Days of Our Lives - Tues. Aug. 17, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days Of Our Lives

Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Episode #11398 Taped 6/17 Director – Noel Maxam

Color me confused a bit as it seems to be night in Salem, and yet Hope & her family are in the courtroom, waiting for her trial to begin. At the free clinic, the nasty fellow is attacking Melanie, choking her, Nathan comes in, pulls the away, checks Melanie to be sure she is o.k., the guy then comes up behind Nathan pushing him or something..whatever it is, Nathan’s hurts his arm. The guy runs off, gets away from security. Nathan & Melanie go home.

Stephanie is urging her friend Ian about breaking into this other hospital’s computer. He is puzzled but decides to ask no questions, manages to get past St. Mary’s firewall. (Now I could be mistaken, but this guy, on Monday’s show, had long hair, just hanging around his face, and tho it is only supposedly a minute or two later, his hair is tied behind his head, sort of a pony tail, lol). He gets into the test results folder, alas, Dana Scott’s results are not in yet. Nathan comes home, wants to know what is going on. Stephanie fakes it, says her friend Ian from college is there helping her with some new software programs. Nathan mentions the creep at the clinic, goes to take a shower. Ian leaves, Nathan comes out, asking Stephanie to help him get his shirt on. She says if his arm is that bad, he should get it x-rayed, he says yes, that is what Melanie said, too. Now he mentions that the creep was trying to choke Melanie, Stephanie meows “and that is a bad thing?” She apologizes, Nathan thinks is arm will be o.k. in the morning, Stephanjie tells herself she hopes everything will be all right in the morning.

On the pier, Daniel comes up to hear Carly tell Chloe she will pick her up first thing in the a.m. So, of course, he has to know what is going on….the women hem and haw, finally claiming that Carly is gifting Chloe, for her birthday, with a girl day at the spa. They figure to get to know each other better, and this is more a gift for Daniel, so he won’t worry about them. He swallows it, is next on phone with Melanie, who is coming to meet him, arrives in about two seconds. Daniel wants to get rid of Chloe, cuz he is making plans for Chloe’s birthday with Melanie. Chloe leaves, Melanie has arrives, small talk with her mom and dad who notice the bruising on her neck (tho I couldn’t) and she explains. Carly leaves them, then calls St. Mary’s, is assured the test results will be there in the a.m., then calls Chloe to tell her this and then agree to meet at the pier.

Nicole sits in the Cheatin’ Heart, bemoaning her lot in life. She thought having the goods on EJ would put her in the driver’s seat, but instead she has lost everything. Rafe is outside, telling himself how Victor suggested to approach Nicole when she is vulnerable. He goes in, tells her that he was rude to her earlier, is sorry, wants to make it up to her. She throws her drink in his face, saying no. He again says he is sorry, leaves and goes to the bar. Some guy sitting there now comes over to Nicole, coming on to her, raving at what a big fan of hers he is, then clarifies, saying how often he has watched her Locker Room Lolita film. He calls a friend, tellintg him he is sting with Misty Circle, and wanting Nicole, who is appalled at all this, to talk into the phone like she did in the movie. He suggests to Nicole they go to a locker room somewhere, Rafe comes up, gets the guy in a hold with his arm behind his back, makes his apologize to Nicole, and to leave. Nicole thanks Rafe, he sits down, and now he joins her, so both can cry in their …drinks. He talks of how hard it must have been to love EJ, no, it wasn’t hard she says. So he then is talking of what she did, just for him, to be sure he had his own child, and then talks of loving Sami, but not being able to make it work, just like Nicole could not make it work. He talks of how “EJ has changed”, that he is a prince among men, so Sami says. That it was all his grief that changed him, made him a better man, how EJ had to call Sami, telling her Sydney was dead. THAT hits Nicole hard, she says “EJ did that”. Oh, yeah……Nicole’ hand is on her purse, Rafe gets a glimpse of the CD. Rafe is acting like the alcohol is affecting him somewhat…she suddenly asks if he is on the job. He laughs, can’t drink on the job. She wonders if he is wearing a wire, he denies it, she wants to frisk him, he stands up, she claims to have learned how to do a good frisk in prison, starts patting him down. He stumbles, falls back in his chair, and she falls right onto his lap.

Stefano & EJ are talking, Stefano mentioning Rafe or Sami learning he took Sydney. EJ warns him not to mention it in this house, and there stands Sami in the doorway, wanting to know what they were talking about, keeping Sydney from her. EJ is fast on feet, (having so much experience at this) telling Sami he & his father were talking of letting Sami relax after the wedding, with no children to worry about. Sami gets a bit upset, telling EJ her children are most important to her, maybe he shouldn’t marry a woman with 4 kids. Lexie has walked in, kissing her dad, but is now surprised at the news. She figures EJ has gotten what he always wanted, does offer her congratulations. Sami goes to check on Sydney, Lexie has a short conversation with EJ, mostly about the same thing, (she is rather surprised about this, for sure) and she leaves. Sami comes back down, is approached by Stefano, who wants her to know that while he has said some terrible things to her in the past, she makes Elvis happy, so he admits he was wrong about her, thinks they can all get along great. Sami is agreeable, he goes to hug her, she backs off…baby steps, baby steps. LOL
Now she goes in to talk to EJ and is running off at the mouth, she babbles constantly about them both telling their families, the worst is over there, all is well, that stuff is behind them, they can concentrate on the fun stuff. EJ finally gets her to shut up, talking of them being able to do this. He is close, pointing between the two of them, in other words, getting some alone time. They kiss. She laughs, they kiss again.

In the courtroom, her public defender is trying to talk to Hope about his opening statement. No need, she is pleading guilty. Bo comes up behind her, no you aren’t. He tells the atty to give them a minute, and tries to talk to Hope, telling her she is so busy punishing herself, she is not thinking of Ciara. Does she need to be punished more after all she has been thru. Hope claims Ciara is all she thinks about, no, says Bo…you are too busy being consumed with guilt. Julie & Doug have come in, Doug take Bo outside in the hall to cool off a bit, Julie talks to Hope, trying to make her see she is not thinking straight, but Hope is adamant. She is going to prison. Bo talks with Doug, who tells him he could not even get Hope to look at him, she won’t listen. Bo walks back into the courtroom with the public defender….telling Hope…”there’s been a change in plans”.

EJ thinks they should get some sleep. Together. He thinks it is time Sami finds out what it is like to be Mrs. DiMera. Laughter. Kissing.

Thanks for the write-up. I think the Rafe and Nicole scenes sound interesting. EJ/Sami :sick:. The true Elvis only wants to sleep with Sami. Melanie always seems to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
"Stephanie meows.." LOL! I love how you describe her and her "catty" attitude!
am I the only one grossed out by EJ's lets have sex line? Just wondering
Thanks ever so!

I am really interested in seeing this "Daring rescue" because it sounds so lame.
Thanks for the write-up!

I know there's no love lost between Stephanie and Melanie but she just has to make a snide comment about Melanie getting attacked, like she's happy about it or something. Did she even stop to think that something bad could have happened or that Nathan could have been really hurt (or worse) in the process? She really is becoming a little selfish, diabolical twit.

Oh boy! I really hope something happens to interrupt Sami and EJ from doing the nasty! Or, worst case, please don't let Sami be ovulating right now (since no one talks about protection). :rolleyes:

Looking forward to the Rafe/Nicole scenes. :smile:
First, thank you for the write up (today and every other day!), Barb.

I have to say I am really disgusted with Stephanie. That remark goes beyond catty. Has she utterly forgotten the lengths Melanie went to, to save her miserable life? Such a lovely reward: welcoming an assault on her in her work place!

EJ: ew! Sami needs to remember that every time she has sex with EJ, she gets pregnant!

Finally, why hasn't the Police Department ordered a psych eval on Hope? That doesn't require her consent, and that could put someone else in the driver's seat for making decisions about her defense.
Actually, why hasn't ANYONE ordered a psych eval on SAMI!!

Stephanie's snide remark will give Nathan more of a reason to NOT LIKE STEPHANIE. She is letting her nastiness show...getting sloppy. The sweet Stephanie facade is breaking down.
Did I miss read or what? Nathan felt a stabbing pain on his arm and chose to ignore it? And he is a doctor?

Wouldn't any sane person who was being attached or removing someone who was attacking another person show some concern over a stabbing pain? who knows what could have been injected?

Also does Stephanie know what Daniel's DNA looks like or his blood type? or Philip's for that matter? How will the results help her?:confused:
You definitely I did not say "stabbing pain" at all. He pushes Nathan from behind, Nathan falls forward as the guy beats a fast retreat.
Thanks for the write up! I can't wait for the Rafe/Nicole scenes. I'm surprised Nicole didn't know that EJ lied to Sami that Sydney was dead.
Love the writeup...and your siggy!!! LOL! I can't figure out what the writers are planning for Hope, but it's interesting and OK with me if they keep bring Doug and Julie back!!
Did I miss read or what? Nathan felt a stabbing pain on his arm and chose to ignore it? And he is a doctor?

Wouldn't any sane person who was being attached or removing someone who was attacking another person show some concern over a stabbing pain? who knows what could have been injected?

Also does Stephanie know what Daniel's DNA looks like or his blood type? or Philip's for that matter? How will the results help her?:confused:

Well Stephanie did date Philip when he got shot so she probably does know what his blood type is since it was said that it was uncommon during these hospital scenes.

Also why didn't Melanie call her husband after the attack to come and be with her instead of going to the pub with Nathan to meet her parents.
Days Of Our Lives

Color me confused a bit as it seems to be night in Salem, and yet Hope & her family are in the courtroom, waiting for her trial to begin.

Perhaps they are in Night Court (Harry Anderson could be the presidng judge, lol)
Thank you

Thanks for the Write Up Bard.. I know I am in the miority when I say I love Sami and EJ togather. When it comes out the EJ as behing the second kiddnapping the stuff is going to hit the fan big time. If EJ knew what was good for him he would tell Sami himself. When it comes to Hope, I hope she gets help. I mean substance abuse is in no means a defense to mugging people but she does need to be punished for what she did, Officer of the court or not.
No, you're not alone. Sex is not a spectator sport and the DOOL writers really overdo it with all the characters. Maybe I love Vivian, Victor and Maggie so much because they don't hop into bed.