Days of Our Lives - Tues., Dec. 17, 2019


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Not too sure what to make of events today, as most all seemed “filler”, could be wrong. But, Lani & Kristen in some room, with Kristen smirking over their decision to leave the convent, get revenge on Gabi, and get back their men. But first, she thinks they both need to relax and shake the convent off, a couple guys arrive (both gals in robes), Lani wants no part of any romping with strange men, but Kristen laughs, nope, no escorts, they are masseurs. So, they get massages & jabber away.

JJ is in the hospital, Julie at his side, listening to Eli explaining how JJ doesn't want his parents to know about his addiction. Eli kept the secret, but said JJ had not included her. She promises to stay with JJ, and not tell his parents. JJ has a withdrawal attack, she goes out to get some help, runs into Brady. (no idea why he is at the hospital, but there he is. He comments about being worried about Mickey, how that could have been him & Kristen. She spills the whole story about JJ, his addiction, Kristen & Lani being in Italy, JJ trying to kill Kristen, the two women becoming nuns. Brady is taken aback with all the news, especially that Kristen is becoming a nun.

Gabi is calling Eli, angry he has not returned her calls, Chad comes in. (this is her bedroom) She orders him out, he knows she sent Eli to buy Kristen's shares, figures he did not succeed. Gabi gets snarky, yes, he did, will be coming in any minute with them. She is confident, he is just as confident Eli did not succeed, sure that Kristen would not sell to Gabi, despite her offering double the worth. He leaves, goes to Pub, talks to Kate, puzzled that his father knew he was lying. Only person he told was Kate. She denies being in any sort of contact with Stefano, did not tell him anything, blah, blah. (Too bad her she is not Pinocchio, her nose would have grown 2 feet). Chad gets a call from Abby, learns it was Rolf's face under Eve's ...tape doctored, etc. He wonders if his father knows this, or had anything to do with it, going to find out, leaves. Kate immediately calls Steve-ano to give him heads up.

Marlena is at her office, Brady comes in, he is all upset about Mickey, and tells her of Kristen being in the convent, etc.

Gina comes into the apt., telling John all about Eve being proved innocent, etc. She bought bottle of wine, wants to drink with John. He declines, Marlena working late, they will be eating later. Oh, really? So she sits down, so tired, been rough going, blah, blah, blah. John reminds her she wasn't commissioner when Jen went over the balcony, so she had a lot to deal with, catch up on. She whines a bit, pulling so much wool over John's eyes, her head on his shoulder, he hugs her, and Marlena walks in. LOL. She would like to be alone with her husband, Gina goes to kitchen to make salad for dinner. Marlena is upset, John tries to say Hope is a friend, needed some comforting, but Marlena thinks Hope is too involved with them, there are 3 people in this marriage, she needs to leave, find her own man, or no man, but a life of her own. He agrees, but tis Christmas. Marlena laughs, not throw her on the street, but Julie & Doug would be more than happy to have another Horton there in the house for Christmas. John agrees, she is right. Marlena leaves to go get something for dinner, leaving him to evict Hope.

Eli returns, tells Gabi about what happened in Italy, how JJ was there, Kristen & Lani being nuns, JJ wanting to kill Kristen for revenge, pill addict, etc., admitting he never even asked Kristen about the shares. Gabi has a fit, starts yelling, Eli says some things more important than business, gets mad himself, he is done, fine herself another errand boy, grabs his stuff, and heads out the door. She calls him back, apologizes, he is right, and he did the right thing. Doesn't want him to leave, will make it hp, starts kissing him,.......we know where that is headed.

Lani & Kristen are done with the massages, the guys leave. Kristen calls Gabi, leaves a message, Hi Gabi, this is Kristen. I understand you are interested in my shares of the company. Call me, we can talk. She hangs up, tells Lani and now it begins, our first step towards getting back Eli & Brady.

JJ is having a dream/hallucination of Haley by his bed, chastising him for what he has been doing. She urges him to get off the pills, save people like you saved me, you are my hero. He mumbles about getting revenge on Kristen, Haley saying that is not the way to go, you need to live your life, living. He stirs in the bed, says o.k. I will do it for you, Haley, for you. She is not there any more.

Gina comes into the living room, announcing she has finished the salad for dinner. She looks around, ...where is Marlena? John looks a bit unsettled, before he says anything.
So, Julie is her usual blabbermouth self, telling everyone what JJ wanted to keep private, and the despicable Kate is her usual lying tattletale self. Nice ladies - not. And John is just as delusional as he has been. I am glad Marlena set him straight, but this goofy clueless behavior is incredibly annoying because the REAL John would not be so stupid. Something happened to his brain during the time jump. And, for crying out loud, when are they going to find the letters that Gina has hidden away? Why haven't they had the discussion about why neither of them wrote/responded while Marlena was gone?
I am still having a hard time wrapping my head around Lani and Kristen being best buds!! And why have the writers decided that Brady and Kristen are just the true love story?! The woman is 25-30 years older than him. She was obsessed with his father for a long time. Isn't that why she seduced Brady in the first place, to get back at John? I just hate Brady and Kristen.

"Hope" is driving me crazy with John. My husband was watching with me and he said does she still think she's Princess Consuela Banana-hammock. :rotfl:That would be a Friends reference. Made me laugh.

Hasn't Marlena told John that she thinks Hope has romantic feelings for him? Because if she has, then hugging Hope should have been way out of the question!

I loved when John said to Marlena "I know what you're gonna say" and responded with "well, then let me say it" Loved it! Ticked off Marlena!

JJ and Haley would mean a lot more if they had been together longer than a month. I never felt that they were true loves or anything so it's hard be invested.
...this goofy clueless behavior is incredibly annoying because the REAL John would not be so stupid.
To quote the late, great baseball player, Yogi Berra, "It's Déjà all over again." John didn't listen when Marlena warned him about Kristen the time she hit town and bedded Brady. John almost flapped the sheets with her again.

JJ and Haley would mean a lot more if they had been together longer than a month. I never felt that they were true loves or anything so it's hard be invested.
My thoughts exactly! :)
Oh, Kristen is so happy to have a best friend. And then Lani......."Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord. And if it's good enough for him, it's good enough for us.", THAT was so disgusting for her to say. Two women who spent a year in a convent, wanting to become nuns, praying constantly, & they have not even a flicker of that time left.
And the insanity continues. Back in good old Salem Hospital, they are leaving a patient who is detoxing from drugs alone in a room with an untrained person with a bad heart, and he has no restraints or anything to keep him from hurting her or himself as he comes down from the addiction??? He should be in a different unit, being monitored, and I don't mean by Blabbermouth.

ETA: So, how obvious is the direction the show is so "cleverly" taking Chad and Gabi? They are repeating the exact same dialog with the exact same emotion and attitude that started Gabi and Stefan. (And pretty much any other pairing that started as enemies.)
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This Lani/Kristen stuff has got to stop. I'm at the point where I have been fast forwarding their scenes. I'm all for revenge on Gabi because she deserves it but they need to make these scenes more interesting.

Speaking of Gabi, I can't decide whether she really has feelings for Eli or whether this is all her revenge plot.

I need Chad to send Kate away permanently once the truth comes out.

I don't like that Julie agreed to keep JJ's secret. I think she should have told Jack at least. Similar to Ciara and Hope, how do none of these people realize that something is off with him???
Brady and his mother professing their love for each other :love:

I agree that something is off with John too. No way would he sit that close to Hope on the couch. I think it's probably just bad writing and direction rather than a plot device but it's really annoying and out of character.
Oh, Kristen is so happy to have a best friend. And then Lani......."Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord. And if it's good enough for him, it's good enough for us.", THAT was so disgusting for her to say. Two women who spent a year in a convent, wanting to become nuns, praying constantly, & they have not even a flicker of that time left.
I couldn't agree more -- the sight of two women who'd spent almost an entire year in a convent suddenly wallowing in the experience of getting a massage from a pair of hunks was decidedly off-putting. If the writers are trying to make these two unsympathetic, they're doing a good job. It would serve these two right if Eli refuses to accept Lani's explanation and kicks her to the curb and Chad wins the battle for DiMera and essentially tells Kristen get out of town. As for object of Lani's and Kristen's comeback plans, Gabi, she's not exactly sympathetic either. She too deserves to be booted out of the DiMansion and run out of town.

Finally, why is Hope still in the John-Marlena townhouse after all this time? Sponging off people is a way of life in Salem, but this is ridiculous. Hope/Gina really has a lot of nerve. Hasn't she ever heard the old Ben Franklin saying that after three days, guests, like dead fish, start to smell. It's high time, John wrapped up Hope in an old newspaper and put her out with the rest of the trash.
As a very lapsed Catholic even I'm annoyed by the convent stuff.

And I knew they had destroyed the Gabi character but I guess it's really done now. Before today's episode I was thinking Gabi might show her old self about JJ. He's the one person she's always seemed to have a connection to. I was hoping she'd go see him in the hospital and show that side and maybe there's still hope but I'm not holding my breath.

Thanks for the recap.
Thanks, Poirot.

What happened to John during the past unseen year? He's acting more like
Brady than himself. When he's not with Marlena, he acts like he's drugged
or something else when he's around "Hope"

Eli saw Gabi's true colors when she was more concerned about getting
Kristen's shares than caring about what happened to JJ. Then Eli fell for
Gabi's wanton ways instead of leaving the room.

JJ is lucky his mom left the hospital room so he could use it.

Marlena doesn't like using the word crazy.
This Lani/Kristen stuff has got to stop. I'm at the point where I have been fast forwarding their scenes. I'm all for revenge on Gabi because she deserves it but they need to make these scenes more interesting.

Kristen ought to be mixing it up with John and Marlena. That's where all the history is. Not this foolish DiMera nonsense
I've always hated the Kristen/Brady subplot, so I'm with you on this one.

Hey, Lani teaming up with Kristen is a very bad idea. She does not play well with others. Once she no longer needs you or needs someone to take the fall for her latest plots, things will go south fast.
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