Days of Our Lives - Tues., Apr. 17, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Missed the first 15 much happening today. Maggie, Brady & Eve are ending a conversation in the Kmansion, with Maggie thinking Brady & Eve can still be together, but Eve saying no way.

Leo has brought papers for Sonny to sign in the town square, yada, yada. Sonny doesn't need an asst., except at the office, but Leo has brought something Sonny forgot. Sonny leaves, Leo gets a call from Vivian, mutters what do you want now? Paul is following him.

Earlier, Paul & Will are in bed, afterglow, talk of Will's assignment from Adrienne, about the drug that brought him back to life. Could be wonderful for many people. But, Dr. Rolf is dead, no he won't go to Susan who is too fragile right now. Paul has great confidence in him, he is a good writer, they mention some piece on a man, Will says he will have to read it, Paul tells him that Will wrote it originally.

Chloe has gone to see Kate, to see if she is the one who made the job offer in Mexico. Nope, just as she already told Lucas. Kate snarks at Chloe, as usual, but doesn't want Lucas hurt as Chloe did before. Chloe is sorry, she is a different person now, knows Lucas is an alcoholic, and would never do anything to hurt him. Kate doesn't want Chloe w/Lucas, period. She thinks Chloe should take the job, Stefano always thought Chloe did well at opera. Vivian has come in, hears some of this, Chloe leaves. Viv snarks at Kate how funny that was, to listen to elder floozy talking to junior floozy. Kate gets a business call, leaves the room, Viv calls Leo.

Over in the loft, jabber, jabber about the Bella contest, which is ending, who is going to win. Tripp & Claire yak about it, she is dissing Ciara, Tripp defending her, telling Claire whoever wins, she & Ciara will always be family and therefore should be happy for the other. Phones all beep, the results are in. The show plays around, going from the trio (Ciara has rushed out) to Eve & Brady, but finally reveal that Claire is the one vote! And of course, that vote is credited to Tripp, Claire is ecstatic, rushes over to where Brady & Eve are. Ciara & Tripp gab about that one vote being him, he wishes he could take it back, he can't. Ciara explains how she felt winning would validate her, people accept her, Tripp talks of all the votes she got, but she moans she did not win.

Meanwhile, Brady is jubilant that now Eve has to give him another chance, she refuses to do so. They argue about it. Claire has rushed in, they make up stuff they now have planned for their winner, (sorry, but this all was snoozeville to me – repetitious and silly). Claire leave, more Brady/Eve bickering about giving him a second chance with her.

Chloe comes into the club, tells Lucas about going to see Kate, her denying having anything to do with the opera offer in Mexico. She tells Lucas she never wants to hurt him, he doesn't want to hurt her either, by that, he means stand in the way of her dreams. He never wants her to give them up because of him. He gets a call, is late for a meeting, leaves. Chloe calls Miguel, says she made her decision.

Tripp ponders Claire's win, flashes back to conversations with her, and some overheard mutterings about “would not be illegal for him”......he calls Theo, has a question, it is important.

Will is making a phone call, there is a mag cover on the bed....a familiar face. He asks if he could possibly be put in touch with an inmate – Clyde Weston.
It's so stupid to have Claire and Ciara trying to be the Face of Bella through a public contest. Both girls are related to Brady and "technically" they're both related (via marriage) to Eve, since Eve is Kimberly Brady's stepdaughter. Whenever there is some contest, the small print usually states that relatives of employees are ineligible.
Admit I was upset over missing the first 15 min

., but once I began watching......figured I had not missed a thing, in fact, was probably fortunate that I had. LOL

Sorry, writers......but when you fill an entire episode with "filler" it is not entertaining. And then to drag out the "who won" the way they did.....asinine.....Just my opinion. We all like different story, characters, etc.
Poirot - thanks for this summary when the show sounds like a snoozer. :)
Not only did it sound like a snoozer, it actually was. I admit to having dozed off briefly during this one. The only thing that might be more ridiculous (and totally boring) than an easily-rigged contest with online voting in which relatives of the sponsors are eligible to compete, it's an offer to star in an opera coming from a man who won't reveal his identity or any details about the project. On other subjects:

Paul: Maybe he should give up the private investigator game if he was so easily spotted by the likes of Leo. No real pro should be spotted by Vivian's pathetic tool. As John Black would say: "That's a fact."

Will: Why does he want to interview creepy Clyde? And if he does, the writers might want to juice up their scripts by having Will also interview Ben and Susan, and perhaps attend seances (hosted by Celeste?) in which he communicates with Ghost Rolf and that past master of the resurrection game, Ghost Stefano.
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Boring episode

The Face of Bella thing would be 1000x better if Hope were included. All we've seen was one quick scene with her and Ciara. She should be the one in the middle of the 2 girls parenting them instead of Tripp. Why is Kate continuously the only character over 50 allowed to be in multiple stories while everyone else is isolated to one story?

Brady and Eve are akin to watching nails on a chalkboard. I actually thought Lucas and Eve weren't bad together. But I also wouldn't hate it if Eve left Salem tomorrow.

I'm still not clear on why Will was reaching out to Clyde at the end but Clyde is always fun to watch if he is coming back for a cameo.

Wardrobe must have gotten a deal on colored velvet this year similar to how they got a deal on colored leather last year.
JustSamantha and DrBakerFan, we all had the same thought about the Bella contest. I posted it in the Facebook thread. LOL

I muted this episode during a commercial and didn't notice until halfway through. Too much to hope Claire's win was on the up-and-up? And that they see this story through to some logical conclusion?
Thanks, Poirot.

It was interesting to see Will read the article he wrote before he died. Will the
prison grant him an interview with Clyde? I hope so. I love the way he talks.

So, Claire won the contest. Big whoop. We know she had help since she was
so far behind. Didn't someone say 80,000 votes? Then she wins by one.
Tripp tripped himself up by voting for Claire.

Chloe must not have too many things in her purse. She found the phone
number and her phone really fast. I lose things in my purse all the time.

Paul needs to go to detective school. He did a bad job following Leo since
Leo came up behind him.
I agree that the episode was filler. Other than Paul & Will, who are just too adorable together, this snoozer seemed focused on Salem's worst pairing (Eve & Brady), the brats of the town, and Kate & Chloe sniping at each other like it's 2008 again. I guess on the bright side we got a break from Rafe & Hope as well as the multiple personality drivel, but I would rather the break be filled with useful and entertaining storylines.
While I do like Paul & Will together, even their scenes were "filler". Maybe it is the editing. I do appreciate that the writers have a continuing saga, and just as in real life, some days are just filled with mundane doings, (grocery shopping, laundry, cleaning house, etc.) and they have to have other characters doing scenes, even if no story. Just don't put them all in one show. LOL.

I will give credit that the show makes use of characters no longer on the show on a regular basis, either by reference or a short visit.
It would not have mattered if Tripp voted for Claire or Ciara. Claire would still have won by one vote, assuming there was a fix, based on Claire's discussion with Theo. If that's true that there was a fix, the fact that it's one vote could have been engineered by Claire so she could be petty and stick it to Ciara a little more, because that's the kind of behavior that is fitting with her character.

Also, supporting this fix idea is how fake she was as she reacted to her winning, and her insistence that she find out how many votes she won by.
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