Days of Our Lives - Tues. Aug. 31. 2010

@Rew-Pookie's too busy trying to switch paternity results back, but got confused.

Thanks for the write up! I'm glad that Sami discusses her actions, but still wish Rafe would have made her squirm a bit before accepting her back in bed.

My Q: George is a big guy and trained FBI agent. How the heck could EJ get the upper hand on him?
"Philip is a sleazeball for having sex with Chloe."

I think they were both terribly hurt and fearful, got drunk to ease the pain and things got out of hand. I really can't blame them. It was a meltdown, pure and simple. It's not like Bo and Carly. Those two deserve all the blame we can pour on them.
Lucas shot E.J.? I sure have missed a lot. Please bring me up to date.
Good question, Trey...cuz George is very tall, too. What is surprising is if EJ really did the deed himself, whatever it was. He certainly backs off from confrontations with Salem men.

Note to TPTB at Days. Can't you put Hilda back in our lives? Even just recurring, semi-recurring. We all know you can write it, that she nearly died, got saved, retired or something....took a long recuperation.......just anything. Cuz I'd rather have Hilda once a week, once every two weeks, than watch Stephanie self-destruct, or listen to Vivian repeat her ever avenging Lawrence lines. (And I love Viv)
Melanie should not be covering for Nathan, and both Melanie and Nathan should be considering the welfare of the patient, not the welfare of the surgeon. If something happens to the patient, the hospital will be in for yet another malpractice lawsuit.

The whole thing is justs ridiculous....Nathan is a twit, Melanie is a sap and the beat goes on......

I'm surprised Philip would ask whether Chloe told Nicole about the one night stand. With Chloe's track record of blabbing, I would think he would assume she has.

And why in the world is Philip running over to Chloe's every chance he gets...??? Not bright, not bright at all......

My Q: George is a big guy and trained FBI agent. How the heck could EJ get the upper hand on him?

Oh for Bob's sake, EJ couldn't get the upper hand on George, he must have had one of his goons do it......EJ hasn't had any backbone since he wore that darned black glove and killed Eve (I think that's her name) and beat the tar out of Patrick with brass knuckles....maybe the black glove gave him strength and courage and the pink tights he wears now just makes him a big ole wussy.....he's the one that should be coming out of the bush....!!

Good question, Trey...cuz George is very tall, too. What is surprising is if EJ really did the deed himself, whatever it was. He certainly backs off from confrontations with Salem men.

See, Poirot knows it too....!!!!!
I wonder what the significance of his arm will be (if it's a plot point to something he needs to cover up and Melanie helps him?)
I thought he just froze up in fear.....I don't know though.... :duh:
His first surgery or his first freezing up....??? I think he's assisted before and was it him or Carly that had trouble...?? I just don't remember...he's so tapioca pudding, I tend to not pay a lot of attention.....
LOL. Too much Nathan's first solo surgery. As I said, he should have begged off when his hand went numb.And if Melanie is going to cover for him.....she doesn't deserve "nurse" title.

@Rookaloo...When Sami married Ej first time to "save her family", in a black dress, all kinds of shots rang out in the church, and down EJ went. Later, Lucas was accused, admitted he was guilty and went to jail. However, right aftr the shooting, he had hustled Will off to Switzerland to stay with Austin & Carrie......and tho it has never been addressed.....the feeling is.......Will shot Ej, Lucas took the fall.
So did his hand really go numb...?? Gosh, in my head, I turned it that he used that as an excuse cause he was scared silly.....oh my, so his hand did go numb, now Nathan is going to have something wrong with him.....and I guess Melanie will find out and he will make her promise not to tell anyone and she'll have to help him deal with it, spending more time with him, but not telling Philip why....oh my, oh my......