Days of Our Lives - Tues., Aug. 7, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Chad is talking on phone to Kate, telling her he loves his wife, will stand by her, accept the baby, etc. Kate seems about to tell him the baby is his, when Gabi, who has popped up behind her, listening, grabs her phone, hangs up. She knows Kate was about to tell him the truth, warns her if she ever breathes a word, she will tell of Kate feeding Titan info to Stefan. Stalemate. Gabi goes on and on telling Kate she has to keep her eye on the prize, blah, blah. Kate says she is right, but says Chad just told her he is sticking by his wife, will accept the baby, etc. Gabi figures then she has to step up her game, has a plan, divulges it to Kate, who agrees. (we don’t hear it).

Chad comes home, and despite what he said to Kate, doesn’t want to talk to Abby. He is rather surprised she is suddenly showing, and just as suddenly, bingo, baby kicks. She says she “popped overnight”, and since she is now 2nd trimester, not unusual for baby to be kicking early since this is 2nd one. He goes to take a shower, no time to talk more, comes downstairs, and still is in a hurry to get to work, leaves. Outside he gets a call from Gabi to meet her in the park, wants to talk. Gabi hangs up, tells Kate she knows what she has to do.

Ciara is asleep on the sofa in the loft, dreaming of waking up to the fire and smoke in the cabin, out of bed, struggling to get to door, passing out. She wakes up screaming for help, shaking. A shirtless Tripp comes running out holds her, reassuring her she is o.k., not in danger, etc. Claire comes quietly out of her room (guess she did not hear Ciara screaming) and tiptoes out of the apartment. Tripp has calmed Ciara down, she is grateful, mentions her having the cast off now, she can take some steps, she doesn’t think so, he has her try, she rejoices as she takes a couple of steps. (Boy, fast healer, and no rehab, amazing!). She is looking at Tripp, suddenly kisses him, again and again, long and passionately.She tells him she wants to go back to how they were before all this happened. She talks again of the fire, how maybe they all are right, no one there but Ben, must have been him. Hard for her to believe, as he saved her life, but he must have saved her in order to kill her later. More kissing Tripp, she is ready, wants to go to her room, they start off, hand in hand.

Meanwhile, Claire has met up with Grampa John, does her whole pity party bit, poor me, no one loves me, Tripp still has feelings for Ciara, lost Theo, am such a loser. You invited me to the wedding with a plus one, and I have no one to bring. John insists she is not a loser, he & Marlena would not want a loser to sing at their wedding. Big grins from Claire, she is happy, delighted. Hugs for Grampa, loves them both so much.

Ben has comes to see a surprised Marlena, needs her help. He doesn’t think he set the fire, would never hurt Ciara, but since he has these memory blanks for that day, needs to know for sure. She helped him before, talked to him, knows he wants to be a better person, but if he did do this, he needs to know, accept responsibility. Marlena is reluctant, but agrees, but only with the stipulation that if it turns out he is guilty, he tells Ciara, and the police. Or she will. All confidentiality is off . He agrees. Later, he is under, she asks where he is…at the cabin, and we see flashback of the entire scenario, Ciara with the knife, talking him down, urging him to go for his meds, him thanking her before he walks out the door.

Kate goes to see Abby, and does a number on her, talking of how much she is expecting of Chad, how she killed Andre, but wants favors from Kate, how she goes around accepting responsibility, but then not. How she expects Chad to forget she had sex with the brother he hates, is pregnant with his child, and wants Chad to just accept it all. Kate says if Abby really loves Chad, then set him free.

Gabi meets with Chad, tells him she noticed something on Stefan’s desk when she dropped off some papers, a contract to buy some company. Chad notes it is a company he was planning on making a secret bid for…that is gone now. They sit and talk, Gabi does a great impression of being a friend, while undermining both Abby & Chad at same time. She says she suggested ab ortion, Abby considered it, went to clinic, Stefan showed up there. Chad knows, repeats what Abby told him Stefan had said, Gabi insinuates there was more, all the while claiming how both Abby & Chad are her friends.

John comes to Marlena’s office, sorry she did not get to meet up with Claire, who is thrilled with being asked to sing. Marlena glad for that, John says just 2 more weeks, kissing, hugging, smiling.

Tripp & Ciara almost to her bedroom, knocking at door. Ignore it, but persistent. Tripp will get rid of whoever. He opens the door, there stands Ben, who looks over at Ciara, and then the shirtless Tripp.

Abby wanders thru the living room after Chad leaves, and like all pregnant women in Salem, hand rubbing her tummy, someone at door. She goes to answer….It is Stefan.
Since dishing out personal advice was the order of the day in Salem, let's rate the confidantes.

Marlena - A+: Doc gets the top grade for putting aside her qualms about Ben, setting his mind at ease about the infamous cabin fire, and agreeing to see him in the future. Marlena also gets extra credit because her actions are sure to displease amateur psychiatrist Hope.

John - B+: He did a good job rescuing Claire from her latest round of self-inflicted gloom and doom. His misses the top grade because his plan to cheer up Theo's ex could eventually lead to her becoming involved with some of Salem's eligible young men. Their mothers certainly won't like that. (E.g.: "OMG, son, you're involved with that awful YouTube screecher? Everyone knows that she and her whole family are a pack of weirdos.")

Kate - F: Once again, Ms. Blue Chunk outdid herself in dishing nasty untruths to someone who trusts her. She avoids an F- only because she was being blackmailed into spewing anti-Abigail dirt to Chad.

Gabi - F-: The writers' character assassination of Rafe's little sister has really moved into high gear as she continued her devious, underhanded, callous plot against Abigail. It would serve her right if in a few years a quickly SORASed teen version of the Chad-Abigail baby angrily confronts her to say: "You ruined my life."
The Baby mess: Oh how I wish they weren't this this story! I posted on another forum What if all this were just part of an elaborate ruse to get to Stefan? What if Chad, Abigail and Gabi were actually in cahoots? I know that isn't going to happen. That such a thing would be too complicated and far-fetched. That it would negate two much of what we're seeing. There's nothing happening on screen that would support making such a twist even semi-believable.

Plus you can get away with essentially pulling the rug out from under the audience like that in films like The Usual Suspects and The Sixth Sense because those were self-contained stories with a beginning, middle and an end. It would be much harder to pull off in a serialized story structure like "Days" because there is long established continuity and relationships involved. So again I know its not going to happen but I would love it if it did because it would provide a way get Gabi off the hook and after today she really needs one.

However I'm wondering if they could eventually go the Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) route with her to mitigate some of this. I mean there are signs that she is definitely not okay; not being able to let of of the anger, the talking to herself, the way she went off on Kate today. II don't know I'm probably just grasping at straws here.

It just feels unnatural to post about Gabi and not sing her praises while doing it. I miss those days darn it! :cry::cry::cry:
Thought it was funny that Abigail said yeah I kinda popped overnight because that's what I was thinking! Showing already! Lani didn't show for 5 months. And it's been 25 years but I don't remember my second child kicking at 3 months in. A little soon for that. But with her showing already. I had a terrible thought. A Sami situation. 2 babies. 2 daddies. ugh. I hope not though.

Gabi has really gonna to the dark side. There is no going back to her and Abigail being besties after lying about the father and it seems trying to sleep with Chad again. I'm undecided if I like it or not.

Is Ciara's thing gonna be the traumatized victim? She was raped, she was caught in a fire. She has a lot to deal with now. I don't think she was ready to make love to Tripp. Good thing Ben stopped it. I still like Ben. I liked him before he was a killer, I like the actor and I think he's been great with Ben "cured" now. So many emotions.

Claire and John were kinda weird cause they honestly haven't had that much interaction as grandfather and granddaughter, or Papa and Claire bear as John said. It was sweet but weird.
Thanks, Poirot.

I loved the line Abby had about how she just popped overnight. I'm hoping
the writers did that for the viewers.

Then we found Ciara had her cast taken off and she can walk without crutches
already. Maybe it depends who your family is in Salem if you heal fast or slow.

I enjoyed John and Claire. It's been a long time since he called her Claire bear.

So Ben remembers what happened the night of the fire. I hope we found out
tomorrow what the truth is.
Thank you for the summary, Poirot. I'm caught up and ready to watch now. Gabi's done some bad things before but she is going to quickly surpass Kate, at this rate. What a pair those two make! If Gabi's daughter is mad at her now, just wait until she gets old enough to understand how nasty her mother really can be. Sorry, Troy, but as of now, it's true. I feel for you. It's no fun seeing one's favorite character turn nasty.

I had to stop and think how Claire is related to John.
I’m trying to figure out a reason why they are speeding up Abigail’s pregnancy. Baby kicking already? That means she would have to be 18-20 weeks. Which would have been end of March or early April. I think she was with Stefan later than that. So if the writers want her at 20 weeks already, that means we could have Abigail having this baby (prematurely) as early as October or November. Sweeps in November? Hmmm.
And maybe the writers or whoever decided that if she is that far along, then Stefan absolutely cannot be papa dearest, and something was amiss with the test results. Perhaps a way to move story along, since it probably was obvious to whoever, when they finally took a look at it, that it just would drag on too long. And of course Billy Flynn signed finally, new contract, so they were assured he would be staying. ??? Hey, grasping at straws here. I just know the spoilers said something about Stefan talking to Chloe about his attachment to Abby's baby on Tuesday, and it did not happen. Either the scenes were cut completely, or else are going to be shoved into a different day. The show has done that before. some months ago, John had a special gift for Marlena, was in the spoilers, never happened. And then, today, John is jabbering away with Claire, and there is no mention of him appearing today.
So, something is being .........oh, let's just say...."rearranged".
What if all this were just part of an elaborate ruse to get to Stefan? What if Chad, Abigail and Gabi were actually in cahoots? I know that isn't going to happen. That such a thing would be too complicated and far-fetched. That it would negate two much of what we're seeing. There's nothing happening on screen that would support making such a twist even semi-believable.

I wouldn't say that just yet. I remember the storyline when Larry kidnapped Hope and we had maybe a week's worth of episodes believing everyone thought Hope was dead and then - BAM! It was a twist ending where the whole town was in on it and they saved her. I think it would be awesome if they did something like this!
Or it could bee a ruse to get Gabi. Abigail knows she changed the results and wants to see how far she will go? That could be interesting too. But poor Gabi has had enough heartbreak. I hate that they are still playing 4 year old Arianna hates her mommy and doesn't want to see her. That makes no sense to me. Arianna was always wondering about mommy and when she'd be home. I don't see her turning like that.
Poor Gabi? Poor Gabi? I don't know if I'd say that. :)

While I don't think she should have been framed or been beaten up, as she did not deserve that BUT.........Gabi has manipulated and schemed enough in her life to not earn any sympathies from me, at least. She's a misguided, jilted villain at the moment and while there is god in her, have seen her do good, been good, etc. she is definitely going about this in the wrong way in her revenge against Abigail who is/was mentally ill and not knowing what she was doing. This revenge really shows a lack of empathy, sympathy and understanding from her friend and I feel she really just wants to hurt somebody, anybody and Abigail is an easy target.

Nope, in my opinion, I hope Gabi falls hard and is made to see her mistakes. Perhaps Rafe, who is the only family she has on screen right now can pull himself away from Hope family to take care of his own.

But if this is all a ruse with Chad, Abigail and Gabi in on it, that would be awesome and a way to redeem her a bit.
I haven't commented in a while because I'm so far behind. But I do want to thank everyone for posting these summaries--even on days when the episode is bland or stupid--so that I can get caught up. I have very mixed feelings on the show. I'm really loving the Ciara storyline with Ben, and hate how Hope and Rafe have been treating him. That said, I totally understand their reasoning behind it, even if it's not professional. I like Ciara with Tripp yet also can't help but envision her with Ben. The age gap and his past might make that weird, yet there's chemistry that I just can't deny.

Similarly, I have mixed feelings about the Brady & Eve storyline and Gabi. I totally understand Gabi's hurt and really liked her with Chad. So I don't mind her going after him again. The revenge plot is definitely out of character for her, but even with Abby's disability, I doubt they would have ever truly reconciled and been as close as they once were anyways, even without the plotting. I do think it makes Gabi's character a bit more interesting, and even sympathetic, given what she is going through with Arianna. I also like her plotting with Kate. I've never cared for Chad with nuAbby, so I'm fine with Gabi trying to break them up. I just hate that Chad is seen as "collateral damage" in this. I'm also disgusted with Stefan. Can someone off him already, as they did with Deimos and Andre?

As for Brady & Eve, I like them but she needs to confess the truth, and so does Jennifer to Eric. I want all the truths to come out so that genuine relationships can happen. I know it's a soap, but on this show right now there's just too much deception for me. I'm also tired of JJ taking Theresa's side for no reason! It's like he has turned into Daniel with his saint complex! Theresa was awful to him and they haven't interacted much for years now. There is no reason he should be sacrificing so much for her.