Days of Our Lives - Tues. Aug. 10, 2010


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Days of Our Lives

Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Episode #11,393 Taped 6/7 Director – Albert Alarr

EJ and Sami are at the beach, he has just returned from a swim, drying off, putting on a shirt, both talking of ALLIE !!! and Johnny building sand castles, and Mary holding Sydney who is watching them and smiling. Ahhh, just one big happy family, as EJ comments a few times, telling Sami it doesn’t get any better than this. She tells him she knows what he is trying to do, she will not stand for it, to not push her. EJ makes excuses, telling her that her smile says one thing, while her head says something else. Sami talks of something her gramma said to her, it bothers her, and it is about Original sin. She claims if she had not kept her pregnancy a secret from EJ, none of it would have happened, not Baker, Nicole, Sydney’s kidnapping…none of it. She mentions how magnanimous EJ was in forgiving her, he makes a quote about how big a person who is able to forgive. Now Sami has a fantasy of laying out in the sun, Rafe coming along, telling her he still loves her and kissing her. She doesn’t answer EJ when he asks where she drifted off to, then stands up, and says yes. He is puzzled, she says it again, then adds, yes, I will marry him. EJ is ecstatic, jumps up himself, asks if he can now kiss the bride to be. Of course…and they do.

Hope sits it a room at the station as Julie comes in, all ready to take Hope in her arms, but the cop stops her. No touching. Julie sits across from a crying Hope, who just wants one thing. For Julie to promise to stay with Ciara, be with her. She doesn’t want Doug & Julie down there, she just wants them to watch over her beloved daughter, and Bo, too. Julie leaves in tears.
In Rafe’s office, he is happy Arianna is off the hook, but she is angry, upset, and seemingly could care less what he says. A cop framed her, ruined her life, the one who was investigating the case, and she is gonna hear about it. Arianna leaves. Gabi is there, telling Rafe that Arianna is just not herself.
And now Arianna is visiting Hope, giving her what for, asking why she framed her, why does she hate her so much. Hope denies she does, says she doesn’t remember, but Arianna is not taking any of it. She has been around, there is not a pill in the world that would make you do what you did, if there wasn’t already something underneath. And once you are in prison, that big important name will do you no good. The inmates, the screws….will see right thru you, won’t be taken in by that soft voice, and demeanor. Arianna takes off, is later outside with Gabi, who gives her some truth of her own. Gabi talks of Rafe being gone from home, Arianna doing her own thing and going to prison, and leaving her to hold Mama’s hand.

Will is getting all dressed up, suit & tie, as he has an interview with Stefano at the Pub. (Gee, no corporate offices, and not even at the house!!). He talks with Kate a bit, who tells him Stefano thinks a lot of him, Will admitting he would never tell his mom, but he kind of likes Stefano, too.
Down at the Pub, Stefano is on his cell, giving orders to someone, when Chad comes in. He sits down, wanting to talk to Stefano about his mom. Stefano tries to politely tell him he has lots of calls, appointments, etc. but that does not deter Chad, who wants to talk about his mom’s early life as a hooker. Stefano excuses himself, and leaves. Will comes in, looking for Stefano, learns he left. He sits down with Chad, who mentions wanting to talk about his mom, but Stefano didn’t. Will asks what he wants to know, Chad says “the truth”. Will reminds him he already knows the truth. They talk of Chad going to Wake Forest, but seems Chad is worried about the business class he wants to take, having had no experience. Will shows him the file on the project he was working on, offering to have Chad work with him on it, would that help him with that class. Oh, yes.

Stefano has returned to DiMansion, telling Kate about running into Chad, and leaving when he wanted to talk about his mom. Stefano worries Madeline had another copy of that tape, Kate assures him all of Madeline’s secrets are buried with her.
Will returns, Stefano apologizes for the change in venue, Will tells of wanting Chad to work with him on the project, Stefano refuses, not wanting the son of the DA into any of the inner workings of the DiMera enterprises.

Kate has gone to the Pub, sees the DA come in and go talk to Chad. He tells him he is going to Chicago, will be gone for some time, and so won’t be back before Chad leaves for North Carolina. Chad protests that they were supposed to be driving there together, spending time together, especially with mom gone. The DA tells him that things change, he is trying to make Chad see that life is not the same, telling him more or less if he goes away to school, stays in Salem, makes no difference. He leaves. Kate comes over, talks with Chad a bit, who confides how his dad treated him, really never seemed to want him around, and even after he came home with all A’s, made the track team, all his dad talked about was boarding school

Doug has come to see Hope, telling her they have to go over this list of attorneys. Hope says no, she doesn’t want an attorney, she wants no trial. She just wants her dad to promise to take care of Ciara, watch out for Bo. She is crying, Doug gets up to go round the table, the cop stops him, but Doug pleads to let him comfort his daughter, and the cop lets him go. Doug’s arms are around Hope, she is crying, he assures her that every single person she loves, him, Julie, Bo, Roman, her family will all be in her corner, doing their best for her.

Rafe is at the beach area, on the phone to FBI, talking about some nervous snitch. Sami comes along, looking for some toy Johnny left down by the water, but it is gone. Rafe says he is sorry for acting like a jerk at the Pub, Sami wanted to apologize for over reacting about his phone call (ya think??). He asks what is new, Sami hems and haws, mentions having seen and confronted Baker yesterday, Rafe says it must have brought back a flood of memories, and before you know it, it is all about EJ, the changed wonder, Rafe agrees EJ must be a frickin’ saint, being that Sami is all happy he forgave her. Rafe asks her if she remembers why she went into witness protection, she admits it was because she was scared. Rafe tells her nothing about EJ has changed, but Sami does her usual protesting. Rafe is disgusted, leaves, as Sami calls after him that she thought they were not going to fight any more.

Sami returns to DiMansion, sees Will, wants to talk with him privately, shuts the door, sits down, and tells him that EJ has asked her to marry him.
EJ calls his father, just as Rafe comes around the corner, behind him, hearing EJ tell Stefano that he has asked Sami to marry him, and she said yes.

Ooops....Sorry you overheard that Rafe!

I wanted to slap the fire out of Arrianna for talking to Hope like that. Get over yourself. Sheesh!!

Wonderful write up Barb!! As always! :)
Well, Sami sure does love EJ, doesn't she, lol? Accepting his proposal for no particular reason seconds after fantasizing about Rafe, then the rest of the episode is Sami with Rafe, not EJ. Gosh, I just can't figure out who the rooting couple is here, they make it so very difficult.

Sounds like a good episode (okay, I didn't quite get the point of Chad and Stefano)--thanks for a great writeup!
Tick Tock went the clock. That's how long it took Sami to say yes to the Devil. Even though she is still wishing it were Rafe she can not tell Rafe that she still loves him and wants to be with him.

Now I feel sorry for Hope. She is losing everything she loves because Bo brought Carly back into his bed.
Barb, shouldn't that be, "Yes, I will marry you?" Sorry to be so picky, but by having her say this in the third person it just doesn't seem right for some reason.
LOVE LOVE LOVE that she fantisizes about Rafe:love: before accepting Ej's looking forward to the next couple of weeks:)
Yea Allie's been let out of the attic for a day at the beach!
Arianna and EJ are coming on a little strong against Hope, it was only a few days ago EJ had Ari convinced Nicole had everything to do with her being in jail. And, when is EJ going to remember he saw Dr. Baker standing over him after he was konked on the head by Hope?
Thanks for the write up!

I'm also glad to see that Allie still exists.

And, while I can understand Arianna's anger towards Hope (seemingly set up for no reason), I think she can kiss Hope's boot-ay. I don't think that she should have been allowed to see Hope at all.

I wonder where this moral high ground will be for Arianna to apologize to Nicole for setting her up.

We all know she did, but as far as Ari knos, she didn't.
Thanks for the write up Poirot. Boy I sure hate Sami and EJ together. I agree with Shirley it makse me sick. Glad that Allie is there with the family. Will not get to see the show, but bet the Hope with her parents scenes are super.
Thanks for the write up!

We all know she did, but as far as Ari knos, she didn't.

But for weeks we have listen to EJ convience Arianna that Nicole did set her up and he was going to prove it. Are the writers just going to forget that part of the story line?
I agree... redsquirrel... makes me wants to barf.
Won't be able to see tomorrows show... Does show the whole thing? may try to view on that... later.... thanks for any info....
I truly HATED having to watching EJ manipulating Sami once again, having to watch her seemingly realize what he is trying to do, protest, then capitulate within the blink of an eye. I truly wanted to just shut down the tape.

And I know those who favor the pairing will be in 7th heaven. None of it made any sense anyway. EJ starts calling over Allie & Johnny to tell them, Sami protests that she wants them to tell everyone together...her dad, the kids..etc. Then she proceeds to tell Will "privately", while EJ is telling Stefano on the phone. Sigghhhh.
C'mon, Barb, we have to remember that Stefano is quite ill and EJ was probably afraid he would kick off before he heard the good news. (Insert sarcasm here.) :)

I no longer care about Sami Brady...fer sure. The way she rooted ej on when he was roughin' Dr. Dick around... and wishin' he had finished the job...think ej may just be right...she does speak like a dimera.
A Pox on her!
Well I think Sami has justification to want Dr. Baker dead. The man stole her baby and switched it with someone elses. However EJ was eating the attention up because he knew Sami was watching. That would be something the old Sami would say. Maybe there is a glimmer of her in there
You know, if I were Arianna, I would be pretty mad at Hope too. I don't think she's out of line, because as far as she knows, it is Hope's fault that she sat in jail, while nicole dug her claws into Brady. I can't imagine the cops letting her in to rip Hope a new one, though!
I agree... redsquirrel... makes me wants to barf.
Won't be able to see tomorrows show... Does show the whole thing? may try to view on that... later.... thanks for any info....

yep, they show the whole thing a day after the show airs in the US. (with minimal commercials)