Days of Our Lives - Tues., Dec. 27, 2016

Okay we saw Hope shoot Stefano dead, we saw Rafe check the body and confirming that Stefano was dead. Then we saw Hope and Rafe hide the body in the abandoned soon to be demolished building. Then we later saw Andre find the body which was later confirmed via DNA to be Stefano.

Now we apparently have Stefano alive and well, for the 11,364th time, wandering across Eastern Europe attending the opera and drinking fancy liquor. So who's the body with the bullets in it. If it was cosmetically altered body double wouldn't Hope be guilty of killing him. Or they going to tell us that Hope is exonerated because the man she killed wasn't who she thought he was? My head is really starting to hurt here.

There is a fine line between testing an audience's willingness to suspend disbelief and insulting their intelligence. I think the show has passed that line about five miles back with this nonsense.

It was nice to see Hope finally receive a visit from one of her kids and not just be told about it.

I'm not sure Hope really can trust "newbie" Annabelle's loyalty. Initially I thought that girl just doesn't have the backbone to hold out against that kind of pressure. But then I thought what if she's not the scared little mouse she seems to be. After all we don't know for a 100% certainty that the Doublemint Twins actually did in poor Chillie do we? I'm probably way off base here but that would certainly be a twist.
There is a fine line between testing an audience's willingness to suspend disbelief and insulting their intelligence. I think the show has passed that line about five miles back with this nonsense.
Really, they do this about three times a year. The Daniel-heart-dreams, the Summer-rewrite, the stolen-embryo, really. But great description of this latest egregious insult to our intelligence.
I do not think that when this show was filmed 6 mos. ago, or written 9 mos-1 yr. ago, there was any idea or thought by anyone that perhaps Drake Hogestyn's (John) mother would die the same day as the episode showed. May she rest in peace.

Sorry, Kat, Perhaps I just am not getting exactly what you meant.
Good point, JS.

Poirot, we are not in charge, someone else is.
Now we apparently have Stefano alive and well, for the 11,364th time, wandering across Eastern Europe attending the opera and drinking fancy liquor. So who's the body with the bullets in it. If it was cosmetically altered body double wouldn't Hope be guilty of killing him. Or they going to tell us that Hope is exonerated because the man she killed wasn't who she thought he was? My head is really starting to hurt here.

There is a fine line between testing an audience's willingness to suspend disbelief and insulting their intelligence. I think the show has passed that line about five miles back with this nonsense.
My thoughts exactly. Since Justin has said that he'll take Hope's case all the way to the Supreme Court if necessary, imagine the following conversation when the Court meets to decide which cases to hear in the coming term.

Justice No. 1: We have this really strange petition for certiorari from some place called Salem.

Justice No. 2: What's it about?

Justice No. 1: The lawyer is appealing his client's conviction for murder because he claims that she shot and killed a body double, not the guy she thought she was shooting.

Justice No. 3: And according to the record, he previously unsuccessfully appealed on the grounds that the victim, who wanted to die, goaded his client into shooting him.

Justice No. 4: OMG, who put this appeal together -- soap opera writers? We should deny certiorari and have one of our clerks send the idiot lawyer who filed this petition a copy of Criminal Law for Dummies.