Days of Our Lives - Tues., Apr. 5, 2016


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Tis the day of Steve's trial, & Kayla has suddenly decided she doesn't want him to go to jail, suggesting they leave town, go somewhere else, start fresh. The exchange between the two of them is wonderful, loving, caring, and truthful. Steve says no, gives all the reasons, she is worried that he goes to prison, Joey will break, confess, go to jail himself, etc. It is a great conversation, but ultimately, Steve makes his point, Belle arrives, he goes with her, Kayla will be at court later.

Chase breaks into the Horton house, looks at sofa, cue rape flashback, goes upstairs. Rafe arrives, sees door ajar, goes in, gun drawn, catches Chase coming down. He claims he only wanted to get his stuff. Rafe knows he robbed the lady in the square, sketch artist, etc, Chase takes out the money he took from the woman, he was out of money, made bail by signing over his trust fund check, so had no more cash. Rafe arrests him, taking him to the jail.

Hope walks with Ciara, who has an appt. with Marlena, they run into John, who offers to buy them breakfast, but no deal. He leaves, Ciara thinks he knows she is seeing Marlena, Hope assures her all is confidential. Hope leaves, Ciara meets up with Theo. Nice conversation, but she ditched the appt., needs to go to the Horton house for her books, wants him to go with her. He does, they find the door not closed, Theo goes in to check, all clear, but Ciara comes in, sees some stuff of Chase's in the corner, including the shirt he wore (obigatory rape flashback AGAIN) gets all upset, runs out, Theo after her.

John is on the phone in the square, telling someone that is such good news, he will round everyone up.

At the cop shop, Rafe has brought Chase in, Hope is yelling at him over what he has done to her daughter, Ciara arrives, confronts Chase, he has not broken her, will never break her. Chase is carted off. Hope talks to Ciara, knows she ditched the appt with marlena, Ciara is sorry, will reschedule and do it herself, her way, her time.

Joey is in the square, joined by Jade, who offers to go with him to the trial, despite orders from his parents no to go. She is giving him a pep talk, Kayla arrives, tries to talk to Joey privately, as he is talking of going to the trial. Jade lets Kayla know she has been told exactly what is going on, Kayla has a fit, pulls Joey aside, who admits he told Jade, needing someone besides his mother to talk to. She angrily warns him to stay away from the trial.

At the hospital, Justin is talking to Fynn about Maggie's surgery, has called best surgeon in L.A., also called Maggie's daughters, who want to get on a plane and come, but Justin warned them the surgery cannot wait. He has to leave, and next he is in the conference room with Belle & Steve. Serious charges, states reasons Belle's defense won't fly, offers a deal.......voluntary manslaughter, 10 years, time off good behavior, etc. Belle thinks they should go to trial. Justin knows Steve is family, but he is D.A., this is his job, it is very good offer. Kayla has arrived, what is going on. In comes John, who has important info about all of this...obviously is waiting for someone.

By the way, earlier, Roman had run into John in the square, filled him in on Victor's heart attack, Maggie's fall & prospective surgery, leaving John taken aback over what has befallen his friends. Roman says Caroline spent the night with Vic, is probably sleeping now, then leaves her a message to call him when she wakes up.

Hope & Rafe have a friend to friend conversation in the square, she is bemoaning all that Ciara has gone thru, & whatever happened to that nice, sweet little boy that Chase used to be. She asks about his family, his mother. Rafe says it is nice having her close by, that family dinners are sometimes hard to handle, and Mom is getting to know her granddaughter. Hope doesn't think he is answering her question, they banter a bit, she gets a call from Marlena, goes to the side to take it.

Ciara runs into Theo, thanks him for all he did, is sorry for yelling at him, he says it is o.k. He knows she was'nt mad at him. He says he has learned a lot...laughs.......therapy. Good to know, she replies.

Back at the courthouse, Justin is getting impatient, they cannot keep the judge waiting, will be cited for contempt of court. John keeps looking at his watch, finally the door opens, a woman comes in. What's this? John says, hello Pamela. Then to Justin, this is Pamela VanDamme.....Director of the ISA. She thanks them all for waiting for her, this isn't going to take long.
I don't know what the writers have planned for Jade, if anything, but that girl is nothing but trouble!

Ciara asked Theo if he is skipping school. No he has a free hour and likes to study in the park. Ciara says her too. So I guess Joey and Jade have "free hour" too? :rolleyes:
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I never had a free period in my whole education. I was always jealous of the characters in my US books who did. And we were not permitted to leave the grounds unless it was for an excursion (field trip) or sporting match.

Van Damme. :rotfl: Wonder if she's going to pull out some awesome kung fu skills.
Add me to the "can't leave school grounds" list, and free periods were study halls, where yes, you parked your butt, and if you did not have homework to do or something, you had better have a book to read.

So, I have been thinking about Pamela VanDamme (wasn't that the last name of the woman who was interested a year or so ago in Roman?"

Anyway, Patch used to be in ISA, right? So what if Ava had been on the ISA radar, she did something or other, & so they are insisting that Ava was killed in line of duty, the ISA had her on most wanted, Patch was never legally released from ISA, they uncovered a plot whereby Ava was planning on doing away with Patch....or she already had swallowed poison, slow acting maybe.

Both John & Steve were former ISA....and yep, am looking forward to hearing the what she has to say.
Thank you! Just realized why the name is familiar. Isn't there an actor named Claude VanDamme?

Never saw him, but the name just was sooo familiar.
Maybe it was growing up in a small town, but I remember we used to always book our classes just enough so we could combine spare periods to an hour either in the morning, right after lunch or at the end of the day because there were no rules about leaving school grounds.

Heck, I remember even skipping classes, including my father's high school social studies and religion classes, so we could go swimming or snag some of our parents beer and hang out. As long as you passed the exams and did the homework, we didn't have any repercussion for skipping. Even when my dad got home from school and asked why we weren't in class, he would just shake his head and say, "it's your education". Now I know it isn't like that anymore given more safety and security issues.
Isn't there an actor named Claude VanDamme?
Jean Claude Van Damme is an actor who does action movies.

Back in the dark ages when I was in school, we weren't allowed to leave the school grounds during the day. And "free hours" were called study halls, where your butt was parked in a quiet classroom or in the library.
Same here. And with all the teens roaming around early in the episode, I was wondering if the Salem School District should employ old-fashioned truant officers.
Anyway, Patch used to be in ISA, right? So what if Ava had been on the ISA radar, she did something or other, & so they are insisting that Ava was killed in line of duty, the ISA had her on most wanted, Patch was never legally released from ISA, they uncovered a plot whereby Ava was planning on doing away with Patch....or she already had swallowed poison, slow acting maybe.
This sounds like a likely "only in Salem" way to get Steve off the hook and wrap up the absurd, distasteful Ava plot. For one, I'd have preferred that the writers use Steve's trial to demonstrate that Belle is a good criminal defense lawyer after all, as she puts the victim, Ava, on trial, correctly portraying her as an evil monster, and arranging for Kayla to gain sympathy for Steve by weeping at key moments. Then, as the befuddled Justin watches, the jury brings in a "not-guilty" verdict, and the courtroom erupts in cheers. Besides, how good a job could Justin have done prosecuting Steve? He's really a cosmetics executive who's distracted by 1) Maggie's surgery and Victor's heart attack, 2) memories of hot times with Elsa back in Dubai, 3) thoughts about Sonny in Paris, 4) indecision over whether he should reconcile with Adrienne, and the upcoming Andre case.
One other point about today's episode: Rafe appears to have his Ciaras confused. When trying to reassure Hope that Teen Ciara was "strong" he harkened back to the exploits of the "real" preteen-Ciara. Sorry, Rafe, but the Lauren Boles version of Ciara was an entertaining and accomplished pre-teen, whose presence on-screen was welcomed by viewers. In contrast, many posters on this board have little use for the annoying Teen Ciara. A few have even suggested that the Ciara character be de-SORASed, which isn't a bad idea.
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Hope walks with Ciara, who has an appt. with Marlena, they run into John, who offers to buy them breakfast, but no deal.
Why!?!?!? Oh, right...DA PLOT. So Teen Ciara could feel angsty about her appointment with Marlena. Silly.
also called Maggie's daughters
Wait...Summer has sisters!?!?!?!?! :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
whatever happened to that nice, sweet little boy that Chase used to be.
A good ole' case of character assassination. First degree.

I sure didn't need to see the rape flashback twice. I also feel that Teen Ciara needs a break from Salem. I can't say more here.

Loved seeing Justin all over Salem, and mention of Maggie's actual children. Glad John is standing by his partner, but he should have been more involved in the story.

Great Steve/Kayla scenes.
For one, I'd have preferred that the writers use Steve's trial to demonstrate that Belle is a good criminal defense lawyer after all
Hold on there, DocFan!! That's getting dangerously close to character development...we don't do that here in Salem!!! :tsk:
In contrast, many posters on this board have little use for the annoying Teen Ciara. A few have even suggested that the Ciara character be de-SORASed, which isn't a bad idea.
I'll accept anything to un-SORAS the cringe-inducing Teen Ciara. One suggestion: Ciara has a mental breakdown and reverts to a childlike state. Salem continues to see her as Teen Ciara, but we see her only as Lauren Boles.
Not excusing Chase raping, but at least Hope could've said "I understand that his dad got killed, that his dad tried to kill me, and most people now hate Aiden, and that his aunt doesn't want him, etc etc," instead of just gee I don't know what happened to the sweet boy he was.
As to "free periods"...when I was in High School (1992-1996) in a town of about 12,000, we had a "partially open" campus. You could leave for lunch.

When I was a junior (late) 1995 April, the legislature passed Act 304, and Seniors were allowed to leave campus one period per day (provided it was a study hall, and we met certain GPA requirements, also couldn't be anywhere on campus EXCEPT the high-GPA study hall if you came back early, or didn't leave that day).

The next year, when I was a senior, midway through 3rd quarter they moved it to Juniors. GPA requirements were higher. I believe the year after the year when I graduated, it was dropped to sophomores (though most high-GPA sophomores didn't have a study hall as a rule).

Of course, that was pre-a lot of things. So it may have gotten more restricted since then. I do have a High Schooler on my caseload and his campus is partially open as well - they can leave for lunch, or a free period under certain requirements (they have 4 long classes, my school had 8 short classes per day). However they also have double security doors and a secure entryway. (My school had 5 big entrances and none of them locked until 7 or 8 at night.)

And of course, we didn't have access to teleporters like they do in Salem.
Today was a decent episode at least there was progression, really that's all. I think Chase is an idiot going back to the scene of the crime just to get his belongings! He should be lucky to be out of jail; forget his stuff, just why? Oh well, Rafe took care of Chase's housing situation, good riddance! Chase had some nerve saying he lived at the Horton house to Rafe. Really?

I also didn't get how Ciara and Theo can just roam freely while being in high school. Guess since Salem is a small safer town makes sense. I went to high school in Los Angeles county. Freshman and Sophomore year we were able to go out to lunch off campus to McDonald's, etc. By Junior year they made our school closed campus because of gang violence and too many reports from the police to the school about students getting into trouble. I can only imagine Salem High is twice as safe. But by Senior year I only had 3 periods so was out of school by 12:00pm, no lunch needed, just drove home.

Leave it to the writers to have the director of the ISA with the last name of Van Damme! I loved all Jean Claude Van Damme movies in the 80s and 90s! Bloodsport my favorite movie of his. Loved how John made his entrance in the police office looking at his watch just telling everyone to wait.

I'm very suspicious of Jade; there's just something not right about her and Joey almost seems reluctant around her. Almost reminds me of a mini Patch as Joey and a mini Ava as Jade. That girl Jade though does in my opinion have a lot of Ava's characteristics especially not knowing people's boundaries. The way Jade imposed herself like that on Kayla informing her like it's any of her business. Down the line she will be trouble for Joey.
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