Days of Our Lives -Tues., Dec. 5, 2017

:eek: Sami: Remarkable things continue to come out of her mouth.
  • She's going to apologize. Really? After all, being Sami Brady means never having to say you're sorry.
  • She always uses her powers for good? Is there a bright side to strangulation that everyone is missing?
  • She's loyal? Any loyalty Sami shows is purely situational and is firmly based on the concept of looking out for herself.
:confused: Belle: Either her memory is faulty or she's missing a few things.
  • Will should meet Ciara. Why would he want to meet another loud, obnoxious, self-centered woman?
  • Cheating on Sonny was Will's worst "mistake." Isn't shooting EJ off the altar at his wedding, which resulted in a prison term for poor Lucas just a trifle worse?
:sick: Brady: Can this blockhead get any dumber -- absurdly charging Eve with kidnapping Tater Tot.

:clap:Will: Once again, he's right on the mark about Sami, saying she's not normal and calling her a "monster."
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That scene was weird, and I say that because, Brady is bellowing about Tate missing, and doesn't even think of Aunt Eve, who lives in the same house, who has talked of taking care of him, of wanting to see him, etc. Then when Eve walks in with the kid, he is ranting about kidnapping? Huh? Loved when Eve snidely mentioned the Bloody Mary......but Vic had his number. Over reaction is to put it mildly, and now he made everything worse. Wonder if that noose does tighten, and Nicole gets thrown under the bus?
For some younger folks, the Sami & Rafe scenes are relatable. I personally found it a little weird but love their "friendship" and totally get it.

It was nice to have Sami "seem to be" realistic about her making a mistake regarding Will and needing to make amends. I also liked that she was not catty about Hope to Rafe or to Hope herself, when interacting with her. She even played wingman for Rafe to make sure he knows that Hope is wanting to make things right, being as he is a bit down in the dumps over the break up.

I felt her comment on always using her powers for good was more tongue in cheek than matter of fact and a sarcastic way of being self aware. Just like when she commented on being a skilled liar as if this was typically a good quality. Sami has shown a great deal of self awareness in some scenes during her most recent visit in my opinion.
I was eating my lunch while Hope and Eli were speculating about why Rafe had not yet shown up for work. When Eli said, "maybe something came up", I almost choked on my salad! I wonder how hard it was for him to keep a straight face.
Haha I was going to comment on that too. When Eli said maybe something came up. I thought yep something definitely came up! :rotfl: Didn't Rafe and Sami switched sides of the bed?

I thought Marlena was a little hard on Belle for telling Will he cheated on Sonny. Will needs to know he wasn't perfect, by any stretch!!

Hope and Rafe. Please end soon. I cannot imagine them reconciling after he immediately jumped in the sack with Sami.
Thanks, Poirot.

An interesting episode.

Belle talked about the Denver omelet that Will used to eat and other side
of town people were talking about the amulet.

I laughed when Victor called Brady stupid.

It was great seeing Tater Tot today. It's been awhile since he's always "napping" :)

I thought it was funny when Sami told Rafe she used her powers when she got

Hope talk about Rafe. Most of the time, Sami does evil.
I was a bit confused about something today: What exactly were the "mitigating circumstances" around Will cheating on Sonny that Marlena was talking about? I pretty much just remember Paul (who didn't know Will was married) turning on the "charm" and Will being the disciplined and professional journalist he was at the time :sarcasm: succumbing to it. I don't know if I would consider THOSE circumstances "mitigating". Maybe I'm just not remembering something.

When Will said that he was the backside of a donkey (I'm paraphrasing obviously) I couldn't help but chuckle and say to my TV: "You were, you really were."

It looks like Susan's brainwashing has given Will some of the sense of self-awareness he previously lacked so maybe some good has come from this mess after all. :)
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What exactly were the "mitigating circumstances" around Will cheating on Sonny
Crummy, out-of-character, plot-point-based writing. Same thing that ruined Aiden. The writing was so bad at the time, I wouldn't mind the characters breaking the fourth wall, talking directly at the audience, and saying, "We're going to ignore that, let's move on." LOL
Maybe they will "retcon" some "mitigating" circumstances and we will learn something new?? Marlena just could not have meant that Will wanted that interview, knew Paul was single, so hid the fact he was married by taking off his ring, thereby making Paul think he was also single, (and would be more open in what he said, perhaps?).
Frankly I'd love it if we still don't have the whole picture and Brady is the killer, and he goes up the river for awhile. He needs a break.
Does he ever -- up the river, down the river, or a spell at an upscale rehab place. Right now, he's unworthy of St. Daniel's heart, and it's a bit surprising that the spirit of Maggie's darling egg-baby hasn't appeared to demand that he give it back. Currently, Brady is on one of the biggest losing streaks in Salem history: blackmailing Nicole into leaving town and alienating sourpuss Eric, an unbelievably crude plan to blackmail Eve that has backfired in a big way, and now his idiotic kidnapping charges against Eve. This record is so bad that it would not be surprising if Brady's place in the Kiriakis pecking order drops right to the bottom behind Philly K., Big Boy Sonny, Justin, and even Xander. How long will it be before Victor hands Brady hedge-clippers and orders him to report to the K-mansion greenhouse?
Brady and Eve have no chemistry whatsoever. Their scenes are even more cringeworthy than Hope and Rafe. And seriously ENOUGH with Deimos!! The only person I want mentioning Deimos is Eric so he can figure out the truth about Nicole.

At least we got to see Tate. Maybe John and Marlena can see him soon too.

Enjoyed Sami/Rafe again but hate that it was all about Hope. I also think it's out of character for Sami to push Hope and Rafe together, especially after she just spent the night with Rafe. Finally, Sami and Hope were never close. Hope coming to Sami makes no sense. That had to be orchestrated by the actresses on account of their real life friendship. It was just as ridiculous as the good-bye scene they got in 2014.
Thanks for the write-up. My goodness, Brady is beyond stupid. Loved what Victor said. I was glad to have several days without him on air, and I could've gone a little more.

Sami & Rafe were beyond strange. Hope going over made it even weirder. I did appreciate the scenes with Will/Marlena/Belle/Sami.