claire is horrible. The absolute worst. Why do they all still live together? Every day, they're like this. Enough is enough. I know Salem is short on domestic sets, but surely there's another apartment somewhere. Maybe another kitchen-less apartment to live in next to Eli, Will, and Paul?

Hope and Rafe, please end this. Now. I'm SO over it. Beyond over it. Rafe deserves better than the love relationships they've given him since Sami cheated on him with EJ.
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Thanks, Poirot.

I kept hoping Marlena would pull off Gabby's wig.

So, the Bella contest is still going on with the top five. And Claire wants
to figure out a way to cheat. I'm hope it's either a tie or both of them lose.

Lucas needs to be careful. He's going to make Chloe so mad she won't
date him anymore.

What's going to happen to Marlena now after Gabby hit her the poker?
And Gabby took her phone too
What's going to happen to Marlena now after Gabby hit her the poker?

She and John will be forming a "Survivors of fire place poker incidents" support group.

@TinaY - On Days of Our Lives, women are incapable of taking care of themselves, thinking for themselves and being successful unless they are single. It's when they meet a man and start to date them that those characteristics go out the window.
Abby’s triple play, slime ball Stefan, Hope and Rafe’s issues, Eve and Brady’s high school drama, Marlena’s extremely unprofessional behavior and to add being held against her will AGAIN.

All of this unfortunate idiotic writing has lodged such disgust and disappointment. Days is being ruined and run to the ground. I haven’t watched a full episode for about two weeks now. Thank goodness for the Salem Spectator for daily for updates.
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In my opinion, only:

Eve will now help Claire win the contest.

If Stefan has sex with Gabby, he will be committing rape. There is plenty of room for him in Statesville.

A very nice take-down of Miguel by Lucas. He may now be offered a job with Black Patch/Glasses.
Have a feeling A.Guy is right about Eve helping Claire win. Claire already asked Brady to cheat so she could, he said no, and Eve's conversation with Ciara.....Yep, she still has the hots for Brady, and can save face if she loses that bet......

I don't regard Marlena's behavior as unprofessional. I applaud her for confronting Stefan, getting to meet Gabby, but do admit it was poor judgement on her part not to just leave to call Chad and/or police. She could tell Gabby was a rather cocky persona, and should have realized that neither of them could be trusted. Especially if she felt one may have done in Andre. But Marlena is not one to back down.