Days of Our Lives - Tues., Dec.13, 2016


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Days truly has an absolutely fabulous roster of actors, ones who are marvelous at managing to make sweet lemonade out of ...well, anything. And for our very romantic enjoyment today, we get great, funny, & heartfelt scenes between Patchy Claus & Kayla. But we start with Deimos trying to explain to the very disbelieving Brady, his entire theory of Chloe carrying Daniel & Nicole's baby. They argue, Brady gets angry, telling about being with Nicole losing her first child, and then about losing the next one. He is warning Deimos not to involve Nicole in his theory, as, if not true, it will tear her apart. But Deimos is onto something, as lightbulb after lightbulb goes on. He realizes that Chloe did not tell Nicole because of him, Deimos. The guys go thru the whole thing of paternity tests, Chloe hating Deimos, etc. In the end, he has Brady 3/4 believing it could be possible. Deimos has an idea on how he can find out without bothering Chloe.

Sonny is frustrated, unable to get a signal on the computer. Kayla spots him, (the square) stops to mention she just left his mother, who was in good spirits after Sonny's visit, & she will be seeing her tomorrow. Paul arrives, then Steve, she realizes they are having a business meeting, so leaves, Steve follows, telling her to meet him in the private park area in an hour. He returns, the guys talk. Not much activity with the Eduardo/Dario shipments, & usually those fake designer things are shipped in large volumes, this is not happening, something else is going on. They have not found anything if there is, so can only just keep an eye on things. Steve leaves, Paul stays, they talk about how Sonny worries about his mom, they are running more tests, before deciding on a course of action, but feel the early discovery makes things really on the plus side. Sonny feels his mom kicked him out, Paul thinks she is just looking out for him. Derrick comes by, wanting to get lunch, Sonny leaves.

Nicole is reading a story to Tate, on the sofa, Maggie comes in, sees Nicole is a natural with kids. Nik mentions missing Parker, they get into a conversation about her being on the outs with Chloe. Maggie talks some common sense, making Nicole understand that while Nik brought Deimos with her because he was so convinced he was the father, to Chloe, it was a betrayal, since Nicole knew darn well Chloe was trying to avoid him. Maggie suggests Nicole make the first move towards patching things, and call Chloe.

Later, Nicole does just that, gets voice mail.

When Deimos comes home, she tells him of her efforts, asking him not to be mad. He isn't, thinks it is a good move on her part, changed his mind because Maggie always has excellent advice. And then, they are in bed, afterglow, she tells him of dreaming about Daniel, what he said to her, how at peace she felt when she woke up. We later see her alone in bed, sleeping, waking up, twisting that engagement ring on her finger again. She says "hello, Daniel", and is sniffling, but takes the ring off, gets her purse from the side table, puts it inside, saying something about following Daniel's advice to move on.

Kayla is wandering the private park area, which is full of poinsettias, spots a wrapped package. She takes off the card, is reading it, when Steve appears, startling her. He knew she would not resist the package, they kibbitz and tease about him always giving early Christmas gifts, how much he loves Christmas, how one year, he gave everyone their gifts a week early, thus none under the tree. He encourages her to open the box, which has an album in it, first pic is of their lst wedding (on that yacht). Neither has ever forgotten that day, or how they each always takes the breath away from the other. Kissing. He tells her to look at the last is an invitation, from them to others, to come help them celebrate their love. Valentine's Day. He asks how that sounds to her. She would love being a Valentine bride. More kissing, as she tells him this is all the Christmas gift she wants. Perfect.

Sonny meets up with Brady at the Pub, trying to fill him in on what is going on down on the docks, not trusting Deimos, but they get into a big argument about it all. Sonny knows Brady wants to operate legally, Justin & he are worried that Deimos contract with Hernandez might get Titan in trouble, and they need to step carefully in rebuilding trust in Titan after that debacle on the docks. Brady thinks Deimos isn't as bad as they all thought, and since they found really nothing going on except some fake purses & shoes, should drop it. More arguing, but Brady warns Sonny that Deimos could fire him very easily, and he would be out.

Sonny meets up with Paul, telling him to drop the investigation. It is over, is is done. Paul argues, pointing out there still could be something, doesn't hurt to keep checking, but Sonny is adamant. It is over, done, I will still pay you.

Deimos is down in the library, calling Dr. Lee's office. Wants to make a large donation to the lab towards his work, wants to meet with him personally, have him call me in the morning.
Thanks Poirot. Sorry to miss the array of actors performances. Most of all, love looking forward to Santa Patch. :wink:
I'd like to know what business it is of Deimos Kiriakis to know anything about Chloe's baby??? He is not the father and he's not in a relationship with Chloe. Kick him to the curb Nicole!! And press charges Philip!! Deimos clearly doesn't have good intentions in mind because Brady had to stop him from mentioning anything to Nicole.

And the only reason I'm ok with Brady being part of this is if he is protecting the 2 women.

Steve and Kayla scenes were great! Even greater would have been if they had shown the wedding flashback instead of just a photo.

The rest was meh. I liked that we got an "Uncle Steve" out of Sonny.
Another good show today, all around. In much agreement with Poirot that these actors are just so fantastic that they can make even these lackluster storylines worth watching. And they all seem enthusiastic about it. I actually can't wait for the whole Chloe thing to come out. Deimos (the actor) is doing such a great job right now. I also really like the Kayla and Steve scenes. Hopefully their wedding goes off without any unpleasant surprises. .
I thought some of the dialogue between Brady and Deimos was pure gold. here are some of my favorites:

Deimos: This is all about me!
Brady: Isn't everything?

Deimos: Chloe despises me.
Brady: Well since you just kidnapped and drugged your nephew I can see why.
Deimos: Could we please move past that?

LOL. I don't care much for the story as a whole but moments like that make it worth it in my oh so humble opinion.

The Steve and Kayla scenes were very nice.

I'm sure Paul will happily drop the Hernandez investigation as Sonny requested and patiently wait for another case to come Black Patch's way. :sarcasm: I have a feeling this is going to get very messy.
Just a few comments.

Patchy Claus: With Percy and Stefano unavailable for the position of Town Square Santa, perhaps those in charge should consider hiring "Patchy Claus." He'd give the children great advice and their mothers would swoon at the sight of a real, romantic man.

Tater Tot: He looked quite cute sitting next to Nicole. Maybe Deimos could improve his visual appeal by getting a matching outfit.

Deimos the Detective: Deimos displayed a real ability to follow the bread crumbs in the tangled Chloe case. Maybe Roman should consider hiring him as a consultant.

White Christmas: Today's Sonny-Paul conversation contained the wish for a white Christmas. Good luck with that in a town where everyone walks around wearing light jackets and t-shirts in mid-December.
I thought the dialogue with Brady and Deimos was well done. Deimos figured
out that maybe he was the reason Chloe was staying away and not telling Nicole
what was going on.

Sweetness and Patchy Claus were cute too. Interesting they were in the park.
Maybe it isn't cold yet in Salem.

Nice seeing Tater Tot and Maggie.

I wasn't happy when Derrick showed up when he did. It looked like Paul and Sonny
both wanted to do something under the mistletoe.

So Uncle Steve and Paul won't be investigating Dario and Eduardo any further.
Steve and Paul didn't get the right box anyway. I wonder if Paul will keep
investigating anyway.

I thought the people in the Brady Pub were interesting, especially the man behind
Steve and Paul. He had his hands moving the whole time.
I really liked when Brady asked Deimos what was going on.....Deimos said "None of your business. It's personal"......And Brady said, well, Chloe is my ex-wife and Nicole my very good friend. It is very personal for me".

I do find it hard to understand why Deimos is so hell bent on sticking his nose into something that is NONE OF HIS BUSINESS! He put Chloe thru not just one, but TWO paternity tests, he was NOT the father, the end.

And so what if he heard Philip mention not telling Nicole a secret to her mother. He could have been talking of Chloe coming to visit, or a Christmas gift....such as, Chloe sending Parker to visit/stay with Nicole for a couple weeks???

I really do hope Nicole sees the light, learns what the man (who wants honesty from her) is doing behind her back.
The only thing I can say about Deimos, is with his powers of deduction, he should take Roman's place as commissioner of the Salem PD. At least, he could actually crack a case.

Seriously, don't you love it when some, or most, of Days' characters are so clueless, then all of a sudden, somebody starts figuring things out, even in the most preposterous scenario ?

Although I kind of like Deimos, but I agree this is none of his business and he should butt out. Then again, I also think Chloe is horrible for not telling Nicole about her and Daniel's baby. None of Chloe's business either who Nicole is with. Finally, Nicole... oh, you poor woman. Once again, the writers will turn you into somebody's doormat. :beat:
White Christmas: Today's Sonny-Paul conversation contained the wish for a white Christmas. Good luck with that in a town where everyone walks around wearing light jackets and t-shirts in mid-December.
Salem is supposed to be in our area. We just had a good snow-twice and the temps are going to be below zero, at least over night! Just had another thought. Do they intend to make Deimos the new Victor? He can love family members, and still do dastardly deeds. The actor Victor Irizzary (Deimos) was never a favorite of mine, but I guess he can be a good villain.