Days of Our Lives - Tues. Aug.4,2009

For many years I have watched Lucas disown Kate and then take her back. I know this is going to be the same, but what happens when Lucas finds out the Kate really did do it? Is he going to be so quick to forgive her? I just hope he does not blame Maggie for everything, but this is Lucas so Kate is never at fault. It is
Dejavu all over again
I also think Melanie's little forgery will come back to bite her in the butt.

I agree KathyLu...wonder if Stephanie will save her butt or throw her to the wolves when that happens?
Re: "Daniel is asleep in his cell, as someone comes in. (And how amazing that the cell door is so quiet, plus, how does SHE get to visit him in his cell??? LOL) Kate stands there, just looking at him, smirk on her face."

If this plays out the way the spoiler shows it, maybe Daniel will have a flashback to the other time he was sleeping and woke up to find Kate in his office (I think it was)...when she stole a blank prescription, but gave him some flimsy excuse for being there....and it will be another piece of the puzzle as to who wrote the prescription.
In re: the little smilies.....even if you use quick reply, just scroll down to the bottom, left on the little box that says "smiles are on".......they will all open up in another window for ya.
I never see the smilies on the right side of the reply window. Wonder what I'm doing wrong.

Sounds like a fantastic episode! It also sounds like Kate all but confesses to Lucas. In last week's conversations with Victor, she waffled between proudly acknowledging her crime and denying it.

Thanks, Poirot, for the great descriptions of all of Tuesday's goings-on. So happy the feed came through!!!
LOL, well, our Mandy discovered a while back that if you go into your user profile (User CP - upper left corner) , then click on "edit options" under the title - settings and options..........
then go all the way down to the bottom of the page and under Misc. Options. Then change the Basic Editor to Standard editor.....Voila....the smilies will show up on the right side of your blank posts.
:rotfl: thanks. I don't know how I did not see it earlier.

Testing, testing. Ooh it works. A whole new world of smilies has opened up to me. Been posting faithfully for over a year and never knew. Live and learn!

Too much of a good thing? Thanks for the instructions. (Is there a smilie for monster, because I think that's what you have created.)
I have to say, I really enjoyed Lucas confronting Kate....and man, that woman turned on the tears so fast, twas amazing. I hope Lucas sticks to his guns.....but if he doesn't........I hope it is HIS plan ....a way to do her in, pay her back.
not too bright

Lucas must be the dumbest of all of Kate's kids. He should be the smartest with her since most of her plans hurt him in some way. Dejavu

I think all of Kate's bright kids left the show. :cool:
OH MY GOSH....Melanie forges Nathan's signature and Stephanie thinks it's ok too...??? What is wrong with these girls....I'm shaking my head in amazement....

"exchanging money for a packet of drugs." Do we know for sure it is drugs, or are we supposed to jump to that conclusion...??? And as far as the delivered box, since Arianna's the manager of the Pub now, I figure it is a shipment of something very innocent, supplies of some sort, and we'll all have jumped.....

"Daniel is asleep in his cell, as someone comes in. (And how amazing that the cell door is so quiet, plus, how does SHE get to visit him in his cell??? LOL) Kate stands there, just looking at him, smirk on her face." I agree with moshedemartian, this is probably a dream......

Thanks for the write up Poirot...can't wait to see the show.....
I have been wondering how long it will take Lucas to remember seeing Kate with that little brown bottle that she told him was her vitamins. Maybe if he sees the bottle that they found in Dr. Dan's apartment it will jog his memory.
Can't wait to see Kate go down.
Thanks for the summary Poirot. The Lucas scenes sound great!!

For many years I have watched Lucas disown Kate and then take her back. I know this is going to be the same, but what happens when Lucas finds out the Kate really did do it? Is he going to be so quick to forgive her? I just hope he does not blame Maggie for everything, but this is Lucas so Kate is never at fault. It is
Dejavu all over again

I really doubt that Kate will be found out by anyone other than Victor. I think this is going to be just like the fire at the mansion that put Lucas into a coma or Kate's part in switching the paternity test that would of robbed Lucas of both twins; those things were never known by anyone other than Victor & Nick. I doubt anyone other than Victor will ever know for sure that Kate was behind the Chloe/Daniel thing. If so, then there won't be anything for Lucas to forgive/not forgive Kate for.

I think Lucas is going to be mad at Maggie about keeping the affair from him but I don't think she will get any blame in the poisoning/framing stuff. Besides, I'm sure Lucas & Maggie will reconcile rather quickly.

gmgst16 said:
I think all of Kate's bright kids left the show.

Yeah, that Austin was quite the brainiac of the bunch :rolleyes:
Kate's Kids


I think it is odd that Kate is SO protective of all her kids being that she basically did not really raise any of them. If she is so concerned about her kids how come we never hear about Rex or Cassie? LOL

Perhaps she is so protective because she was not involved in their upbringing and feels guilty about it?
* Austin and Billie were raised by their crappy father and she thought they were dead.
* Rex & Cassie were genetically raised by Stefano & Dr Rolf.
* Philip was carried by Vivian, but raised by Kate during Victor's 17 year coma (LOL) and we did not really see any of his upbringing so we assume she did it, but I speculate servants had some hands in that.
* Lucas did not even know who his real Dad was and was shipped off to military school.

Come to think about it, how many baby daddies does she have? Victor, Curtis, Bill Horton...... she has no ground to judge Chloe or Sami for that matter!

Anyways, I am glad Lucas caught on and agree if he saw the bottle of the poison he will remember her having it and that fact he walked in on her splicing the recordings. Will someone please lend him the Salem brain. It is his turn and he has never had it.
Anyways, thanks for posting Barb, I really appreciate it. I love everyone's comments and speculations too.
I have been wondering how long it will take Lucas to remember seeing Kate with that little brown bottle that she told him was her vitamins. Maybe if he sees the bottle that they found in Dr. Dan's apartment it will jog his memory.
Can't wait to see Kate go down.

Ooh, I had forgotten about him seeing her with that bottle, and the tape splicing thing too, as JB mentioned. Oh, please give him the brain long enough to figure those things out! Even though I agree with KathyLu that it probably won't happen. Or even if he does make the connections, somehow or another, he will get talked out of the suspicion, and as Rioks said, it is likely no one will ever really know about Kate's guilt except for Victor. Sigh....
Even if Lucas figures it out, that it was Kate poisoning Chloe, I don't see him ratting her out....after all, it's in Lucas' best interest to continue to let Daniel take the rap...?? Right....get him out of the way and all......