Days of Our Lives - Tues. Aug. 25, 2015

I mentioned yesterday that it felt like a Tomlin/Whitesell episode to me. With all the choppiness today, it also felt like one. I know this is a transition week but am wondering if some of the scenes were Tomlin/Whitesell material that got edited in later due to earlier tweaks to their material. This week so far has just had a completely different vibe than late last week.
Wow! Two pairings got thrown under the bus today for this hideous Rafe and Hope stuff! This Rafe and Hope stuff is awful! It was insulting to me as a viewer that they compared Hope and Rafe working together to when Bo and Hope worked together.

Rafe and Hope have never worked together. If they have it hasn't been shown onscreen! Bo and Hope were far better working together then anyone else on the show. They even had their own detective agency! Bo and Hope solved way more cases together then Rafe ever has since he's been on the force.

It disgusts me that they are even comparing the two! Rafe and Hope will never be anything close to Bo and Hope and I hate that these writers are trying to make out that Rafe and Hope are anything close to what Bo and Hope were and are trying to force this pairing down everyone's throats.

I'm not entirely liking what they are doing with Aiden either. They are making him a bad guy so they can make room for Hope and Rafe. It's stupid!

This is the 50th what are these writers thinking? They are destroying the 50th for many fans before it's even begun!

Throwing both Bo and Hope, and Hope and Aiden under the bus for Rafe and Hope in this episode was the worst thing this show has ever done and could have done for the show's 50th.

I don't know how they are going to get viewers back watching the show or even keep fans from leaving the show if they keep this Rafe and Hope thing going whilst destroying two pairings that have a large following compared to one that doesn't really have much of a following. The backlash to Rafe and Hope is getting worse by the day. I just don't know what the show is going to do. They will have to address the situation sooner or later because fans are just so unhappy with the pairing!

I just don't get the logic in why they would go for Rafe and Hope. Many are saying this pairing is worse then Daniel and Jennifer and I agree! They are supposed to be trying to get the show renewed not cancelled!

deleted spoiler info in non-spoiler forum - JS
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So let me start by saying I respect everyone's opinion. Some are Hope and Bo fans, others, Hope and Aiden. Me ? I was pretty open to anything, since I know the last writing team did a terrible hack job on the character of Bo, as they did to the character of Hope. The last time around, they both were pretty horrible together :night time Hope, trying to kill Bo, Bo having an affair with Carly, Bo leaving his family. Or was it more than one writing team ? No matter, it was terrible writing, period.

Now ? I'm hoping things will get better. How ? I'm willing to see. And I might be the only one, but I'm also willing to see what happens between Hope and Rafe. I don't find them disgusting, not at all, as I find them interesting. I think they do have chemistry, I like their friendship, I might like a love story between them. In fact, and I'm not ashamed to say this, I think Rafe would be much better used in storylines with Hope than he has ever been with screechy Sami.

Oh, sure, for a while, Sami was somewhat tolerable with Rafe (like she was with Lucas and their green wedding), but alas, Sami, at least for me, pretty much ruined anything and everyone when she was on screen. So Rafe with Hope would be a welcomed change. And I for one am willing to give them a shot. Whether or not Bo comes back, this has potential. And again, this at least gives some vets some much needed screen time. So bravo for that !
Glad he was hardly on.
Did anyone else notice that Daniel didn't seem to know about Nicole's lawsuit? You know, the one that got her a 6-figure settlement and has been brewing for a week?

WOW this episode was awful. OK, I'll take it over most of the last 9 months - lol - but compared to Wed/Thur/Fri last week...?

First, we have the ridiculous lawsuit junk.

Second, we have a REAL attempted murderer going to jail for a FAKE attempted rape.

Third, more Ben and Chad chest-pumping.

Fourth, Eric being sanctimonious again.

Fifth, McScruffy returns, apparently not from the barber shop.

Sixth, Jeannie crying attempted rape to win Brady's affection.

Seventh, town cheater Will Horton giving relationship advice.

Eighth, Aiden's evil turn.

Ninth, (and this almost goes in the "good" pile) Gabi has a hearing for her 15+ year sentence already? Talk about good behaviour!! :eek:

At least we had some ambient sound and Brady not being a total idiot. I liked the meet-cute between Chad and Serena, too. I'm sure it'll work out well for them.

I agree completely with your assessment Heather. This is a very "leftover" episode. Like an "episode loaf" made from bits of other episodes. :wink:
Xander: There's no denying he's a grade-A scumbag who deserves to be behind bars but couldn't it be for something he actually did? I hate the way this went down.
This is a good point. Bluebird and Xander are paying for their sins, but not in any meaningful way. The silly charade of the lawsuit was simply cartoonish, and Xander being collateral damage in Jeannie T.'s latest futile scheme to win back Brady is unsatisfying. Ms. Mason arrived in town as a preening big shot. She should have been on a bar stool next to Chad bemoaning the fact that she's been fired, is now damaged goods, and can't get another job. Similarly, it would have been better if the X-man had been hauled off to Roman's jail for attempted murder or had been the latest victim of pistol-packing Detective Hope Brady.
It made less than no sense. Nicole had causes of action against Xander for civil battery, false imprisonment, and intentional infliction of emotional distress arising from the near-deadly night at Titan TV. However, Nicole has no standing to bring any civil action related to Ms. Mason's diamond smuggling. None of Bluebird's other "offenses" -- having an interest in Eric and being snarky to Nicole -- are actionable. It's unfortunate that the writers chose to go the route of a nonsensical lawsuit against Serena. There were plenty of other ways that they could have had Nicole get even that would have made more sense and been far more entertaining..
Ninth, (and this almost goes in the "good" pile) Gabi has a hearing for her 15+ year sentence already? Talk about good behaviour!! :eek:

Well Aiden did say she had been a model inmate after all. LOL

Seriously, I do get your point and I agree that it strains credibility way past the breaking point. But I think about it means for Gabi and it makes me want to emulate Hope's dance.

No, no don't try to visualize it. It wouldn't be a pretty sight trust me.

edited to fix quote - JS
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In re: that civil suit against Serena. I think PERHAPS Nicole felt that Serena was in cahoots with Xander, and was also responsible for the turn of events leading to him trying to kill her. After all, Serena was warning Daniel etc.
But yes, the entire thing was too lame for words, but they managed to get it done, tie it all up with a pretty little bow (well, the bow had to be a bit bedraggled, lol) all in one episode. Ha.
And I think this hearing is to get Gabi's sentence reduced, as having been too harsh to begin with, thus she can be eligible for parole, or probation, or something, due to extenuating circumstances.
In Illinois, where Salem is presumed to be, second degree murder is defined as murder, but involving serious provocation by the victim ("(b) Serious provocation is conduct sufficient to excite an intense passion in a reasonable person"). This generally describes Tricky Nicky's conduct before he was killed. If Gabi was convicted of this, the minimum sentence is reportedly four years, which means she's out unrealistically early, but not wildly so. Now if Xander had killed Eric and Nicole, him getting out after only a few years just so the writers could get him back in the plot mix would be totally absurd
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I agree, but if that was to be brought up it would have been nice to see scenes. I just felt it was random but I am happy Rafe is being reinstated and it brings back fond memories for me of when Bo/Hope and Sami/ Rafe teamed up and worked together in 2011. Before the hate boink and everything that followed.

I feel the character of Rafe has been in limbo since Sami chose EJ but it started with the Carrie mess, then of course, we were subjected to Kate. He and Jordan went nowhere and he has just been tending bar ever since. I want more for this character and a true pairing that is not connected to Sami in some way.

Jordan, so far, has been the only one that has not been but they wrote her out. If they are going there (don't think it's a spoiler, just my speculation) with Hope and Rafe I want to understand this. It just seems strange to me and not because Hope doesn't have desirable qualities, but because poor Rafe has had no story.

To all of a sudden jump to this development, which like they did with Brady and Melanie, ruins their previous friendship. I guess even while off screen Sami's men aren't allowed to have viable love interests.
I like Rafe crushing on Hope and I think I'd like the pairing. I think they're good together and I like their friendship. I also love Rafe's relationship with Ciara, and it shows again just how good he is with kids. I think some of us thought they were headed towards a pairing back when Rafe was released from the hospital in 2014. There was a nice scene of the three of them at Rafe's new apartment and they were talking about Ciara learning to ice skate and Rafe offered to help her. I wouldn't be opposed to this pairing at all.
I'd like a romance for Rafe but for me, Hope isn't it. This is just more treading water, because we know that spoilery person is coming back and lets be honest, that's always end game. So I feel like its a waste of my time to get invested in a Rafe/ Hope pairing in the first place.