Days of Our Lives - Tues. Aug. 24. 2010

Wait a all can't take credit. I know he is pretty quiet...but actually, it was actually our very own Wayne! You all know what a computer whiz he is.......LOLOL
Philip got his "hopes" up and looked what happen...Chloe got pregnant! :over18:
Sorry....I am exhausted from the weekend (40th bday party!!) and am a little loopy!
No, KathyLu, not at all, and I am so sorry for the misunderstanding. I was just glad that someone was upbeat, considering all the negativity a couple weeks back, and I was trying to encourage her optimism.
If Danny Boy didn't change the results, what the heck was he mumbling about--was it on the pier
Since there are so many people who could have changed the DNA test, it may be a situation that everyone believes that the baby is now Daniels baby, but somewhere down the road their child will need a blood transfusion and Daniel's blood will not be a match. And then it will start all over again!
If Danny Boy didn't change the results, what the heck was he mumbling about--was it on the pier

I think it was further plans for Chloe's birthday .... he seems to have planned a lot of things .... he may have just been putting a last thing into place. That's why he was at the pier ... not the apt. (and we all know how 'private' the pier is).
I just watched Tuesday's episode. OMG when Rafe is standing in the foyer trying to explain to Sami and she is just going on and on how she saw him with Nicole. I just wanted to tell her to shut up. You can see the pain in Rafe's eyes that he does not want to hurt Sami, but he knows he is going to with the information he has.

The baby switch X 5. If the original results were that is was Philip's and everyone besides Stephanie switched the results wouldn't still be Philips. I really don't care one way or the other as long as Nathan and Melanie don't end up together. I liked Nathan at first, but he is so boring now and Stephanie is getting on my last nerve so I think they deserve each other.
I just watched Tuesday's episode. OMG when Rafe is standing in the foyer trying to explain to Sami and she is just going on and on how she saw him with Nicole. I just wanted to tell her to shut up. You can see the pain in Rafe's eyes that he does not want to hurt Sami, but he knows he is going to with the information he has.

The baby switch X 5. If the original results were that is was Philip's and everyone besides Stephanie switched the results wouldn't still be Philips. I really don't care one way or the other as long as Nathan and Melanie don't end up together. I liked Nathan at first, but he is so boring now and Stephanie is getting on my last nerve so I think they deserve each other.
amen stephanie and nathan deserve each other. I want melanie to stay where she belongs and thats with philip.
Did you see It? What it you ask....Philips leg has returned. When Philip and Melanie were talking in Maggie's kitchen and he turned to walk toward the refrigerator (must of been about 4 steps) he actually limped.

Chloe's baby bump sure grew from one scene to the other. The bump is so low it's going to be a boy if the ole wives tale that a boy is carried low is true. Unfortunately I was not fortunate to have children so I can only go by what I've been told.

Whodonnit - who ever change the DNA results the first, second, third, forth or even fifth time .... is anyone's quess at this time. What a shody computer system at St. Mary's, not to mention Sister Ann walking away leaving Carly with access to all the records. I'm sure we will be contemplating the answer to this delima for a very long time. Now that everyone is being told about the baby & we've seen Chloe's bump, it's sudden size, like the Bopka bread I have in the oven cooking the yeast will rise quickly and soon we will see baby ???, that's right we still don't know if it will be baby Dan or baby Philip. But eventually there will be something medically wrong with the baby and the real father must be known to save the baby. As we all know Philip's son Tyler was born with a genetic problem.....
that might be the way we find out for sure Steffee....but of course with the Sami/Nicole mix up, I would have figured genetics would have made a clearer picture of discovery too..but they haven't played that card.

Bopka bread. Are you Polish or Ukrakian? Bopka is grandma in Polish. My first husband was Polish Canadian. I learned a thing or two about good food. :)

I just loved your reference to the bread and Chloe's swelling tummy. LOL! Good one. :)
I just watched too. I laughed at all the potential paternity results switchers and their semi-guilty looks and back-up excuses. I admit my heart skipped a beat when Philip told Melanie "It went my way." Lord he looked sexy when he said that.

I got the impression that Chloe did let Philip know that he wasn't the father when she texted him. He had a semi-smile on his face. Then at Chloe and Daniel's apartment, she made a big point of saying, "Our baby, Daniel's and mine." By Philip's reaction, it looked like he got the message.

I think Carly's somber demeanor was not because she changed any test results, but rather because she knew that she has to uphold her part of her bargain with Chloe and continue to keep a secret from Daniel for all time.

Did anyone count the number of times Stephanie told Nathan she loved him and the number of times he said he loved her? Stephanie 6, Nathan 0.
Bopka bread. Are you Polish or Ukrakian? Bopka is grandma in Polish. My first husband was Polish Canadian. I learned a thing or two about good food. :)

I just loved your reference to the bread and Chloe's swelling tummy. LOL! Good one. :)

I'm neither, I'm English and Cherokee. I'm not sure how much Cherokee my mom said her Dad was full Cherokee, but others say he was not full, but they didn't know how much. Grandpa died as a young man in the Louisianna flood of 1937. The Bopka bread was for my 80+ year old Polish neighbor. Last week she was telling about when she lived back east everyone went to Aunt Winnie's house for the holidays where she made everyone Bobka. So I got energetic today and made her some.

Yeah didn't that belly of Chloe's grow quickly....kind of like Pinocchio's nose when he told a lie, I guess the more lie's Chloe tells the bigger her belly will get.