Days of Our Lives - Tues. Aug. 6, 2013

Many companies fire employees for behavior that is "unbecoming" or against rules they've set forth, even in their off time.

Years ago, I worked with a girl whose husband worked for Pepsi. One night, she was out to dinner with her husband and she had on a Coke shirt. By total chance, the guy's boss was at the same restaurant (although my coworker and her husband didn't see him).

The next day, the husband was called into HR and given a formal warning for letting his wife wear something in public that promoted the competition. Sounds ridiculous, but many places are quick to nail people for stuff like that.
Eric treats Nicole differently from everyone else... He yells/screams/belittes her.. As a Priest Eric should just provide guidance and advice...He is acting like a jealous boyfriend who just learned his girlfriend cheated on him...
Nicole should really take Brady's advice and get out of that convent and get a new job.....She is on a path of self destruction with those caged feelings
Yep.....that is all true. But St. Luke's is walking a fine line here. Kristen has been sleeping with Brady, has managed to break up Eric's parents, and has been plotting revenge against his mother and father, and acting on it. She has also donated large sums to the church. What Kristen did is well known. Plus she wanted to publicly do a confession to the bishop!!!
If St. Lukes is willing to take her money, and DiMera money, with all the evil things that family has done, & Father Eric know it all, then he should not beconcerned at all about what Nicole does. If what she does in her spare time is a reflection on St. Lukes, then what the DiMeras do in THEIR spare time should also be a reflection.

However, I think the show is just dangling what looks like a carrot, and isn't. Eric probably has a completely different reason for asking.
Only saw first half, but thanks to Poirot's great recap, feel like I saw entire show. Wanted to become bulimic when I saw Daniel and Jen with the choreographed love-in, and the music made it worse. However, I do want them to stay together OR break up, once and for all. No child should ever dictate a parent's actions, so Jen needs to take control here and not let JJ inform her decisions. Nick sure cleans up nice, and figures that Theresa would lose interest once she heard about his past. Nick dodged a bullet here. Speaking of bullets, even though we are all fed up with Sami's always getting away with a crime, if Kayla has medical evidence that can prove, with reasonable doubt, that Bernardi didn't die from the bullet, this must be taken into consideration. How clever of Marge to have had him cremated with the explanation that it was cheaper. Yes, it is, but I am suspicous of her more and more now. I get that Allie was swimming and couldn't speak to Sami when Johnny did, but where was Sydney? I don't think Nicole should tell Eric her true feelings, that would force her out of the new life she has strived so hard to create. Had to laugh about Jen's award. Guess they set a very low bar. Maxine, however, deserves the recognition. She is always a highlight of the show when she is on, wonderful character and one of the few in the hospital who represents their profession with class and dignity.
this is so cool.... I turn in to watch the show and get to see the President's plane sitting on the tarmac in Phoenix.....He is leaving at some point in the next few minutes and I guess we get to see it...... cause watching a plane take off is prime viewing.......

perhaps I shouldn't complain I'm missing the Jen and Dan fest......
Oh, I thought the same thing with John & Marlena, she was always camped outside that cell. Food is one thing. Cell phones are another. Heck, Lucas had to remind the guard that the newspaper had been searched already when he showed it to Sami. But EJ is there.....and no guard. Amazing.

What I got a kick out of....Sami & Johnny mention his sister Allie....and when Sami says something about Johnny telling his sister that she loves her...(maybe Alison Sweeney flubbed the line and caught herself) but she then had to add "and your other sister, and your brother"
What I got a kick out of....Sami & Johnny mention his sister Allie....and when Sami says something about Johnny telling his sister that she loves her...(maybe Alison Sweeney flubbed the line and caught herself) but she then had to add "and your other sister, and your brother"
I bet Alison Sweeney (Sami) flubbed the line and corrected it as best she could.

Did you catch the little actor playing Johnny mispronouncing Marlena's name? He said as "Mar-lee-na" instead of "Mar-lay-na".
@ Mandie Blanchard.

Well at least they are not leaving the kids with an Alzheimer's stricken Caroline.. that is tantamount to neglect.
Although I must say Caroline has made a stunning recovery from a disease that has no cure. Must be another Dr Rolf special.
@robinsnest Obama spoke at my granddaughter's high school and my daughter told me the traffic was a hot mess with the streets being shut down. All students, faculty and employees had to be bussed in from miles away! Our tax dollars at work.
The EJ and Sami jail scene reminded me of the one with John and Marlena too.
I enjoyed John and Marlena's scene better.

Nice to see Johnny today. I wish we saw his sisters too.
It seemed to me Sami wasn't sure how many sisters he had.
This sister.. other sister :confused:

EJ said the DiMera version of Marge.... Marjorie

Joke of the day Jen won the PR award. (It made me laugh)

Line of the day Theresa "Is everyone in this town related to each other?"
JJ "Pretty much"
I had hopes that the razor blade would be in the casket along with the body. Pull the urn, Justin, the razor might be all that's in there.
Hadn't either lawyer thought of checking bank records/pay etc on Marge. I think she is still getting money from Stefano or one of his "banks".
Another Sami trial to go on till November sweeps? Heaven help us !!

edited to write out word....JS