Days of Our Lives - Tues., Aug. 22, 2017


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, August 22, 2017

At the cop shop, Jennifer is questioning the arrest of Abe Carver, but without Eli there, not much info is forthcoming. Raines says it is the FBI, gotta talk to Eli, who is late for the news conference. With all the looks being exchanged, obvious Hope is hiding something, Jen is suspicious.

Meanwhile, Eli is late because Julie is calling him on the carpet for arresting Abe, he cannot be guilty, she is really angry, ready to take the Martin house back from him. Eli promises a thorough investigation, claims Raines wanted a detective with stature arresting Abe, which is why it was Hope.
Theo goes to visit Abe, is upset, wonders why Abe wanted his laptop. Theo mentions destroying something Dario did, and wonders if Abe thought it had something to do with him. Abe denies it, says he would never knowingly do anything illegal.

Tripp stops in to see Claire, yes, still intown, thanks Claire for making him realize he should not skip out. Claire mentions Steve & Kayla wanting them over to the Pub, yeah, Tripp was invited, but won't be going. Better for everyone.

Steve goes to see Adrienne, as Bonnie is going thru the "history" book Anjelica made on Adrienne. She quickly scans the part about Steve/Patch, after noting Justin had an affair in Dubai, no wonder Adrienne dumped him. She opens the door, calls him Patch, surprising Steve, been a long time since she did that. Bonnie makes excuses, Steve then tells the tale of Ava being killed, him saying he did it, CIA helping the tale, but it was Joey, he covered, Joey filled with guilt, has confessed. Kayla mad....yep, the whole 9 yards. Bonnie murmurs words here and there, Steve asks her to come to the Pub. She refuses, but he convinces her.

Joey talks with Roman, best uncle in the world. Roman commends Joey for doing the right thing now, he loves him. Kayla comes out, sits with Joey, understands his decision, he says the DA cut him a deal, minimum security prison (he doesn't know Steve arranged that), but he wants his parents together, thus he will make it if he knows that. Steve comes in, Joey goes to help Roman, he talks with Kayla, they evidently make peace of sorts.

Hope is taking extra long lunch, she tells Raines, family thing. Theo comes home to find Claire hugging Tripp, she is glad Theo is back, they have to go to the Pub. They leave. At the Pub, small number of family is there, Bonnie comes in, Joey thanks Adrienne for coming, Jen wants to talk to her, having just heard she broke with Lucas, cannot believe it after how devoted he was during her cancer surgery, Bonnie brings up Jen's pain med addition, Jen is shocked, they are business partners, how could she do that. Bonnie is sorry, just so much happening, and she realized she doesn't love Lucas any more, but loves Justin, and in he comes.

Later, Bonnie & Justin are back in her room, she is glad that is over, he kisses her a few times, then starts taking off her, no, no, not going to happen.

Eli arrives at the cop shop, sorry to be late, Raines makes some remark about Salemites being shocked when someone of importance uses his position for monetary gain. Eli agrees.

Later, Eli is visiting Abe and yep, the conversation reveals it...a sting operation, Abe volunteered, did not take into consideration how it would affect other people (Theo, Lani). Eli promises it will be over soon, Dario's silent partner will get too comfortable.

Joey returns to his apartment, to a waiting Tripp, who wanted to say goodbye. Both apologize to each other again, Joey tells him to watch over Dad, take care of him. Tripp leaves, Joey stares out the window, sits on the sofa.

Steve has brought Kayla to the hospital, to the baby nursery, talks of years ago, when Joey was born, 3 mos. early, looking thru that window at him. They could not hold him, etc. but he was a fighter, & came thru, and he is still a fighter, and will get thru this. Ready to go get our boy? He takes her hand, and they show up at Joey's. .3 way hugs, his parents are on each side of him, each kissing him. Time to leave. Out the door. Kayla walks ahead with Joey, Steve takes a few seconds to pull himself together, and follows.
Poirot, thank you for working this summary into your busy schedule. I hope to get to watch it a little later. I see a couple of things are moving along. Joey made a deal with the DA. I wonder for how long. I'm sorry to see Joey leave. Maybe he will come back at some point and will no longer have this heavy burden hanging over him.

Also, good to know for sure what many suspected, that Abe is only helping to flush out the real culprit. I hope it doesn't take too long, for poor Theo and Lana's sakes. I'm still guessing it will be Raines.
D.A. Trask: No wonder she cut Joey a good deal. If the charges had been contested, the case would have been thrown out of court because by now there is no evidence to support Joey's confession.

Joey: So he gets to go to a country-club prison where he can learn to be a white collar criminal. It might make for a good plot if, when he returns, he becomes a mini-Madoff, getting Salemites to invest in his Ponzi scheme. E.g., Julie: Hope, dear, I've invested in Joey's hedge fund. He's offering fantastic returns. Doug will be so pleased. We'll soon be taking super-luxury cruises."

Bonnie: Like Hattie, she's doomed. She keeps making gaffe after gaffe. If she was wise, she pack her bags and get out Salem before she becomes Melinda Trask's next conviction.

Julie: This woman just can't keep her mouth shut -- ripping into poor Eli for doing his job. If he were wise, once the Abe situation if taken care of, he should give her back Martin House and ask the FBI to give him a new assignment far, far from Salem.

Raines: So it seems that he's a crook after all. If so, it's typically stupid Salem scenario. Anywhere else, if a police commissioner wanted to line his pockets, he'd be taking bribes from wealthy criminals like Victor and the DiMeras to look the other way, not getting involved in some stupid counterfeiting scheme with a cheap crook like Dario.
Salem's spirit world reacts to Joey going to prison.

Ghost Nick: Joey feels guilty about killing crazy Ava? Amazing! Gabi doesn't seem too guilt-stricken about killing me.

Ghost Trent: That's right Nicky, but did you ever feel guilty about murdering me?

Ghost Dad Brady: Joey felt guilty about killing Ava? What a foolish young man. That creature caused my death when she sabotaged the Black jet. The world is better off without her.

Ghost Stefano: Stephen's son, young Joseph, feels guilty about getting rid of that wretched Ava? Remarkable. The woman that Samantha calls Granny Hope isn't exactly volunteering to go back to prison for murdering me.

Ghost EJ: Since when do Salemites feel guilty about a murder? Thank goodness we DiMeras aren't so squeamish.

Ghost Bo: You haven't changed a bit, have you Elvis Junior. That said, bending the law is the only way to go in Salem. I'm surprised that Joey didn't realize that.
Dear New Writing Staff,

PLEASE have Julie retire and go on a forever cruise. What a nasty, venomous, individual. Isn't it amazing how she has adopted the "Queen" status? She really should take a step back considering what a train wreck she was in earlier years.
Thanks, Poirot.

I laughed at Eli's line "Commissioner Raines, who would have guessed?" Most of
the viewers probably did :)

Roman was on again. No kiss today though.

Julie sure was angry with Eli. He was only doing his job. She's going to be happy later
when she finds out it was set up.

Bonnie said so many wrong things today. I know Steve wondered why, but he was

thinking mainly about Joe. And all Justin can think about was "doing it".

Sad to see Joey leave Salem. They never said how long his sentence was supposed
to be. I hope Joey won't be gone from Salem too long.
Joey: I guess those scenes were nice I suppose. But I gotta be honest I was never a big fan of the lad. And this whole Ava thing has just gone one for too long so I am glad to see it end.

Claire/Theo/Trip: I think it's safe to say it begins. I was kind of dismissive of this potential triangle but I'm not totally against it. Who knows, maybe it might even be good. But my problem is that these three are the only characters in their age bracket currently on the canvas, so what else are they going to with them? That definitely lowers the stakes dramatically speaking in my very humble opinion.

I'm starting to resent this doppelganger nonsense because I'm starting to feel like the writers are hoping our IQ levels will drop the longer it goes along. I mean how else are we supposed to buy this? I mean has Anjelica poisoned the Salem water supply to make the loved ones of Marlena and Adrienne stupider? Come on wrap this up, PLEASE!

So Commissioner Raines is Dario's secret partner? Well my hair is not standing on end and my socks have not been knocked off by this revelation. This character has been such a one-note humorless stick-in-the-mud since his first appearance that I just immediately assumed he would be end to be corrupt.
Also, I really really [insert extra adverbs here] really HATE that Raines is the bad guy. Not only is it a stupid "Not even in Salem" trope junk plot twist, it's not surprising at all. I'm hoping Raines is setting up Eli or smoking out someone bigger...I don't care whom.
Agree. Having Raines be the bad guy was so obvious and predictable. How convenient that the grouch who was oh so mean to Hope, Rafe, Lani, and JJ turns out to be a crook. In fact, the swamp that is the Salem P.D. was badly in need of a new broom. It was a place where Roman and Rafe covered for homicidal Hope and the pistol-packing granny was reinstated to her old job instantly after serving incredibly little time for both her serial mugger antics and then for shooting Stefano full of holes. Add in all the time that the cops waste while attending to personal business while on duty, and it makes for a thoroughly inept, unprofessional organization.
Sad to see Joey leave Salem. They never said how long his sentence was supposed to be. I hope Joey won't be gone from Salem too long.
If the writers want him and the actor is willing, there are no plot barriers to a remarkably quick return. Both Gabi and Nick served remarkably little time for committing murders, and Annie Oakley Hope was out of jail in a flash after using Stefano for target practice.
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"Commissioner Raines. Who would have thought it."
Ummm a few hundred fans who thought it about 2 months ago. Is disappointing cause we all saw it coming.

I am sad Joey is going to prison. Kinda ridiculous too. Just confess no evidence at all but sure you're going to jail and right now!

This double stuff has to end. She doesn't even sound like Adrienne. Just dumb.
Oh was there something earth shattering going on today in the show? Raines is the secret partner and Abe is play acting? Pretty sure Hope knows as well.

Joey is going to jail. FINALLY! Today was Roman's turn to stroke Prince Valiant's hair.

That conversation with Kayla and Steve better mean she stops blaming him and Tripp for poor Joey. If Kayla pulls a switcheroo on Steve after this, I am going to poke myself in the eye.

No more twins. No more Nicole crying. No more stupid Brady. Please fix Sonny's hair. It looks like a little too much Brylcreme or Vitalis. Didn't he ever hear, "a little dab'll do ya"?
I certainly hope that Prince Valiant stops off at a barber shop for a buzz cut, on his way to prison! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
If Joey finds out that Steve made special arrangements for his safety, he will not be happy. Only full punishment will assuage the lad's guilt. Maybe he can break enough rules to get thrown into the hole, followed by a sewer-cleaning job assignment. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Thanks Poirot:)

I got a bit nervous when Kayla wasn't answering Joey about what might happen to her and Steve. I loved his talk with her and the fact she realized the only way to get through joey going to prison was to do it WITH Steve. Phew! I was so glad:clap:

BOO to the Raines and doppelganger stories! Just stop them now, please!
Thanks for the write-up. I think it was an OK show. I'm glad the Ava storyline is being brought to a close, but sad that it had to end with Joey going to prison. I'm glad it won't be for long. Soon he should come back to the show. I do hope Tripp takes Claire away from Theo. I've never cared for their pairing, and want him with Ciara should she return to Salem.

The doppelgänger stuff is losing its humor and becoming ridiculous. This needs to end in the next couple of weeks so we can move on to other, better storylines when fall arrives.

Raines being the villain isn't surprising but I'm just glad it's the case so he can leave. If only the equally-grouchy Julie could go with him.