Days of Our Lives - Tues. Aug.4,2009

Plus, it would be very difficult for Lucas to turn Kate in.......his own mother. She has done so many things that caused him to disown her and he always let her back in his spades.
However, KNOWING that she did this, and letting her know he knows...always the veiled threat.......I would love that.....

except I honestly really feel Kate should get found out and pay. She went too far.
I have been wondering how long it will take Lucas to remember seeing Kate with that little brown bottle that she told him was her vitamins. Maybe if he sees the bottle that they found in Dr. Dan's apartment it will jog his memory.
Can't wait to see Kate go down.

Maybe- one will never know - that may be the key to crack this case.
My vote for best episode!

I think this is one of the best episodes of the year to date. Maybe THE best. The confrontation between Kate and Lucas was so strong, both in dialogue and performance.

Then the whole situation with Carlos. Philip absolutely rocked those scenes. The emotions on his face were magnificent. Jay Johnson (Philip) did what Arianne Zucker (Nicole) often does -- speak volumes without words. And facing Carlos' wife. Oh man. He was having an Ebeneezer Scrooge kind of day where the sins of his lifetime are staring him in the face. He gets my vote for Performer of the Day. And then there was Melanie, off to the sidelines looking on helplessly. I also absolutely adored the scenes between Philip and Bo. Again, great dialogue and great delivery.

In the scene with Joyce (Carlos' wife), I thought what an interesting twist it would be if, way down the road, Philip and Joyce got involved romantically.

Melanie was charming in her scenes with Stephanie where she was using her forgery powers "for good" instead of evil. It made me realize I've missed her screen presence the last few days.
I finally got to see this episode and I agree with others that it was the best I've seen in a very long time. I was really looking forward to the Lucas/Kate showdown and it did not disappoint - Excellent! Bryan and Lauren always have great scenes together and their fight scenes are especially powerful.

When I read about Carlo dying in the spoilers and in the summary, I was expecting filler scenes, a hint of reopening the feud that wouldn't go anywhere (like the feud itself). I don't know whether it will turn into anything long term but after seeing the way it played out I don't care. Those scenes weren't filler, shockingly I think they were actually about character development. I agree with Kpatch, Jay rocked those scenes!

The hospital scene with Joyce was outstanding! What impresses me the most is that there was no reason that scene should have meant so much, we don't know Carlo or Joyce, but it was the effect on Philip that was so moving. I give Jay full credit for the success of that scene - it was his performance that made it work so perfectly!
When I read about Carlo dying in the spoilers and in the summary, I was expecting filler scenes, a hint of reopening the feud that wouldn't go anywhere (like the feud itself). I don't know whether it will turn into anything long term but after seeing the way it played out I don't care. Those scenes weren't filler, shockingly I think they were actually about character development. I agree with Kpatch, Jay rocked those scenes!

The hospital scene with Joyce was outstanding! What impresses me the most is that there was no reason that scene should have meant so much, we don't know Carlo or Joyce, but it was the effect on Philip that was so moving. I give Jay full credit for the success of that scene - it was his performance that made it work so perfectly!

Great post, Rioks, and great assessment. I hadn't analyzed this the way you did, but I believe you are right on. It appears to me that Carlos' death will be the catalyst for an epiphany and it will send Philip's character in a new direction -- perhaps away from Titan and out of the mansion.

I hope they don't change him though. I enjoy the complexity of Philip's character too much. If they make him too nice, they may as well bring back Kyle Bland. But somehow, I don't think that will happen.