Days of Our Lives - Tues., Apr. 3, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Interesting show! Chad is trying to question Abigail about her testimony, Stefan keeps butting in, Chad keeps telling him to butt out, not realizing that he is not really talking to Abigail, but to Dr. Laura. She finally has enough, fakes being tired, wanting to lay down a bit, leaves the room. On the stairs, she suddenly gets a massive headache, and we hear Gabby's voice, taunting Dr. Laura, arguing with her, wanting out. And the battle royal begins, (in black and white) as Dr. Laura refuses, argues with Gabby, talks about protecting Abby at any cost. She says they cannot let Abby be blamed for Andre's death, she did what she could by blaming Gabi, and if Gabby came out, it could screw everything up. Gabby doesn't care, wants her own life, they argue about Stefan, Dr. Laura reminding Gabby she wanted to have sex with Stefan, using Abby's body, but Abby loves her husband, has a life with him. They argue back and forth, Dr. Laura says she is keeping Gabby locked up here, she is not getting out. She uses a card key to lock the door, illustrating that Gabby will be kept in. Gabby is not happy, fakes turning her back, but turns and suddenly punches Dr. Laura in the jaw. Laura goes down, rubs her jaw, Gabby is on her, finding the key in her pocket. She turns to unlock the door.....but it is open. She did not do that. You fool, cries Dr. Laura, it is Abigail, she has escaped.

Stefan & Chad argue, Chad wants answers, Chad not forthcoming, After a bit of talk, Stefan offers to tell all he knows about Andre's death over a chess game. At first it is who wins, who loses.......Chad is not taking that sucker deal, Stefan is a master chess player. So Stefan offers to answer a question of Chad's any time he takes one of Stefan's pieces. They play, Chad finally is able to take one, but asks if Stefan put the drugs in the suitcase in Hong Kong. Yes, he did. More play, more cat and mouse conversation. Chad wins another piece. Asking if the dark haired woman he saw go into Stefan's room in Hong Kong is the person who killed Andre. Stefan smiles slightly, yes. And no. What does that mean? Win another piece, I will tell you.

And while all this is going on, Kayla has brought Steve to the square, to the restaurant where Tripp works. Tripp is visibly upset to see his dad with the cane. With their plates in front of them, Kayla gets a call, has to go to the hospital. Tripp & Steve end up with a nice conversation, with Tripp promising to be there for Steve any time, but Steve is more worried about Kayla. Being his wife, and a doctor, she is frustrated she cannot find a cure for him, they talk of Tripp coming to dinner some night, have a good father/son convo.

Replay of Val & Abe having their final argument, Abe not wanting to see her again, leaving. She goes to talk to Marlena, while Abe goes to the Pub, where John sits, having a beer, asking Abe to join him. So Abe & Val each tell their friend all that happened. Marlena is sure, given time, Abe will forgive Val, while John points out to Abe that Val has just as much right to protect her son as he has to protect his daughter. Abe thinks Val should be protecting his daughter as well, John asks what he would have done himself, admits none of his business, Abe has to do what he feels, but should talk to Val.

Eli & Lani talk about the baby, he wants to be a part, help, she says no. they talk of making mistakes themselves, baby should not suffer. Eli is sorry she lost JJ, he lost Gabi, but he knows JJ wants the best for the baby, so does he, wants to do it all from the beginning, doctor appts., stroller shopping, birthing classes, whatever. Lani doubles over in pain, and next is in a hospital bed, Kayla wanting Eli out of the room, he is not leaving. He is baby's father. Kayla will be running tests, see what is going on. Later, test results not in yet, but Lani tells Eli Kayla thinks the cramps caused by stress. She admits she is scared, tells him her original decision to abort, how JJ overheard her, and she just wanted to give him something to be happy about. Eli will be staying, holds her hand, as he sits beside the bed.

Val stands outside the Pub door, sees Abe sitting alone. She takes a deep breath, goes in, asks if this seat is taken. He tells her to sit down.

Abigail rushes into Marlena's office, looking scared. Marlena asks what is wrong. Abigail needs her help. Will you help me?
Am I the only who isn't looking forward to Lani having this baby?
The only reason I would've wanted to see the baby born was to get a new ornament on the Horton tree. :rotfl:

Well it certainly felt like there was a lot going on today's episode but I really I didn't much care. It wasn't a bad episode, but it really didn't click with me.

The chess match: I will admit I liked this. I liked seeing the Nameless One being portrayed as a Machiavellian game-player as opposed to a creepy sleazoid, obsessing over a fictional manifestation of a mentally ill woman's fractured psyche. Plus as much as I hate to agree with him, he's right, Stefano would definitely approve.

Inside Abigail's Head: I appreciate what they were trying to do in showing the inner turmoil that a person with multiple personalities must deal with. I thought it was well acted by Marci Miller (Abigail) and reasonably well-executed on a technical level given the budgetary constraints of daytime TV. But I don't know, since "Dr. Laura" and "Gabby" will eventually cease to exist once Abigail's personalities are integrated, the whole thing just felt inconsequential. All things considered, I would rather seen the closing statements of Gabi's trial than this. But that may just be me. LOL

I like Abe and Valarie as a couple, so I'm glad that it looks they'll get right work on fixing things. But Abe's insistence that it is somehow Val's job to "look after Lani" " still doesn't make sense to me. I was glad to see John seemed as confused about it as I am. Am I just missing something here?
I'm glad John said the things to Abe that we all want to say to him!! Lani was in the wrong. I do hope she doesn't lose the baby now though. And I am glad her "no Eli you cannot be a part of this baby's life" didn't last long. He would have fought her I'm sure.

Really Chad? You can ask any question and you don't lead with "do you know who killed Andre?" And I can't believe Dr. Laura fell, hit her head and was talking to Gabby and they didn't hear anything? I was afraid when she whacked her head another personality would emerge.

Glad Abigail is out and while it is interesting I'm kinda ready for it to end too. Gabi can't go to jail. And I really want to see what made Abby snap and bash Andre in the head.
The chess match: I will admit I liked this. I liked seeing the Nameless One being portrayed as a Machiavellian game-player as opposed to a creepy sleazoid, obsessing over a fictional manifestation of a mentally ill woman's fractured psyche. Plus as much as I hate to agree with him, he's right, Stefano would definitely approve.

Inside Abigail's Head: I appreciate what they were trying to do in showing the inner turmoil that a person with multiple personalities must deal with. I thought it was well acted by Marci Miller (Abigail) and reasonably well-executed on a technical level given the budgetary constraints of daytime TV. But I don't know, since "Dr. Laura" and "Gabby" will eventually cease to exist once Abigail's personalities are integrated, the whole thing just felt inconsequential. All things considered, I would rather seen the closing statements of Gabi's trial than this. But that may just be me. LOL

I like Abe and Valarie as a couple, so I'm glad that it looks they'll get right work on fixing things. But Abe's insistence that it is somehow Val's job to "look after Lani" " still doesn't make sense to me. I was glad to see John seemed as confused about it as I am. Am I just missing something here?

1) The chess match: This was interesting, particularly because it demonstrated that the Creepy DiMera guy wasn't much good at the game. Is this evidence that he's not a real DiMera? The way he played today, he'd be blown out by any member of the St. Luke's Academy Chess Club.

St. Luke's Chess Club Member:
"OMG, Stefan DiMera really stinks!"

2) Abigail's head and the trial: How is charming Melinda Trask going to feel after she discovers that her star witness is a lying alter who lives inside a schizophrenic's mind? When this gets out, the public may just start clamoring for the return of Charles Woods, Justin, or even Aiden Jennings to the D.A.'s office.

3) Abe & Val: Abe didn't much like the idea that Valerie's was looking out for her son. How much worse would his reaction be if some rude person pointed out that by hiding the real paternity of her unborn child she was acting just like the infamous Sami Brady?
What bugged me about Stefan's comments to Chad in re: both playing chess, was his reference to Stefano, what Stefano always said, always did, etc. Stefan never knew Stefano, never talked to him, etc. How would he know what Stefano said, did, liked or didn't. Can't be anything Viv would have told him, she really did not live with Stefano per se.

As to Abe. Don't understand that either. He did the same to JJ after Theo was shot, knowing JJ had no idea who it was who was breaking into a building, and had what looked like a gun pointed at him. Now it is Val's turn. As Abe said, he did not raise Lani, did not even know she existed until recently. But Abe is so blind to any fault of his children, he will not fault them. Does not matter if Val would be denied the existence of her grandchild, after all, it is HIS grandchild.

Abe has been a cop, a police chief, a commissioner, and now mayor. Hard to believe he has forgotten how to listen to both sides of a story, to be fair, understanding. Maybe that all died when Lexie did. Just doesn't seem to be Abe. And frankly, if he cares so very much, why isn't he with his son in South Africa. (They made sure Theo was sent far enough away, didn't they. Not to Chicago, where family could use his stay there as time away. Nope, South Africa!)
Thanks Poirot.

Great seeing John and Marlena. Too bad they weren't in scenes together.

So John told Abe, and Marlena told Val to try to fix things. That's been
happening a lot in Salem lately.

The chess game was interesting with Chad asking Stefan questions and he
was telling the truth. And asked if the woman in Hong Kong killed Andre? Answer
and yes.

Enjoyed Steve and Kayla too. He called his glasses "Shades" and his stick a
"candy cane"

The best part of the show was when Gabby and Dr Laura realized Abigail escaped.
I'm glad she went to Marlena. It's going to be interesting to hear what Abby

says to Marlena "There are two people in my head that sort of look like me. One
dresses like Gabi and the other sort of like my grandma."
I really I didn't much care.
Me either. I was thankful for the interruption of the intrepid talking heads.

I liked the John/Marlena interplay with Val/Abe but Abe has no case here. I'm tired of him.

Plus: No squabbling teens.

Minus: More alter nonsense and more sex predation from StefanNo.
The actress playing Abigail did pretty well in her scenes on the stairs. She truly appeared mentally unstable. The alter scenes in black and white were ok, but not great. I wish this was more compelling to watch. I want to be drawn in but it’s not doing it for me. Hopefully the story gets better and advances soon. I’m bored.

I’d like to see Lani and Eli to date and become a couple. Slowly. With romance. But I am concerned with her cramping today it may be a sign that she will lose the baby. Which would be sad. And the writers enjoy sad stories.

I like Steve’s character. I enjoyed his scenes last week and again today. He is one of my favorites on the show right now. Great acting.

And thank God no Claire and Ciara today. Tripp was great with his dad today.
I don't like the alter scenes with Abigail either, despite she's playing them as well as she can (considering the writing for them). I really hope that the fact that Abigail escaped is a sign that this storyline is ending soon.
While I don't care for the Abigail storyline, I do think today's portions of it were interesting to see. Marlena getting involved and the chess game made it much more intriguing. Also enjoyed the Steve/Tripp scenes. Even the baby storyline today was a hoot, which John talking some sense into Abe. Good work, writers.
I despise the fact that John and Marlena were on solely to prop an undeveloped couple like Abe and Valerie yet we can't see Belle with her parents. NO.

I'm also Team Eli/Lani.

The Abigail and alters scenes were interesting I think because Stefan finally wasn't involved in them. I don't think they were meaningful but they were interesting to watch.

Chess match was a nice Dimera trope